HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-09-30, Page 2Page 2 WinghaM Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept. 30, 1965 Ladies to Hold Christmas Bazaar GORRIE-Mrs. Wilford King Ws hostess for the September Meeting of Unit 4 of the Gorrie United Church Women. Mrs. E. W. Carson presided for the devotions. Mrs. W, C. King read the Scripture. The theme of the meeting was, "Being a Christian in Bra- zil" which was taken by Mrs. George Brown and Mrs. E. W. Carson. The United Church has sent rural workers and agri- cultural consultants to help the Brazilians to raise other crops for better nutrition in case of the coffee crop being damag- ed by frost. The church mis- sionaries were faced with a ter- rific challenge. Mrs. A. L. Stephens, presi- dent, had charge of the busin- ess and plans were made for a Christmas bazaar. Mrs. Steph- ens read the address and pre- sented Mrs. Taylor with a gift prior to moving away. The hostess, assisted by the committee, served refresh- ments. Rev., Mrs. Taylor Receive Gift GORRIE-Mrs. DeWitt Adams and Mrs. Earle King were in charge of the worship period for the meeting of United Church Women held last week. Mrs. George Brown gave the highlights of the Leaders' Train- ing Course at Alma College and Mrs. F. W. Taylor told of their trip to the West Coast and show- ed pictures, Mrs. Russell Adams conduct- ed the business. The ladies will not have a fowl supper this year. Plans were made for a bale to be sent in November and donations of good, used clothing may be left at the church. Leonard Ruttan expressed the appreciation of the congrega- tion to Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor for their service hare and they were presented with a plat- form rocker by Harold Robinson and Norman Fairies. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor thanked everyone. Rev. and Mrs. Taylor leave in October for the Jerseyville charge. Married in Waterloo FORDWICH-Janie Diane Hambly, formerly of Fordwich and now of Waterloo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly of Listowel, became the bride of Joseph Edward Givens, Wa- terloo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Givens of Listowel in a ceremony Saturday evening at Parkminster United Church, Waterloo. Rev. J. B. Moore performed the double -ring cere- mony and Lorne Pelug was or- ganist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a formal sheath gown of nylon lace with lily -point sleeves and fitted bodice. The skirt was tiered and scalloped with the back featuring a watteau panel which flowed into a train. Her cor- sage of pink Sweetheart roses was carried on a white Bible with rosebuds tied in the stream, W.I. Delegates Named at Meeting FORDWICH-The Women's Institute met in the community hall with Mrs. Robt. Gibson presiding. The meeting was on resolutions. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Goosen Winkel. The motto,. "Most of the ills of the world could be solved if husbands and wives just knew how to pamper each other" was taken by Mrs. Anson Demerling. Roll call was "A home, community or world problem I would like to see solved". Thank you notes were read from the Dinsmores' of the Village Nursing Horne, and Mrs. Squires, former home economist. A birthday card was sent to Mrs. Jennie Mosure for her 93rd birthday. She has been a faith- ful W. I. member for many years. Leaders for the course, " Veg- etables with a Flair" will he Mrs. Roht. Gibson and Mrs. John Inglis. Delegates to the Guelph area convention will be Mrs. Goosen Winkel and Mrs. Roht. Gibson and to the Iluron County rally, Mrs. Clare Harris and Mrs. Crosby Sothern. Mr. and Mrs. John Inglis showed movies of their trip to British Columbia and California. A social hour was spent at the close. ers. Miss Sheila Donegan of Lis- towel was maid of honor. Her street -length dress of emerald green peau de soie was styled with batteau neckline. She wore matching headdress and shoes and carried a cascade bouquet of white poms and tinted green pinnochio mums. The groom's brother, Bernie Givens of Listowel, was best man and Carl Mehring was the usher. Dinner was served at the Bonavista Restaurant, Waterloo with a reception in the evening at the Fordwich Community Hall. The bride's mother wore a dress of brown chevisette with multi -colored feather hat, brown accessories and a corsage of white feathered carnations. The groom's mother wore a blue figured terylene dress with black accessories and corsage of white mums. For travelling to Northern Ontario the bride wore anem- erald green two-piece wool dress and black accessories. Her corsage was pink roses. The bride is a graduate of the K -W School of Hairdressing and the groom is a student at the University of Waterloo. They will live at 541 Lancaster St., Bridgeport. Friendship Club Opens Season LAKELET-The fall season of the McBel Friendship Club be- gan with the September meet- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douglas were their assistants. The president, Mr. Elmer Haskins was in the chair. The hymn "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" was sung followed by Scripture reading by Mrs. Scott and prayer by Mrs. Douglas. At the conclusion of the business, a sing song was conducted by Rev. Steven. Because of inclement weath- er, the wiener roast which was planned was held indoors. It takes more than bad weather to dampen the spirits of the Friend- ship Club. (ANGLICAN) iiigt ain Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist . 16th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY -- OCTOBER 3 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School and Confirmation Class. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Thurs., Oct. 7—W. A. Guild at the home of Mrs. R. G. Manuel, 3 o'clock. Harvest Service At St. Stephen's GORRIE-The Harvest Thank,. giving service at St, Stephen's Anglican Church on Sunday was well attended. The church was decorated with fruits of the har- vest, corn, grain, vegetables and flowers. The rector, Rev, Harold Jenkins, conducted the service and Bishop Luxton's pastoral message was read. The choir sang an anthem. The Harvest Supper held Wed- nesday evening was a splendid success in spite of the downpour of rain. Over $200 was raised. FORDWICH Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Soth- ern visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slater in Strath- roy. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graham visited friends in Owen Sound on Sunday. Fordwich Personals Mr. Gordon Parsons, whohas been visiting relatives in the community for the past two months, returned this week to his home at New Zion, Minto, N.B. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McCann spent several days last week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Alfred Jones of Guelph visited over,the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sothern. Mr. and Mrs. William Mulvey, Jeffrey and Cindy of Belmore were Sunday visitors at the same home. Miss Doris Leonard and Mrs. Myrtle Wallace of Listowel visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave. Mrs. Elsie Demerling spent last week with relatives in Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaasen spent one day last week in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nickel enjoyed a ten-day motor trip to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cober and two children spent two weeks with relatives in Des Moines, Iowa and North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Milne of Toronto spent all last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Pit- tendreigh. Mrs. Jennie Mosure spent one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold McDougall, Pal- merston. Mr. George Hall and Mr. Wm.. Jackson of Ashington, Northumberland, England, visit- ed last week with their nephew, Mr. Len Wilson and Mrs. Wil- son. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Har- grave of Listowel visited Sun- day with Mrs. Elsie Strong. Mr. Roy Gadcke left Friday by train for a three weeks' trip to the Western Provinces. Miss Sharon Pollock of Kit- chener and Mr, Fraser Pollock of Brockville were week -end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock. Mr. Parker Eurig visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bott at Alma. Mrs. Eurig re- turned home with him after visiting the past week there. Mr. and Mrs. John Boonstra of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boonstra. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons and Anne were guests Saturday at the Givens-Hambly wedding in Parkminster United Church, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan attended the funeral of Mrs, Ruttan's uncle last week in Wing - ham. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Duncan of Toronto were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Connell. Mr. and Mrs. David Schnei- der of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs, Vernon Jacob- son of Guelph were week -end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Jacobson.. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Moore ;visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Denny, at 'Erin. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Doig and David of St. Catharines visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and family of Oakville spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. Wit HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT' Phone 357-1361 CHRYSLEI eadstheParade ler Hit Parade Dodge ...a lot more car for your money J .........::::.... 4\ Monaco — 2 -Door Hardtop Wheelbase 121.0" Dodge '66 — a lot more car for your money. Dodge sits on a long 121 -inch wheelbase. This extra length does big things for just about everything you buy a car for: room, ride, comfort, looks. Fifteen models. Four series, Monaco, Polara 880, Polara 440, Polara. Coronet 500 — 2 -Door Hardtop Wheelbase 117.0" 410 �o 0 in Coronet by Dodge Swinging Coronet by Dodge. Coronet swings. Coronet is a riew idea, a young idea for spirited people. Pick your body style. 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