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Wingham, Qntario, Thursday, Sept. 30, 1965
Rev. T. E. Kennedy Retires
After 47 Years in Ministry
"Keep yourselves in the. love
of God" was the text which Rev.
T. E. Kennedy chose for his
farewell sermon to the congre-
gation of Knox Presbyterian.
Church, Delmore on Sunday af-
• ternoon. Speaking to a capa-
city audience, he admonished
them to practise daily prayer,
diligent reading of the Word of
God, and regular attendance at
divine worship as three sure
ways to help in attaining this
• goal.
The male quartet, Bill Jef-
frey, Ross McKague, Bruce Dar-
ling and Tom Inglis sang "Show-
ers of Blessing" and the ladies'
choir contributed a three-part
number, "Jesus Is All the World
• to Me". Mrs. Douglas Fischer
presided at the organ.
After the service, an hour of
fellowship was spent in the
church schoolroom when Elmer
Zinn read a farewell address
and Tom Inglis and Ross Mc-
Kague presented Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy with a chime clock
and a tea -wagon on behalf of
the congregation, Rev. Doug-
las Stevens extended best wishes
to his retiring associate on be-
half of Belmore United Church.
Guests were present from
Ashfield, Listowel, Teeswater,
Wingham and Clifford. We all
wish Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy
continued good health and hope
they may be spared to enjoy
many years of peaceful retire-
• ment with not a few opportuni-
ties to return to Delmore again.
A large congregation of
members and friends attended
the farewell service of Rev.
Kennedy in Knox Presbyterian
Church on Sunday at Bluevale.
Guest soloist, Mr. John Hal-
liday, sang two beautiful solos.
Special music was rendered by
the choir under the leadership
of Mrs. Nora Moffatt.
Mr. Kennedy took his text
from Jude, verse 21, and left a
By The Pedestrian
The local Kinsmen are pleas-
ed with the attendance at their
dances this month. Friday
nights are for the younger crowd
• and on Saturday night Lionel
Thornton and his Casa Royal
band drew over 300 of the older
generation. He is due back at
the end of October.
Burke Electric's new main
street building will likely be
open to the public in about a
week. Owner Cal Burke had
hoped for an official opening
this week, but ran into unex-
pected problems and bad to
postpone the big event.
If residents of Bluevale hear
anyone talking with a bit of
southern drawl, they shouldn't
be too surprised. It will be
their reeve, Alvin Smith, who
spent last week down in Tennes-
see. He was getting pretty good
at it, too, before he returned.
The members of the Wing-
ham Fire Department will make
their annual appeal for the Mus-
cular Dystrophy Campaign next
week, They will be calling at
the homes from Monday, Oc-
tober 4 to October 9.
Hon. harry Flays, minister
of agriculture in the federal
cabinet, will address a meeting
in the auditorium of the Wing-,
ham District High School on
Wednesday evening of next
" week* llis address will be in
support of the Liberal candid.,
ares in the ridings of Huron,
Wellington.,fiuron and Bruce.
very inspiring and challenging
message for everyone, pleading
with each one to "Keep your-
self in the love of God".
Mr. Kennedy is retiring from
the active ministry, He and
Mrs. Kennedy will live in Lis-
towel. They will also be very
Lions Hear History
Guelph University
Arrangements were complet-
ed for the bingo game which the
Wingham Lions Club will hold
on Wednesday, October 6 for
the patients at the Ontario Hos-
pital in Goderich, at Tuesday
night's meeting at the Queen's
Hotel. The club will again
sponsor the Canadian National
Institute for the Blind campaign
for funds and letters for this will
be mailed in the near future,
The guest speaker, Dr, Al-
len Austin, Associate Professor
of English at Wellington Col-
lege, University of Guelph, was
introduced by Lion Frank Ma-
dill. Dr. Austin gave a very
interesting and informative ad-
dress on the development of the
university. The Ontario Agri-
cultural College was founded in
1874, Macdonald Institute of
Household Science was founded
in 1922. The University of
Guelph was established in May
1964. The university operates
year-round on a three -semester
system. He also outlined plans
for the future.
Dr. Austin was thanked by
Lion Stewart Beattie.
Deer Season in
Huron County
GODERICH—Huron County
will have an open season on
deer for three days -- Nov. 8,
9, 10, council agreed after
hearing E.K.E. Dryer, of the
lands and forests department,
report a surplus of deer, "which
should be managed like a beef
herd, or there will be waste."
Huron goes along with Bruce
and Grey in regard to dates.
Shotguns only will be pre-
mitted, and no dogs.
much missed in the Bluevale
comm unity.
Mr. Kennedy was born near
Ripley and received his educa-
tion in Kincardine. He taught
school for three years before his
ordination at the age of 28. His
farewell services on Sunday to
the charges he has served for
seven years concludes 47 years
in the ministry.
Kinsmen, Kinetfes
Install Officers
Mrs. Maurice Stainton and
David Burgess were installed as
presidents of the Kinette and
Kinsmen Clubs by District De-
puty Governor Albert Searle of
Kincardine at a joint installa-
tion meeting last week.
Other officers installed were
Mrs. Stewart Leedham and Cal-
vin Burke, past presidents; Mrs.
Murray Gerrie and Dawson Pol-
lock, first vice-presidents; Mrs.
David Burgess, second vice-
president of Kinettes; Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Neal, secretaries;Mrs.
Keith McClure and Dr. Ray
Galbraith, treasurers; Mrs. Ron-
ald Wingfield and Vernon Red-
man, registrars; Mr. and Mrs.
William Hanula, bulletin edi-
tors; William Hanula, JakeJut-
zi and Edward Irwin, Kinsmen
A second vice-president for
the Kinsmen Club will be elect-
ed at the next meeting.
Perfect attendance pins were
presented to Jack Gorbutt, 15
years; Jack Walker, 14 years,
and Mrs. Jack Walker, 13 years.
At Deathtrap Corner
Two Teen-agers
Injured on Bike
A motorcycle -car accident
at 7:45 on Tuesday evening at
the intersection of Diagonal
Road and Victoria Street, the
arena corner, sent two young
people to hospital, one in ser-
ious condition.
In Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, after treatment here, is
Kathryn Eileen Ducharme, 15 -
year -old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Verdun Ducharme, of
Wingham. The youngster is
suffering from a broken right
leg, as well as multiple cuts
and bruises. Her condition on
Wednesday morning was listed
as fair. She was a passenger on
a Honda motorcycle driven by
David Pidgeon, 17, of Tees -
water. He is in the Wingham
and District Hospital suffering
from multiple lacerations and
Driver of the car was La-
verne George Harloff, police
chief for the town of Milverton.
it crossed the intersection,
heading east on Victoria St.
The mishap occurred when
the Harloff car was proceeding
north on Diagonal Rd. and was
in collision with the cycle as
it crossed the intersection,
heading west on Victoria St.
The motorcycle was wreck-
ed and the car suffered exten-
sive damage to the right front.
Constable Ron Zimmer and
Police Chief James Miller in-
—Mrs. Clare Hodgins and
baby daughter, Janice Lynn,
returned to their home at R. R.
8 Parkhill after spending a week
visiting her mother, Mrs. S.
Cowan and other relatives.
Elston Cardiff Retires after
25 Years as Huron Member
After serving the people of
Huron as their member of par-
liament for the past 25 years,
Two Hurt West
Of Molesworth
Two area persons were injur-
ed in a car -truck accident on
Highway 86 west of Molesworth
on Monday. Taken to the Lis-
towel Memorial Hospital were
Percy Vincent, 74, of R.R. 1
Auburn and Mrs. Sadie Greena-
way, 79, of Bluevale. They are
reported in satisfactory condi-
tion with cuts and bruises. Mrs.
Greenaway suffered a broken
knee as well.
Driver of the truck, Fleming
Black, of Bluevale was not in-
jured nor was a passenger in the
Vincent vehicle, Miss Dorothy
Greenaway. The Vincent car
was a total wreck and damage
to the truck was extensive.
L. E. Cardiff announced his re-
tirement from the political
scene last week. He said he
would not contest the riding on
November 8th. Mr. Cardiff,
who is 76 years of age, said he
would not seek nomination when
the Huron Progressive Conserva-
tive Association met on Tues-
day in Clinton.
Mr. Cardiff, in announcing
his retirement, said he wanted
to enjoy a few years ofleisure.
He said he was not retiring be-
cause of ill health. He claim-
ed he was in good condition,
after losing 20 pounds during
the summer when he pitched in
with the farm work.
Mr. Cardiff has served in the
House of Commons since 1940.
Paul Martin, Minister for Ex-
ternal Affairs, is the only mem-
ber senior to Mr. Cardiff in
terms of service to the House.
TWO HURT --.The driver of this motortycle,
David Pigeon, and a passenger, Kathryn
Ducharme, were seriously injured when the
cycle Was in collision with a tar driven by
L. G. Harloff at the Arena corner early
Tuesday evening., ...A -T Phot6.
Fomier NDP Candidate Carries
Wellington -Huron Liberal Meet
M a nomination meeting in
the Harriston town hall, on Tues-
day evening H. Gordon Green
of Montreal was named ascan-
didate for the Liberal, party in
Wellington -Huron, Mr. Green,
who is an editor with the
Family Herald, was born at
Arthur. He ran on the NDP
ticket in the same riding in a
recent election.
Another newspaperman, Ken-
neth B. Smith of Toronto, who
is a native of the Mount Forest
district was among the four de-
feated aspirants for the nomin-
ation. He is a financial writer
for the Globe & Mail.
Others named were William
Tilden of Harriston, who was
the defeated Liberal candidate
in the 1963 election; Fred Beck,
a former mayor of Harriston and
also an unsuccessful Liberal
Will Administer
Oral Vaccine
Dr. R. M. Aldis, director of
the Huron County Health Unit
has announced that Sabin oral
vaccine for protection against
polio will be administered at
clinics in district schools.
The unit was at Howick Cen-
tral School on Monday morning
where about 500 pupils received
the vaccine from the two local
public health nurses, Mrs. Ver-
non Reid and 'Miss Margaret
Keogh, and their helpers, Mrs,
Keith McLaughlin, Mrs. Elwood
Irvin, Mrs. Ed Bauer and Mrs.
Wilfred White.
In the afternoon the team of
six administered the vaccine to
about 250 Turnberry Central
School pupils and Miss Keogh,
Mrs. Bauer and Mrs. White gave
the dosage to 85 children at
Sacred Heart School.
On October 7 the vaccine
will be given to Wingham Dis-
trict High School students dur-
ing the morning, and to the
Wingham Public School pupils
in the afternoon of the same
The vaccine is given in place
of the Salk protection which has
been in use for several years
and which was administered by
hypodermic injection. The Sa-
bin vaccine is taken by mouth
on a cube of sugar.
Mrs. David Weir
Has 90th Birthday
Mrs. David Weir of Wing -
ham celebrated her 90th birth-
day on Saturday, September
On hand for the occasion
were Mrs. T. H. (Blanche)
Cote of Ottawa; Miss Minn Weir
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Weir, London; Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Weir, Welland and Misses
Fannybelle and Hazel Weir of
Mrs. Weir was the former
Annie McMichael. She was
born in Delmore in 1875 and
was married in 1902 to David
Weir. They farmed in Howick
Township until retiring to Wing-
hatn in 1948. Mr. Weir passed
away in 1058.
Mrs. Weir and one sister,
Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Vancou-
ver are the only surviving mem-
bers of a family of thirteen.
Mrs. Weir has four sons and
four daughters, ten grandchild-
ren and eleven great grandchild-
ren. Her youngest son, Fit.
Sgt. John E. Weir was killed in
action over Germany in 1941.
In fairly good health, Mrs.
Weir is keenly interested incur.,
rent affairs, enjoys reading and
watching television. She great-
ly appreciated the many mes-
sages of good wishes she receiv-
ed from relatives, friends and
candidate in a previous elec-
tion and Peter McTavish of
Mount Forest, who ran on the
Liberal ticket in a provincial
The meeting, which was at-
tended by about 300 people,
was addressed by Perry Ryan,
Liberal candidate in Toronto-
MRS. DAVID WEIR, who celebrated her 90th birthday on
Saturday enjoys fairly good health, has a keen mind and
remains interested in current affairs. Members of her
family were with her for the occasion.--A-T Photo.
$1,000 Damage in
Two -Car Crash
A two -car smashup at Bel -
grave on Saturday morning caus-
ed damage estimated at $1, 000
to the machines involved. In-
juries were minor.
Involved were cats driven
by Malcolm Ray McCallum of
Chatham and Emarsual Garrison
Jr., of Detroit. The accident
occurred on No. 4 Highway in
the centre of the village. A
passenger in the McCallum car,
Mrs. Mary Nichol, received
minor injuries but was released
after treatment by Dr. B. N.
Provincial Constable O.
Whitfield of Wingham investi-
Auto Dealers Are Strong
Boosters for Sound Value
Wingham's automobile
dealers and supply stares
have joined other Wingham
merchants in a special"Har
vest of Values" to the con-
sumers of this trade area.
Never have you been of-
fered so many fine used cars
to select from... and the
place you'll find the car you
want, at the price you are
looking for, is right here in
our own locality. You have
the added advantage of buy-
ing with confidence from your
local dependable dealer.
For the care of your car, the kind it deserves, the service
stations and garages in Wingham welcome the opportunity to
serve you. Their technical know-how, products and service is
second to none.
So for all your motoring needs and the greatest values in new
and used cars, drop in where the "Harvest of Values" posters are
Businesses participating
Hayes Family Clothing
Miller's Ladies' Wear
Wingham Body Shop
Edighoffers (Wingham) Ltd.
Dunlop's Shoe Store
Lloyd -Truax Limited
Stanley -'Berry Limited
Western Foundry Co, Ltd.
Walden Bros. Transport
Red Front Grocery
Canadian Tire Store
Pattison Radio and Electric
Bennett's 5¢ to $1 Stote
Warren House
Crawford Motors
Wingham Meat Market
llodgins-McDonald Lumber
in the program are:
Wingham Bowling Alley
Vance's Drug Store
McClure Motors Ltd.
Hafermehl's Jewellery
Rush Ready -to- Wear
McDonald's Children's and
Ladies' Wear
Burke Electric
Danny's Drive -ht
Walker's Home Furnishings
Lillow's Garage
Stedman's 5¢ to $1 Store
United Dairy and Poultry Co-
Readrnan's Texaco Service