HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-09-23, Page 190 0 HEADQUARTERS FOR BACK-T0401OOL FOOTWEAR BROWNIE'S DRIVE.IN umagO CLINTON - ONTARIO NOTE: Box office opens at 7,84 p.m, First Show at 8 p.m. WEEK -END SHOWS ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 24-25 --- DOUBLE FEX,TVRE — "THE PATSY" JERRY LEWIS KEENAN WYNN Color "ENSIGN PULVER" 'ROBERT WALKER BURL IVES Collor Cartoon � CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON WED. 22 - THUR. 23 - FRI. 24 Kim Novak stars as Moll Flanders In THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF MOLL FLANDERS in Technicolor Co-starring Richard Johnson She was the lovinest wench in Merrie Olde England (Adult Entertainment) Show Times -7:00 and 9:15 SAT. 25 MON. 27 - TUES. 28 EMIL AND THE DETECTIVES In Color --Starring Walter Slezak and Heinz Schubert Fun for all the family Show Times -7:15 and 9:15 WED. 29 - THUR. 31 - FRY. 1 The latest in Alfred Hitchcock thrillers in TIPPi MARNIE Technicolor-rStarring Hedren - Jean Connery and Diane Baker (Adult Entertainment) Show Times -7:00 and 9:30 CALTAN SHOE: YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 Almost Four Hours Taking First Game Wingham Goodyears took 22 innings to defeat Highgate 2-0 Wednesday night of last week in the opening game of their Ontario Amateur Softball Association best -of -three Inter- mediate "C" quarter final. Jim Coultes went the full 22 innings — which lasted three and three-quarter hours. He al- lowed only three hits and struck out 31 batters. The first hit Coultes gave up came in the 13th inning. Coultes was also the top bat- ter for the Goodyears, who col- lected 16 hits off losing pitcher Paul Eberle. The Wingham hurler collected four doubles in 10 at bats. Jim Bain doubled in the top of the 22nd inning. Ken Hodg- kinson singled and Alvin Baker doubled to drive in the pair of tuns. The Goodyears left a total of 20 runners on bases during the game, including seven during the regulation first nine innings. Highgate left 13 stranded. The Goodyears came close to winning in the 15th inning when Gary Storey was thrown 11111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111111 HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE WED. 22 - ,THUR. 23 - FRI. 24 SEX AND THE SINGLE GIRL Stars Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood -- Plus SUNDAY IN NEW YORK (Adult Entertainment) Thurs. Night $1.50 per car load SATURDAY, SEPT, 25 ONLY I'D RATHER BE RICH Stars Sandra Dee - Andy Wil- liams and Robert Goulet -- Plus — INDIAN UPRISING Stars George Montgomery From this date on we're operating week -ends only IEIIIr111111I111111111111 I ISI111I1111111611101111111111I11111611111111111111111111 MI I111I11 LYCEUM SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM --- PHONE' 357.1630 WED.-THUR: FRI. SEPTEMBER 22-23-24 "THE ROUNDERS Colour - Cinem,aSeope — Starring: Glenn Ford - Henry Fonda - Chill Willis - Edgar Buchanan. • Denver Pyle This is an action packed comedy of today's west. You'll like it. One show Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m., and two shows Friday at 7:15 and 9:15. SATURDAY MATINEE SEPTEMBER 25 "HAVE ROCKET WILL TRAVEL" Starring: The Three Stooges SAT.-MON.-TUES. SEPTEMBER 25-27-28 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "HUSH, HUSH, SWEET CHARLOTTE" Marriott Bette Davis - Olivia de Haviland • Joseph Cotton Agnes Moorehead This is a murder shocker for Adult* only. Things really happen When Sweet Charlotte arrives on the scene. Two chows Saturday at 7;15 and 9:15, One show oh Monday and 'Tuesday at 8 p.tn. COMING NEXT WED..THURARI. SEPI'. 29.30 - OCT. 1 "THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER" iiiiiiiitlitlisitisimusill11111.111111111111•111111111111t1141111111111111111111111111111111mtnii out at home on a close play. The big play of the game was in the 19th inning when Robert Long of Highgate hit what should have been a home run except for the fine fielding of the Gogdyears' Ken Saxton, who threw the ball from deep centre field to make the out. There were only rwo errors in the game, one aside, R H E Wingham 2 16 1 Highgate 0 3 1 Coultes and Baker; Eberle and Rankin. Local Trio Wins King Trophy The King Trophy for Ladies' Trebles was held on the local greens three weeks ago, It was a beautiful day for the fourteen entries. Mrs. J. Kerr, Mrs. G. God - kin and Mrs. G. Gannett won first and the trophy. Mrs. Fin- nigan, Mrs. E. Webster and Mrs. W. B. McCool were sec- ond. Mrs. Mol and her players from London were in third place and Mrs. A, Lunn, Mrs. O. Haselgrove and Mrs. C. Lott placed fourth. Mrs. A. R. DuVal, Mrs. W. Brown and Mrs. Day received 5th placing. A Goderich rink skipped by Mrs. Riel was last. The ladies were served a delightful pot -luck supper by the local social committee. 4 Pee Wees Lose Finals By dill Kerr A long, tardy schedule came to a close Monday as the Wing. ham Pee Wees bowed out to At- wood in the final game of a best of five series by a score of 7 to 3. An enthusiastic Atwood team gathered four runs in the first two innings which gave them a permanent lead as they glided through the last five innings, protecting and adding to their lead to win the trophy, embla- matic of Western Ontario's Pee Wee champions,. The locals, who finished first in their league this year with ten wins and two losses, seemed to run out of steam in the play-offs as they recorded only five wins in ten play-off games. Tommy Irwin led Wingham at the plate Monday with a pair of doubles and a single. Paul Roe was Atwood's top hit- ter with a triple. I would like to congratulate the Atwood Pee Wees for their playing ability and their sports- manship which was expressed to us throughout the series, and if there were more teams to play after Wingham, it is very un- likely that they would be put out because it would take an excellent team and some luck, too, to eliminate them. I would also, Like to extend my congratulations to the Wingham club. They played well in all five games andthey also should be proud that they are the second best pee wee team in Western Ontario, but 'one team always has to lose. I have compiled some inter- esting facts about the Pee Wees in the 21 games they played this year. Eight of the nine regulars were batting over .300, Paul Templeman played in 17 games and had at least one hit in every one of them: Temple- man finished the season with 37 hits and a .529 batting average. Brad Elliott was the second highest hitter with .454 and Tom Irwin batted ,417. Joe Kerr was tops in the pitch- ing as he pitched 59 innings and collected 61 strikeouts. With averages like these the boys have everything to be proud of and it gives us an idea just what kind of a team it would take to put our Pee Wees out. Just a note on the fourth game of the series. The Pee Wees edged Atwood 7 to 6 with a four run uprising in the last inning. Tom Irwin again led the locals with three hits. Monday's game was also the last minor ball game of the year but don't forget the Good - years are still going so I'll see you next year at the ball park when YOUR children play. FOURTH GAME R H E Wingham 000 012 4 7 8 0 Atwood 001 030 2 6 6 2 Irwin and Templeman; Scholl and Denny. FIFTH GAME R H E Atwood 220 021 0 7 4 1 Wingham 100 611 0 3 7 4 Scholl and Denny; Irwin, Kerr (3) and Templeman, Irwin (3). Brophy GoodyEars Eliminate Highgate, Enter S.O. Finals The Brophy Goodyears de- feated Highgate at the Wing- ham Park on Sunday afternoon by a score of 2-1, which gives the Goodyears the best of three series 2-0 in games. The game was played be- fore a capacity crowd which at times were on the playing field and extra ground rules had to be made to cope with the situ- ation. Bill Hotchkiss was the big hitter for the local team, driv- ing the two runs of the first inn- ing in with a double. He also had a double and single, while Jim Bain had two singles. Robert Wiseman hit a triple for Highgate in,the third inning to score Tom Eberle, who had singled. Highgate: Wiseman C.F., Rankin C., Bateman L. F . , P. Eberle P., Kohler 1 B., Long 2 B. , Edwards 3 B., T. Eberle S.S., McDonald R.F. Wingham: Fryfogle S. S., Bain 3 B., Hodgkinson C.F. and R.F. 8th, Coultes R.F. and P. 5th, Hotchkiss P. and R.F. 5th, Baker C., McDonagh L.F., Strikes & Spares WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE I would like on behalf of the executive of the Wednesday Night Mixed League to wel- come back all the regulars from last season, and all the new bowlers for this year. The ex- ecutive has been altered slight- ly since the banquet, Dorothy Turner, who was vice-president, is now president; Verna Ellis is secretary, Norm Deyell, treas- urer, and yours truly, Fred Lee is back with the writeups. The team captains are Bet- ty Lee, captain of Betty's Buicks; Dorothy Turner, Doro- thy's Thunderbirds; Pat Gadke, Pat's Panthers; Wyn Caner, Winnie's Fiats; Verna Ellis, Red's Corvairs and Emma bey - ell, Emma's Comets. The standings after the first night are: Fiats 7, Thunder- birds 5, Corvairs 4, Comets 3, Buicks 2 and Panthers 0. The men's high single and triple went to Mike 1-llavach, who is a newcomer to the league this" season. Mike had a single Of 213 and a triple of 727. For the ladies, Joyce Gaurit took the high single with 228 and the high triple went to Irene Perron with 520. THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Audrey's Angels, 5 pts.; Fran's Frantics, 2; Gwen's Go- phers, 2; Diana's Stuffers, 5; Sharon's Sharks, 7; Dot'sDash- es, 0. Men's high single, Stewart Leedham 260; triple, Wayne Brown 680. Ladies' high single, Sharon Jones 251; triple, Shar- on Jones, 625. 0--o--0 LADIES' LEAGUE After a long cool surnmet it'sniceto be back bowling again, seeing old familiar faces and seeing a few new ones, Our president, Ruth Tif- fin welcomed the new bowlers and wished everyone the best for the bowling season. After slipping and sliding and a few sore knees the teams 3atne through with the follow,- Ing points: Eva's Collies, 7 points; Elva's Spaniels, 5; Bea's Hounds, 5; Jean's Shepherds, 2; Barb's Poodles 2; Edna's Ter - doll, 0, Congratulations to Hilda frown for bowling 249 for the ligh single and 652 high triple. Saxton C.F. 6th, Storey 1 B., Lott 2 B. R H E Highgate 001 000 000 1 5 1 Wingham 200 000 00X2 9 1 Umpires Jack Tiffin and Wes. Simmons. NOW IN FINALS The Goodyears will now go into the Southern Ontario finals and will play the first game away from home on Saturday night at either Brooklin, Mark- ham, Selkirk or Sunbury. The return game will be in Wing - ham on Saturday, Oct. 2, with the third game if needed on Wednesday, Oct, 6. The winner of this series will meet the winner of the North- ern Fastball Association or Capreol for the all -Ontario Championship, with all games played at home park of the northern team. This all means that the last O. A, S. A. game in the Wing - ham park will be Saturday, Oct. 2 in the next series. Keep behind us the way you have fans, and we will go all the way for you. South Buxton Elim inates Whitechurch WHIThCHURCH--On Satur- day evening the Junior Softball team played South Buxton on the Wingham diamond with a score 8.3 in favor of White- church. This gave each team a win, South Buxton remained over; night and the final game in a 2 out of 3 series was played at 4 p.m. in Wingham Park when the score was 4-1 for South Buxton. This eliminates Whitechurch from OASA. They will now en- ter in WOAA ttarnes. win haus Advance'Times Thursda Sept. 23. 1965 Pa:e Goodyears Final Game in the Wingham Town Pork will be played Saturday Evening, October 2nd r Lucknow Pair Win Trophy The Lloyd -Truax Men's Doubles lawn bowling tourna- ment played here on Monday evening was a huge success. Twenty*two pairs of eager, top calibre players entered the game. The evening was warm and balmy and the play nearly completed before a shower in - tempted the last ends of the game. Roy Finlayson and G. Fisher of Lucknow captured the beauti- ful trophy and first prize. Wally Gregg of Paisley was next and Harold Fursman of Hanover was third. Bert Gray and Marvin Mercer of Clinton were fourth, followed by A. Blair and S. M acDonald of Teeswater, Pet- er Cutter and Jack Bowman of town won the last prize. The out-of-towners congrattr lated the club and its fine greens and good sportsmanship, and really enjoyed a lovely time in Wingham. A number of local ladies volunteered to serve coffee and sandwiches after the games. A farmer dreamed that he was going up in a rocket to or- bit the earth. Looking at the vast array of machinery, dials and whatnots, he sighed: "I just wish it wasn't all put together by the lowest bidder] " Tie Moncrieff BELMORE--With the last game in the semi-final series with Gerrie bringing Belmore Intermediates out on top, the local team has now advanced to the finals, against the top team in the other Tri -County League, Monctieff. In Monday evening's game, played with Gorrie in the Wing- harm Park, Relmote throttled Gotrie 18-2 to take the series. 'Helping to win the game and the series were Keith Mulvey with six hits, two of them hom- `ers, and Pete Newans, who belt• ed out four hits, two of them homers, Russell Press also was accredited with two home runs, Murray Mulvey with one, The final series began on Wednesday evening when the hometown boys edged out Mon- crieff 5-4 in a game played in Brussels. The only Belmore home run was batted by Russell Press, On Saturday evening (their luck couldn't last!), Moncrieff came out on top 9-6 in the second Brussels game, Keith Mulvey and Pete Newans were again the top hitters, with five and four respectively. The series, a best -of -seven, is now tied at one win each. The two teams were scheduled to play again last night (Wed- nesday) in Brussels Park. • the bestselling � eer in Canada Any beer this popular you should try! Carling Black Label Beer brims over with thirst -drenching flavour! Pour a tall cool one tonight ...you'll know why Black Label is the big favourite with people coast to coast! say: "MAIeL, BLACK LABEL!" NOW AVAILABLE 1N NEW 2"1P -OPENING CANS