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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-09-23, Page 8
Page 8 .- Wingham Advance -Times, 'Thursday, Sept. z; , 4900 DON HOLST of Owen Sound and a former branch manager with the Paul S. Starr Co. Ltd, , recently purcgased the Nor - them Division of that firm. Mr. Hoist is at left, accepting final documents from Mr. Starr. Architects to Proceed Continued from Page One. minor alterations necessary in the parking lot. Superintendent HarveyJohn- son reported 44 admissions to date this year, with 30 deaths and three discharges. "We have County Detects New System of Assessment GODERICH-Huron County Council on Monday voted 23 to 14 against adoption of the coun- ty assessment commissioner sys- tem. P. G, Gillis, Department of Municipal Affairs supervisor, informed council that his de- partment supported establish- ment of the system "to ensure that every municipality, re- gardless of size, is able to mai tain an efficient assessment de- partment," "There is a moral responsi- bility on each of you,' he said, "to make sure each ratepayer has to pay only his just and proper share of taxes. Unfor- tunately, at present there are a great number of ratepayers pay- ing too much, and an equally large number paying too little, and quite a number not paying taxes at all, This happens be- cause people are employed who do not have proper equipment or proper records." Before the vote was taken, at conclusion of a long discus- sion, Warden Glenn Webb ex- pressed the opinion that the system will be adopted in Hur- on sooner or later. "Many of our assessors are marking time," he said, "and asking 'When are we going to have county assessment?' I be- lieve the system will be in ef- fect in this county. The ques- tion now is whether we are pre- pared to accept the recommen- dation of the report for Jan. 1, 1967. It is almost a foregone conclusion this will be a fact in this county at some time," The debate closed with an appeal by Brig. F. A. Clift, reeve of Bayfield, who said; "We should not drag our feet." "As pointed out by Mr. Gil. lis," he said, "we cannot af- ford not to adopt the new sys- tem. In our village there are all kinds of properties not being properly assessed, and it is very difficult to get them changed. AU this will come easily when we get the new system and trained assessors not subject to personal pressures." a large number of applications," he said. "Our married couples' rooms are filled, and some are in the bed care section." Reeve Clifford Dunbar, Grey, asked: "Is the ground floor sat- isfactory for bed care?" "Yes, it has worked out sat- isfactorily, " replied Mr. John- son. "We keep people down there who do not need a great deal of care. Since we opened that part (formerly used by staff) there was some objection, part being underground, but more want to go down there now then we have room for." Deputy Reeve Robert Squire, Goderich, asked if it would be feasible to have a full base- ment in the new part. "The first floor of our new part, " Mr. Johnston explained, "is on the same level as our ground floor now, so any base- ment in the new part would be practically all below ground level." He added that he thought sufficient help would be obtainable for the addition. "A great many Huronview employees have been given sal- ary increases, as a result of changes in the Minimum Wage Act. Some increases are retro- active to January, others on the anniversary date of employ- ment, and further increases will be forthcoming," Reeve Thome• son said, "as further changes in the Act become effective in December." Discuss Tree Planting Program GODERICH-Continuation or otherwise of the county's tree - planting program has become a matter for consideration. The provincial grant ended with conclusion of the 1964 program. "In addition to that," said Reeve Tom Leiper of Hullett in presenting the report of the agricultural committee, "we are wondering how much land throughout the county should be reforested when there is an ever-increasing demand for land for agricultural purposes. We hope to have a fuller report at the November session." Council authorized a peti- tion to the minister of lands and forests requesting permis- sive legislation "for smaller parcels of land to be reforested under agreement on properties not suitable for agriculture." Watch for Great Savings at BURKE ELECTRIC During Their GRAND OPENING Starr Realty Co. Northern Div. Has New Owner The northern division of Paul S. Starr Real Estate Co., Ltd., has been purchased by Don Hol- ' st Real Estate with headquarters in Owen Sound. Involved in the transaction are representa- tives of the company in the communities of Owen Sound, Walkerton, Chesley, Hanover, Durham, Flesherton, Markdale, Meaford, Lion's Head, Wing - ham, Wiarton, Kincardine and Port Elgin, Thursday afternoon Paul Starr said the sale would pro- vide better service to the dis- trict and place the sales repre- sentatives closer to manage- ent. Mr. Starr also said that close harmony would be kept between the original firm and the new company. Mr. Starr will continue to operate his real estate business, established 18 years ago, with headquarters in Orangeville and offices in Brampton, Woodstock, and Guelph, Mr. Hoist, who will be man- ager of the Owen Sound office, 'oined Paul S. Starr Real Estate six years ago in the Markdale- Flesherton area and became manager of the Brampton divis- ion last year. The staff will remain the same in all the northern divisional offices. County History is Now Being Printed GODERICH-During the cur- rent year, $50, 000 will be add- ed to county council's hospital reserve fund, now standing at $102, 000, but there will be a withdrawal to pay a portion of Wingham and District Hospital's expenditure. "We are also expecting ex- penditures to the Goderich hos- pital," said clerk -treasurer John Berry, "but no definite dates have been mentioned." Whether or not the hospital fund will be continued will be up for decision soon. Mr. Ber- ry said: "In 1967 we will have completed our obligations for the present time to the various hospitals, and you will then have to decide if you are going to carry on with the fund for hospital purposes, and if so, on what basis." The clerk -treasurer reported a nominal surplus of $29, 268 at end of June, of which $14,143 is from highway account, High- way outlay totalled $639,474, Huronview $191,997 and Child- ren's Aid $54,417. "in 1966," Mr. Belrry point- ed out, "we will not have $80, 000 surplus transferred from surplus to operating expendi- ture, but to offset this loss there will be Less spent at the mus- eum, and the history will be paid off." The long-awaited county history is now being printed by Ryerson Press, but stili lacks an index. It is to retail for $$4 the property committee report- ed, through Chairman Elrrier Hayter, 0 • You're Within Saving Distance of BEAVER BEAVER TRUCK LOT - 4000 FT. SAVINGS SOUND DRY UTILITY2x BB .50 PER 1000 BD. FT. Utility Construction 2x 4s 82.50 95.50 2x 6s 84.00 99.00 2x 8s 107.50 2x10s 109.50 Utility Grade Not Stocked at All 80 Stores warm PINE Barn Dards .50 lxO, 1x10, 1x12 --Per 1000 BI). FT. Grade Stamped -Sig Mill Quality Waterproof PLYWOOD %Ward thing Spruce Fir 5/16"x4'x8° Sheet 2,62 2.82 s/a"x4'x8' Sheat 3.02 3.29 '/2 "x4`x8' Sheet 4.31 4.56 '/s"x4'x8' Shat 5.28 5.57 Spruce Sheathing Not Stocked at All 80 Stores SELECT UNDERLAY FIR SHEATHING 5/16"x4'x8' - 3.46 '/a"xav'x8' 5.20 3/4"x4`x6' 3.93 %"x4'x8' 6.21 SELECT T&G C.62 COVERS 4'x8' 1" s/8„ NEW MULTIPURPOSE SPENTE INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR USE 25 Sheets or More iia"x4'x8' SKEET SMALLER LOTS -2.69 RANDOM V GROOVED -- NATURAL MAFIOGANY PALNELLIINNG 2.45 25 PANELS OR MORE PANEL PANEL 4'x8' 2.75 Pref inislhed RANDOM V GROOVED 4`x7' . 3.27 4'x8' 3.6' .27 .65 Rock Lath 38.78 1000 Sheet Rock 3a25 Per Per 1000 04S or T&G SPRUCE 1"x6" Utility Construction 85.x© 1,01' Asphalt Impregnated BUILDING BOARD 7/16"x4'x8' 1.76 7/16"x4'x9' 1.99 PLEASE NOTE All the prices in this column apply on nor- mal mixed truckloads of 4000' or more for the complete jobs, except prices on plywood which are also available on. ,minimum 50 -sheet lots. Smaller lots of plywood when not included in trucklots odd 200 per sheet to cover handling costs. ALL ORDERS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE AND MARKET CfAN GES. ' w;+ 5'1LVAPLY � aED INWOOD Douglas Flr-Good 1 Side 1/4"x4'x8' 3.69 %"x4'x8' 5.12 1/2"x4'x8' 6.44 s/e "x4'x8' 7.49 %"x4'x8' 8.74 All of the above prices are mixed lots of 50 sheets or more. Sheath- ing (see above left) may be in- cluded to make volume. Smaller lots add 20c per sheet. POLYETHELENE 2 ML THICKNESS "1,66 500 Sq. Ft. Roll L. Ea. 4 ML 1000 ft. Roll 10.15 ROLL ROOFING 45 Ib. Smooth 00 Ib. Rock 15 ib. Asphalt Felt :, 2.29 3.42 2.81 M PANELS OR MORE NEED GASH? You deal directly arid confidentially with the Bearer Lumber Melriaser. Ask about Beaver Lumber's Budget Plans that let you enjoy Cash. and Wry savings On qulintity purchas- es. TOMO se IOW trs $10.00 a month, • THE PRICE IS RIGHT COMPARE ... Then SAVE TIME and GAS. Buy at your nearby BEAVER LUMBER. It makes good sense when you are going to pay Dash and haul your own building materials in quantity, that you shop at a nearby Beaver Store and make a fur- ther saving on your time and gas. There are 80 neighbourhood Beaver Lumber stores in Ontario and we have already trucked the materials close to your home. You are also assured of the friendly ser- vice and personal attention to your needs. 20 CARTONS OR MORE Insulation Batts 2 " 90 SQ. FT. " 60 SQ. FT. CARTONS J CARTONS PER CARTON IN SMALLER LOTS 3.68 , TEN -TEST INSULATING Card 7/16"x4'x8' 1 86 7/16'"x4'x8'--Pr irned 50 SHEETS OR MORE 2.47 25 to 49 SHEET'S --1.96 - 2.57 29#..., f4"4 , ..w:. :3 is EXTRA STRENGTH - SIX RIBBED GA A SO. 70 Sq. or More 30 to 69 Sq. 9.79 Sq. Less than 30 Sq. - 10.30 Sq. • rr • • 9 • Top Quality 30 U.S. Gauge, Iridite Coat- e d OALVANr ED STEEL, Lengths up to 12' (13' to 32' lengths, 10.15 a Sq. in 70 Sq. lots or more) MASONITE PRESOTEX A DB 1/4"x41x8' 1 � 10 pcs. or more SHEET Smaller lots..1.57 ^Fe .,.'.... .. POPLAR PLYWOOD NDERLAY ,a 22 WATERPROOF 1/4"x4'x4' 50 Pcs, or more Less than 50 Sheets 1.29 0110,011011101111111111111110110111111 DOUBLE COATED - Satincote White Ceiling Tile T&G Edge 6 648 48 04 Sq. Ft. a Garton Any Quantity A Carton TOP NAME WAND Floor Tile Vinyl Asbestos Awake White /4( CCCARTON LOTS 9NsO" Tile CASH and CARRY PURCHASES ES -; All cash and carry purtrhase* are on an ill - stook basis. All Remo subject to prior sale availability and market thalweg. Prices only slightly higher north of North Bay. DEPENDABLE VALUE Beaver Lumber SO STORES ACROSS ONTARIO JOSEPHINE STREET, WINDHAM PHONE 357-2581 or Yottr Nearby Beaver Store • • s • r