HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-09-23, Page 4Pae 4 4i Winteam Advance -Tithes, Tburstla Set. 23, J965 features from The World of Women Home and The Housewife Living on Scott Street Rev. Carlos Bianchi, parish priest of Mary Immaculate Church, Chepstow, officiated for the wedding of Mary Irene Fischer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Fischer of R. R.1, Chepstow and Robert Ernest Sear- son earson of Wingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Searson, R. R. 1, Wroxeter. The church was decorated with yellow and white gladioli. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. Her full- length formal gown of Italian silk was styled with A-line skirt, empire waistline, elbow - length sleeves trimmed with guipure lace appliques and satin bows and a rounded neckline. Inverted pleats at back were held by a large bow and fell in- to a controlled train. The bouffant veil with scalloped edge was held by a large crys- talized rose. She carried a crescent of yellow roses, white fugi mums and fern with yellow streamers. Miss Yvonne Lippert of R. R. 1, Chepstow, maid of honor, and Miss Nettie Searson of R. R. 1, Wroxeter, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid. They wore identical yellow chiffon over satin sheaths with empire waists trimmed with a bow, short sleeves, rounded necklines and twin dress -length trains falling from two bows at the back neck- line. Their headpieces were large yellow roses of chiffon. They carried nosegays of yellow ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LUUNUE COLD WAVE BODY PERMS HAIR COLORING MAIN STREET, WINGHAM Phone 357.2931 and white carnations. George Searson of Hanover was his brother's best man. The ushers were Donald and Francis Fischer of Kincardine, brothers of the bride, and Harold Sear - son, Manitouwadge, Ont., brother of the groom. The young couple left on a trip to Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., following the dinner and recep- tion in the Hartley House, Wal- erton. The bride's mother wore a turquoise double-knit sheath with champagne acces- sories and a corsage of white and blue button mums. The other of the groom chose a chocolate brocade dress with eige accessories and corsage of gold fuji mums. The bride wore a two-piece green and beige linen suit for ravelling, with brown acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Searson have aken up residence at 174 Scott Street. NDI'S Plan October Thankoffering WHITECHURCH--The Sep- tember meeting of Langside W.M.S. was held in the church. Mrs. Robert Bregman presided and gave the call to worship. Mrs. Gordon Wall read the Scripture and the meditation was given by Miss Emma Rich- ardson. Mrs, Wm. Orr led in prayer. The roll call was answered by seven members, The articles for the bale were collected. Arrangements were made for the October Thankoffering meeting to be at the home of Mrs. Bill Evans. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs, Elmer Scott. The topic, "Missions", was given by Mrs. Charles Tiffin. A symposium originally was a Grecian dinner party.^�''�'ry. F Fruit Store FEATURING TERRIFIC SPECIALS THIS WEED. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE TO REALLY SAVE ON PEACHES PLUMS PEARS AND TOMATOES Extra Sweet Valencia BANANAS Ib.14c ORANGES doz. 19` Guest Speaker and Trio For 3aptist Anniversary The 102nd anniversary of Wingham Baptist Church was held on Sunday when Rev. Don- ald Gorrie of Queensway Bap- tist Church, Toronto was guest Minister. The Hanover Ladies' Trio sang at both services, which were conducted by Rev. D. Sinclair. Mr, Gorrie based his morn- ing sermon on the story of Ab- raham being called to offer his son as a sacrifice to God. He pointed out that in the Scrip- tures Abraham was called the friend of God, an honor which is not attained by saving faith alone. Abraham was also a servant of God, and while there are many areas in which we can serve and win souls, service is not the highest honor. Mr. Gorrie said we are liv- ing in an "instant" age where there seems to be instant every - Correction for Casserole Recipe There was an error in the in- structions for making the Gar- lic Bread casserole last week. We repeat the recipe with the proper method of preparing the dish. GARLIC BREAD CASSEROLE 1 eggplant (2 lbs.) 1 teaspoon salt Water to cover 1 tablespoon instant minced onion # cup sweet pepper flakes * cup water f cup olive or salad oil # cup tomato sauce i cup water 6 stuffed olives, sliced 1 teaspoon oregano leaves 1 teaspoon capers iteaspoon ground black pepper i teaspoon instant garlic powder 1/16 teaspoon ground red peppe cups diced cooked beef teaspoon salt slices Italian bread tablespoons butter or marga- rine /8 teaspoon instant garlic pow- der Wash, peel and cut egg- plant into 1/2 inch dice. Place in a bowl with the 1 teaspoon salt. Cover with water. Com- bine the next three ingredients; set aside for 10 minutes. Heat olive or salad oil, add softened vegetables and saute until gold- en brown. Stir in the next 8 ingredients. Cook slowly 5 minutes. Add meat and the 1/2 teaspoon salt. Drain egg- plant cubes in two -quart casse- role. Spoon meat sauce over all. Cover .and bake in a pre- heated, moderate oven (350) 30 minutes. In the meantime blend soft- ened butter or margarine and instant garlic powder; spread on bread slices. Remove cover from casserole and top with garlic bread slices. Return to oven and continue cooking 15 minutes, or until bread islight- ly browned. Serves 6. .,,,.i thing except instant response. It was at the moment when Ab- raham responded instantly and without question that he be- came a friend of God. To have a relationship with God we must yield to Him. The evening theme, "Alien- ated Affections" was based on II Timothy 4:10, where Paul speaks of Demas forsaking him and turning to other faiths. The trio, Mrs, Sherman, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Janke sang, "The Sweetest Name I Know" and "Now i Belong to Jesus" in the morning and "Cal- vary Love" and "Pass Me Not, 0 Gentle Jesus" at the evening service. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE ADDRESSES INSTITUTE The September meeting of the Wingham Women's Institute was held on Thursday in the Council Chambers with an ex- cellent attendance and several visitors. The usual business was con- ducted and correspondence dealt with. Mrs. D. S. Mac - Naughton and Mrs. N. Keating were appointed delegates to the District Rally to be held Octo- ber 4th at Walton. Several donations of money and a num- ber of gifts were received for the Cancer Cupboard. Mrs. C. Shiell gave a read- ing on September. Mrs. ,O. Boss gave the motto of hints on home nursing and good health. Mrs. Vernon Reid of the Hur- on County Health Unit gave a very interesting outline of the Material for Bale Needed by Saturday WHITECHURCH--On Wed- nesday Chalmers W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W. R. Pur - don, 9th Con. West Wawanosh. Mrs. V. Emerson presided, welcomed all, gave the call to worship and led in prayer. The Glad Tidings prayer was given by Mrs. Johnston Conn. The meditation, "Humility and Love" was given by Mrs. Emer- son. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Robert Ross. The topic, "Faith", was given by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Dawson Craig read "Beatitudes for the Homemaker". A mis- " sion letter was read by Mrs. Russel Ross. The roll call was answered by 13 members. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Dave MacDonald. It was decided to accept in- vitations for Thankoffering meetings from Whitechurch Bible Study at Summer School A day of Christian fellow- ship and a unique presentation of Bible study by Rev. August Meecham was experienced -by the United Church men and women who attended a meeting at Goderich Summer School, sponsored by the Huron Presby- terial. The study on .how to enter the Kingdom of God and receive grace and faith was illustrated by sketches and followed by a question and answer period. Ten study groups held discussion sessions. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Bel - grave, president of the Huron Presbyterial, extended greet- ings, Mr. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, led the devotions and Mrs. R. McKercher, Dublin as- sisted. Courtesy remarks were expressed by Rev. A. Higgin- botham, Walton. Co -conveners were Mrs. Earl Rowe of Hensall and Mrs. Arth- ur Jackson, Belgrave. b"o.e,,n MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE CHAMNEY announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mary Sandra, to Mr. Johri Thomas McCormack, of Toronto. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 9, in St. James Bond United Church, TdrontO. 23` U.C.W. and Ashfield church. Arrangements were made for the Thankoffering meeting to be held October 13 in the church school room. The nominating committee, Mrs. Robt. Ross, Mrs. Frank Coulter and Mrs. D. MacDon- ald, was reminded to have a slate of officers prepared for the November meeting. The mat- erial for the bale is to be in by Sept. 25. It was decided to put flowers in the church until the frost comes. LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid meeting followed. Mrs. Frank Coulter exhibited the quilt which was made for the bale. Mrs. Robt. Ross displayed a quilt top which the ladies are to quilt. It was decided to paper the halls at the manse. The committee in charge will be Miss Lila Emer- son, Mrs. Donald Watt, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mrs. James McInnes. The hostess, Mrs, W. R. Purdon, served lunch and was thanked by the ladies. Activities of the Health Unit and the different ways they help With various problems in the community. She also spoke on "Preventive Medicine in An- cient History". After the meeting closed, the hostesses, Mrs, J. Halliday, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. W. J. Coup* ter and Mrs. A. Halliday serv- ed lunch. FAMILY ATTENDS 9Qth BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahara and family, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Campbell and Jimmie and Miss Lily Ahara of Sheddon, who is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ahara, were in Toronto on Sun - ay for the 90th birthday cele- bration of Mrs. Ahara's aunt, Miss Eleanor Wilson. Miss Mary Ahara and Mrs. Campbell poured tea. C.W.L. Meeting The September meeting of Sacred Heart C.W.L. was held in the parish hall on September thirteenth with thirteen mem- bers present. The hospital visit,- ing committee reported 78 visits made to the hospital in June, July and August, Rev. Father Paul Mooney of the London Diocesan Mission in Peru spoke to the members on the religious, economic and social problems of the Peruvian Mission. Guest speaker, Mrs. Ken Ducharme, demonstrated methods of caring for hairstyles at home. G. A. WILLIAMS, 0.0 Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY LIMITED LISTOWEL - ONTARIO HAVE AN OPENING FOR A FEMALE CLERK. Senior high school. Some typing and a likening for mathematics would be assets. The successful ap- plicant will also be employed as relief switchboard _ • operator. i APPLICANTS SHOULD CONTACT THE PLANT PERSONNEL OFFICE. 23b delight inevery bite This week's 441(1101F SPECIAL is CHERRY SQUARES Regular 60c 4 V c SPECIAL Beicounts apply only on retail Pilo*: Maclntyre's Bakery �� Josephine St. Wingham Phone 357-3461 1 wit -PM WE ARE OPENING soon Wait and Save SPECIALS WATCH FOR AMAZING REDU Ni ON ALL MAJOR FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES Example: SAVE $235.00 ON 16 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR FREEZER 12 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR SAVE $11095 ON OUR OPENING SPECIAL Reg. 5469.95 Special Only $349.00 DQ MIS T1I EYE:T BURKE ELEC W Electrical Contracting And Repairs Industrial • Commercial Domestic Motor Rewinding --Motor Sales & Service—Electrical Appliances Sales A Service JOSEPHINE STREET WINGI-IAM PHONE 357-Z450 0 eA 4b l.' 0 4 h 44