HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-08-26, Page 15oUT000II TOPIC$ by RED FISHER [ryry� FISHERMEN'S HALL OF FAME. Y , 1 7w • x r • Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Aug,. 26, 1965 -= Page 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR BACK TONSCHOOL FOOTWEAR CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 3574840 WINGHAM SPORTSMEN'S CLUB WATER SKI SHOW SUNDAY, SEPT. 5th Bowling Winners of the inter -town bowling at the local greens last Thursday were as follows; Roy Bennett, Ann Geddes, Mrs. Mel Donahue of Teeswat- er, Mrs. J. Maclntyre, Herb Duffy of Teeswater, lack Porter of Teeswater, Maud Fisher, Lucknow, Ann Wisser, Tees - water, Miss Elva Watke, Miss Isabel Miller of Lucknow, Mrs. Ella Hackett, Lucknow, Mr. Dexter, Lucknow, Mrs. Wilson, Lucknow, Frank McCormick, Mrs. Dexter of Lucknow, T. Weiss of Teeswater, E. Web- ster, BROWNIE'S DRIVE -1N THEATRE -- CLINTON Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free TWO COMPLETE SNOWS NIGHTLY COME AS LATE AS 11 PM. AND SEE A COMPLETE SHOW Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. FISST SHOW AT DUSK THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 26 and 27 ,— Double Feature — "YOUR CHEATING HEART" George Hamilton -Susan Oliver The great life story of the late tamed country music singer - composer HANK WILLIAMS — Plus — `LOOKING FOR LOVE Connie Francis - Jim Hutton Color Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY August 28 and 30 father Goose CARY GRANT LESLIE CARON TREVOR HOWARD Color Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 31 - September 1 `MONDO CANE NO, 2' Daring . . Shocking .. . Completely Uninhibited .. . An Experience You'll Long Remember! (Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoon RECREATION TOPICS i by IVAN KERSELL,, Wingham Recreation Director.. The Summer Playground made all the costumes herself) program, operated by the Wing - ham Recreation Department, ends today. The wind-up event is a Penny Carnival tonight in the arena. There will be a dis- play of crafts made by the youngsters during the summer; carnival booths, sideshows and a refreshment booth. Nothing at this carnival costs more than two cents, The event will be opened by His Worship Mayor DeWitt Mil- ler and the highlight will be the crowning of Miss Wingham Playground 1965 by Mayor Mil- ler. All children and parents are invited to attend. 0--0--0 Last Friday the youngsters went to Inverhuron Provincial Park for a swimming party and picnic. While we were up there we also visited the Nuclear Pow- er Station at Douglas Point. The children thoroughly enjoy- ed themselves and this was one of the most enjoyable of special events. o--o--o On Tuesday of last week, members of the swimming pro- gram put on a very fine water safety show. The pool staff (especially Mrs. McDowell who CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON THUR. 26 - FRI. 27 - SAT. 28 All the color, excitement, gla- mour and daring of the Circus is captured in CIRCUS WORLD in Color --Starring John Wayne - Claudia Cardin- ale - Rita Hayworth and other Favourites Show Times -7:00 and 9:30 p.m. MON. - TUES, - WEDNES. Aug. SO -31 - Sept. 1 HERE'S HOW TO MURDER YOUR WIFE in Technicolor—Starring Jack Lemmon - Virna List, Got a wife around you don't want -- get some advice from Jack Lemman and lots of laughs (Adult Entertainment) Show Times -7:15 and 0:20 p.m. IuIIIuIIIMIn•IIISIIIuI11•11111IIIuIIISIIIuIII■IIIIIiISIIISnhlIfIIIIAllINllIuIllrlllrllll x, SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM -- PHONE 357-1630 WED.-THUR.-FRI. AUGUST 25-26-27 "CLARENCE, THE CROSS-EYED LION" Colour — Starring: Marshall Thompson - Betsy Drake He had his cross-eyed lion—She had her gorillas: it took a teenager and the lion to get them to the altar. One show on Wed. and Thur. at 8:00. Two shows on Fri. at 7:15 and 9:15. SAT.-MON.-TUES. AUGUST 28-30-31 "GIRLS ON THE BEACH" Colour — Starring: Martin West • Noreen Corcoran - The Crickets - The Beach Boys and Lesley Gore This one takes off where the othere leave off. The jet aatlon surf set hits the beaches for fun, Two shows Saturday at 7:15 and 9:15. One show on Mon. and Tues, at 8:00. COMING NEXT ---- WED.•THUR:FRI. SEPTEMBER 1.2.3 "QUICK BEFORE IT MELTS" h Ilrl IIlt11I�IIIIW l�hl�l Iltrl il�u ilRl I IRrI IwniAltl�r(I�IrIrU rrlllrlir/lil/Ni�lii�llr[il and the young swimmers work- ed very hard to put on this wa- ter display and deserve our praise and appreciation for a very fine job. On Friday (tomorrow) the Red Cross examiner will be here, to test swimmers who have tak- en part in the learn -to -swim program. Mrs. McDowell is very pleased with the progress they have made and is quite confident that most of them will achieve the awards they are trying for. The testing on Friday marks the end of continual supervised swimming. However, there will be lifeguards on duty at certain times of the day until the Labour Day week -end: from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from '7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day, Monday to Sunday. If the temperature drops below 70 de- grees there will be no lifeguard on duty. Remember --when the red flag is flying (or no flag at all) there is no lifeguard on duty. Only when the green flag is flying and the sign reads "Lifeguard on Duty" is the swimming area supervised. 0--0--0 Roller skating at the arena is as popular as ever and will continue until mid-October, when the ice will be put in for winter skating. At long last we have small boot skates for child- ren ages 11, 12 and 13. In women's skates we now have sizes as small as size 3 and in men's skates we have sizes as small as size 4. Admission price for children 12 years and under has been adjusted to 20¢ and 15¢ for rental of skates. Commencing Thursday, September 2nd we are switch- ing the Friday night's roller skating to Thursday night asthe Kinsmen Club will hold Friday night dances throughout the winter. The Kinsmen plan to work with the Teen Town Coun- cil in this enterprise and in- clude the young people in the planning process. The dances will be well supervised and the activity has the wholehearted support of the Recreation De- partment. If the parents are concerned about the adequacy of the supervision they might • consider volunteering as chap- erones. BE WATER WISE Don't take a running dash into the water when you return to the cottage hot and over- tired. Lie in the shade to cool off for a while and then take your dip. umunimummesimmiiiii HARRISTON DRIVEIN THEATRE WED. 25 - THUR. 26 - FRI. 27 HOW THE WEST WAS WON In Color Stars Janes Stewart and Debbie Reynolds —One Showing Each Night— Starting at 9:30 p.m. Thurs. Night $1.50 per car load SATURDAY, AUG. 28 ONLY ELVIS PRESLEY in ROUSTABOUT Plus—MA and PA KETTLE in THE KETTLES GO TO TOWN SUN. LATE SHOW, AUG. 20 BACK DOOR TO HELL Plus — MORRO THE WITCH DOCTOR (Adult Entertainment/ 111111. BIG FiSH - BIG SMILE -- You can tell by the smite on Andy Winters' face his sentiments about the pike he is holding. Andy caught the 37-incli monster last week in the Teeswater River. It weighed in at 14 pounds. He had previously caught a six and a nine pounder when he captured the granddaddy of them all. Andy said he was going to have it mounted, even if his wife didn't like the idea of having it in their living room. Sarnia and Wingham Tied The Wingham Squirts and Sarnia won one game each last week to even their best of three O, A. S. A. zone semifinals at I tk i� CATCH 'EM "ACCIDENTLY" Some fish are caught deliber- ately, others by accident. How else do you explain the unexpected strikes that occur after unsnarling a first-class backlash that interrupted cast- ing for several minutes? Or the pause to light a smoke that re- sults in an explosion of water and bass? If these are accidents, then say the Mercury outboard people, we ought to have more of them. Such catches are not happen- stance. They could have been planned that way ... provided the angler was a bit more patient, and more toler- ant of a fish's fundamental right to careful- ly consider and inspect its vit- ties. Asarule, fish- FISHER ermen using topwater and bot- tom running plugs are overly an- xious to produce action. They not only retrieve too fast, but the retrieve is started too soon. Granted, there are exceptions to this: those occasions when anything works as soon as it srhacks the water. But during a long, dry spell a few intentional rest periods for the lure are in order. After making a cast, wait! Wait for at least 60 seconds, perhaps k:nger. This period of inactivity is painful, but productive. A carefully calculated delay, just like its accidental counter- part, calms down fish frightened by the lure's initial splash, The longer the pltig lies motionless the more curious the fish gets. A slight twitch gives life to the lure, resembling the feeble move, ments of a nnottientariiy stunned insect or animal starting to re- vive. No self-respecting fish that's been paying close atten- tion can resist taking a swipe. And that, buddy, Is ho accident, 1Defeat'llespeler For Semi.Fiinals Wingham Squirts defeated Hespeler in two games straight to advance to the,zone semi- final against Sarnia by scores of '7 to 6 and 11 to 8. The games were both played in Wingham. The team officials are very disappointed in the number of fans who turned out for the games. one apiece. Sarnia won the first game August 14, 9-2 in Wingham with a very small crowd on hand for the game. The game was close until the fourth inn- ing when Samia struck for seven runs. Wingham took an early first inning lead when Pete Houghton walked, stole second and scored on Bobby LaRose's single. Sarnia tied the game in the second and put the game away with their fourth inning uprising. Billy Brown was the top Win ham batter with two hits. Brian McTaggart led Sarnia with a pair of doubles and Mike Hobbin added two singles. 0--0--0 Last Saturday the local team edged Sarnia 2 to 1 behind the hitting power supplied by Bruce Skinn. Once again Wingham took an early lead as Skinn hit a lead off single in the first and took third on an over -throw. Skinn scored on a passed ball. Sarnia threatened to tie the game in their half of the first with a pair of successive singles with two out, but Tommy Lee got the next batter on a fly ball to the short stop. Skinn put Wingham two runs up with a one out home run in the third. The Squirt's infield played a tight defensive game and kept Sarnia from scoring until the sixth when they put an error, an infield out and a single to- gether to pick up their only run. Again in the seventh, Sarnia threatened to score when Klas- sin walked with two out and moved to third on a single. Rob- bin then popped to the pitcher to end the game. Gordon Tedball led Sarnia as he collected three hits. R H E Sarnia 010 '700 1 9 9 1 Wingham 100 000 1 2 5 8 McTaggart and Moore; D. Murray and R. Murray. R E Wingham 101 000 0 2 4 1 Sarnia 000 001 0 1 8 1 CHIiDREN MUST OBEY siCYCLE SAFETY RULES One young rider on a small two -wheel vehicle can be a menace to trucks, motor cars, trailers or moving vans. The young bicycle rider who breaks the rules may be almost invisi- ble to the drivers of the big vehicles. The unpredictable child hitching a ride beside or behind a truck may cause a serious accident and perhaps lose his own life. Wingham Kinsmen Dance Pavilion FORMERLY THE ROYAL T WILL OPEN for Your Dancing Pleasure FRIDAY, SEPT. 3rd WiTH MUSiC BY "THE ALL-STARS" FEATURING BRIAN PAULEY There will be Dancing EVERY FRIDAY FROM SEPT. 3rd featuring all the GOOD BANDS the bestselling beer in Canada Any beer this popular you should try! Carling Black Label Beer brims over with thirst -drenching flavour! Pour a tall cool one tonight ...you'll know why Black Label is the big favourite with people coast to coast! sa-y: "MABEL, BLACK LABEL.►" NOW AVAILABLE IN NEW ZIP -OPENING CANS