HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-08-19, Page 13News Items from Corrie Miss Edna Lawrence, TOrQn- to and Rey., and Mrs. Harry Jennings, Brussels visited Mrs, Chas. Lawrence. Mrs, Ruby Goodwin, Lloyd- minster, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Grainger and other relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Her- bert, of Tottenham, Mr, and Mrs, Miles McMillan, Tees water, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. T, L, McInnes. Rev. Walter Pickford, rec- tor of St. David's Church, Wind sor, former resident of Wing - 'CANADIAN EXHIDITION aug 20- seAMPpt 6 MINIMMININ where else can you see so much in one place at one time? PRINCES' GATES—Through these gates lies the time of your life. There's over a mile of midway, over 50 different buildings you can visit for free. You'll find more to do and more to see than you can ever imagine. GIANT HOBBY SHOW—Find yourfavorite hobby among the displays and demonstrations of 41 different hobbies in the General Exhibits Buildings. THE HOCKEY HALL OF FAME—Intriguing souvenirs and mementos from the world of sports. FAMOUS CANADIAN INDIANS —A new exhibit this year paying tribute to the culture and skill of the Canadian Indian of yesterday and today. INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW—Streaking overhead on Sept. 3 and 4, the raciest aircraft in the world are put through their paces. BETTER LIVING CENTRE—See the first public demon- stration of the amazingly versatile laser light beam. You'll also find all that's new in the homemaking world. 25 ACRES OF AGRICULTURAL WEALTH—Here under one roof is the largest indoor agricultural display in the world. INTERNATIONAL SHOPPER'S MARKET—The rare and exotic are yours to look at and buy in this fascinating market -place where over 20 countries display their wares. QUEEN ELIZABETH BUILDING—Relax in the World of Women, while you enjoy free fashion shows and cooking demonstrations. MATINEE SPACE FUN FEST—See the Bell Rocket -belt Team soar overhead at the afternoon grandstand show, plus the fabulous Italian Beatles and the Liverpool Set. THE NATIONAL HORSE SHOW—International Cham- pions of world -renown meet at the Horse Show to vie for coveted awards—Aug. 20-26. DELIGHTFUL BAND CONCERTS—The world champion New Zealand National Band will fill the air with music twice daily, free at the Bandshell. SIGHTSANDSOUNDSOFTHESIXTIES—The Evening Grandstand Spectacular features the Kings of Comedy, Victor Borge (Aug. 20-27) and Bob Hope (Aug. 28 -Sept. 4), headlining the sparkling grandstand showwith the Women- folk, Doug Crossley, Debbie Lori Kaye, and a host of Inter- national talent. Order your tickets now. INTERNATIONAL TRACK MEET— Canada's top track stars will be competing against a field of top-ranked inter- national athletes on Sept. 6. AQUARAMA '65—Water-skiing, kite -skiing, and world championship high -diving from heights to 110 feet are all yours to enjoy. Free every day on the waterfront. THE WORLD OF FASHION—The latest in fashions— from Parisian and Canadian couturiers—are on parade in the Queen Elizabeth Building every day. SPECIAL DAYS DURING C.N.E. Fri. Aug. 20 Sat. Aug. 21 Mon. Aug. 23 Tues. Aug. 24 Wed. Aug. 25 Thurs. Aug. 26 Fri. Aug. 27 Sat. Aug. 28 Mon. Aug. 30 Tues. Aug. 31 Wed. Sept. 1 Thurs. Sept. 2 Fri. Sept. 3 Sat. Sept. 4 Mon. Sept. 6 Opening Day Warriors' Day Young Canada & Education Automotive Day Food Products & Merchants' Day Floral, Music, Arts & Health Day Press, Radio & Television Day International & Athletic Day Women's Day Manufacturers' & Service Club Day Electrical Day Transportation & Communications Day Farmers' & Livestock Parade Day Citizens' & Cadet Day Labour Day CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION W. H. Evans, President L. C. Powell, General Manager 041, Ins NOT OPEN SUNDAYS AINNEMINIVININN ham, was guest preacher Sun, day morning at St. Stephen's Anglican Church. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Switzer, Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Switzer and family of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Schmidt, St. Jacobs, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mr. Peter Jensen, Miss Rosi - land Evan' and Mr. Robert Ev- ans of Embro, Mr. Wm. Koster„ Lakeside and Mr. Roy Koster, Ingersoll were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koster. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Broadley and family of Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kune and family of Woodstock spent Sat- urday at the same home. Jim and Glen Koster are spending the week at Woodstock. Mrs. George Searson and James, Hanover, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Searson. Mr. Robert Searson Jr. and Miss Mary Fischer of Chepstow were mar- ried Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tucker, Trowbridge, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy. Mrs. Winnie Walker and other friends from London visit- ed Mrs. May Jackson on Sun- day. Mrs. Albert Dustow is a pa- tient in Wingham Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Quarrie and Mrs. Anson Mc- Cluskie of Lefroy were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy. Miss Alma Koster is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hackett of Woodstock. Mrs. Louise Christenson, Hartford, Conn. , and Miss Edith Inman, Long Island, N.Y., were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin. Sgt . and Mrs. Glenn Austin and fam- ily of Oakville were also guests at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Temple- man and family are on a months trip to the West coast. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman holidayed at Lookout Lodge near Lion's Head and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Haskins at Lion' s Head. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Isaacs, Bob and Bill of Akron, Ohio, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl King, Carl, Doug and Karen visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Carson in Brockville. They also visited Ottawa, took in the Thousand Island cruise, visited Upper Canada Village and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin, Joan and Anne of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. Bert Hubbard and Miss Sharon' Hub- bard. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ramage of Vineland visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade. Rev. F. W. and Mrs. Tay- lor have returned after visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Snel- grove of Dunrobin and also Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Colby of Lake- side Heights, Quebec. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robertson on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Len Crawford and Robert of Wing - ham; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crawford and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Sheardown and family, all of Goderich; Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Crothall, Miss- es Marjorie and Madelon Craw- ford of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crawford and family of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collins, Bervie and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Crawford and family of Toronto. TRAIN TO FROM TORONTO tl 3pF/AM akabout convenient eo,rtur, and return times For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office ONE BAYE WHITE FA RE PARC $.00 CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 curse or money For Newlyweds BLUEVALE—Mr. and Mrs, Ross Nicholson (formerly Shir- Blluevale News Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Groves and their grandson, Jimmie Higgins of Akron, Ohio,, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, ley Johnston) were honored by many friends on Friday evening Gordon Hall. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Orvis, Diane and Sharon in the community hall when a of Sault Ste. Marie are spend- dance and shower was held for ing their holidays with Mr. and them, Mrs, Hall and other membersof Miss Grace Mathers read a the family. congratulatory address and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Craig Lloyd Wheeler presented a were the host and hostess for friends purse of money to the bride and many on Wednesday, Thursday groom, on behalf of their and Friday evenings, in honor of their daughter, friends and neighbors. Mrs, Kathleen, whose marriage to Ross Smith presented a gift Mr. Frank Workman takes from the Junior Farmers, place in Bluevale United Church Music for dancing was pro- on Saturday evening, August vided by Wilbee's orchestra, 21st, following which refreshments Forty members of Bluevale were served. Women's Institute and friends enjoyed a delightful bus trip on BLUEVALE August 10th to Brantford and Mrs. M. L. Aitken and Mrs, other points, visiting the Bell Donald Street and Linda of Lis- Homestead, the Indian Reserve, and Mohawk Chapel, Hamil- towel visited at Beeton and Al- ton, and the Adelaide Hoodless listen on Friday. Home at St. George. Grade XIII Results d El 4 xi ao w 41 ti R cr.g6A a d4w� Adams, Philip 54 79 64 65 56 Alcorn, Frederick 58 74 74 73 71 74 55 Anderson, Kenneth 58 70 66 65 64 Bieman, Douglas 52 74 73 69 72 82 66 Bismayer, Stanley 60 50 53 54 Bane, Keith 70 64 71 66 80 60 Busby, Harry 52 60 70 66 58 Cameron, Sandra 64 77 78 64 74 Campbell, Douglas 67 Campbell, Harold 50 75 70 61 71 80 67 Campbell, John P. 58 60 58 59 Campbell, John R. 50 69 52 59 74 56 Casagrande, Ruth 56 84 76 86 75 77 87 Chettleburgh, Thomas 63 62 56 53 81 Clark, Terrence 50 59 51 53 64 Congram, Charles 53 54 Coultes, Ruth 56 Crawford, Sara 64 70 59 51 Cruikshank, Jane 68 56 61 56 Deneau, James 57 59 88 84 65 58 Dinsmore, Gail 70 70 66 66 66 Douglas, Wayne 53 56 55 53 58 57 56 Edgar, Catherine 55 53 65 51 54 Errington, Eleanor 62 69 71 82 62 50 Farrier, Wayne 60 58 58 i 57 78 50 Finnigan, Lynn 55 53 62 Galbraith, Jack 70 72 65 Garniss, Martin 51 61 57 53 53 54 54 Green, Marion 63 64 71 62 53 Harrison, Allan 64 60 58 Haugh, Mary 64 69 59 63 75 Hueston, Brock 60 72 61 Ireland, Myrna 60 55 70 65 79 59 Jamieson, Mary Lou 53 55 63 57 Kerr, George 60 57 72 Kerr, Esther 50 74 57 52 66 59 Kilpatrick, Karen 51 51 77 53 Kreuter, David 80 60 54 Machan, Glen 57 60 65 60 71 79 58 MacLennan, Brenda .,64 78 73 73 79 65 MacRae, Connie 55 53 53 50 53 MacTavish, Kenneth 51 61 75 68 79 51 McAfee, Jane 54 69 64 McIntyre, William 50 53 51 53 78 McKinnon, Joseph 74 69 50 McOrmond, Maureen 58 53 59 McTaggart, Douglas 61 82 75 63 64 74 61 Merkley, Terry .._ 57 51 75 57 60 Michie, Ruth 66 68 Millen, Shirley 64 77 64 55 60 Mitchell, William 70 64 55 O'Malley, Dennis 50 59 Parker, Bruce 51 59 Pidgeon, Cherrie 61 65 57 50 Press, Russell 65 72 81 72 64 71 Procter, Joyce 65 50 71 78 70 77 Procter, Murray 72 69 82 79 79 Reid, Katherine 64 60 71 51 50 Roane, Cheryl . • 57 55 54 66 Robinson, Carol 50 74 50 80 Robinson, James 68 91 90 97 90 90 86 Russell, Marlene 59 55 77 50 60 78 Schaefer, Mary Ann 58 86 68 62 61 66 Scott, Richard 60 81 61 65 Sleightholm, Elgin 50 81 52 68 72 Smith, Floyd 51 88 83 82 72 86 62 Smyth, Doreen 58 55 65 61 51 59 Stadelmann, Louis 50 61 61 62 61 56 Statia, Gail 58 56 65 57 65 61 50 Strong, Paul 62 78 68 59 57 52 Taylor, Donald 59 54 55 65 72 Thompson, Mary Helen. 65 87 61 50 61 Wall, William 76 75 62 77 72 Watson, John ........ 54 64 59 51 Whitfield, Donald 55 58 61 69 59 Willis, John ... _.........._54 59 65 59 81 72 67 Winger, Ruth .. 53 63 66 Woods, Lorna 63 85 75 67 70 80 62 Wright, Lynne 59 73 53 61 61 GRADE XII WRITING GRADE XIII ZOOLOGY Campbell, Robert, 82; Crewson, Robert, 75; Deyell, Thomas, 83; Ellacott, Thomas, 79; Elliott, Alma Jane, 74; Elliott, Douglas, 89; Forsyth, Judith, 60; Gibson, D,arryl, 87; Dowing, Rosemary, 68; Harrison, Ward, 81; Henderson, Janis, 58; Kerr, Brian, 89; King, Jo Anne, 6i; Madill, Glen, 65; Mahood, Linda, 76; Millen, Elizabeth, 85; Millen, Robert, 69; Mitchell, James, 76; Nesmith, James, 90; Norminton, Susan, 52; Pattison, Doreen, 63; Reynolds, Wendy, 59; Schipper, Roelie, 64; Scott, Barry, 83; Walters, Ken. neth, 81; Wightman, Ross, 78; Wilbee, June, 64. Wingham Advance -Timet', Thursday, Aug. 19, 1965 - Page Corrie Personals Miss Elizabeth Neilson is visiting at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Shiell of Listowel. Miss Jean $Town returned home Sunday after spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Brooks of St. George, Miss Katharine Shiell, Lis- towel is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs, David Neilson. Mr, and Mrs, Blake McMil- lan and family visited Sunday with Sgt. and Mrs. Glenn Aus- tin of Oakville. Michael Aus- tin accompanied them home and Miss Sharon McMillan stay- ed for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Krotzf of Hanover visited Saturday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs, John Baylor and Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Clegg. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dettman of Bluevale and Mrs. Henry Dettman, Clifford, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd on Sunday. Reunion Held At Bluevale The MacFarlane-Raynard reunion, held at the Bluevale Conservation Park was attended by people from Kitchener, Lucknow, Bluevale, Listowel and Nova Scotia. Bagpipe music was enjoyed before and after supper. Officers elected were Syl- vester Raynard, pres. , Mrs. Paul Leith, sec., Mrs. Gordon MacPherson, treas., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Raynard, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Leith, sports, Mrs. Wm. Raynard. Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Grain- ger visited a couple of days with Mr, and Mrs, James Mc- Kie of Norwich, Mrs, Jas. Graham, Toronto, is visiting Mr, and Mrs, Harold Robinson. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Huctwith of Wallaceburg visited over last week -end with Mr. and Mrs Alex Graham. Mr, and Mrs, Leonard San- derson and family visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Er- nest Campbell of Wallaceburg. Mr, and Mrs, Chester Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques of Clifford visited Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Underwood. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and family visited Sunday with Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain of Bay- field. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hastie, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Kraf- ka were guests Saturday at the Kranson-Hastie wedding in Streetsville United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Milton at Duclos Point on Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Bluevole News Miss Diane Hunter visited Miss Mary Lillow for a few days and both returned to Cleveland House, Muskoka, where they have .summer employment. Flexible Talk about flexible! At the Lord Simcoe there's something to suit e\F'ry occasion — luxury suites, economical singles — dine and dance in the Captain's Table or snack in the sparkling Cafeteria. Next time, enjoy your stay in Toronto more at the LORD S MCOE HOTEL 150 King St. West, Toronto. Tel: 362-1848 Waterloo University College THE FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE OF WATERLOO LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY invites GRADUATES OF GRADE XIII to apply for admission to General and Honors B.A. Programs in Business Adminis- tration, Economics, Englisch, French, Geography, German, Greek, History, Latin, Philosophy, Planning, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish. And General B.Sc, Programs in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics. Admission to B.A. and B.Sc. Programs: Average of 60 percent preferred in 9 Grade 13 credits (formerly papers). SCHOLARSHIPS: Ranging in value from $2,280 to $6,000 for ALL students with an aderage of 80 percent in 9 Grade 13 credits, Applicants with 75 percent or better are eligible for scholarships of $2,080 to $2,180, For Information, Calendars and Application Fornis, write or telephone: Miss Helene Forler -- Admissions Waterloo University College Waterloo Lutheran University WATERLOO, Ontario