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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-07-29, Page 4
Page 4-Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 29, 1965 A GROUP OF THE JUNIORS are shown in the waters of the Maitland River at Gorrie where 190 children are taking instruction sponsored by the Gorrie Red Cross organ- ization. Instructors Linda Johnston are game in the water. —Photo by Cantelon. Don Whitfield and shown conducting a Fordwich Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doig and fam- ily spent the week -end with relatives in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jordan returned last week after spend- ing two weeks at their.cottage near Byng Inlet. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and three children are spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. Mr. Jack Browne attended Grand Lodge of the Masonic • 51n1 PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 51/2% interest, payable half - yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. • \STERLING TRUSTS maw 372 Bay St., Toronto • 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga E., Barrie Orillia • UNITRON HEARING AIDS MaII TI ©a CANADA CANADA'S OWN HEARING AID "THE KEY TO THE WONDER OF SOUND" Unitron Industries Ltd, manufacturers of the UTC -21 Bat- tery Charger for hearing aid batteries now make available for the first time, a quality hearing aid made in Canada. This unique hearing aid combines features designed for peak performance and satisfaction while withstanding the temperature extremes of the Canadian climate. Another first from Unitron is our "Factory to Customer" guarantees, on products and service. All our products are purchased direct from the plant in Kitchener and serviced by our own technicians. Complete hearing tests given in our fully equipped testing roams at the plant or in the privacy of your home. Unitron also eliminates battery costs to purchasers by sup- plying a Battery Charger and batteries with every Hearing Aid. Charger and batteries also sold separately to those now using 675 type batteries. If you have a hearing problem you want to help, it would be beneficial to check with Unitron and inquire about this fine Canadian instrument. Clip coupon and mail for com- plete details on how you can save money with Unitron products. UNITRON INDUSTRIES LTD. 48 FULTON AVENUE • KITCHENER, ONT. Please send without obligation: Dinforrnation on the Unitron Hearing Aid Dlhformation on the UTC -21 Charger and Batteries Name Address City Tel. 15-22-29A19 • Order held in Toronto last week. Mrs. Jack Browne, David and Janet spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Duncan in Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allen of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Alien Miss Karen Brown is spend- ing this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bott in Alma. Mrs. Peter Brown, Teddy and Peter, Misses Loma Jean Brown and Anne Miller are spending this week at Amber - ley. Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Les- lie Campbell, Mrs. Ted Klaas- sen, Hannah and Teddy spent Tuesday in Guelph and visited with Mrs. Robt. Campbell in St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph. Mrs. Ida Gallagher of Lis- towel spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement. Mrs. Roy Simmons, Mrs. Doug Wildfang, Brian and Paul visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mulvey at Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Demer- ling and little daughter return- ed to their home in Fenelon Falls over the week -end, after visiting with relatives here the past two weeks. Mrs. Carl D'Arcy is enjoy- ing three weeks' vacation. Miss Terry Curts, who has been visiting the past couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement, returned home to Georgetown on Sunday. Mr. Robt. Jacques, and two daughters, Barbara and Donna of Kernpville, N. S. and Mrs. Irwin Fletcher of Hamilton visited one day last week with Mrs. R, Watters and with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller, Karen, Eileen, and Grant spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Aitcheson. Miss Sharon Miller returned home with them after spending two weeks with the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Agincourt spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Wilson. Miss Valerie Gibson spent two weeks at Camp Minnekaka in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wildfang and family of Galt spent the week -end with Mrs. Nina Arm- strong, who returned home af- ter spending the past three weeks in Galt with Mr. and Mrs Irwin McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern and Mr. and Mrs. CarrollJohn- son are spending this week at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson, Alice, Kenneth and Susan left by motor Friday on a trip to Minto, N.B. WHITECHURCH Mr. Barry Tiffin of Waterloo spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John McIn- nes and family of Bluevale. G%bson Reunion Held at Listowel FORDWICH-- Over 125 des- cendants of the late Robert and Esther Gibson gathered in Lis- towel Memorial Park for the annual reunion on July 18th, William Roberts, Listowel, assisted by Mrs, ti. Doig and Mr, C. Gibson, secretary, wel- comed relatives from Elora, Palmerston, Listowel, Wing - ham, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Ford- wich, Brussels, Belgrave, Den- field, London, Guelph, George town and Toronto. Elmer Williamson, Ford- wich, presided over the business period when the minutes of the last reunion were read.Message: were received from Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Armstrong, Saska- toon and Campbell Gibson, Athens. Election of officers for 1966 was held: President, Ronald McClement, Fordwich; vice- president, Robert Gibson, Lis- towel; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Howard Greenwood, Listowel. Prizes were awarded to old- est lady, Mrs, Elmer William- son; oldest gentleman, Dave Armstrong; 14th wedding an- niversary, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Stewart; person coming farthest distance, Peter Bride, Toronto; birthday nearest April Fool's Day, Mrs. Cam Stewart; young- est baby, Ronnie McClement, WHITLCHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jim Angus and Carl of Goderich visited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ar- buckle and Mrs. Laura Manto. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ireland of Lagoon, Calif. , are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ire- land. Mr. and Mrs. George Currie visited on Sunday with McPher- son Bros. of Holyrood. Mr. Elmer Ireland flew to New York and spent a few days last week at the World's Fair. We are sorry to report that Mrs. George Tiffin, formerly of this area, now of Lucknow, was admitted Monday to Wing - ham and District Hospital. The community extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw, whose mar- riage was last Saturday. They will reside on the groom's farm east of Whitechurch on the Riverside road. Mrs, Emerson Austin of Lon- don is visiting with her sister, Mrs Robert Stewart and Mr. Stewart of Langside. Stephen and Michael Mont- gomery of Wingham visited the last two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson and family. Mr. Jack McKay of Wawota, Sask., spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Pur- don of Lucknow and on Monday left for a visit with relatives at Guelph. Mr, and Mrs. Angus Falcon- er, Allan and Kevin, Mr, and Mrs. Henry LeBlanc and Stuart of Streetsville, Mr. and Mrs, Relison Falconer and Lynn of Bright's Grove were week -end visitors with Mrs, Cecil Falcon- er, alconer, Brian and Paul, who had vacationed here last week, re- turned home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer, 80ESEWIFE CANNING AND FREEZER SUPPLIES hill711111111111ftiftft—Home Hardware Stores 1.97 PRESERVING KETTLE Blue enamel, the housewife's favourite. With bale handle for easy pouring. G.S.W. COLD PACK CANNER Brilliant blue enamel with wire rack. Many year round uses, as well as canning. No. 20 15 quart 3.27. No. 24 20 quart 4.57 BLANCHER 4.57 Blue enamel 2 piece with cover. For deep freeze perfection. ROTARY RICER 3.38 Rustproof, large size aluminum. Presses fruits, extracts juices, rices and strains. Complete with sturdy stand and wood pusher. No. C2518-22 WOODEN SPOON. SET 3 Piece smooth, 33 well formed • for canning. set BOTTLE CAPPER Sturdy, all metal, easy to use. Foly quality, mashes, rices and strains with a turn of the handle. Household size. 2.97 2.77 HOME HARDWARE STORES TRY Boi 1preof. I easily cleaned • 57 ,• iunbreakable nylon ASK TO SEE OUR COMPLETE RANGE OF FREEZER AIDS. PRESERVING FUNNEL tDER TO SERVE STAINTON HARDWEAR DIAL 357-2910 WINGHAM, ONTARIO HP PR!ZES EVERV WEEI( in Elmer's Summer Safety Contest! 2 CCM• IMPERIAL MARK IV BIKES ONE BOY'S AND ONE GIRL'S AND ONE GIRL'S 25 L Y T E ACCESSORY KITS lri Each kit contains bicycle lock, handle grips, bell, mud flap and streamers. HERE'S HOW 1 Cut this contest out of paper along dotted lines and color the picture. Or draw o picture that looks like this and color it, 2 List on separate sheet of poper the seven things wrong in the picture. 3 Mail contest and list to ad• dress on Entry Form. Don't for- get to fill in your name and address. 4 All entries become the pro• perry of Elmer the Safety Ele- phant and cannot be returned. 5 Children of employees of this newspaper, the Ontario Safety League and C.C.M. may not enter. 6 Any child of elementary school age may enter. 7 Judges will be Traffic Safety authorities. Judges' decision is final. ELMER SAYS; This contest is based on my rule, "Ride your Bike safely, obey all signs and signals." All you have to do is find the seven errors here then color this picture — it's fun. v • s 4 4 4 4 r Mail before Aug. 4th to: ELMER c/o ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET WEST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO Contest No. 2 NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS • AGE TELEPHONE (Town or City) Boy . Girl •