HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-07-15, Page 12Page 4-Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 15, 1965 Fordwich Personais Mrs, Mary Sanderson is spen- ding two weeks at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacklin in St. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jacobson, Kiln and Shelley left on Sunday for a three weeks' holiday to Unity, Sask. , and Surrey, B.C. Mr. Clayton Coher is taking a summer course at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario in Lon- don and Mr. Everitt Cooper is attending summer school at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Cann spent the week -end with relatives in Georgetown. Members of Fordwich and Newbridge L. 0. L. and L. 0.13. A. attended the Orange cele- bration held in Wingham on Saturday. Mr. Amos Attwood of Tees - water visited Sunday with Mrs. Phyllis l3olander and sons. Miss Betty McClement, who has been employed the past three years with the Bell Tele- phone, Kitchener, has accept- ed a position as a switchboard receptionist at the new Ontario Hospital, near Palmerston, and commenced her duties this Monday, Miss Sharon Pollock of Kit- chener spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock. Mr, Ab I fall of Britton spent the week -end with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester spent a couple of days last week with Mr. Carl Bender and family. Mr. and Mrs. Trey llainstock of Milton visited one day last week with Mrs. W.liainstock. Mr.and Mrs.Jack King, Ran- dy and Roger and Gary Klaassen spent one day last week in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arm- strong visited Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Armstrong in Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Janice returned home last week after a week's holiday down the St. Lawrence Sea() way and at Gananoque. Mr. Neil Baylor of Burling- ton spent the week -end here 1964 METEOR 2 -DOOR, 6 Stick, Radio. 1963 FORD 4 -DOOR 6 Stick, one -owner. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Excellent condition. Low mileage. Ono owner. 1962 CHEV 4 -DOOR 6 -Standard. 1961 VALIANT STATION WAGON 4 -DOOR. Nice unit. 1959 CHRYSLER 4 -DOOR 1959 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1959 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR V-8 Stick, radio, an exceptionally clean unit. 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 -DOOR, V8, Auto., Radio. 1958 MERCURY 4 -DOOR V8, Auto., radio, P.S., P.B. 1959 CHEV 3/4 -TON TRUCK LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Your Dodge , Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 357-3862 SHOES marked down with a bad SAVINGS FOR EVERYONE DURING THIS SPECTACULAR SALES EVENT. WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES A selection of Illusion or High Heels in White, Bone or Black SALE PRICES $3.99. $4.99 - $7.99 Regular to $10.00 -BOYS' - CANVAS SNEAKERS Long wearing �t r,;:: White soles - Sixes 11 to 5 WOMEN'S SANDALS White or Bone with Medium Wedge Heel SALE PRICE $2.99 and $3.99 Black Canvas with SALE PRICE $1.69 DURING FIRST 10DAYS OF SALE All Merchandise including Spring and Summer Footwear REDUCED 10% to 50% (Hush Puppies by Grob Excludod) SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 8th - MEN'S - Sport Shoes Comfortable and Long wearing Leather or Suede Uppers $6.99 and $7.99 WOMEN'S ITALIAN STYLE SANDALS - CHILDREN'S - SNEAKERS Comfortable shoes for Active feet SALE PRICES 79c-$1.09-$1.29 arefoot comfort for Beach or Play Tan, Natural and White SALE PRICES $3.39 and $3.99 I BOYS' OXFORDS Strong wearing with Crepe or Moulded Soles SALE PRICE $3.79 BLACK ONLY -Sizes IV/. to 3 tot 311 ism tet 3110 rum rim CALLAN SHOES SEPHINE ST. PH. 357.1840 �- with his wife and family, Mrs. Peter Chlomey and two children of Port Colborne are spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and family of Stoney Creek visited over the week- end at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bott and baby of Alma visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Parker Eurig. Master Douglas Stewart of Listowel spent a couple of days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly attended the wedding reception Saturday afternoon for their niece, Miss Nancy Taylor of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. William Soth- ern, Miss Sharon Elliott, Gary Sothern, Mr. and Mrs. William Mulvey and Jeffrey visited Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Lorn Voll in Kitchener. Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.Jack Shiell at Wing - ham, Miss Debbie Witmer and Master Keith of St. Clements visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Bast. Mrs. H. Mumford of Ganan- oque is spending ten days with he daughter, Mrs. Larry Marriner and Mr. Marriner. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller, Sharon, Karen and Eileen visit- ed Sunday with their little son in Guelph Hospital and also with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Aitchison. Miss Sharon remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn, Karen and Judy of Orillia are spending a few days this week with Mrs. Dora Ridley. Mr. and Mrs.Jack Riddell of Lindsay spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride. Misses Merrilie and Laurie returned home after spending the past two weeks with their grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Riddell at Palmerston. Mrs. Marshall Finlay, Shoal Lake, Man. , Mrs. Norman Dow- ling and grandson, Paul of Har- riston, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Clyne. Mr. Fraser Pollock of Brock- ville spent the week -end at his home here. BIRTH DOIG-To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Doig of St. Catharines and formerly of Fordwich, a son, on July 9th at Hotel Dieu Hospital, St. Catharines. NN.N.N._.... *MOON .N,NNN TOWNSHIP of TURNBERRY AUDITOR'S REPORT 15th March, 1965. The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, Township of Turnberry, Bluevale, Ontario. Gentlemen: We have completed our audit of the books and accounts of the Township of Turnberry for the year ending 31st December, 1964, and have prepared the attached financial statements of the municipality. The operations for the year resulted In a surplus of $1,865.74. Tlhe balange of surplus as at 81st December, 1964 is $23,615.33. The yearly estimates were not prepared in such a manner to comply with Section 297 of the Municipal Act and we therefore cannot complete that portion of Schedule D. The Residential and Farm School Tax Assistance Grants Act 1060-61 provides that the tax rate levied for school purposes on residential and farm assessments in the municipality shall be only 90 percent of the rate levied for such purposes on the com- mercial assessments in the same municipality. We would ask that this act •be followed in computing the mill rate for bhe Wingham District High School in 1965. Subject to the qualifications concerning the failure to pre- pare a budget as prescribed by Section 297 of the Municipal Act and to reduce the residential high school rate in accordance with the Residential and Farm School Tax Assistance Grants Act 1980-61, we hereby report: 1) The financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. 2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of bhe municipality as at 31st December, 1964, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. We have appreciated the co-operation which we have re- ceived from your township officials. Respectfully submitted, MONTEITH, MONTEITH & 00., Chartered Accountants. License No. 2636. Date of Filing -April 2nd, 1965. Unit Holds July Meeting FORDWICH-The Afternoon Unit of Fordwich United Church Women held the July meeting in the Sunday School rooms. The worship service by Mrs. Crosby Sothern was on the theme, "Self Control". Mrs. Jack Wilson read the Scripture and Miss Violet Beswitherick offered prayer. The program on temperance was taken by Mrs. George Ash- ton and Mrs. Sam Johnston. Miss Leslie Campbell sang a solo. Mrs. WarrelfZurbrigg had charge of the business. A sym- pathy card was sent to Rev. Milton Cook, owing to the death of his mother, a former Fordwich resident and an act- ive church worker. A committee was named to arrange a social afternoon for senior citizens. Lunch was ser- ved. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jordan are spending two weeks at their cottage in Byng Inlet. ....NNNNN.N.NN.MNNN FORDWICH Mr. and Mrs. Carroll John- son, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mason and little son, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnson and family, Mr.and Mrs. William Mann and Mr.and Mrs.Jack Mann and children attended the Mann re- union in Galt Park on Sunday. Douglas and David Hargrave were week -end visitors with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hargrave in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Browne, Teddy and Peter and Miss Loma Browne spent the week- end with relatives in Toronto. Lorna remained and will spend this week with her sister, Miss Marie Browne. Little Jeffrey Espinsin was able to return home Friday from Listowel Hospital, where he had been confined the past two weeks with a severe ear infection. Mrs. Gordon Steinacker is attending summer school for five weeks in London and Misses Pat Harris and Nancy Neal are at Stratford. Mrs. Belle Durnan of Toron- to spent last week with her niece, Mrs. W. Wilson and Mr. Wilson. Sall*I•1•0101*****P1.161..... WINGHAM L.O.L. No. 794 brought up the sion. Wingham members were congratu- rear of the Orange parade last Saturday, fated for their efforts in organizing the which saw some 38 lodges in the proces- walk. CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 81, 1964 ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schelude 18) Duo from Sch. Ratepayers (for Debentures) Public and Continuation $180,000.00 Collegiate and High 78,416.00 .Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) Future Debenture Levies Receivable ., Capital Grant-Wingham General Hospital -1953 (at outstanding deb. value) .,., LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured Hospitals $ 1,400.00 $ 46,426.53 253,416.00 177.78 1,400.00 *301,420.31 $ 1,400.00 Drainage (other than General) 177.78 Schools Public and Continuation 180,000.00 Total Debentures ,Assumed from Other Munici- palities (Schedule 2) Investment In Capital Assets 180,000.00 $181,577.78 73,416.00 48,426.53 $301,420,31 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 81, 1964 ASSETS Cash on Hand $ 1,342.03 Cash in Bank $ 1,342.03 Accounts Receivable Sundry 472.85 472.85 Due from Province of Ontario 7,078.90 Due from Other Municipalities 185.14 Due from Other Funds Municipal Drains 217.75 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) 22,830.73 Other Assets Deferred Charges Total Assets LIABILITIES Bank Overdraft Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) Due to Other Funds Municipal Drains $ 7.81 Surplus (Form C) 217.75 22,630.73 1,417.09 $ 33,344.49 $ 721.35 9,000.00 7.81 23,615.33 Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 33,344.49 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS OR DEFICIT ACCOUNT December ,81, :1964 Debit Credit Balance $ 24,524.83 Balance at January 1, 1964 .. Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget Adjustments affecting opera- tions of previous years Drainage Bal. written off 1 Bal. after above adjustments Surplus or Deficit for the year (Form D) 2,775.24 1,865.74 Totals of Dr. and Cr. cols. ....$ 2,775.24 $ 28,390.57 Balance of Surplus or Deficit at Dec. 31, 1964 (Form B) $ 24,524.83 $ 21,749.59 $ 23,615.33 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 81, 1964 REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Schedule 3) Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario - Welfare Assistance $ 4,203.40 Highway Improvement 20,043.71 Payments in lieu of municipal taxes 151.87 Unconditional Per Capita Grants 4,164.00 Other -Warble Fly 260.62 Other Municipalities County of Huron Health 490.69 Licenses and Permits (Incl. dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues - Service Charges 238.70 Recreation and Community Services Miscellaneous - Deferred Revenue Adjustment 632.02 Gross Total Revenue Total Revenue Section EXPENDITURE General Government Executive and Legislative $ 1,252.50 Administrative 4,007.76 Other 329.14 Protection to Persons and Property Fire 796.12 Street Lighting 762.61 Protective Inspection 398.09 Flood Control 1,013.55 Sheep Killed by Dogs 59.00 $ 94,945.42 28,823.60 490.89 599.02 1,341.54 238.70 632.02 $127,070.99 $127,070.99 $ 5,589.40 3,029.37 Public Works -Roads, Highways and Streets, etc. 34,164.48 Sanitation and Waste Removal 209.50 Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Welfare Assistance 2,665.31 Institutional Care 3,489.50 Welfare Administration 50.00 6,204.81 Education, including debt charges (Sch. 9) 47,640.27 Recreation and Community Services 616.00 Debt Charges Lang -term debt charges (Sch. 11) 18,336.31 Less own share of school •debt charges 16,639.37 1,696.94 Short-term interest and other charges 587.38 Discount for Taxes Taxes written off and rebated Capital Exp. out of Revenue (Soh. 13) ,., Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates 24,218.00 Gross Total Expenditure Surplus for the Year Total Expenditure Section 2,284.32 733.15 103.95 412.00 24,218.00 $125�� a • tf 0 1) 0 3• if 0 0 0 $127,070.99 ) M