HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-07-15, Page 8Page.8-Winghom Advance -Times, Thursday. July 15, 1968
M carefully guarded as any
operating -room from the intru-
sion of infections is the baby -
bottle room at The Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto, Known
as the Formula Room, it pro-
duces daily between 2, 600 and
3,200 bottles of infant feeding.
Unlike a maternity hospital,
where the feedings of the tiny
new arrivals can be standard-
ized, the babies here are all
ill, and every bottle is produ-
ced to a formula prescribed by
the doctors, as seen listed above
for guidance of the staff. They
regularly involve up to 180 or
more combinations of the var-
ious ingredients. As each child's
formula is prepared, the bot-
tles go through sterilization
processes, are capped and then
stored for delivery minutes be-
fore they are needed. The de-
livery corps to the wards oper-
ates 24 hours a day. Methods
such as this task of merely
feeding the patients have
brought the hospital its recog-
nition as the world's largest
centre for treatment and re-
search of children's acute dis-
eases. But this also has caused
constant demand for admission
of more patients, resulting in
serious overcrowding of its
clinics, laboratories and other
departments, To overcome
this, an expansion plan has
been launched, and the hospi-
tal is seeking public assistance
in meeting this cost, with
$13,900,000 needed in dona-
tions. Contributions will be
welcomed gratefully by The
Hospital for Sick Children Fund,
105 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
GEORGE CAMERON took the part of King Billie on his
white charger as he led the parade of Orangemen up
Wingham's main street for the annual "walk" on Sat-
urday. He was followed by members from 38 Orange
lodges from Perth, Huron and West Bruce.
4e1P S
.Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch,
Kevin and David spent the
week -end with Mr, and Mrs.
Norman Hill at their cottage
at Lake Simcoe. Kevin stayed
to spend the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaw and
family of London spent the
week -end with Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Styles,
Bill and Patsy of Mimico, are
vacationing with Mrs. Cora
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler
and family of London are visit-
ing with Mrs. Pa -b Wheeler. ,
Mr. and M "ctor Stack-
house had as guests for
the past two weeks, Mrs. Bea-
trice Stackhouse, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Stackhouse Sr., and
Steven, all of St.Johns, N.B.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald of
Guelph spent the week -end
with Miss Nora VanCamp.
Miss Verna Johnston, Sarnia,
spent the week -end with Miss
Nora VanCamp and attended
the Daer-Johnston wedding in
Blyth on Saturday,
Josephine Street
Phone 357-1361
' BEAVER 600
and 888
(One Gallon Cans)
PAINT -- As low as
On all other
lines of PAINT
$4.95 GAL.
Rod, Green, White Only
People Complain of The Oddest Things
Think you, have troubles?
A Pasadena woman com-
plained to the police that
someone was breaking into her
home every night --and leaving
money in her purse! Texas
lawmen heard the story of a
nine-year-old boy who was be-
set and pummeled by a group
of angry little girls --for refus-
ing to kiss them! In Connecti-
cut, a man charged that some-
one was picking up his small
foreign oar from its parking
pine in front of his house, and
putting it in the middle of the
Even stranger complaints
have resounded in the ears of
law enforcement officials
throughout the nation and
around the world,
In Hanau, Germany, it was
alleged that a hotel manager
was turning bedbugs loose in a
competitor's hotel. A farmer in
Lodi, Italy, complained that
someone had slipped into his
pasture and snipped the tails off
his 39 cows. A London woman
said that her landlord, who
wanted her to move, had seen
her wash drying on the line and
had sprinkled her undies with
itching powder!
Lawmen, of course, aren't
the only people who hear odd
complaints in the line of duty.
Doctors do, too. Valentin Me-
dina, a 61 -year-old Spanish
farmhand, presented himself in
1960 at a Madrid hospital with
the claim that he never slept.
A hometown doctor affirmed
that he had never known Me-
dina to catch a wink of sleep
in 50 years!
Commonest health com-
plaint? It seems to be a tossup
between the common cold and
the headache; the person who
has totally,escaped either one
is a medical rarity. The aver-
age American gets three colds
a year, and an estimated 85%
of Americans suffer from head-
Small wonder it's been said
that the two things which ans-
wer more complaints than any-
thing else in the world are the
police department and the
aspirin tablet!
But even aspirin probably
would not have cured the "
"headache" of the young cou-
ple who returned to their Pue-
blo, Colorado, home after a
vacation --and found that some-
one had entered the house in
their absence and mixed about
30 gallons of cherry -flavored
gelatin in the bathtub!
Short tempers have spurred
bizarre complaints. In Cleve-
land a complaint was filed
against a painter who grabbed
a woman and painted both her
arms green. Seems she'd been
bothering him with repeated
criticisms of the way he was
painting her garage.
The all-time bad sportsman•
ship record is probably held by
the girl in Schongau, Germany,
who attended her former beau's
wedding --and demonstrated
her displeasure by knocking
him down during the ceremonyl
Light-fingered citizens
come in for their share of crazy
charges. In Tucson, Arizona,
somebody broke into a chicken
coop twice in one week, each
time stealing a hen and replac-
ing it with a rooster!
An Iowa woman complained
that a teenager had driven a
bicycle over her back as she
lay sunbathing in the park.
Some people won't give a
man a sporting chance; a com-
plaint filed in Columbus, Ohio,
stated that six men were gamb-
ling in the waiting room of the
unemployment office.
On the other hand, you can't
blame a Garfield, Ill. , restau-
rant owner for being disconcert-
ed when a man seeking a snack
entered his eatery --on horse-
It had to happen and it final,
ly did; in the Philippines, a
man complained that his dog
had been severely bitten on the
neck --by a 17 -year old boy!
--Mr. and Mrs, Ted Gauley,
Bruce, Lyle and Barbara of Owen
Sound spent Saturday in town.
--Miss Lucille Merkley, who
is taking a five weeks' summer
course at Don Mills, spent the
week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs,Ernie Merkley.
--Mrs.Jean Yemen, who is
employed at Evergreen Lodge,
Red Bay for the summer months,
was home for the week -end.
--Week-end guests with Miss
Anne Geddes were Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Little of Seaforth and
Mr. W. C. Geddes and Mr. James
Ferguson of Chatham.
--Rev. George Stanley Keast,
son Stanley and daughter Jane
of Chaplin, Conn., spent a few
days last week as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tiffin,
--Mrs. Verna King, Mrs.
Pearl Husband, Mrs. S, Cowan
of town and Miss Marlene Porter
of Lucknow spent a week at a
cottage at Point Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maclntyre
visited last week with their son
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maclntyre in
--Mr. George H. Breen and
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Clark of
East Lansing, Mich., and Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Breen of Los
Angeles, spent the week -end
with Mr, and Mrs, R. C. Gannett
and Miss Agnes Mitchell.
--Mr, and Mrs. Grant Macln-
tyre and family spent the week-
end at Silver Lake.
--Mr. and Mrs. Les McMinn
and Leora visited on the week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Mc-
Innes in Kingsville and with
Mr. and Mrs. Deb Wrightson
and family in Windsor.
--Mr.and Mrs,James Law-
son and family of Ottawa are
visiting with his father, Mr.
Henry Lawson and his sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron
and family.
--Mts. Gary Leeson, Timo-
thy and Sean of Stittsville are
visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs.Robert Colley.
--Mrs. Madge Armstrong
and Mrs,Ray Martin of Kelow-
na, B.C. left Sunday for Tor-
onto after spending a week
with Mts. Albert Walters, Mrs.
Mary MacTavisli and other rel-
--Mrs. Jessie McKinnon of
Vancouver is'.isiting with her
daughter, Mrs. David Horwood,
Mr, llorwood and family. She
intends spending the summer
—Mrs, Robert Wenger visit-
ed with her mother, Mrs. James
Waddell on Sunday, Mrs. Wad-
dell is confined to the Listowel
—A number of cadets from
the Wingham Corps who are
taking a six weeks' course at
Camp Ipperwash, spent the
week -end at their homes here,
James Douglas, Tom Miller,
Jim Henderson, Allen Carter,
David Langridge, Brian and
Michael Forsyth, Doug Elliott,
John Welwood and Doug Camer-
Jewish People
Unhappy Speaker
Tells Congregation
Dr. A. U. Michelson, speaking
to St. Andrew's congregation on
Sunday morning, added his
plea to that of St. Paul, Romans
10:1, "Brethren, my heart's de-
sire and prayer to God for Israel
is, that they might be saved."
Dr. Michelson was born in
Germany and was raised in
Orthodox Jewry. He was a
judge and attorney of some
note in his own country, with
degrees from the University of
Berlin, and others. He washap-
py in his success for a short
while. He was rich, had a beau-
tiful home and all earthly goods
a person could desire but he be-
came unhappy and in his search
for peace consulted first medi-
cal advice, and then his rabbi.
The rabbi told him he would
only know peace when the
Messiah comes, but in the
meantime he could receive
some comfort through prayers
to the dead. Dr. Michelson
spent the following Sunday, and
many others, at the Jewish
cemetery where he prayed to
his deceased mother, relatives,
and finaIIy all interred. In his
depression he contemplated
Miraculously, Jesus was re-
vealed to him. He was hap-
tized and in his state of new-
found joy wrote to his father.
The response was that he was
disowned, had no family or
friends and was declared dead
by the rabbi. He experienced
the hardship of being forsaken.
Eventually he moved to the
United States and was ordained
as a missionary.
At Los Angeles he founded
First Hebrew Christian Church
where many Jews learned of
Jesus, the man who is God and
came to fulfil prophecy. The
Jewish people worship an Al-
mighty God, the God of Abra-
ham, but to them Jesus is a
titan, as any other man,
"It is easy to win a man
with love," Dr. Michelson said,
"but the Jews have not known
love. They have known hate,"
The work of the Jewish Mission
is the bringing of Jews and
Gentiles together as they learn
to love each other; and bring-
ing the Jewish people to Chris-
tianity as Jesus comes into
their hearts, offering peace and
The speaker stressed that
the Jews are suffering. They
hate Jesus because they were
brought up that way. They are
unhappy. He said, "There are
no people on earth with as
much longing for Jesus." The
awaited Messiah of the Jewish
people and the Saviour of the
Gentiles are the same Jesus,
Dr. Michelson pointed out in
closing prayer.
Some workers have lots of
"get-up-and-go" when it's
time to get up and go home.
Yes, sir, they're the ones who
get " fired with enthusiasm."
Mr. Robert Ahara of Belfast,
Ireland arrived here last Friday
to visit with his son, Bob Ahara,
Mrs. Ahara and family.
On Sunday the family went
to Shedden where a reunion was
held at the home of Mr. Matt-
hew Ahara, with all local rela-
tives as well as Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Ahara of Chicago being
Mr. Ahara will spend three
weeks in Canada and will re-
turn to Wingham after a visit
with his brother at Shedden.
--Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Hilde-
brand and family of Beamsville
are staying in Wingham for the
summer months. He has ac-
cepted an assignment with the
External Aid Department to
teach in Western Samoa for two
years, starting in September.
He was a former high school
teacher here.
(Wingham) Limited
It's Vacation Time
Take advantage of dis-
counts now being offered
on all summer sportswear
Dresses — Swim Suits
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Men's --
-Swim Suits
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