HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-07-15, Page 6.-....-_..... � u , 1965 Page 6MWingham A vance*'gimes, Thursday, July 15 IT'S ALL it ADVANCE -TIMES PHONE 357-2320 FOR SALE CONNOR 'WASHING machine for sale, in fair condition, Ph. 357-3365 after 6 o'clock. 1.5b SEE your Fuller Brush Deal- er, Les Reynolds, Phone 357- 1085, Wingham, Jy28rrb CROSSLEY Shelvador refrig- erator for sale, in good condi- tion. Pohne 357-1629. 15b VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone 262-5350. N19rrb BLUETICK hounds for sale, 7 weeks old, Female $15.00; males ;25.00. Phone 357-2222, 15* WOOD FOR SALE -Hardwood or softwood slabs. We deliver in 10 cord loads. Bordon Litt, Sawmill, Teeswater, phone 392- 6895. 3rrb MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6W' -85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 11rrb TRADE - IN ALLOWANCE an your old chesterfield is $65.00 at Currie's Furniture on a choice of chesterfield suites. Terms, $12.00 a ,month, 8-15b CROCHET and embroidery pieces and bedding for sale. Afternoons 2-5 or by appoint- ment. Mrs. Adeline Zurbrigg, 330 Shuter Street. 15b WEDDING GIFT selections at Currie's Furniture. Brass ma- gazine racks $2.95; plate glass mirrors from $9.75; gossip 'benches $11.50. 15-22b LADIES' GOLF CLUBS for sale. Right handed, Four irons, two woods, putter, Carrying bag, Perone 357-3109 after 5 p.m. 15* TRAVEL TRAILER for SALE 16 foot General trailer, fully equipped, loaded with extras; also Reese axle hitch, heavy duty. ADply- ROSS DUNDAS Phone 357-3882 - Wingham 15* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POOLROOM for sale, $6,500. Casner"an's Billiards. 15b 000W BUILDING LOT for sale. For particulars contact Mrs. L. Sanderson, 290 William Street, 8.15* 7 -ROOM SOLID white brick house for sale, on Shuter St. Apply Mrs. Adeline Zurbrigg, 330 Shuter St. 8rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Blyth, Ontexio Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Wingham, Ontario Phones: Wingham 357-1590 Blyth 5234481 Brick veneer 2 -family home, presently rented. One apart- ment in need of some repair. Very good location and priced to sell. Excellent income home. Three bedroom frame home, on Charles Street, lot 76'x132'. Excellent family home, Priced very reasonable. Early posses- sion. In Wroxeter, Ontario 2 bedroom frame insul brick home. Oil forced air heat, 3 piece bath up and 2 piece down, Broadloom and drapes through- out, Excellent home for retir- ing couple, Low taxes. Priced very reasonable. Immediate possession. Building lot, 109` frontage, 132' depth, on sewers, 11rrb MIN LIVESTOCK FOR SALE QUIET HEREFORD BULL for sale, 31 years old. Guaranteed breeder, Wes Paulin, Bluevale, phone 542W2, Wroxeter, 15b POULTRY FOR SALE 150 FI & N PULLETS for said, started to lay. Clare VanCamp, phone 378W6, Brussels, 15* 357-3114 is the number to call for RESERVATIONS or TAKE - OCT ;il;liViCE iianquct seating to 120 Danny'& Restaurant TAXI SERVICE LEE'S TAXI For Town, Country or City Trips DIAL 357-1521 Wingham's only insured Taxi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial Wingham 357-2174 Newly decorated 3 bedroom 2 storey house in excellent con- dition, all conveniences. Owner out of town. Only $9,800.00. 2 storey red ,brick family home, in good repair, all con- veniences, extra lot. A good buy so make an offer today. Owner anxious to sell. Attractive rug brick ranch style home, beautiful living room, picture windows, dining room, modern kitchen, immacu- late throughout, many extras, truly a lovely home in an ex- cellent location. One storey 2 bedroom resi- dence, new siding, in good re- pair. An excellent buy at $4,000. 15b FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent, furn- ished or unfurnished. Phone 357-3580 or 357-1236. 8-15b 3 - BEDROOM APARTMENT, located in Fordwich, available June 15. Phone Fordwich 45R14, 17rrb 18 -FT. TRAILER for rent for August at Boiler Beath, Phone 357-1418, Johnny Brent. 15b MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED --Ap- ply Western Foundry Co. Ltd., Wingham, Ont., phone 357-3450. 15b FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESSES WANTED -Ap- ply Bondi Restaurant. 15-22b FEMALE CLERK inunediately. Grade XII commercial or equivalent. Good salary and working conditions with all em- ployee benefits. References re- quired, Apply stating qualifica- tions to Box 30, Advance -Times. 15rrb APPLICATIONS WANTED Turnberry Township p School Area is asking for applications for bus driver. Duties to com- mence September lst, 1965. Ap- plicants must have a chauf- feur's license, pass a medical test and a bus operator's test. Applications to be in the hands of the secretary -treasur- er by Tuesday, July 27. Alex. Corrigan, Secretary -Treasurer. 15-22b WANTED JEEP WANTED. Apply Cam- eron's Billiards. 15b COMPANION WANTED -Re- liable person to live in corn- fortbale and well - equipped Thome. Apply Box 31, Advance - Times. 15b WANTED - Farms, homes, businesses, lots and acreages for sale in and around Wing, ham. Contact Glen Thuell, Real Estate Division, British Mort- gage & Trust, Listowel, phone 63. D24rrb MAR LATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 ibs. More for Wick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition 1'OR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 890-C-65 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF PHYLLIS INGRAM JOHNS. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher, who died on the thirtieth day of May, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the seventeenth day of July, 1965. .After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED .at Wingham, this 28th day of June, A.D. 1965. CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 1-8.15b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 0 F HERBERT WELLINGTON BURCHILL, Iate of the Township of How - ick, in the County of Huron, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trus- tee Act, that all creditors and others shaving claims against the Estate of the late Herbert Wellington Burchill, are requir- ed to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Administratrix of the said Es- tate, on or before the 24th day of July, A.D. 1965, and that after such date the Administra- trix will proceed to ,distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 5th day ,of July, A.D. 1965, Herbert Wel`" .gton Burchill Estate, by Margaret Ellen Burchill, Administratrix, by J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Estate, Box 110, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, 8-15-22b CARDS OF THANKS Kathleen Aitchison would like to thank all her friends and neighbors for the many cards and gifts sent to her while she was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. G. L. Fish. 15* I would like tothank my friends asd neighbors for their visits, cards and treats while a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. C. M. Jardine, Dr. W. A. Crawford and nursing staff. --Ivan McBurney, 15* Elizabeth and Richard Irwin wish to express thanks and ap- preciation to the many friends, neighbors and relatives for the gift of money and ail the work that went into making their wedding reception in the Gorrie Hall on Friday night so enjoy- able and memorable. 15* The L.O.L. No. 794, Wingham, wishes to thank the Mayor and Council of Wingham for giving the freedom of the town for last Saturday's Orange walk. Also thanks to the town em- ployees for their co-operation; the assistance of Police Chief Miller and his staff, the On- tario Provincial Police, Captain Ferris of the Salvation Army, and all others who assisted in making the day such an out- standing success. CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION Nb. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL CmLLECT DARLING & Company OF CANADA unarm Wingham Ph. 3573146 Dead Animal Lic. No. 350-C-65 AUCTION SALE ST. STE]HEN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, GORRIE An auction sale of antique and other household furniture, dishes, fence posts, and many other articles of interest will be .held in the :Arena, Gorrie, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2 p.m. Coffee, pie and cold drinks a- vailable at booth. Auctioneer, Gordon Jackson, Listowel. 15b AUCTION SALE Frame house immediately south of McKenzie Bridge, owned by Town of Wingham, will be sold on MONDAY, JULY 28, 1965, at 8 p.m., DST. Storey and lhalf frame house with modern kitchen, bath and oil furnace. This house must be removed from the property, immediately. Terms --10% down with bal- ance in 30 days. Jack Alexander, 'Auctioneer. 15.22b CLEARING AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1 p.m. in BELGRAVE -- Property and household furnishings We have been instructed by John E. McCallum to sell his property and effects, as he is giving up •housekeeping. Property to be sold at 3 P.m., with a reasonable reserve bid, consisting of 4/5 acre, more or less of good garden soil, with. 11/2 storey frame house , 2 bed- rooms up, asbestos siding, 2 pce, wash room, ell furnace. This house should be of inter- est to anyone wanting to live in Belgrave, Furnishings consisting of: McClary stove, 22, propane gas; Kelvinator refrig,; ohina cab- inet, oval glass; TV 17" RCA Victor, portable and stand, nearly new; dining room table and 8 chairs; chesterfield bed: sofa bed, nearly new; 2 hostess chairs; 1 swivel rocker; nearly new; 2 rocking chairs; 2 wood- en beds; 2 dressers; 2 chest drawers; wash stand; antique love seat; stove high metal table; combination heater and fan, new; radio; antique wall clock; electric clock; what not; lamps, consisting of TV, trilite and bridge; card table; iron- ing board; several chairs; num- ber of hall runners; rug, 6x9; 2 chrome arm chairs; coal oil lamp; numerous cups and saucers; dishes; kitchen uten- sils; ladders; saws; tools; gar- den tools; washing machine. Many other articles too numer- ous to mention. Terms -Cash. Clerk, Roy Porter; Jack Alexander, Auctioneer, phone 357-3631, Wingham. 15-22b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM, STOCK and MACHINERY at Lot 42, Con. 7, East Wawa - nosh, a mile and a quarter south of Belgrave or 5 miles north of Blyth, on No. 4 Highway MONDAY, JULY 26, at 1 pan. Cattle -Registered Shorthorn bull, 3 years old; 11 Shorthorn cows with calves at foot, num- ber registered; 2 cows, due to freshen August 1; one 2 yr. old heifer; 3 Shorthorn heifers, one year old; 6 Hereford heifers, one year old; 7 steers, one year old; 1 bull calf, 7 months old. Implements -- 1 Minneapolis Moline tractor, model V; Bell threshing machine, complete with drive belt, Ebersol feeder, cutter and grain thrower; Min- neapolis tractor disc; Interna- tional grain binder; Massey Ferguson power mower; New Idea side rake, nearly new; New Idea manure spreader; New Idea wagon with hay rack; set of 2000 lb. scales; 4 section of harrows; Pakec hammermill; hammermill belt, 50 ft.; electric feed mixer; 114 hp electric motor; steel water, trough; sap pan, buckets and splits; cedar posh; steel posts; quantity of lumber; forks: shovels; shoW halters and equipment; many other articles too numerous to mention. Proprietor, Edgar Wightmen. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, George Powell, Clerk. 15-22b ESTATE FAR1Vf AUCTION SALE of farm, household eta teas, hay, grain, implement* and farm stock. Lot 2, Con. 2, Turnberry Twp., one and a quarter miles north of Morrisbank Corner on MONDAY, JULY 19, 1:30 sharp For the estate of the late Edward Lambert. Terms on chattels Cash. Terms on the property made known the day of sale. Implements ---Wisconsin 4 cyl. motor; Robert Bell thresher (32x46); 7.25 ft, drive belt; bench saw; scuffler; M -H trac- for cultivator; 3 section har- rows; seed drill; manure spreader on rubber; stook load- er; fanning mill; approx. 150 bus, mixed grain; quantity hay; single plow; M. -H. 3 furrow tractor plow; scales; Oliver Celtrac with hydraulic blade; Minneapolis model U tractor; Minneapolis model R tractor; circular saw; 25 ft, belt; M, -H. binder, 8' cut, on rubber; New Holland baler; cutter; GMC %- ton truck with racks; 2 -wheel trailer; grass seeder; Titan chain saw; quantity of tools; sausage grinder and press; hogs head (antique). One sow with litter; two sows due time of sale. Household effects --- Clare Jewel cook stove; 2 beds; 1 dresser; 2 wash stands; pine corner cupboards (antiques); sideboard; extension table; 8 chairs; 38-55 Winchester re- peater; model 70 Winchester .300 calibre with five boxes am- munition (new) ; hammerless 12 gauge shotgun (new); two .22 calibre rifles; plus many other useful articles too numerous to mention, At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid, the property consisting of 124 acres, more or less, on which is situ- ated .a bank barn, drive shed and farm dwelling. Approx. 24 acres is in spring grain and 20 acres in .hay, Balance in bush -and swamp. Terms will be 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. J. H. Crawford, solicitor for the Administrator. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer. 15b PERSONAL ACCOMMODATION for elderly or convalescent people. Excel- lent care, pleasant surround- ings, Reasonable rates. Phone 857-1338 after 6 p.m. 10-Jy29* MISCELLANEOUS PALAMINO stallion standing at stud, Cameron's Billiards. 15b PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RXNTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. 16rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. M11 -S9* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New .modern equipment. Phone 357-2750,Norman Rin- toul & Sons. ' 16rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS For Approved Concrete Septic Tanks, Dry Wells and Leitch- ing Pit Blocks telephone collect Goderiob 524-8960, Emcrete Cement Products 55 South Street, Goderich, Ont. Dealer Inquiries Invited Jyl-A26 FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent - 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY CHARLES MCLEAN R. R. 4, Brussels Dealer for Smith -Roles Saskatoon and Guelph Manufacturers of Comet Weld- ers, Air Compressors, Heavy Duty Grinders, Drill Pill Augers, etc. Phone Brussels 489W13 A22-Jy22* FOR MEMORIALS OF DiSTICNCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family Monument df ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen Will create a memorial of Iasting beauty that Will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Wingham 357-1613; Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Strat- ford, Ontario. Ave., fo, A22rrb b 11111101111,1111iu11 I . 11111,1111111IOMI,iii 1/111111111111111(111114111111110 _ .1[1111114,111111, 511 Corning 01,11440,0001114 i i 1St g1nA1I1111 1 CLOSING NOTICE Ruth Lott's Beauty Salon will be closed until further notice, 15b CLOSING NOTICE Dr. G. W, Howson's office will be closed from July 18th to August 2nd, inclusive. 15b CLOSING NOTICE Dept, of Transport office in Wingham will be closed for holidays from July 21 to Aug. 3. (Appointments for driver's tests will be taken at 357-2210. 15* RECEPTION Will be held in Belgrave For- esters Hall Friday, July 16 for Mr. and Mrs, George Young (Linda Johnston). Tiffin's or- chestra, Ladies please bring Iunch, Everybody welcome. 15* ENGAGEMENT The engagement is .announ- ced of Ileen Doris, daughter of Mrs, Sheldon Baker, of Wing- ham, and the late Mr. Baker, to Mr. Gary Harold Zuber, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Zuber, of Formosa. The marriage will take place on July 24 in Wing- ham United 'Ohuroh at 2 o'clock. 15* RECEPTION For Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Marks (Nancy Taylor) in the Bluevale Hall Friday, July 18, Ian Wilbee'a orchestra, Ladies please bring lunch, 15b TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. Sperling Johnston is holding a trousseau tea in hon- our of her daughter, Shirley, on Saturday, July 17,afternoon and evening. Please accept this invitation. 15* • GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, July 21st, at 8:30 p.m., at Harbourlite Inn. 17 regular games at $10; one share the wealth Jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel- erattng Jackpot up to $250.00. Admission $1,00, rrb CHICKEN BARBECUE Wednesday, July 21, 6-8 .p.m., $1.50, at Seaforth Fair Grounds. sponsored by Ontario Ems and Fowl Producers' Marketing Board. Huron County commit- tee. Cooking demonstration, 8:15, Educational meetinfr for men, 8:15. Good speakers, Tick, ets available from Jim Dunbar, George Adams. Wroxeter; Nor. man Coultes, Wingham area. 15* iN MEMORIAM WRIGHT - In Ioving memory of a dear husband and fath- er, Francis S, B. Wright, who passed anvay July 16, 1960. Isn't It strange that those we need And those we love the best, Are just the ones that God needs too, And takes them home to rest. :Lovingly remembered by his wife, family and grand- children. 15* Higgins Reunion The annual Higgins reunion was held in Bluevale Park on July 4 with 118 persons in at- tendance. An interesting guest speaker was John Higgins of Komoko, Ontario, who had gone to Broomhedge which is 15 miles from Belfast, Ireland, to com- prise a history of the Higgins family. The president, Lloyd War- wick, welcomed the crowd and games and fellowship were en- joyed during the afternoon. The oldest lady present was Mrs. Louisa Warwick of Bluevale, and the oldest man was Robert Higgins of Belgrave. The cou- ple having the most grandchild- ren was Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Higgins, Belgrave. The most recently married couple was Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker, Wingham and the youngest child was Michael Beuerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beuer- man of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skeoch, from Killarney, Man., travelled the farthest. Mrs. Frank Graham, St. Marys, received the lucky prize. Also present as guests of Paul Higgins, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred R, James of Daniels, West Virginia. . The new 1966 executive was appointed as follows; Pres- ident, Ross Higgins of Belgrave; vice-pres., Earl Fitch of Bel - more; secretary, Mrs. RossKing of Gorrie; invitations, Mrs, Margaret Higgins of Blyth and Mrs. Emerson Shera, Wingham; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins of Belgrave, Cheryl Haskins and Sharon Fitch of Belmore; lunch, Mrs. Jack Hig- gins, Belgrave, Mrs. Stewart Higgins, Wroxeter and Mrs. Carl Fitch, Delmore. WEBER REUNION WHITECIIURCII-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Clair, Marlene and Anne on Sunday afternoon attended the Weber reunion held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Chambers of Harris - ton. The afternoon was spent in games and contests. A prize was won by Walter Weber, Kit- chener, for having the birth- day nearest the date of the pic- nic, Mr, and Mrs,Carl Weber were to have been in charge of the picnic but (Inc to Mrs, Weber's ill health, Mr. artd Mrs. Robert Chambers assumed the responsibility. Guests were present from Hanover, Walkerton, Kitchener, Dutton and Ilarriston, BIRTHS KEYS - In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, July 6, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Keys, of London, (Shirley Bradburn) twin sons, broth- ers for Todd, SCOTT -In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Wednesday, July 7, 1965, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, R. R. 1, Bel - grave, a son. STEFFLER - At Alexandra and Marine Hospital, Goder- kb, on Wednesday. July 7, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Clem Steffler, (Phyllis Smith), R. R. 3. Goderich, a son, Clement Mark. GIiBSON -- In Wingham and District Hospital, on Satur- day, July 10, 1965, to Mr, and Mrs. James J. Gibson, R. R, 5, Lucknow, a daughter. MONTGOMERY -In Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, July 10, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mon- gomery, Wingham, a son. WHEELER - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheeler, R. R. 5, Brussels, are happy to an- . nounce- the birth. . of . -,a son, Brian Robert, on Sunday, July 11, 1965. at Wingham and District Hospital. SCHELL - 'In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, July 11, 1965. to Mr. and Mrs. James Schill, R. R. 1, Tees - water, a son. THOM'SON-In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, July 11, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomson, White- church, a son, McINNES-Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes. Bluevale, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Tuesday, July 13, 1965, at Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. SCOTT -In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Tuesday, July 13, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Wingham, a son. STARR "WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO" 32,500 down and the balance in easy repayment terms for an eye appealing extra spacious home situated on a double land - seeped lot close to the main street In Lucknow. The full asking price for this modern convenienced home is only $8,000. 31,000 down payment for a 1!%, storey home in White- church. It has sueh convenien- ces aW a 4 pc, bath, built in cupboards, ete. Full price only $4,900, 311,500 full price for a com- pletely modern home, situated on a landscaped lot in Wing - ham. close to schools, churches, etc, Terms can be arranged. $2,500 downpayment for a 126 acre farm close to Wingham. The 4 bedroom height home has been completely redecorated. The large "L" shaped barn is equipped with hydro and water. There is a spring fed stream running through the farm. Full price $9,900. WE ARE HA'V'ING A GREAT DEMAND FOR HOUSE LIST- INOS IN Wl 7G1IAM, SO iF YOU HAVE BEEN THINiI- ING OF SELLING PI.F AS,E CALL US A'r YOUR EARL- IEST CONVENIENCE. Paul S. Starr £ COMPANY LTD., REALTORS Wingham, Ph. 357 844 lavoimmirmairmarismommomerowldwimmimmionmi r