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LOW GROSS SCORE in Sunday's first
round of the Carling Trophy inter -club golf
tournament was won by Lyman Jardin,
centre, a member of the Wingham club.
Here he is congratulated by Bob Doerksen,
right, the inter -club president. At left is
Matt Boyd, who was in charge of arrange-
ments for the match here.—A-T Photo.
\ 12 /
/ 6 \
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Chartered Accountants
Trustee in Bankruptcy
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2nd Floor, PUC Building
Cor. Josephine & John Sts.
WINGHAM, Dial 357-1561
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Wroxeter—Every Wednesday
afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or
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Trustee in Bankruptcy
WINGHAM - Tel. 257-2891
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J. T. 000DALL
Office -- Meyer Block
DIAL 357-1990
James Richardson
Buried Friday
After an illness of several
months James Gavin Richardson
of R. R. 5, Lucknow, died July
6 in Victoria Hospital, London.
He was 52.
He was born in Kinloss Town-
ship on the 4th Concession and
attended No. 10 School, White-
church. He was the son of John
Richardson and his wife, the
late Janet Fletcher.
Mr. Richardson was a farmer.
He was a good neighbor, valu-
able citizen and a steadfast
church worker. He was a mem-
ber of Langside Presbyterian
He is survived by his father;
his wife, the former Grace
Moir, a native of Toronto;and
a brother, Robert, at home.
One sister, Grace, died in
Service was held at Mc-
Glynn's funeral home, Teeswa-
ter on Friday, conducted by
Rev. Gordon Fish of Wingham,
Donald Watt of Whitechurch
and Fred Mannings of Clinton,
a missionary on furlough from
The pallbearers were neigh-
bors, Charles and Fred Tiffin,
Johnston and Wallace Conn,
Hank Kragt and Elmer Scott.
Cousins, Chester Pinnell of
Mildmay and Robert Hunter of
Guelph were flower bearers.
Interment was in Teeswater
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong,
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Strong and
family attended the Jones and
Witherow reunion at Riverside
Park, Guelph on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griese
and Ruth Anne of Midland,
Michigan, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koch,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Mogk of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. William
Diebel of Guelph, Mrs. Lucinda
Plumtree and Miss Kress of
Hanover, Miss Luella Dierlam,
Mr.Harvey and Mr.Justus Diet -
lam of Hanover were Sunday
guests at the same home.
Visiting Mr. Edwin Gilmar
and Mrs. Luella Sanderson over
the week -end were Mr.and
Mrs. Don Gilmar of Ancaster,
Mr. and Mrs. George Severin of
Weston, Miss Ferne Bennett of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.Jack
Attwood of London.
Top Dressing
On Highway 86
WI IITEC1l L IRCI I-1lighway
86 in the village of White-
church on Thursday and Friday
received a top dressing. The
pavement had many cracks and
had settled, and as a result,
had to be raised up about four
inches. The shoulders of the
road were raised too with coats
of gravel.
It is understood that about
1:) other strips between White-
church and Amberley will re-
ceive similar treatment.
Bluevale Personals
Miss Julia Thornton, who is
attending a summer course at
the Ontario College of Art, in
Toronto, spent the week -end at
her home. Miss Jill Thornton
returned with her sister to spend.
a week in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown,
of La Jolla, California, and Mr.
and Mrs, Donald Low, of Car-
diff, Calif., visited Rev. T.E.
and Mrs. Kennedy on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Casemore
and children, of Kenora, are
holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Hall.
Mrs. Ross Douglas of Toronto,
is the guest of her sisters,Misses
Mary and Ruby Duff and Mrs.
M.L. Aitken.
Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Mitch-
ell and family are spending
holidays with his parents, Rev.
G. C. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitch-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths,
of Guelph. and David Bosman,
of Woodstock, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bosman.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Gilkin-
son of Orangeville, were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
R.1. McMurray.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink, Mr.
Everett Fletcher and Mr. Roy
McKenzie of Hensall, visited at
the Duff home on Saturday.
Mrs.Thornas Parker is holt-
daying at MacTier.
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Stene and
family, of Saskatoon, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hertog.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers,
of Kincardine, visited Mrs. W.
J.Johnston on Saturday.
Mrs. Bert Hertog and Laurie
are visiting Mrs. Johanna Hertog
at Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hunt, of
Kitchener, attended the wed-
ding of her sister, Miss Nancy
Taylor, on Saturday, and are
visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Taylor.
Mrs. Dave Brown, of Can-
field, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Wickstead.
Wingham Advance-Tirnes, Thursday, July 15, 1965 -Page
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WRQXETER-Mr. and Mrs,
Ira McLean of Wroxeter cele-
brated their 35th wedding an-
niversary and Mr, and Mrs, Don-
ald Gibson, (the former Donna
McLean) of Monkton their
seventh anniversary on Sunday
with dinner at the Blue Barn,
Listowel. They were the recip-
ients of many lovely and useful
gifts and cards for the happy
Those present were Mr.and
Mrs. Ken Collier and Gary of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Gibson, Dana and Duane of
Monkton, Mr. Murray McLean
of Owen Sound and Miss Mary
Phillips, London.
GQRRJS-The ,Ash reunion in
Gorrie Park was attended by
over 90 descendants of the late
Mr. and Mrs. George Ash who
came from Lincolnshire, Eng-
land about 130 years ago.
They settled near Blenheim.
Their son, Christopher, who
had a family of ten, settled in
Wallace Township on the farm
now owned by Bert Goodyer, He
later moved to the farm occu-
pied at the present time by Wil-
liam Ash, on the second con-
cession of Wallace.
Mrs. Roy Sanderson of Blue -
vale was elected president for
1966 and Mrs. Murray Bartman
of Listowel is secretary.
Mrs. Nellie Sinclair of Bur-
naby, B.C. , came the farthest
to attend the reunion.
Whitechurch News Items
Quite a number from here
attended the 12th of July par-
ade at Wingham on Saturday.
Many remained for the chicken
barbecue and the Barn Dance at
Mr. and Mrs.Jim Moffat and
Heather spent Saturday with her
East Wawansh to
Meet County Group
The auditor's report, read
at the meeting of East Wawa -
nosh Council, showed a surplus
of $3, 972.34 for 1964. It was
voted to pay A.M. Harper his
fee as auditor of $350.00,
Representatives were present
from the Wingham District High
School and Clinton Collegiate
Institute areas to discuss high
school boundaries. Following
discussion a motion was made
by Coultes and Pattison to meet
with the county's School Con-
sultative Committee as soon as
possible to see if the boundaries
could be changed.
A grant of 4200.00 was
made to the Belgrave Arena
Board. The mill rate was set at
14 mills for farm and residen-
tial, and 15 mills for commer-
C. W. Hanna, salary $193.86,
bills paid $1.78, $195.64; Al-
an McBurney, wages $156.80,
truck, $18.00, $174.80; Wil-
liam Kennedy, wages, $89,70;
George T. Currie, wages, $43. -
70; Frank Cooper, wages, $19. -
75; Elmer Bruce, wages, $9.20;
Eldon Cook, wages, $9.20;
James Coultes Jr., wages, $9.20;
Albert Coultes, cement basin,
$114.80; Harry Williams, gaso-
line and fuel oil, $235.46;
Snell Feed & Supply Ltd. , weed
spray and cart wheels, $109.50;
Belgrave Co -Op., weed spray
and fuel oil, $128.47; The
Blyth Standard, printing and
supplies, $18.75; Canada Cul-
vert Co., pipe, $162.24; Arm-
co Drainage & Metal Products,
pipe, $162.24; Dominion Road
Mach. Co. , grader repairs,
$911.29; Alex McBurney, U. I.
stamps, $32.34; Hugh Blair, 8
hours with truck, $24.00; Joe
Kerr, gravel $3146.99, truck,
$285.00, $3,431.99;Garth Wal-
den, 8 hours with truck, $36,00;
F. Montgomery, 10 hours with
truck, $45.00; Ross Jamieson,
103 hours with truck, $463,50;
Amond Jamieson, 106 hours
with bulldozer, $795.00; Rec.
Gen. of Canada, Income Tax,
The County of Huron, plant-
ing trees, $81.35; Town of
Clinton, D.C.I. Deb. $732.06;
Town of Goderich D. C. I, Deb.
$967.87; George Walker, tel.
re W.F. $1.00; Belgrave Co-
op. , W.F. powder, $2.10,
Sprayer parts $9.45, chain for
park, $20.29, $31.84; A.M.
Harper, audit fee $350.00;
Ernest Snell, convention exp.
$50.00; Ron Snell, 4 fox boun-
ties $16.00; direct relief, $35.-
00; H.Jefferson, mower repair,
$1.55; Belgrave Community
Centre, $200.00.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood
Groskorth and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Groskorth and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson,
Mrs. Maud Haggitt and Mr. Jack
Aitcheson were Sunday evening
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Tiffin, Langside.
Mr. Gary Willis of Brampton
spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. Doris Willis.
Mrs. Irene Paterson of Toron-
to spent the week -end with her
brother, Mr.Charles Taylor
and attended the 12th of July
celebration in Wingham.
Mrs. Albert McQuillin is
having the trim on her house
painted white, which greatly
beautifies the home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Walker,
Donna, Carol, Bonnie and Allen
on Saturday boarded the train
at Barrie for Edmonton. During
their absence Douglas is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. George Walk-
er and Donald with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Johann at Belmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross,
Doris and Jim were in Waterloo
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy
left Friday morning for Buffalo
from where they will fly to Los
Angeles and after a few days,
will continue on to Honolulu
on a conducted tour.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rantoul
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Cameron of Ashfield, at-
tended the wedding of Miss
Beverly Kozma and Donald C.
Rintoul at Scarborough United
Church on Saturday at 4o'clock
with a reception at Little Switz-
erland Lodge. Donald is a ne-
phew. Mr. and Mrs. Rintoul and
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron remained
over night with Mr. and Mrs.
John Rintoul, Toronto, and on the
way home on Sunday visited
with Mr. and Mrs.Jim Reid of
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomp-
son, Earl and Charles spent Sat-
urday at their farm at Fever -
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Groskorth
and Shauna spent the week -end
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Elwood Groskorth and Mr. and
Mrs.Jim Moffat and family,
Mrs. Webster Jacklin returned
to her home at Listowel on Sun-
day after a week's visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Archie Pur -
don and Mr. Purdon and family.
Misses Kathy and Lori Purdon
accompanied their grandmother
home for their vacation.
Mr.Charles Tiffin went to
Sharon on Sunday to bring
home Mrs. Tiffin, who had ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs. Sandy
Murray, Kathleen, Phyllis, Alex
and Patricia on a motor trip
with a cabin trailer to Washing-
ton by way of Detroit and re-
turning by Niagara Falls.
Miss Ruth Taylor of Toronto
spent the week -end withherpa-
rents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor of
Milton and his mother, Mrs.
Taylor, were Thursday visitors
at the home of Mrs. George Mc.
Clenaghan. Mrs. Taylor Sr. re-
mained and returned to Milton
with Miss Mildred McClena-
ghan on Sunday when Miss Mc-
Clenaghan returned to work
after her holidays here. Mil-
dred lives with Mrs. Taylor
when she is in Milton.
Mrs. Arthur Jackson will be
the guest speaker at the United
Church when Rev. George
Mitchell is on holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Zinn and
family attended the family re-
union of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Zinn at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Delton Krotf of
Beechville. Around 45 attended
to enjoy the social intercourse,
games and prizes. All gathered
in time for dinner and a happy
afternoon was brought to a
close with the serving of lunch.
BLUEVALE LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, taken several years
ago, front: Bob Forest, Everett McGee, Harry Goll, George
Hetherington, Howard Stewart, Wilson Thornton, Earl
Hamilton, Jack Wickstead; back: George Thornton, Bill
Peacock, Carl Johnston, Mel Mathers, Whitney Stewart,
Fred Seiling, Alvin Smith, Gordon Hall, Roy McCreight.