The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-07-01, Page 7Personals --Mrs. George Deyc11 left by train from Toronto cert Satire, day for Kindersley, :Sask. where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. Walter 'llsdale, Mrs. DeycIJ was accompanied by het daughter, Mrs, Dorothy • M 1!owes of Toronto, They expect to be away for three weeks, --Rev, C. F, and Mrs. John- son visited with friendsand rel- atives in the 'Toronto area for a couple of days last week and were accompanied home by Mr. Johnson's sister, Mrs. Goff , On Monday of this week Mr, Johnson took his sister to Bain- ilton where they visited with other members of the fancily. --Mr. and Mrs, ed Jones and Mr. Roy Granger of Tilston, + • Man. and Mrs. Will Machan of Edmonton, Alta, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Llwell Webster and other relatives last Tuesday --Mr. and Mrs. I larlcy Craw- ford left this morning (Thurs- day) for their cottage at Oak- * • wood, near Grand fiend. --Those who attended the wedding of Miss Joan McKin- ney and M r. Charles Dalton Healey in Collingwood on June 19th were her grandmother, Mrs. Annie Mae Baker, Mrs, • • Beatrice Shropshall, Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Joanne and Nancy Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Sangster and Jennifer, Mr. and Mrs. Art Stone and Judith, Mr. and Mrs. Don McKay and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc - i Y to • w 4) ti 0 rt 0 • i • ,to a f • • Kay and Debbie as well as Mr. Harold McKay of Kitchener, Mr.and Mrs, Stan Hopkins of Burlington, Miss Dorothy Stone and Mr, and Mrs. Milford Gow- ing of Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Devine of London. The junior bridesmaids were Miss Patti King and Miss Jackie Stone of Wingham. --Miss Pat Coulter commen- ced work on Monday at the Bedford Hotel in Goderich for PRESIDENT RETURNED — Allister Hughes, second left, is congratulated on his re-election as president of the Huron Bruce Progressive Conservative Association, .ay Ronald Mc- Neil, M.P.P., for Elgin. The latter was the guest speaker at the annual meeting in Wingham on Friday evening. At left is Mrs, John Lloyd, re-elected secretary, and at right, Dr. E, F. Shaunessy, newly -elected vice-president, the summer months. --Miss Sandra Cameron left Saturday for Muskoka Lodge near Port Sidney, where she is employed for the holidays. - -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vi- vian of Iroquois Falls were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Stew- art Forsyth on Monday after- noon. --Miss Barbara Cameron left on Sunday for Waterloo, where she has accepted a po- sition at Mutual Life, --Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lloyd and family and Mrs. Harley Crawford attended the christen- ing of Joy Noreen, infant dau- ghter of Rev. and Mrs. John L, Crawford at Cape Croker on Sunday. CAREER OPPORTUNITY The Montreal Life Insurance Co. requires a represents. tive for the Wingham area. If you are between 25 and 4S and interested in acquiring an above average income—if you are willing to serve our many policy holders in your area --if you are willing to learn as you earn— WRITE FOR CONFIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT TO: BOX 29, WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES OR PHONE KITCHENER 743-0285 1964 1963 1962 1962 1961 1961 METEOR 2 -DOOR, 6 Stick, Radio. FORD 4 -DOOR 6 Stick, one -owner. CONSUL 4 -DOOR, Radio. CHEV 4 -DOOR 6 -Standard. VALIANT STATION WAGON 4 -DOOR. Nice unit. OLDS 2 -DOOR HARDTOP. Power equipped, Radio. 1959 CHRYSLER 4 -DOOR 1959 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1959 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR V-8 Stick, radio, an exceptionally clean unit. 1958 MERCURY 4 -DOOR V8, Auto., radio, P.S., P.B. 1959 CHEV 3/4 -TON TRUCK LEN ^ RAWFORD MOTORS Your Dodge , Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 3574862 Wingham PubIic School Report KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 1 Dwight Adams, Joanne Ang- er, Cynthia Beard, Audrey Brooks, David Bennett, Carol Brophy, Tab Burgess, Deborah Campbell, John Campbell, Ann Corrin, Ansley Currie, Peter Doll. Scott Douglas, Cheryl Ed- wards, Paul Fish, Andy Foxton, Christine Foxton, Debra Fox - ton, Kevin Good, Janice Guest, Bonnie Sue Haffermehl, Calvin Hastings, Shelly Henderson, Kevin Hickey. Catherine Hodgins, Robert Hopper, Mary Lou Hopper, Deborah Hull, Danny Irwin, Carol Jamieson, Brian LaRose, Kelly Lee, Sally Le Van, Chris- tie Lewis, Timothy Lockridge, Beth Lloyd, Steven MacTavish. Kimberley McComb, Heath- er MacKay, ,Corrine Nesbitt, Terry Netterfield, Jackie Ohm, Patricia Orien, David Rae, Stephanie Rae, Cheryl Reece, Brian Reid, Ellen Reid, Made- lyn Sewers, Catherine Skinn. Carla Smith, Kenneth Ter- vit, Ingrid Uphoff, Jane Vath, Karen Welwood. .. Mrs. V. Elliott GRADE 1 TO 2 Carol Caster, Joan Cerson, Ruth Corrin, Michael Dingman, Brenda Eyre, Gordon Eyre, Su- san Harrigan, Donald Howe, John Kennedy, Debbie Kerna- ghan, Peter Klahsen, Brian La- vergne, Jack Maxwell. Paul McComb, Kenneth Mc- Ewen, Brian Perrott, David Reid, Ricky Sallows, Ronnie Seli, Terry Simmons, Heather Smith, James Vanderwoude, Randy Vanderwoude, Debbie Yeoman. Recommended, Debby Ryan. .. Miss S. Johnston GRADE 1 TO 2 Paul Aitchison, Laurie Bai- ley, Donna Bennett, Carl Bon- di, Jeffrey Bumstead, Kathy Dolgos, Mary Lou Ewing, Ken- dra Feagan, Lynn Foxton, Mar- lene Foxton, Jayne Fraser. Ricky Fridenburg, Richard Harcourt, Ruth Hastings, Julie Henderson, Stephen MacDon- ald, Brian MacTavish, Ronnie McGee, Ricky McKay, Sharer McKee, Billy Rapson, David Ritter. Richard Sinnamon, Maureen Stainton, Jamie Strong, Kim- berley Templeman, Faye Wal- den, Bemd Wehmeyer, Lorna Wenger, Patricia Wharton, Ricky Williams. .. Mrs. I. Wheeler GRADE 2 TO 3 Joan Archer, Jimmy Bailey, Bradley Coulter, Shane Foxton, Carl Good, Linde. llanula, Pe- ter Hilbert, Laurie Hopper, Connie Jamieson, Donald Kernaghan, Carey MacDonald, Larry Machan, Keith Nethery, Neil Reece, Cathy Schies- tel, Marlene Sewers, Jimmy Shropshall, Karen Smith, Keith Snowdon, Bill Staight, Debor- ah Welwood, Recommended, Charles Bon- di, Brian Gordon, Lenard Mc- Ewen. .. Mrs. E. Conley GRADE 2 TO 3 Kevin Adams, Jeffray An- derson, Debbie Brenzil, Susan Burke, Paul Connell, Grace Corrin, Alexa Currie, Marcia Fenwick, Allen Foxton, Lori Guest, Lori Henderson, Trudy Holmes, Maurice Hull. Richard Jacklin, Joan John- ston, Michael King, Ruth Klahsen, Carl Lee, Timothy Lloyd, Randy MacKay, Lois McLaughlin, Kathy O'Gorman, Robert Pollock, Janice Rae, Debbie Readman, Robert Remington, Lynn Richardson, James Ritter, Brad- ley Simmons, Trudy Temple- man, Mark Tiffin, Dale Wal- den, Robert Williams. ..Mrs. G. Mundell GRADE 3 TO 4 Paul Bennett, Dennis Dolgos, Erika During, Siglinde During, Dean Ewing, David Fish, Lau- rie Foxton, Janet Gorrie, Ca- rol Hastings, Keith Hodgkin- son, Stuart Holloway, Marilyn Hunter, Bill Kennedy, Janet Lillycrop, Richard Lloyd. Wayne McKee, Elizabeth Nethery, Sandra Orien, Chris- tine Rae, Seth Rawn, Terry Sallows, Betty Smith, Ricky Smith, Bill Stone, Peggy Up- hoff, Doug Vanderwoude. Recommended, Eddie Whit- by, . , Mrs. D. Pennington GRADE 3 TO 4 Murray Carter, Stephen Cas- lick, Randy Elliott, Kathy Guest, Richard Hodgins. Thomas Lee, Janis Ohm, James Pattison, Brian Pollock, Roger Tiffin, James Welwood, Robert Young. .. Miss J. Armitage GRADE 4 TO 5 Mardi Adams, Ruth Bennett, Marilyn Colla,, Mark Douglas, Marilyn Irwin, Olive Lapp, Dianne Laverg=ne, Douglas Leitch, Joanne Marks, Janet McGee, Boninae McTaggart, Katherine Partisan, Ronald Perrott, Kathryn Ross, Diane Stainton, Karin Strong, Paul Swatridge, David Tiffin, Ste- ven Watson. .. Miss J. Armitage GRADE 4 TO 5 Trudy Archer, Bernie Bailey, Randy Brenzil, Connie Burke, David Dolgos, Beverly Gannett, Ellen Gorrie, Nelson Gower, Terry Harcourt, Jimmie Hast- ings, Bobby Henderson, Charlie Hopper, Stewart Hunter. Roger Irvine, Trudy MacKay, Sylvia MacLean, Beverly Mer- rick, Donnie Murray, Ronnie Murray, Ron Orien, Gail Rem- ington, Stephen Sallows, Bob- by Seli, Brian Shropshall, John Smith, Vicki Taylor, Robert Vanderwoude, David Walker. Recommended, Beverly LaRose. .. Mrs. M. Moffatt GRADE 4 TO 5 Bill Brown, Sandra Carter, Stephen Cruikshank, Carol Higgins, Jean Hopper, Doris Lewis. Jeff Lockridge, Daryl Mc- Clure, Tom McLaughlin, Deb- ra Salter, Stephen Scott, Ste- phen Tiffin. .. Mrs. B. Radford GRADE 5 TO 6 Patty Boyd, Joanne Camer- on, Bill Hilbert, Marlene Ir- vine, Christine Kregar, Sandra Lee, Murray Leggatt, Stephen Lloyd. Janice MacTavish, Doug Mason, Margaret McLaughlin, Kim Mellor, Karen Ritter, Rae Robinson, John Schipper, Karen Sutcliffe, Susan Williams. .. Mrs. B. Radford GRADE 5 TO 6 Elaine Archer, Cheryle Bailey, Philip Beard, Jim Brooks, Beth Bryant, Terry Car- ter, Doug Calemore, Bob Cruickshank, Paul Douglas, Bonnie Feagan, Wesley Ferris, Rosemary Forsyth, Julie Foxton, Russell Foxton. Nancy Gardner, Tom Gotver, David Hodgins, Helen Hollo- way, Elizabeth Jacklin, Bobbie LaRose, Brad Lewis, Cecil Mc- Kee, Terry Reid, Ricky Shrop- shall, Larry Simmons. Gordon Smith, Jackie Stone, Recommended, Harry Bak- ker, Geri Bennett, Leslie Hil- bert, Michael Ryan, Mrs. S. Kaufman GRADE 6 TO 7 Rae Archer, John Broome, Patty Cantelon, Wayne Carter, Terry Dingman, Barry Fish, Candice Foxton, Barry Gard- ner, Lee Grove, Karen Hastings, Jeffrey Hayes, George Howe, Jean Hunter. Jean Irwin, Marlene Jamie- son, David Lloyd, Brad Mac- Kay, Adora MacLean, Gerald Marks, Jeannette McDonald, Carl Mowbray, Judy Ohm, Bernadette Rawn, Daphne Robb, Douglas Selling. Nancy Seli, Judy Scott, Donald Shropshall, Leslie Thompson, Douglas Thomson, Marie Whitby, .. Mrs. D. Thornton Whlgb Hn Ady4th r'1'it►aes;, Thursday, July i., ltiiift,Tage 7 P RSONAL -Mr, a ui Mrte Alla t Small and Penny of Toronto ,pent the week -end with relatives and attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davidson, celebrated at the Mollie of Mr.and Mrs. George Carter on Saturday. - -Mr. and Mrs. N. 'I' . Mcg - Laughlin and Mr,J.11,11utchi- son of Ottawa have returned after spending two weeks in Larder Lake and Ottawa. --Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc- Laughlin and family are spend- ing a few days in Peterborough and Ottawa, --Rev, and Mrs. C. ['Johnson are leaving today (Thursday) to spent the month of July on a cottage on Lake !Wrote --Miss Esther Kerr and Miss Mary Lau Jamieson left Satur- day for Torpitt Lodge, Sparrow GRADE; 6 TO 7 David Balser, Jane Bateson, Rhonda 13e11, Suzanne Brenzil, Julie Burke, Sally Lou Elliott, David Gibson, Nancy Guest, Randy Ilafennehl, Steven Lang - ridge, Luanne Lavergne, John Leitch. Bobby McGee, Jane Anne Nethery, Gene Porter, Ruth Ann Readman, Bobby Shau- nessy, Joanne Sutcliffe, Sandra Tiffin, Anne Welwood. .. Mr. John Ross GRADE 7 TO 8 Janice Carter, Linda Cerson, Barbie Dauphin, Brian Deyell, Frances Ducharme, Jennifer Henderson, Gail Irvine, Linda Lockridge, Karen Rae, Marilyn Tiffin. .. Mr. John Ross GRADE 7 TO 8 Ken Aitchison, Joan Ben- nett, Bryon Brooks, Wendy Crewson, Ruth Ann Currie, Betty Fish, Esther Fish, Mark Fisher, Lloyd Fridenburg. Susan Gannett, Jeanette Geddes, Norman Gorrie, Bruce Henry, Lyla Ann Hickey, Wayne Hunter, Tom Irwin, Leonard Johnston, Susan Kre- gar. Gloria Lewis, Gloria Mc- Kee, Brenda McTaggart, Cathy Miller, Ken Rae, Matt Rich- ardson, Steven Seli, Michael Walden, Richard Wharton, Recommended, Bill Con - gram, Rodney Fumess, Irene McKee, June Ryan. . Mrs. M. Underwood GRADE 7 TO 8 Dianne Caslick, Brad El- liott, Ann Ewing, Bill Fuller, Debbie Gibson. Barbara Hetherington, Joe Kerr, Vicki Rosenhagen, Bill Strong, Paul Templeman. .. Mrs. J. Wilson GRADE 8 TO 9 Julia Adams, Gary Brenzil, Bruce Cameron, Gregory Car- ter, Ross Caslick, Ellen Cruick- shank, Suzanne Doll, Linda El- liott, Janna Ewing. Gayle Gannett, Larry Gor- don, Paul Guest, Donna Hardie, Grant Heywood, Norman Mac- Lennan, David Ohm, John Rae, Judy Reid, Monty Templeman, Adele Tiffin, George Welwood, Cathy Wenger, Patricia Zur- brigg, ..Mrs. J. Wilson GRADES TO 9 Ted Ahara, Linda Aitchison, Mary Austin, Barbara Boyd, Larry Brooks, Veronica Br\ ant., Donald CatIar, Brian Ctonk- wright, Susan Currie. Tera Deyell. Barbara Feagan, Malcolm Galbraith, Paul Gardner, Rick- ey Gardner, Joe Hall, Beverly Hastings, Donald llnsrine„ Ann Henderson, Wayne Kregar. Preston Lediet, Darcy Ma- tters, Gary MacKay, Leora McMinn, Beverley Rawr., Ed- die Ross, Valerie Selling. Transferred to Diversified Occupations. Sheila Edward, Barbara Gower. , Mrs. J. Coultes \OES Lake, for summer employment, *-Mr.. and Mrs, Ross Jamie-, son held a ianrtily gathering at their home on Sunday in honor of their mother, Mrs,Joe Strlitl>a who was celebrating her llOth birthday, 'Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Art Edgar and fain- ily of Morris Township, Mr, and Mrs,' larlcy Smith and fam- ily of Tillsonhurg and Mr, and Mrs. Russ Smith and fancily of West Hill. --Miss Julie Cruikshank, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. I3. Cruikshank, has passed first with first class honours in the second year of the Anthropo- Iogy course at the University of Toronto. - -Mrs. R. S. I letherington, Mrs. Bert Mathers and Mrs. Mar- ley Crawford were in Toronto on Wednesday and attended the performance of "hello, Dolly" at the O'Keefe Centre. Guest Speaker At United Church BLUEVALE-Rev, G. C. Mitch- ell and Mrs. Mitchell are on a motor trip to Truro, Nova Sco- tia, to visit their son Frederick, and his family. In the absence of Mr. Mitch- ell, Mr. E. Hathaway, of Court - right, conducted the service in the United Church on Sunday on behalf of the Ontario Temp- erance Federation. He gave a fine address on the work of the organization, dwelling espe- cially on the interests of young people and the encouraging re- sponses, W. R. Purdons Wed 25 Years WHITECHURCH-On Friday evening friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Purdon gathered at their home to do them honor on their 25th wed- ding anniversary. A short program was given by members of the crowd and Donald Murray read an address, Don Cameron and Frank Mc- Quillan presented Mr. and Mrs. Purdon with a card table and four chairs and a pair of bou- doir lamps. The recipients thanked their friends for re- membering them on their spe- cial occasion. All enjoyed the lunch which had been taken by the 60 who attended. This community ex- tends best wishes and congratu- lations to Mr, and Mrs. Purdon. Trade Now: -- AT -- SCHUETT'S M ILDMA 1' Select from large stock of NEW CHESTERFIELD BEDROOM KITCHEN SUITES Also — NEW PIANOS - APPLIANCES. -- Free Delivery — Godfrey Schuett MILDMAY and MOUNT FOREST 1-8b DED$CA'E sDEON' AS A ti tON 'INU'I'NG :1�1�'hA,l` RIA{"t May be donated through your local funeral director PLAL.tU It' My L , cnou4. H05PItMS, PI2ISbt4S HAVE YOU iss OUiI , ''A BtJLOUS EARLY SUMMERTIME SALE'S ., THERE . ARE STILL MANY SAVINGS WAITING FOR YOU AT BENNETT'S 5c TO $LOO STORE.