HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-07-01, Page 6Page tieWinglialit Advance -Tulles, Thursday, July J, le65 'simmonarfrougosolouroFON SALO Lt61Drs moms for WO, let good Orking condition. Phone s Blillll your Fuller Bruph Desi• er, Les Reynolds, Phone 367• 1085, Wingham, Jy28rrb VACUUM CLEANER 8s1a8 fiervice tor all melees Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone 9!43-Si140. NW* SEE OUR 'WINDOW for the best Ice cream deal in town. WING11AM MEIAT M,ABK'ar. ib. W'Oc D FOR S -Hardwood or softwood ;labs. We deliver in 10 cord loads. Bordon Litt, Sslwtrtiil, Teeswater, phone 302- 8685, 3rrb FOR SALE OR TRADE -14 [t. moulded ,mahogany skiing boat, All accessories and trailer, Ph. 357-1603. 1* WESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale, in good condition. 2 pr. venetian binds, white, 30" wide, Phone 357-2475. 1b MBA F'1IJI'EBS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6S4" --65c e box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 557.3631. llres SXNGLE BID for sale, brown metal. Simmons mattress, Very good condition, 525.00, Phone 357-2750 evenings. 1* $99.95 — SINGER zig-zag ma- chine, makes button holes, em- broiders monograms, and sews on buttons. Limited time only. No down payment. Singer Com. pany of Canada, Wingham, phone 357-3730, 24-1b NINE -PIECE WALNUT dining room suite, excellent condition, reasonably priced. Mrs. Alex Graham, Gerrie, Wroxeter 254 W2. 24-1b WAR SURPLUS 19 Mark 11 trancelver for sale, completely rebuilt and in Al working con- dition. 12 volt battery and a vi- borator power supply, Many extras. Phone 357-1516 after 5 p.m. 1b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POOLROOM for sale, $6,500. Cameron's Billiards. lb 6 ROOM COTTAGE for sale, built-in cupboards, oil heating, full basement, 2 acres of land. Ornamental trees. On edge of Wingham north. Contact Mrs. D. A. Lincoln, R. R. 2, Wing - ham. 24-1* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordan B. Elliott, Broker, Blyth, Ontaxi° Edward A, Elllott, Salesman, Wingham, Ontario Phones: Wingh&m 357-1590 Blyth 523-4431 Brick veneer 2 -family home, presently rented. One apart- ment in need of some repair. Very good location and priced to sell. Excellent income ,home. Three bedroom frame home, on Charles Street, lot 76'x132'. Excellent family home. Priced very reasonable. Early posses- sion. Building lot, 109' frontage, 132' depth, on sewers, llrrb CARS FOR SALE 1959 DODGE car for sale, auto- matic 8 cylinder, one owned, original miles and clean, Con- tact Andy Scott at Queens Hotel. ib LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PONY for sale. Bill Congram, phone 357-2652. 24-1b TEN third -calf Holstein cows for sale. Guaranteed right. Bruce Bennett, R. R. 1, Gorrie, phone Fordwich 35R3. 24-1* MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and horses according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLFCT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 . HOUR SERVICE License No. 390-C-65 . .ir..a...A:Mr TAXI SERVICE LEE'S TAXI For Town, Country or City Trips DIAL 357-1521 Winghant's only insured .Taxi FOR RENT , 3 -, BEDROOM APARTMENT, located in Fordwich, available Juice 15. Phone Fordwich 45114, llrrb 3 ROOM apartment for rent, heat, water and eloctricityr'sup- plted. Phone 367-3580. lb APARTMENT for rent, mo- dern, one bedroom, air condi- tioned. Available July 1, 1965. Apply at J. H. Cxawford's of- fice. ib FOR RENT IN TEE:9WATER —New electric heated 2 bed- room, 6 room apartment, plus laundry. Bathroom and kitchen wall tiled and floors tiled throughout. One block from postotfice, R. C. Armstrong, '1eesweter, phone 392-6494. 1b FEMALE HELP WANTED 001110MIMMINO •101=10 HELP WANTED for Good's Coffee Shop. Apply in person. 24 -ib WANTED JEEP WANTED. Apply Cam- eron's Billiards. ib WANTED -400 bales of clover hay. Phone 357-3407, Peter Norman, Whitechurch. ib USW WELDER WANTED, either 100 or 250 amp. Phone Wroxeter 563W1. 1* WANTED TO RENT -3 bed- room house in Wingham or vicinity. George Gammage, 357-2770, 3rrb INSURANCE AGENT transfer- red to Wingham wishes to rent 2 -bedroom house or an apart- ment. Apply P.O. Box 329, Wingham. 24-1* WANTED — Farms, homes, businesses. lots and acreages for sale in and around Wing - ham, Contact Glen Thuell, Real Estate Division, British Mort- gage & Trust, Listowel, phone 63. D24rrb PERSONAL ACCOMMODATION for elderly or convalescent people. Excel- lent care, pleasant surround- ings. Reasonable rates. Phone 357-1338 after 8 p.m. 10-Jy29* WISH to contact party who would be interested in organ- izing and starting the operation of a new food market, backed by chain company, to be situ- ated in Wingham. Small invest- ment gives 'A ownership. Please reply to Box 22, The Wingham Advance -Times, 10.17-24-1b THE VILLAGE NURSING HOME Fully licensed with a registered nurse in attendance, will be open to take patients on or about the 1st of August with dining room and tray service available. All applications are welcome. Contact Mr. and Mrs. David Dinsmore at Fordwich or pihone 71R12. 24-1-$b IN MEMORIAM L EDIE'1'—In loving memory of a dear mother, Charlotte Jane Lediet, who passed away June 29, 1964. Your presence Is ever near us, Your Iove remains with us yet, You were the kind of a mother Your loved ones will never for- get. —Sadly missed.—The Lediet family. 1* 1OTCHELL - MAXWELL --In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mit- chell, who passed away seven years ago July 1, 1954, and sister, Mrs. Annie Maxwell, who died three years ago, July 13th, 1962. They have not left the ones they loved, Nor have they travelled far, Just entered into God's lovely home And left the door ajar. Surely it is God's wisdom That after aching hearts, There shall be life eternal, Where loved ones never part. Memories linger, keeping them near, Despite the paaeittg of the yearly. --Always renteinbered by the WeItiake fancily. 1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS tiQ'1"[AND � CREDITORS 1TT T ra: um= OF 'THE ESTATE OF KENNE111 C. CERSQN, late of the Town of W4ngharn in the County off Huron, Deceased. NOTICE TB HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trus- tee Act, that all eredltors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Kenneth C. Corson, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J, T. GOODATIL, Solicitor for the Administratriz of the said Estate, on qr before the 15th day of July, A.D. 1905, and that after such date the 1Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have (bad notice. .DATED at Wingham, Ontar- io this 23rd day of June, AD. 1965. LOIS E. CE SON, Admin- istratrix of the Estate of Kenneth C. Cerson, By her solicitor, J. T. GOODALL., Box 119, Wingham, Ontario, 24-1-8b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN ME 'ESTATE OF PHYLUM INGRAM JOHNS. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher, who died on the thirtieth day of May, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the seventeenth day of July, 1965. After that date the Executors will proceed to /distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 28th day of June, A.D. 1965. CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 1-8-15b CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. William Dobie have sincerely appreciated the thoughtfulness and sympathy extended to them by their relatives and her many friends and neighbors. They especially thank Dr. A. Klahsen and Rev. T. E. Ken- nedy. lb I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who sent me flowers and cards, and visited ane while I was a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. MoKibbon and the nurses on first floor, also to Rev. G. L. Fish and Capt. Ferris. — Jack Henderson. 1* neismornamOrem LOST LOST—A red Hereford steer, about 1,000 lbs. Strayed from the premises of Jack Shiell. (Anyone knowing the where- abouts please phone 357-3769. lb CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL, ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD UB DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COI.1.T'CT DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Ph. 357-3106 Dead Animal Lie. No. 350-C-65 GENERAL MACHINIST AND MECHANIC A qualified man who has had trade training or experience, or both, on lathe, milling machine and surface and cylindrical grinders, Who can make parts from drawings using hand tools and above maohinee. Forty hour week. All bene- fit plans. Fight paid holidays, Two weeks vacation. Write or phone coiled tot R. BARTEL at UNION CARBIDE CANADA LIMITED WALKERTON ONTARIO 14b 11 000 000 „„„„.„,„,„„,n,„, Corning Events WE WILL BE Cil ED June 30th to July 3rd, Sorry for the inconvenience. — Ken's Wheel Alignment. 1b NOTICE The Memorial Service at Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave, will be held on Sunday, July 4, at 3 p.m. ib GODERICR LIONS BINGO Wednesday, July 7th, at 8;30 p.m,, at Harbour}ite 17 regular games at 510; one share the wealth jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel - orating jackpot up to $250.00. Admission $1,00. rrb BIRTHS ALEXANDER -- In Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, June 20, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander (Lois Bak- er), a son, Michael James. KOVACIH—To Mr. and Mrs. E. Kovach (Maxine Seddon). of Winnipeg, Man„ on Monday, June 21, 1965, a daughter, Karen Lisa, a sister for Steven, DIED MEAD, David Earl, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mead, of Wingham, born on Saturday, June 19, 1965, passed away in War Memorial Hos- pital on Monday, June 21, 1965. Funeral on Wednesday from the R. A. Currie funeral home to Wingham Cemetery. MISCELLANEOUS PALAMINO stallion standing at stud. Cameron's Billiards. 1b, PIANO TUNING Immediate service. Gordon Duncan, phone 357-1750, or apply Box 28, Advance -Times. 24-1• PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. lerrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. M11-895 FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin - tout & Sons, l6rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS For Approved Concrete Septic Tanks, Dry Wells and Leitch- ing Pit Blocks telephone collect Goderich 5244960. Emerete Cement Products 55 South Street, Goderich, Ont. Dealer Inquiries Invited Jyl-A28 FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent - 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY CHARLES McLEAN R. R. 4, Brussels Dealer for Smith -Roles Saskatoon and Guelph Manufacturers of Cornet Weld- ers, Air Compressors, Heavy Duty Grinders, Drill Fill Augers, etc. Phone Brussels 489W13 A22-Jy22* FOR MEr tORTAILS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will Stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance Without obligation: Wingham 357-1613; Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat- ford, Ontario. A22rrb 357 - 3114 is the number to call for RESERVATIONS or TAKE- OUT SERVICE - Banquet seating ttr 125 Danny's Restaurant .r WE WILL BE CLOSED July bth to llth. Sorry for, the, inconvenience. — Maelntyre's Bakery, 1b ORANGE LODGE SERVICE, The North Huron Orange Lodge will hold a service at St, Paul's Anglican Church, Wing - ham, Sunday, July 4th, at 11:00 a.m. 1' TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. Charles Johnston, Dins - ley Street, Blyth, is ,holding a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Nancy Patricia, on Saturday, July 3, from 2-4 p.m., and 7 until 9 p.m, Please accept this as your invitation, le Whitechurch News Rev. R. D. A, Currie of Wal- laeeburg spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and family and on Suit- day was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moffat and family, of Langside.. Miss Janette Johnston spent last week with her aunt, Mrs, Jim Lovett and Mr. Lovett and family of St. Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Clark Johnston of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs.13il1 Schneider and family of Tees - water attended Langside anni- versary services and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tif- fin. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of llespeler and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Golley of Morris were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Jim Currie, Mr, and Mrs. Angus Falconer and Kevin of Streetsville spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Congratulations to Misses Fordwich Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan, Mr. and Mrs. William McCann, Mr. Fraser Lynn, Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. Ross Doig and Mrs. Jack Wilson attended the open- ing of the new Legion Hall in Brussels on Friday night. Mrs. Anson Demerling is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goldrich in London. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carswell and Mrs. R, Watters attended the re- union of the school Section 15 of Minto Township. This school will be closed at the end of June and pupils will attend the new school being built at Harriston, Mrs.James Vittie and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart spent Saturday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson are spending three days in Kitchener where the former will be attending the mayors and reeves convention. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Murphy and four children and Mrs, Dan Murphy of Buffalo are visiting several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Steinack- er and two children of Caledon spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steinacker. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Hill of Ayr and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hill of Kitchener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride. Mrs. H. M. Bride is spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bride at Guelph. Mrs. N. E. Thomson of Al- bany, N.Y. , spent a week with her father, Mr. Morley Aylesworth. Miss Fern Ailman of Monk - ton spent last week with her friend, Miss Elaine Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William- son and Mr. Harold Doig at- tended the funeral in Brussels last week of the late Wilfred Welles. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rome, Brian and Judy are spending three weeks' vacation at Sauble Beach. Mrs. Elmer Miller spent three days last week with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Drew Aitchison in Elora. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wray, Brian and Grace of Toronto spent the week -end at their home here ant attended the re- union at School Section No, 15, Minto, on Saturday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kent and Mar- jorie of Embro. Mrs, Ernest Jacques and Mrs. W. Wallace of Caledonia are spending a week with their sis- ter, Mrs, R, Watters. Rev. F. Wallace of Hamilton also visit- ed Friday at the same home. Mrs. Elsie Strong and Mrs, Verna Galbraith visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gal- braith in Guelph. Caroline Dinsmore, three- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dinsmore, was con- fined to Palmerston Hospital a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. William So- thern spent Sunday at Port El- gin. Miss Janie Hambly and Mr. Joe Gibbens of Kitchener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan and family attended a reunion Sun- day in Stratford. Mr. Bob Bride of London spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride. Mrs. Gerald Heather of Lon- don was a week -end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper. Week -end and Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Foote and Jacky of Paris and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bricker and John of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frew and Sharon of Preston, and Mrs. Elsie Hins- cliffe of Galt. John Bricker re- mained for the summer months Miss Glenna Hibberd and Kenneth Lichter of Kitchener spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hib- berd. SHOP CANADIAN Zesty treat for 4L TT CHEESE ..,„ms6.140., 1 4 Jack Alexander I AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Saks I Phone 3574631 - Wingham i „....— .�„h.s:..'..1--..tlily..,,,.,..1. ......„rs,,,...,.....M,......... ....1 Joanne Laidlaw, Andrea Adams,. Carolyn Adapts, Sharon Rill will. Louise Mael)onald and Brenda Webster, Lucknow high School students who were sue+ cessful in passing their exams. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Laidlaw and Janet are holidaying in a trailer at Inverhuron, Mr, Jack MacKay and liis daughter, Mrs.Dcnton 13rehaur of Wawota, Sask. , are visiting with Mrs.Cecil Falconer. Mrs, Denton's son is at the R. C, A, F. Station Centralia, taking a special course. Mrs. W, J, Coulter visited on Sunday with Mrs. Robert Ross and Mr. and Mrs, Don Ross and family and attended Langside anniversary services, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Paine and their grandchildren, Donna and Nancy Paine of Toronto, spent the week -end visiting with Mr.and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin and Mr, and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. Mrs. Stewart Plunkett of Goderich spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Keith Coll- yer and family. Mr, and Mrs. Torn McInnes of Gorrie attended anniversary services at Langside and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Russel Ritchie. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Weber, Anne, Marlene and Clair visit- ed Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chambers and • family of Harriston. Misses Janis Farrier and Dianne Coultes returned home on Friday after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg and family of Port Elgin. W 1 NO TWO ARE EVER ALIKE! Individual insurance needs dif- fer, too. One of the many services we perform for our clients is to help them choose the types and amounts of in- surance best fitted to their par- ticular requirements. You will find us ready and willing to discuss your insurance needs anytime—at your convenience. W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY 'Complete Insurance Coverage --- Agent for — MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY S John St. W. - Ph. 357-2636 WINGHAM STARR "WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO” READ THIS AD carefully if you are looking for a home that is really worth the value. Here is a good looking home packed from cellar to roof with all the modern conveniences plus many Costly extras such as two 3 pc, baths, 2 bright sun porches, asphalt drive, etc. Every nook and corner of this home is completely spotless and immaculate, Situated on a nicely landscaped lot bordered with stately maple trees and close to churches, schools and the main street itself. Located in the town of Wingham. Terms can be arranged, EXCELLENT BRICK HOME, full price only $8,900 and terms can be arranged. t' This mice home has all the up- to-date conveniences and is lo- cated close to the main street of Wingham on a nicely land" seeped lot. 200 ACRES of level land with a brick home, all modern eom- ven}ences, Large barn with hydro, littOr Carrier, etc. !This land is highly productive. Full price only $12,500 and terms can be arranged. Owner in Wary anxious for a quick sale. 0 0 s9 Paui S. Starr a COMPANY LTD., REALTORS W nghaln Ph. 357-3840 0 n