HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-06-24, Page 13A
G. A. WILLIAMS, 0.0.
Phone 357-1282
(;()BRIM -The Gorrie Red
Cross Water Safety classes will
he held this year from July 5 to
July 31 inclusive.
Donald Whitfield will he
the instructor and Lynda John-
ston assistant.
Tenders for Sub -Trades
Sub -trade prices will be received by the undersigned
until 5 p.m., 24th June, 1965, for an addition to Saint
Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham.
Architects: Brown, Brisley & Brown, Toronto.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Construction Limited
P. O. BOX 261
Talk about flexible!
At the Lord Simcoe there's something
to suit every occasion — luxury suites,
economical singles—dine and dance in
the Captain's Table or snack in the
sparkling Cafeteria,
Next time, enjoy your stay in Toronto more
at the
150 King SI. West, Toronto. Tel: 362-1848
GRADUATE — Two pupils at the Golden
Circle School received graduation gifts on
Monday from the teacher, Mrs. John
Reavie. Wayne Procter and Mary Lee
Rooney have attended the school for sev-
eral years and have shown great im-
—Advance -Times Photo.
Fordwich Personals
A dedication service will be
held Sunday morning at 10 a.
m. in Trinity Anglican Church,
when a lectern for the holy
Bible will be presented by the
A.Y.P. A. in memory of Wil-
liam Jacques, and a painting of
the Last Supper presented for
use in the Sunday School,given
by Mrs. Mary Sanderson.
Those attending the Spring
Deanery of the W.A. of the
Anglican churches held in Sea -
forth were Mrs. Elsie Strong,
Mrs. Peter Browne, Miss Em-
merson Hargrave, Mrs. Mary
Sanderson and Mrs. Emmerson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norton,
Miss Peggy Norton and Mr. Al-
fred Jones of Guelph were Sun-
day visitors with Mr.and Mrs.
William Sothern.
Mr. Amos Attwood of Tees -
water visited Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart,
Douglas and Gregory of Listow-
el were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie.
Mr. Bruce Sothern underwent
a tonsilectomy Thursday morn-
ing in Palmerston Ilospital.
Mrs.Jack Mann and children,
Mrs.Jim Douglas and children
and Miss Sharon Pollock are
spending this week at Lurgen
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester
and Mrs. Myrtle Wallace at-
tended the memorial service on
Sunday in Palmerston Cemetery
Miss Doris Leonard of Listow-
el visited Sunday with Mrs.
Elsie Strong.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Hargrave were
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Orth,
Misses Thelma and Shirley
Orth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall-
man, Kenneth and Vivian and
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Har-
grave, all of Listowel.
Misses Sharon Elliott, Lynn
Our selection of fun -time clothing has never been greater. There is a tremend-
ous variety of summer dresses for Girls and Ladies, featuring many half -sizes
for the ladies.
Mix and Match Slim and Pedal Pusher sets with matching Slipperettes are still
high on the parade and you'll be amazed et our wide selection of Mix and Match
Short sets for ladies and girls priced from $2.98 to $5.98.
There is a wonderful line-up of Pull-
overs and Cardigans tailored for cool-
er evenings. Ladies will enjoy the cre-
ations by Golden Crown. There is also
a smart line-up of Sweaters for the
little ones by National Knit and Tam
'0 Shanter.
Sail Cloth, Cotton Knit and Nylons featur-
ing half and full zippers in plains, plaids
and figures. Lined - unlined. $3.98 to $5.98
We have a fine stock of the latest creations
featuring the new reversibles
$3.98 to 56.98
Summer fun isn't complete without the
addition of a new blouse. Our selection
of Casuals and Tailored Blouses is cer-
tain to please you. Long and Short Sleeve
styles for every occasion.
DAD Will REALLY Be Pleased
with our fresh line of Sport
irShirts and easy - care Short
Sleeve White Dress Shirts.
FOR MOM— •s'"
Smart fresh stylings in 2 and 3 Il .
piece swimwear by Maxine of
Hollywood. $8.95 to $14.95.
Beach Bags with hats to
match — $2.98
Corsage Bathing Caps
by Playtex %
A well rounded selection
of Bathing Trunks that are
certain style -setters
Wide selection of Bathing Suits by
Tam '0 Shanter, National Knit and%
Ladybird—$1.98 to $4.98
Cabana Sets for Boys. Great creations
for sun filled summer fun. Sizes 6 to
18—$3.98 to $4.98
Agla, Jim Timberley and Gary
Sothern spent Sunday at Port
Miss Jean Siefert of Listowel
spent last week with her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sie-
Sunday visitors with Mr.and
Mrs. Elmer Williamson were
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaus of Kurtz-
ville, Mr.and Mrs. Lenwood Ed-
gar, Tanji and Dale of Mount
Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Edgar and Debbie of Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunt and
family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs.I-iarold Webster in
Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Everitt Ashton at Prescott.
Sunday visitors with Mr.and
Mrs. Tom McClement were
Mrs. Ida Gallagher, Mr. and
Mrs. Fraser McClement and fam—
ily, Mr.and Mrs. Gary Mc -
Clement, Mr.and Mrs. Bruce
McClement and Debbie, all of
Listowel. Miss Betty McClem-
ent and Paul Schaefer of Kitch-
ener were week -end visitors at
the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig and
family of Galt were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClena-
ghan, who have been staying
at the home of Mrs. Emma
Williamson for six weeks, re-
curved home to Whitechurch
on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Williamson and family
of London spent the week -end
with Mrs. Williamson.
Miss Bonnie Inglis of Toron-
to and Mr. David Inglis of Wa-
terloo spent the week -end with
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gib-
son returned home last week
after a two weeks' visit in the
western provinces.
Mrs. Elmer Millar spent a
few days last week in Elora
with her parents. Her father,
Mr. Drew Aitcheson, is very
ill at present. Miss Elaine Mil-
lar is spending some time with
her grandparents.
Grades seven and eight of
Howick Central School took a
bus trip to Goderich last Wed-
nesday. They visited the har-
bor and enjoyed a boat ride,
the museum, Sifto Salt Plant
and the airport and had dinner
in the park. They also enjoyed
a shopping tour.
Miss Peggy Gibson visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Renwick, near Belmore.
Week -end and Sunday visit-
ors with Mrs. Ruby Forester were
Miss Mary Corbett of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. John Mowatt of
Milton, Mrs. Stewart MacNaugh-
ton and John of Wingham and
Mrs. Charles Verschoor of Ann
Arbour, Michigan, who re-
mained and will spend this
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gib-
son, who were married recent-
ly, returned home Wednesday
from the Western Provinces.
Tobago was discovered by
Columbus in 1498 and its early
history is Spanish, French, Dutch
and English.
Wiughant Advane:e-Times, Thursday, June 24, 19(35 -Page 5
Bluevale Personals
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Brower this week are her
sister, Mrs, Murray McDiartnid,
and her granddaughter, of
Recent visitors with Mrs,
Mabel Harris of Lambeth, were
Mr. and Mrs, Sparling Johnston
and Mr. and Mrs.Car1 Johnston,
Mrs, Harris' son, harry, and
his wife are moving to Vancou-
ver where they will make their
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Smith and
fa nily of Bremerton, Waslt. ,
visited Mr, and Mrs. A.D.
Smith, this week.
Mr.Jack Brewer and Mr,
Clifford Brewer visited in Wood-
stock on Sunday.
Our high school students are
taking positions at various
places during the suminer.Maty
FORDWICI I -A special service
was held Sunday morning in
Trinity Anglican Church when
Mrs. Emmerson I largrave was
presented with a Life Member-
ship certificate and pin from
the W.A. Mrs. W. Cooper of
Stratford, secretary -treasurer
of Life Membership of the W.A.
of the Diocese, made the pre-
Mrs. R. Gibson
Presides at W.I.
FORDWICH-The Women's
Institute held its June meeting
in the Community Hall. Mrs.
Robert Gibson presided and de-
votions were taken by Mrs.
Leslie Loughran.
The motto, "It won't help
your crop to sit on the fence
and count your neighbours'
weeds," was given by Mrs.
Earl Moore. Roll call was ans-
wered by "an outside job I dis-
like in the spring". A letter
was read from the adopted sol-
dier in Westminster Hospital,
thanking the ladies for his
birthday gift.
A donation was voted to
Clinton for a farewell gift for
Mrs. Squire, home economist.
Due to a misunderstanding in
May, 1963, a donation of
$5.00 by Mrs, William Mc-
Cann had been put in the gen-
eral fund instead of being
given to the Hall Board, there-
fore $5.92 was voted to the
Hall Board to pay for new cur-
tain tracks.
Alex Connell of Palmerston
was introduced by Mrs. Howard
Harris. He showed slides of the
British Isies and spoke of his
tour with the Junior Farmers.
He was thanked by Mrs. L.
Loughran and a game of char-
ades was enjoyed and a social
hour was spent.
I.illow goes to Cleveland House
on bake 8osscau, Betty 1leth-
erington to London, cordon
McMurray to the Wingham and
District hospital and Harvey
Manu to tltc Bluevale Creamery.
Mr. and Ms.1)utrald McMur-
ray and children 01 I,ucknow,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
R.J. McMurray.
Mrs, Gene 1)ohie of Toronto
and Mrs. Fdna Lundy 01 limo,
Northern Ontario, were visitors
with their mother, Mrs, Kath-
arine Dohie, and their sister,
Mrs.Jcs Johnston,
Vi atrthors on Sundawith Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon I lall were Mr.
and Mrs. Bill I lall, I3ill Jr,. and
Donna of Glencoe, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Scott and family of
Newton and Mr, and Mrs.Jack
Hall and family of Brussels.
Mr. George Banks and Miss
Jane Groves of Akron, Ohio,
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
hall on Monday.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
R.11. McKinnon on Sunday were
Mr, and Mrs. I1. Spence McKin-
non, l3ob, Barbara Ann, David
and Joan of Niagara Falls.
LOBA Donates
To Scott Mission
Lodge met at the home of Mrs.
R. Watters. Miss Elva Foster
presided. The mystery prize
was won by Mrs. Elsie Strong,
donated by Mrs. Ernie D'Arcy.
A donation was voted to
the Scott Mission in Toronto
for the Children's Fresh Air
Fund, and a bale of good used
clothing was sent to the same
A discussion was held on
what might be done to help
the new nursing home, which
is being made ready inP"ord-
wich. A committee wasnamed
to contact the owners. Mrs.
Ernie D'Arcy also reported that
the mound in the cemetery had
been taken care of and flowers
planted. Plans were discussed
for the July 12th celebration.
GOLDRICH-To Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Goldrich (Elaine Dem-
erling) of London and formerly
of Fordwich, a son on Thursday,
June 17, in St.Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London.
FOREMAN -To Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Foreman of Palmerston
(Eunice Martin of Fordwich) at
Listowel Hospital on June 14, a
Don't argue about the right-
of-way. It's possible to be
right and dead.
You'll get along just
swimmingly, when
your car is checked here