HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-06-24, Page 12Wittgh;tut Ad‘auec-'Pirates, `t'hursday, June '21. lti(it) 1 age •1 .. Michie Reunion hPeld in /Wiliton 131:LGRAVI'-The 12tlt annual Miclde reunion was held on Saturday at the home of 1t, and t\1 is,Lcslic Wills of Milton when f)1> persons met for dinner and supper, 'i'lte afternoon was spent in sports, contest and swimming conducted by Jiin Coulson, The president, George Mi - chic conducted the election of of Beers as lollows: President, I3ob (trashy; secretary-trcasnrer, Mrs. Ross Anderson; lunch coin iuittee, Mrs, George Michie, Mrs. Leslie Wills, Mrs. Russ Anderson; sports conunittec, Rac Smith, Ross Nichol and Ross Anderson. The reunion next year will he held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Michie. BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. Americo Arruda of Toronto visited for the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, cliff Logan. Mr.and Mrs. Les Shaw and family of London visited with her parents, Mr.and Mrs.Jack Anderson. Mr. and Mrs.Cecil Arm- strong, Rem. and Kenneth of Thorndale, visited for the week -end with Mr.and Mrs. Dave Armstrong. Mrs.'1'ed Fear and Miss Margaret Nicholson attended the Regional Folk School held at the Goderich Sumner School for the week -end. Mr.and Mrs. Albert Vin- cent, Gary MacSwecn and Mrs. Cliff Logan attended the Vin- cent reunion held at Bayfield on Saturday. Lniform Worn 50 Years Aco Shown at 3anquet 13I:LGRAVIE-'Fl c United Church Sunday School room was the setting for the annual C. G. I. T. Mother and Daugh- ter banquet held last Wednes- day. The room was decorated by the intermediate group.The tables were arranged in a square and in the centre of the square was a doll table set up with four dolls dressed in C.G. 1.T. uniforms. On the small table was the 50th anniversary cake decorated in gold and white with the C. G.1. T. crest in blue. Gold and white stream- ers were placed from the ceil- ing to the edge of the tables, held in place at the top by a bouquet of flowers. The girls had previously held a tea to give themselves this banquet. Wendy Fear, president, was the chairman. Wendy proposed the toast to the Queen and Rev. Arthur Jackson said grace. After the banquet Bonnie Cook proposed the toast to the mo - Host Two Couples On Anniversaries BELGRAVE-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent were hosts on Sunday to a 25th wedding an- niversary in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent of London, and Mr.and lvirs. Roy Mac - Sween of Belgrave. Theirhome was decorated with pink and white bells. A picnic lunch was enjoyed and a social time followed. Each couple was presented with a silver tea service. Guests were members of the family and included Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacSween and Gary, Mr.and Mrs. Leslie Vincent, Sharon, Wayne and Paul of London, Mr. and Mrs.Jim Taff, David, Doug Donnie of London, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent, Mr. and Mrs.Cliff Logan, Barry and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Americo Arrudo of Toronto and Mr. and virs. Harold Vincent, Murray, Donald, Neil and Grant. Explorers to Hold Picnic BELGRAVE-The Explorers met on Sunday morning.Mrs. Laura Johnston read the last chapter on Trinidad "Each One Chooses", and a discussion fol- lowed. The theme of the worship service was "Standing Firm". A hymn was sung and Marlene Pletch received the offering with Gail Mayberry leading the offertory prayer. Scripture passages were read by Barbara Cook and Mrs, Stan Hopper led in prayer. The business was conducted by Mary Grasby. Minutes and roll call were read by Mary Ann Wheeler. Ken Hopper gave the treasurer's report. The an- nual Explorer's and Messengers' picnic was announced for the evening of June 29 at the ball park. Mothers and families are invited. The World Friends Were distributed by Grant Vin- cent. thers and Mrs.Jack VanCamp replied. The toast to the church was proposed by Lynda Coultes and Rev. Jackson replied. Mrs. Cliff Walsh proposed a toast to the C. G. I. T. and the girls re- plied by singing the C. G.'. T. hymn. Head table guests were in- troduced by Wendy. They in- cluded Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs. Mervyn Lobb, Mrs. Cliff Walsh, Mrs. Cliff Logan, Mary Ellen Walsh, Janette Lobb. The ladies who served were thanked by Mrs. Jackson. A duet, "The Wedding", was sung by Rhonda Fear and Joan Bosman, accompanied by Audrey Coultes. Mrs. Ross An- derson, a former C. G.1. T. leader, gave a history of 50 years of C. G. I. T. Mrs. Cliff Logan addressed the graduates and they were each presented with a cup and saucer. Graduates were Wendy Fear, Donna Grasby, Marilyn Taylor, Lynda Coultes, Linda Rinn and Margaret Nicholson. Girls presenting the gifts were Joyce Coultes, Sandra Procter, Mary Ellen Taylor, Ruth Ann Pletch, Brenda Van - Camp, Nancy VanCamp. Rhon- da Fear and Joan Bosman sang "Crying in the Chapel". Donna Grasby introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Mervyn Lobb of Clinton who told the girls of experiences she had in the past in C. G. I. T. and showed a middy that was worn 50 years ago. She had several pictures of the first groups. The speaker was thanked by Mari- lyn Taylor who presented her with a gift from the girls. Institute to Sponsor Trip GRADUATES OF THE BELGRAVE CGIT were pictured at the Mother and Daughter banquet. Front: Lynda Coultes, Margaret Nicholson, Linda Rinn. Back: Wendy Fear, Marilyn Taylor and Donna Grasby. BELGRAVE-The June meet- ing of the Women's Institute was held in the Community Centre with Mrs. Stanley Cook presiding. Two dollars was voted for a gift for Mrs. Patricia Squires. No action was taken on the piano but it was decided to hold hobo teas to try to raise money for the piano. The memorial service for Brandon Cemetery was announced for Sunday, July 4 at 3 p.m. The Institute is again sponsoring a bus trip in July and anyone in- terested in going is asked to get in touch with Mrs. Ivan Wightman. The roll call was answered by naming a spring flower which is the emblem of one of the provinces. Mrs. Stanley Cook read an article on the Institute in England and the celebration of their 50th anni- versary. Mrs. James Michie gave a reading by Peter Mc- Arthur. Margaret Nicholson, accompanied by Mrs. John Nixon, sang "Bless This House: Mrs. Richard Procter gave an address "What's New in Agriculture?" and reported on the district annual held in Blyth. Grace was sung and lunch served by Mrs. Robert Higgins, Mrs. George Michie and Mrs. Leslie Bolt. ATTENDING THE BELGRAVE CGIT banquet were Mrs. Arthur Jackson, leader; Mrs. Ross Anderson, former lead- er; Mrs. M. Lobb, of Clinton, guest speaker; Mrs. Cliff. Logan and Mrs. Cliff Walsh, assistant leaders. Fred Davidson Shows Films, W.I. 13131,MORII-The June meeting of the Wonicn's Institute was held on Tuesday evening of last week in the Contmnnity I lall. Mrs. Donald Wallace., convener of the Agriculture. and Canadian industries committee was in charge of the meeting. Meinbers of the Whitechurch W.I. were guests, with some ineinbers present front the Lakelet W,1. Mrs, Fred Doubledee gave a reading based on the topic, "If weeds will grow, wliy not flow- ers?". She stressed the idea that we should develop our good characteristics as well as we seem to develop our faults. Mrs, Dan Tiffin of Whitechurch entertaiirwd with a piano solo. Mrs. Thomas Abraham gave an interesting talk about modern art. Special guest Fred Davidson of Wingham, showed pictures of vacations spent in Northern Ontario and the southern Unit- ed States. He also showed a film about the lumbering indus- try in California. Lunch was served by Mrs. Elmer Jeffray, Mrs. William Merkley and Mrs. William Mul- vey. There will be no regular meetings in July and August. Plans are being made for a bus trip some time in July. OVER 300 ATTEND CHURCH SUPPER BLUEVALE-A very success- ful event was held in Bluevale United Church on Thursday evening when residents of the community and neighborhood enjoyed a fine supper prepared by the women of the congrega- tion. Over 300 people attended. News of Lakelet Mr. Douglas Dennis has ac- cepted a position at the Mat- thew -Wells plant in Guelph, and commenced work on Tuesday. Miss Brenda Hill, Mr. Jim Greenley, Mr. Laverne Green - ley, and Mr. Heinz Baumgar- ten visited in London during the week -end. Mrs. Stanley Dennis and sons, Eldon and Douglas, attended the Glazier reunion at Guelph on Sunday. Mrs. Dennis re- mained for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lints, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Reidt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wylie and sons and Mrs. Ernest Wylie visit- ed with Mrs. Joseph Vogan and Mr. Wesley Haines of Wingham on Sunday. Mrs. Gerald Terryberry and daughters, Lee Ann and Paula of Milton, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Reidt last week. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond Mc- Donald and sons of Wingham and Mr.and Mrs. Ernie Harris of Wroxeter were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hohnstein. Mr. Peter Glazier of Guelph visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dennis for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thomp- son, Dennis, Lorie and Lisa and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Wingham, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright on Sunday evening. Misses June and Janette Wright and Mr. Duncan Stephen spent Saturday in Newmarket. Mrs. Herb Burchill and fam- ily visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burchill of Goder- ich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Inglis of Toronto, Miss Anne Holm of Kitchener, Miss Cathy Simpson, Mr. Ian Sanders, Mr. Keith Love and Jim Inglis, all of Guelph, were Father's Day week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs.Jim Inglis. Five HMI lived for a month tit IUG:3 in a shelter 313 feet be- low the surface of tiie ltcd Sc':t. James 13ueltanan was the only lilt' -long bachelor to be presi- dent ol the WINNERS OF OUR SPRING DRAWS lst---$15.00 in Mdse,—Mrs. Jack Inglis, R,R. 1, Clifford 2nd—$10 in Mdse.—H. Browne, Patrick St., Wingham 3rd—$5 in Mdse.—Mrs. Allan Whytock, R.R., Teeswater A SPECIAL THANK -YOU to all our customers who have helped to make these draws possible. WE HAVE NEWS FOR YOU OUR SUMMER SALE 15 NOW ON YOU CAN SAVE ON QUALITY READY-TO-WEAR at HUGHES READY-TO-WEAR STORE TEESWATER Phone 392-6851 for evening appointments P.S.—Due to the interest in our spring draws we are continuing on for summer draws. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS • • • 51n1 PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 512% interest, payable half - yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. E STERLINO TR / 372 Bay St., Toronto 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga E., Orillia Barrie • 1 SEE A FUN FILLED SUMMER IN YOUR FUTURE! LY N E 90 TOP QUALITY N AUTOMOBILES EAR W W f }i . *- `'.l BUT YOU MUST HURRY. This is undoubtedly the biggest sales event ever featured at Harvey Krotz Limited. Harvey has been celebrating his anniversary throughout June by offering top quality auto- mobiles at fantastic savings. You'll find station wagons, sports cars, convertibles, prestige units, family sedans AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD. DON'T MISS THIS SALE ... If you've been thinking about a different car, a trouble free unit to add extra fun to your holidays, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to drop in and SEE FOR YOURSELF how easy and economical it is to drive away in a Harvey Krotz car. THIS GREAT SALE ENDS JUNE 301h. SO HURRY! I -f577 KT317 LTIffTThZI YOUR AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL PHONE 1065