HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-06-24, Page 2Page `:'T Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday. June 24, 1905 Whitechurch News Items Mr, Daniel Cassidy returned to the home of Ms daughter, Mrs, Walter Arscott, after a three weeks` tour of prince Ed- ward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Mrs. Angus Falconer, Allan and Kevin of Streetsville spent the week -end with Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Allan remained for a two weeks' holiday. Whitechurch and Clifford midget teams played Monday evening on Whitechurch dia- mond, The score was White- church 14, Clifford 4, Miss Sandra Fisher is spend- ing two weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoffin returned home on Saturday after two weeks' vacation with their relatives in London and Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Don Bushell and fam- r4, aut' (Churc (ANGLICAN) Zaingbanli Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY—JUNE 27 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School, 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Rev. H. L. Jennings, Brussels, in charge of service. .MMI M.M11, M1.MMNMMIIIM Schools for Sale THE FOLLOWING TWO SCHOOLS WILL BE SOLD ON Saturday, June 26th, 1965 STARTING AT 1 O'CLOCK, D.S.T. FIRST SALE No. 5 SCHOOL, known as Glenannon School being composed of Part of Lot 10 in the 11th Concession df Turnberry Township, containing approximately 36 acre of land. On the property is a brick school with basement in good condition, with a good drilled well. The land and building will be sold together subject to a reserve bid. At the same time and place all contents of school will be sold consisting of oil furnace, nearly new; light fixtures, blackboards, cupboards, pressure system, basin, taps, teach- er's desk and chair, piano and bench, antiques, school bell, school desks and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale—Cash. Except property which will be 10% of purchase price, balance 30 days. TIME OF SALE --1 O'CLOCK, D.S.T. JACK ALEXANDER, Auctioneer. SECOND SALE No. 9 SCHOOL, known as Powell's School being composed of Part of Lot 11, Concession 6, Turnberry Township, containing approximately 36 acre of land. On the property is a brick sohool with good drilled well. The land and building will be sold together subject to a reserve bid. .At the same time and place the following contents will be sold: Oil heater, oil tank, blackboards, light ,fixtures, teacher's desk and chair, school desks, school bell, chairs, cupboards, pressure system, basin and taps, piano and bench and many other articl too numerous to mention. Terms — Cash. except property which will be 10% purchase price, balance 30 ,days.. TIME OF SALE -3 O'CLOCK, D.S.T. JACK ALEXANDER, Auctioneer. 17-24b ily at Kinlough. Miss Nancy Simmons of Lon- don is t'isiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mr, and Mrs, George Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Walker and family attended the Snell picnic held in the Community Centre, Londesboro. Mr. How- ard Walker was re-elected president. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie is visiting this week with her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Gilles- pie of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. George Walker visited on the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alnore [lepton of Brantford. Miss Lila Humphrey of St. Helens visited recently with her sist er, Mrs, George Walker and Mr. Walker of East Wawa - nosh. As we go to press we learn that Mrs, Jaynes Laidlaw passed away in Wingham & District Hospital on Monday evening. This community extends their sympathy to the relatives. About 50 ladies and girls at- tended a demonstration at the home of Mrs. Dan Tiffin last Wednesday evening. Contest winners were Mrs. Albert Coul- tes, Mrs. James Currie and Mrs. E. Sleightholm, Draw winners were Mrs, Ezra Scholtz, Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Les Reynolds. The hostess and her helpers served lunch. Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Mary Chapman Sr., Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs. Emma Coffin and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of Whitechurch Women's Institute visited with the Belmore ladies last week. Mrs. Tiffin gave an instrumental for the White- church group. Miss Lila Emerson spent a few days early last week with her sister, Mrs. Maud Haggitt of Brussels. Mrs. Lucy Harkness of Bramp- ton and Mr.and Mrs. Ernie Charlton of Hamilton visited this week with Mrs. Cassie Fal- coner. Elwood Groskorth and Earl Caslick had new roofing put on their homes last week. Next Sunday, June 27, com- munion service will be held at Calvin- Brick. On June 27 anniversary ser- vices will be held at Langside Church at 11 a.rn. and 8 p.m. Rev. R. D. A. Currie of Wallace - burg, a former minister for Whitechurch and Langside, will be guest preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. William Brown of Lucknow, were guests at the Young -John- ston wedding held on Saturday in Belgrave, BIRTH BEECROFT-In Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday, June 19th, 1965, to Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft of R. R.3, Wingham, a daughter, Karen Arlene, a sister for Ronald and Kirk. Pass Exams WIIITIiCI1t'RCii-Miss Mur- iel Moore, Elwin Moore, Mur- ray Coultes, Wayne Martin and George Conn, students at the University of Western Ontario in London, have all passed the year's examinations with hon ors, Calvin. Brick Messengers W HITECHt1RCl l -Calving Brick Messengers met in the church on Sunday, Miss Linda McGee was leader and pianist was Jim Robertson. The Scrip- ture was read by Miss Marian McGee. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor gave the story of Helen Keller. Miss Doris Coultes led in prayer. The Herald's report was given by Barbara Pattison and Miss Joyce Taylor read a poern. The offering was re- ceived by Phillip Chandler and Dennis Thompson and Miss Linda McGee gave the offer- tory prayer. 104th Birthday For Mrs. St. John WHITECHURCI-1-Mrs, Ed- ward St.John of Kansas City recently celebrated her 100th birthday with her daughter, Mrs. Gladys Kelce, where many friends gathered for the special occasion. Mrs. St. John was formerly Mary Robinson, daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs. Ed Robinson, who pioneered in this country on the 9th concession of East Wawanosh. Her sisters, the late Mrs. William (Agnes) Beecroft and Mrs. Joseph (Nell) Cumberland of Manitou, Man., and bro- thers, William and Tom of East Wawanosh and James of Wingham passed away many years ago. Mrs. St. John has many nieces • and nephews in this commu- nity. Chalmers COC Hold Meeting W HITECHURCH-Chalmers Presbyterian Children of the Church met on Sunday during church service, in the Sunday School room. The meeting was opened by the president, Miss Ruth Elliott and pianist was Miss Darlene Simpson. The call to worship was giv- en by the president. Paul Laid- law read the Scripture and Miss Janice Laidlaw led in prayer. The minutes were read by Miss Mary Lou Wall. The roll call was answered by 19 members. The offering was received by Barry Elliott and the offertory prayer was given by Miss Debbie Reynolds. Mrs.Earl Caslick, assistant leader, read a story, "The Boat Ride". Mrs. Hugh Simpson, leader, gave the story "The Flower Moon" from the study book. save more more more more easily with a Commerce Automatic Savings plan Just tell us how much you'd like to save each month. Then we'll make all the necessary transfers from your chequing to your savings account. There's no cost to you. Thousands of our customers have found this simple 'plan helps them save. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE weer 1.300 branches to .'erre you O 1,0.OLD TYNE VALUES .,,,„ IDi • f; r, .,,,_,, , ,... TOILET T SSUE AT THE 2 FOR 29c REGULAR PRICE, 8 ROLLS WOULD BE $1.16 -- GET0 THEM THIS WEEK FOR HALF THAT 0 robs C .. SAVE 58c. 0 for Buy 4 rolls --get 4 FREE Believe if or not! HIGH QUALITY SACCHARIN �IIIIf11111rIII 1Y '__!' f00 (/NftxfAlff:0. UYAIN TABLETS t—..-- glai � TABLETS — 1/4 :PAitiTte`'A 1`U t �, "'... a1.5.� t. �5 i 1 ® • GRAIN TABLETS grain / DA• SPE-C411. 1 00 for 13 0 just -,...---------A`,"_„..- — �""� THESE ARE JUST FOUR SAMPLES OF FANTASTIC SAVINGS FOR YOU DURING OUR OLD TYME SALE. SNOW WHITE -400s-2 Ply Special Facial issue 2 BOXES 49( DU BARRY HUDNUT1 TABU PH. 357 - 2170 VANcEiS i� PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST COMPLETE VETERINARY SUPPLIES WH1TECHURCH Mr.John Willis began work on Monday at Campbell Soup factory in Listowel, as an in- dustrial foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Caslick and family of Culross. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Marlene and Clair were Sunday afternoon visitors with her bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mock and family of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nickel of Culross visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wilbert Galaway of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Diane and Miss Janis Farrier were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichten- berg of Port Elgin. Diane and Janis remained for a week's vacation. Miss Janet Beecroft of Alma College, St. Thomas and her aunt, Miss Janet Watson, teach- er at Aylmer High School, were week -end visitors with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cham- bers, Mrs.John Chambers and Dovene were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, as Dovene leaves this week to work at Orillia for the summer. (+) DEDICATE GUDEOINI BIBLES AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL Miry be donated through your local funerat director t• Lull 1 Ill, t . HOSPITALS, PRISONS NOTICE TO Water Consumers The hours of watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m,, and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pay- ment discount of 10% is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above -noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. SHERA, Superintendent. School for Sale Friday, July 2nd, 19b5 STARTING AT 7:30 P.M., D.S.T. No. 4 SCHOOL, known as Bluevale School being composed of Lots No. 20 and 21 on Clyde Street, Lots 22 and 23 on Duncan Street, Bluevale. On the property Is a brick school with basement in good condition with a good drilled well. Also a building that would make a garage, The land and building will be sold together, subject to a reserve bid. At the same time and place all contents of the school will be sold consisting of oil furnace, nearly new, oil tanks, blackboards, cupboards, pressure system, basin and taps, teacher's desk and chair, school bell, piano and bench, school desks, antiques, light fixtures, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Tering Of sale—Cash, except property which will be 10% of purchase prick, balance 30 days. Time of Sale -4:30 pan., FRIDAY, JULY 2nd JACK ALEXANDER, Auctioneer: 2,t-11' 11