HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-06-10, Page 30 • • • •. • • • • You are only young once and remember you can't fool yourself by taking pep pills. Don't hoard ideas. The More An old timer is one who re* you radiate, the more you ger, rnernbers when pickets were urinate. - Hal Stebbins part of a wooden fence. With a Price Range from $1.Q0 to $32.50 • WALLETS • KEY CASES • LETTER OPENERS • JEWEL BOXES • DESK SETS • ELECTRIC SHAVERS. • CUFF LINKS • 'TIE TACS • JIGGERS • BINOCULARS • LIGHTERS • PIPE RACKS • BAROMETERS • STEINS • CLOTHES BRUSH • BAR SETS HAI:EMU-0 'S WINGHAM EWELLERY PHONE 357-2670 has your dog tried it? MITE SIZE NEW SHUR GAIN DOG FOOD New SHUR•GAIN Dog Food is a superior type of kibbled ration with a high meat content—lots of real beef Dogs love it. Feed it wet or dry. Available from the man whose business is feeding livestock better—your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill operator. Ask about home deliveries. the latest product of SHUR•GAIN research CANADA PACKERS LTD. 152 JOSEPHINE W. WINGHAM Dial 357-3060 LAWN -BOY BEST POWER MOWER BUY STMNTON'S HARDWARE DIAL 357-3910 WINGHAM • Finger -Tip Start ...world's easiest • Exclusive clog -proof grasscatcher • Ultra -tight Magnesium construction • 2 Cutting Speeds • Oversize Muffler ... quietest mower of all • 3 hp. engine ' • 2 year Warranty Panel Looks at Work of Women BLUEVALE-The W.M. S. Meeting was held last Wednes- day everting in the Sunday School room of Knox Presbyter- ian Church with 15 members and one child present. Mrs, W, K. Robertson opened the meet* ing with the call to worship, followed by a hymn, The responsive reading was followed by prayer by Mrs. Ro- bertson. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on the motion of Mrs, Burns Moffatt. The meeting for July will be conducted by Mrs, B. Moffatt and Mrs. Alec MacTa- vish. Mrs. McMurray had charge of the meeting, the topic be- ing "Mission on Our Doorsteps - through the Years in Canada". This program was prepared by Miss Kelly, who was the speak- er at the Presbyterial in Moles- worth. The W. M, S. theme was sung and Scripture was read by Mrs. Bernard Thomas. Mrs. Mrs. J. Elston Conducts Study BLUEVALE-Mrs.Mel Craig, president, presided at the meet- ing of the U.C.W. in the schoolroom of the United Church on Tuesday of last week. The study program was con- ducted by Unit Two with Mrs. Jim Elston in charge. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Har- vey Edgar. Mrs. K. Barber read a poem and Mrs. Elston led in prayer. Mrs. Charles Bosman and Mrs. Glenn Sellers sang a duet. Mrs. Milton Fraser gave the topic, "Christ's Love", using thoughts from Martin Luther, the great reformer--" All treas- ures in earth cannot compare with the gift of Christ," he said. Mrs. Craig conducted the business session when plans were made for a congregation- al supper on June 17th, Mrs. Jack Nicholson was named con- vener of the event, to form the executive with the leaders of the three groups. Mrs. Charles Mathers report- ed the purchase of two pedes- tals - tals for the church. 99th BIRTHDAY Mrs. John Hyndman, of Gor- rie, who has been a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital for the past two and one-half years, celebrated her 99th birthday on Wednesday. Mrs. Hyndman, while frail, is in reasonably good health and has a very alert mind. EASY TERMS 18.200.6,5 Burns Moffatt led in prayer fol- lowed by current events by each member. The program was presented in a very effective panel.Tiiose taking part were Mrs. McMur- ray, Mrs. B. Robertson, Mrs, K. Moffatt, Mrs. G, Ross, Mrs. B. Moffatt, Mrs. R. Elliott and Mrs. Harry Elliott, These ladies told of the beginning of the Women's work in the various places throughout the country, the stages and the changes that have taken place through the years. This presented a glimpse into the past as well as a look toward the future. Mrs. McMurray thanked all those who participated in the meeting. The closing prayer was given by Mrs, McMurray, Pioneer Girls Receive Awards The Pilgrim Division of the Pioneer Girls held an encamp- ment on Tuesday evening in Wingham Baptist Church when five Townsman Ranks were pre- sented. This is the highest award in the division and those receiving the rank were Nancy Guest, Patricia Cantelon,Adora MacLean, Brenda Stapleton and Mrs. MacLean. Other awards presented were: Attendance Stripes -Gold, Nancy Guest; Red, Cheryl Bai- ley, Helen Holloway, Janet McGee, Diane Lavergne, Kathy Pattison, Kim Mellor, Mrs. Al- fred Mason, Lois Sinclair. Loyalty badge, Kathy Patti- son and Olive Lapp; Handcraft, Rosemary Forsyth, Karen Ritter, Diane Lavergne, Kathy. Patti- son, Marilyn Collar and Joanne Marks. Safety, Janet McGee; song, Marilyn Collar; book, Adora MacLean, Kathy Pattison, Mari- lyn Collar; pets, Ellen Gorrie, Ruth Ellen Currie, Janet Mc- Gee, Ruth Bennett, Marilyn Collar, Brenda Stapleton, Bar- bara Stapleton, Cathy Ross. Citizenship, Ruth Bennett, Kathy Pattison, Marilyn Collar, Brenda Stapleton, Adora Mac- Lean, Daphne Robb; New Life, CathyJanis Ohm. Guest, Sewing,Brenda Stapleton, Adora MacLean, Ellen Gorrie, Ruth Ellen Currie, Rosemary Forsyth, Karen Ritter, Elaine Archer, Shirley Gray, Chris- tine Kregar, Janet McGee, Kathy Pattison, Ruth Bennett, Kim Mellor, Cathy Ross, Trudy MacKay, Janice McTavish, Olive Lapp, Barbara Stapleton, Helen Ann Holloway, Trudy Archer, Sandra Currie, Janet Gorrie, Diane Lavergne, Pat- ricia Cantelon, Daphne Robb. Water, Diane Lavergne, Cathy Ross, Janice McTavish; Kitchencraft, Janet McGee, Janice McTavish, Nancy Guest; nature, Diane Lavergne; ad- vanced kitchen, Patricia Can- telon, Nancy Guest; advanced water, Janice McTavish; sight- seeing, Brenda Stapleton, Can- dice Foxton. Homecare, Brenda Staple- ton, Rosemary Forsyth, Shirley Grey, Nancy Guest; games, Brenda Stapleton, Adora Mac- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursda MR. AND MRS. JOHN HAROLD METCALFE were married at St. Paul's Anglican Church on May 23. Mrs. Metcalfe is the former Doris Margaret Schank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Schenk, Owen Sound. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metcalfe, R. R. 2, Wingham.—Photo by McDowell. FIRST UNION CHURCH BUILT IN E. WAWANOSH IN 1850's By James H. Currie One year in the 1850's the settlers in Northern Wawanosh decided to build a church. It was built under the auspices of a Methodist denomination (which one, I would like to know. Wesleyan, Free or Meth- odist?) It had to be and was built of logs hewn by hand with axes. A site was donated by Mr. Reid on a corner of the east half of Lot 35, Concession 13. The church was built by organi- zing a bee. The adjacent settlers gather- ed, hewed and erected the logs the most important part of which was the fitting of the co r• vers, which were dove -tailed. The one who did this was call- ed a corner -man. At this rais- ing the corner -men were one corner, Robert Currie (Presby- terian); two corner, William Higgins(Methodist); three cor- ner Thomas Burc (Angli- can); Burchill An can); four corner, John Gibson, (Roman Catholic). There was no resident pastot Services were held when an itinerant minister came along (mostly on horse -back). At one service held in 1857 seven boy babies were baptised, among others, and all given the name of John, They were John Reid, John Shiell, John Currie, John Linklater, John Higgins, John Lean, Ellen Gorrie; drawing, Jane Ann Nethery, Rosemary Forsyth, Elaine Archer, Adora MacLean; hiker, Adora Mac- Lean, Nancy Seli. Voyager Rank, Jane Ann Nethery, Karen Ritter, Elaine Archer, Janice McTavish, San- dra Currie, Cathy Guest; dis- coverer rank, Rosemary For- syth, Jane Ann Nethery, Ellen Gorrie; settler rank, Patricia Cantelon, Nancy Guest. Thomas Currie, and we are not sure of the surname of the seventh. Anyone who has additional information is asked to please send it to the committee. Former Minister, Fred W. Schaffter Dies in Brantford Rev. Frederick W. Schaffter, 80, who was active in the Ang- lican ministry for almost 50 years, died early Friday in the chronic patients'wing at the Brant Sanatorium where he had been since December. Born in England of mission- ary parents, Canon Schaffter spent much of his early life in India, but was educated in n schools in England. He came to Canada in 1909 with his young bride. He held his first parish in Montreal. In 1926 he came to Huron diocese and the parish of St. Paul's, Wingham. He went to Brantford and St. Jude's Anglican Church in 1932 and served the parish until his retirement from active mini- stry in 1957. At one time or another, Ca- non Schaffter was padre of just about every veteran's organiza- tion in Brantford, He was a for- mer member of the senate of the University of Western Ont- ario, London. He leaves his wife, three daughters, three sons and 11 grandchildren. Many a guy has the habit of saying, " Well, I'm going to tell you the truth. , ." Makes me wonder what he has been telling me. FOUR GIRLS received the highest rank as "Townsman" in the Pilgrim division of the Pioneer Girls at art encampment at the Baptist Church here on Tuesday evening. Mrs. G. Hotchkiss pinned badges on Patric- ia Cantelon, Adora MacLean, Nancy Guest and Brenda Stapleton. —Advance -Times Photo.