HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-06-03, Page 6Page 6-Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 3, 134 11111112116.01111. FOR SALE LARGE UPRIGHT Vietrola for sale. Two large doors, P.h. 357-2587. 3b SPACE SAVER couch, walnut stand, chesterfield, table lamp, rug 8 x 8'6", rug 9' x 7', ladder 18', hand grinder. Ph. Ford- wich 3 R 12, 3* TWO PAIR lined flowered liv- ing room drapes for sale, 83" long. In good condition. Phone 22t, v'2, Wroxeter. 3* 14 -FT, BOAT for sale, fully equipped with 40 hp motor and' trailer. First class condition. Phone 357-2750 or 357-1203. 3b SEE your Fuller Brush Deal- er, Les Reynolds, Phone 357- 1085, Wingham, Jy28rrb LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE for sale, Gcod condition, Bathroom sink, toilet with tank, suitable for cottage. Phone 357-3605. 3* 1961 J. C. Higgins tent trailer for sale, two double beds with mattresses, off the ground, at- tached kitchen, cupboards and license. Harvey Bradshaw, ph. 76, Wroxeter, 3b LAMP SHADES—Table, floor and boudoir. Bring your lamp in and pick your shade, $1.29- $3,75 and $5.75. Currie's Furni- ture. 29rrb VACUUM - CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone 262-5350. N19rrb WOOD FOR SALE—Hardwood or softwood slabs. We deliver in 10 cord loads, Bordon Litt. Sawmill, Teeswater, phone 392- 6895. 3rrb MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6'/i" -85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 11rrb 22 VARIETIES of pigeons for sale, including Russian Trum- peters, 'Pure white, black and speckled, $3.00 pair. Stainton's Hardware, phone 357-2910. 27-3b 10 H.P. JOHNSTON outboard motor for sale, with pressurized gasoline tank, Complete unit $150.00. Apply Raymond Gowdy, Gorrie, phone 217W, Wroxeter. 27-3* 13 -FOOT CEDAR STRIP Lake - field; 10 Ih.n. Johnson and cruise-a-dav tank, both for $125.00. Electric stove, 4 ele- ments, in good working con- dition. Box 17, Advance -Times. 3b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 -BEDROOM CMHC house on Carling Terrace for sale. Phone 357-2356. 27-3* 7 -ROOM SOLID white brick house for sale, on Shuter St. Apply Mrs. Adeline Zurbrigg, 330 Shuter Street. 3* FRAME HOUSE for sale, com- pletely remodelled inside, brand ,new kitchen and dining area. See to appreciate. William Rin- toul, 65 Carling Terrace, phone 357-1535. 3b 4 - ROOM PREFAB cottage for sale, 9 years old, with bath. cupboards, winterized. Ideal summer cottage or home for couple, Must be moved from present location. Glen Martin Fordwich, phone 2R3. 3b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Blyth, Ontario Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Wingiham, Ontario Phones: Wingham 357-1590 Blyth 523-4481 3 -bedroom frame on Helena St.. Turnberry Twp. Taxes $80.00, Double garage and two lots, Priced very low with low down payment. Building lot, 109' frontage, 132' depth, on sewers, 11rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. Moro for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 "24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 390-C-65 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial Wingham 357-2174 Owner transferred and wants to sell this lovely 2 storey, im- maculate kept 3 -bedroom home, featuring an attractive living room with fireplace, picture windows, dining roam, modern kitchen, spacious full basement with receation room, oil heat- ing, attached garage with paved drive, beautiful landscap- ed lot, excellent location. 2 storey red brick 3 bed- room family .home with all con- veniences, oil furnace, large lot. Out of town owner is most an- vious for an immediate sale. Beautiful 2 storey brick home situated on a nicely landscaped lot. Large bright picturesque living room, dining room, 2 bathrooms, oil heating, 2 car garage. May be sold with rugs and drapes, Excellent location, early possession. 2 bedroom cottage, all con- veniences, oil furnace, garage, good lot. Priced reasonable. 50 acre farm 2 miles to Wing - ham, 2 storey red brick house with sun porch, bank barn with cement silo, hydro, water on pressure, 40 acres workable. Present owner wishes to retire. To see these and several other farms, homes and 'busi- nesses call us. 3b CARS FOR SALE 1955 PONTIAC for sale, decent body, good motor, $125. Phone 357-2909 after 8 p.m. 3b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3 BULL CALVES for sale. J. Askes, R. R. 3, Teeswater, ph. 392-6421. 3* JERSEY BULL for sale, 14 months old. Can be registered. Phone 357-2598, 3* 7 -YEAR-OLD HOLSTEIN cow for sale, due June 15, 13 pigs, seven weeks old. Wm. R. Tay- lor, Wroxeter, 3* NUMBER SOWS for sale, grade and purebred Yorkshire, bred Yorkshire. Phone 357-3037. 3* SEED FOR SALE SEED FOR SALE—Price per ib., alfalfa, 45c; red clover, 30c; timothy, 30c; Empire type Birdsfoot trefoil, $1.00. All home grown Grade 1 seed, For a good hay crop try 8 lbs. alfalfa, 2 lbs, red clover, 5 lbs. timothy, 4 lbs. Brame grass, total, 19 lbs., cost per acre, $6.82, Our complete stock of clovers and grasses all at equally low prices. For your seed grain and grass seed requirements see Roy Cramm & Son at Pinker- ton, phone Cargill 366-2394. 20-27-3b FOR RENT 4 ROOMS for rent, hot and cold water. Ph. 357-1936. 3b FOR RENT—Electrically heat- ed furnished apartment, living - room, modern kitchen, one bed- room and 3 pce bath, available June 1. Phone 357-2084. 22rrb MODERN COTTAGE for rent on Lake Huron near Kincar- dine, sleeps 6 nicely. $50.00 weekly, reduced rate for June and September. Phone collect London 455-1875 after 5:30 week days, 3b MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—High school boy to help with haying, George Hay- den, Gorrie, 7 miles south of Gerrie. 3b WANTED—Man with neat ap- pearance. Selling experience helpful, but not essential. Must have chauffeur's license and excellent driving record, R. A. '(''urrie & Sons Furniture and Funeral Homo. 3b IN MEMORIAM WEST—In loving memory of Marjory West, infant daugh- ter of Erie and Joyce West, who passed away three years ago, May 26, 1962. Sadly we miss her baby ways Quietly remembered every day. No longer in our life to share But in our hearts she's always there. —Ever remembered by par- ents and grandparents. 3b TAXI SERVICE LEE'S TAXI 26 -HOUR SERVICE Good or bad weather -- Lees Leos on the go. FOR TOWN, COUNTRY OR CITY TRIPS DIAL 357-1521 Wing9uun's only fully insured taxi service, FEMALE HELP WANTED so HOUSEKEEPER WANTED by day, week or .month. Reply to Box 15, Advance -Times. 3b WANTED IMP ®.v WANTED — By two ladies to sublet furnished house or apartment in Wingham or sur- rounding district for all of or part of July and August, Apply Box 19, Advance -Times. 3* WANTED TO RENT -3 bed- room house in Wingham or vicinity. George Gammage, 357-2770. 3rrb WOULD LIKE pasture for 3 one -year-old steers or would sell them. 'Mrs. Gordon Francis, phone 357-2958. 3b WANTED — Farms, homes, businesses, lots and acreages for sale in and around Wing - ham. Contact Glen Thuell, Real Estate Division, British Mort- gage & Trust, Listowel, phone 63. D24rrb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRANCHISE RESTAURANT OPPORTUNITY Goderich,, Highways 8 and 21. New specialty restaurant avail- able for right party, $3000 de- posit plus inventory required. Send full particulars to Box 72, Cookstown, Ontario, or call Mr. Craig, Cookstown 458-4252. 313 TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDER FOR TRACTOR AND MOWER Sealed tenders clearly mark- ed as to contents will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 1 p.m., June 7, 1965, for the supplying of a 35 h.p. 3 plough gas tractor and 6 foot heavy duty side mounted mower for township highway work, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. H. Wall, Clerk, R. R, 3, Holyrood, Ont. 3b APPLICATIONS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS APPLICATION FOR GRADER OPERATOR Due to illness of present op- erator sealed applications clear- ly marked as to contents for grader operator will be receiv- ed by the undersigned up to 1 •p -m., June 7, 1965. Wages set at $1.25 per hour to start. G. H. Wall, Clerk, R. R. 3, Holyrood, Ont. 3b e11•1111M PERSONAL ROOM and board for elderly or convalescent people. Home comforts, downstairs room, :double bed and adjoining bath in nurse's home. Excellent care and outings in car. Phone 7J3, Wroxeter. 3* I have been appointed Fa- shion Counsellor for the lovely High Fashion style line North American Fashion Frocks, an affiliate of Fashion Frocks Inc., !Cincinnati, Ohio. No door to door canvassing, If you care to see these spring and summer samples, call Vivian, 357-2490. 3b FOUND FOUND — Pair glasses with grey plastic frames. a Call at Advance -Times. 3* AUCTION SALE ESTATE AUCTION SALE Lot 8, Con. 16, Howick Tcwnsiip, farm, farm stock, grain and implements for Mrs. Herbert Burchill, Friday, June 11, at 12;30, Watch for list next week, L. G, Bryce, Auctioneer. 3* CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 'flHE ESTATg: OF SARAH ,PANE CANTELON. ALL PERSONS hay! n g claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died ;on the first day of May, 1965, are required to file proof of same 'with the undersigned on or before the lith day of June, 1965. .After that date the Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the Estate graving regard only to the claims of which he shall then .have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 17th day .of May, A.D, 1965. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C„ Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 20-27-3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THIE ESTATE OF EDWARD Mc^A.LLUM, ALL PERSONS h a v i ng claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the sev- enth day of May, 1965, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the fifth day of June, 1965. After that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 17th day of May, A.D. 1965. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 20-27-3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF M.ABEL COULTES, ALL PERSONS ha vi ng claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Bluevale, in the County of Huron, Clerk, who died on the second day of February, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the fifth day of Jurfe, 1965. After that date the Adminis- trator with Will annexed will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 17th day of May, A.D. 1965. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adminis- trator with Will annexed. 20-27-3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD JAMES LAMBERT, ALL PERSONS ha vi n g claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the twenty-sixth day of February, 1965, are reauired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the !fifth day of June, 1965. After that date the Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham. this 17th day of May, A.D. 1965. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 20-27-3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT WIL- BUR HOGG, late of the Town- ship of Turnberry in the Coun- ty of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HE R E'B Y GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Robert Wilbur Hogg, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOOD - ALL, Solicitor for the Execu- trix of the said Estate, on or before the 22nd day of June, A.D. 1965, and that after such date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 1st day of June, A.D. 1965. Annie P, Hogg, Executrixof the Estate, By her solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Wingham, Ont. 3-10-17b 357 - 3114 is the number to call for RESERVATIONS or TAKE- OUT SERVICE Banquet seating to 120 Danny's Restaurant CARDS OF THANKS Miss Marguerite Johns ex- presses her sincere appreci- ation for the many kindnesses extended to her in so many ways since the loss of her be- loved sister, Phyllis. 3b We wish to express our sin- cere thank you to all our friends, relatives and neigh- bors. Special thanks to Rev. Johnson, Dr. W. A ,McKibbon and the nursing staff in the Wingham and District Hospital. The Hogg family, Pearl, Ray- mond, Elgin, Marie and grand- children, 3* I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for their kindness during my stay in the hospital, for cards, visits and flowers. A special thanks to Rev, A. C. Coles. Also the sympathy extended my family during our loss of a dear sister and aunt, Mrs. Russel Reid.— Leone Carswell. 3b I would like to sincerely thank the three boys Dave Mc- Dougall, Randy Martyn and Don Brooks who !found my lost wallet and left it at the (Ad- vance-Times.—Mrs. Lila Lath- ers. 3* We would like to thank our friends and neighbors for the surprise party they gave us on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary. Also for cards, gifts, anniversary cake, etc. This thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Sin- cerely Fred and Mary Lewis. I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my neighbors and friends for the many visits, cards, flowers and gifts receiv- ed while Q was a patient in the Wingham and District Hos- pital; also the many thoughtful deeds done for my family. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin, Klahsen and Walden and the nurses on first and second floors. Your kindness will never be forgotten. — Norma Brenzil. 3* BIRTHS HAYDEN — To Mr. and Mrs, George Hayden, of Gorrie, a son, born on May 23, 1965, in Listowel Memorial Hospital, a brother for Glen, Carl and Fraser. BREWER — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wednes- day, May 26, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brewer, Blue - vale, a daughter. WILLIE — In Wingham and ;District Hospital, on Friday, May 28, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Willie, Teeswater, a daughter. RAWN — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, May 28, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rawn, Wingham, a son. EMBERLIN In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, May 30, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy E,mberlin, Lucknow, a son. MUSCHEID--In Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, May 31, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs, Herman Muscheid, Bel - grave, twin daughters. DIED George Robert Smith, 53, of Morris Township died Tues- day at his home. Survivors are his wife, the former Mabel Mc- Callum; daughters, Mrs. Peter (Louise) Shaw, Listowel;Mrs. George (Bernice) McWhirter, Morris Twp.; Mrs. Glen (Don- na) Plant, Kitchener; Miss Su- san, at home; son, Gordon at home; brother, Garvin of Tim- mins. Service at 3.30 p.m. on Thursday at the D. A. Rann fun- eral home, Brussels. Burial in Brussels cemetery. GAMBLE, Mrs. George, 61, of Culross Township, in Victoria Hospital, London, Tuesday, May 25, Former Jean Harkness, Survivors: Husband; sisters, Mrs, James (Bertha) Struth- ers, Belmorc; Mrs. John (Nel- lie) Reid, Hensall; Mrs, David (Ina) Ireland, Culross Town- ship; brothers, George, Bervic: ,Tm, Wes and Midford, all of Teeswater; Gordon, Parkhill; Wilfred,' Harristnn, Service, McGlynn funeral home, Tees - water, Friday, burial, Tees - water Cc'rnctery. WEBB. George Alfred, 84, of West Wawanosh Township Thi'rsday, at Wingham and Distriet Hospital. Survivors: Daughter, Mrs, E. W. (Greta) Rice, St, Helens; brothers, William, of British folumbia; Fred, Lucknow. Burial, Green- hill Cemetery, Lucknow. 5 Coming Events BAKE SALE Saturday, 2 p.m. in the Coun- cil Chambers, sponsored by Unit 4 UCW, 3b DANCE Friday evening, June 4, in the Community Hall, Wroxeter. Dancing to start 9:30, Jerry and the Jesters orchestra. Pro- ceeds for the hall renovation fund, 3b CANADIAN LEGION BINGO Every Wednesday evening, 8:30, doors open 7:30. Admission $1 00. Extra cards, 25c; 3/50c; 7/$1.00. 12 games for $10 each. 2 Riverboat Bingo games. 1 jackpot $80.00 for 56 calls, 1 jackpot $90 00 for straight line in 6 calls. Consolation prize of $10.00 for each jackpot game. AT LONG LAST :Roller skating is coming to the Wingfham Arena. This week 100 ,new pair of boot skates arrived -50 white women's high boot skates and 50 black men's boot skates. These skates will rent for 25c for an evening's skating and the admission will be 35c. There will be skating every Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday evenings from 8 to 10 p.m., commencing Tuesday, June 8th. Each Sunday after- noon there will be family skat- ing for which no admission will be eih•arged—vou will only pay for the rental of the skates. 3b MISCELLANEOUS WILL DO ironing or light housework. Contact Box 18, Advance -Times. 3* NOTICE I am unable to accommodate any custom sawing for the •next three months. Toni McGlynn, Sawmill, Bluevale. 3* Your complete headquarters for Wedding Albums and Frames THE WINGHAM PHOTO STUDIO Phone 357-1851. 3b PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. 16rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels, M11 -S9* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also ol4 floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons. 16rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and SIckness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent - 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY CHARLES MoLEAN R. R. 4, Brussels Dealer for Smith -Roles Saskatoon and Guelph Manufacturers of Comet Weld- ers, Air Compressors, Heavy Duty Grinders, Drill Fill Augers, etc. Phone Brussels 489W13 BURLEY BUS LINES operating between Wingham and Kitchener, special week- end return fare $3.00. Charter- ed bus tours to all parts of Canada and United States. Con- tact Downey Bus Depot, Wing - ham, 357-1554, or Allan Reid, driver, Lucknow, 528-3502. 27-3b FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Wingham 357-1613; Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave„ Strat- ford, Ontario. A22rrb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Ph. 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic, No. 350-C-65 5 COLD MEAT SUFI'ER .At McIntosh United Church, Wednesday, June 30, supper from 5:30 to 8, Everybody wel- • come. 3.10-17-24b THE ANNUAL MEETING Of the Wingham Figure Skating Club to be held Wed- nesday, June 9, at. 8:30 p.m., at the home of the president, John Strong. 3b 4 M GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, June 9th., at 8:30 p,m,, at Harbourlite Inn. 17 regular games at $10; one share the wealth jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel- erating jackpot up to $250.00. Admission $1,00. rrb 4 ANNOUNCEMENT Belgrave UOW Garden Party will be .held on Wednesday, June 9, from 5:30 to 8 p,m. in the church basement of the United Church. Adults $1.00, children 50c. Everyone is wel- come. 3b HOME TO FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. William Wade, Wroxeter, will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary Sun- day, June 6. Friends ard neigh- bors are invited to open (house 2-5 and 7-10, at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chambers, No gifts please. 3* STARR "WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO" A re READ THIS AD carefully if you are looking for a home that is really worth the value. Here is a 2 storey good looking Biome packed from cellar to roof with all the modern con- veniences plus many costly ex- tras such as two 3 -pc. baths, `,2 bright sunporches, asphalt drive, etc. Every nook and cor- ner of tlhis home is completely spotless and immaculate. Situ- ated on a nicely landscaped lot. bordered with stately maple trees and is close to churches, schools, and the main street it- self. Located in the town of Wingham. Terms can be ar- ranged. HERE is the opportunity you have been waiting for. For a mere $1,000 down this 1%/ stor- ey home can be all yours. Home has conveniences such as built in eupboards, 4 -pc. bath, HD wiring, water under pressure, etc. Full price only $4,900 with very easy repayment terms. ,This home is situated in the village of Whitechurch. EXCELLENT BRICK HOME full price only $8,900 and terms can be arranged. This nice home has all the un to date conveniences and is located close to the main street of Wingham on a nicely landscap- 4 ed lot, 126 acres of rich land can be all yours for the low down pay- ment of $2,500. Full price only $9,900. A solid 2 storey 9 room home complete with all modern up to date conveniences. This +t home has been just recently re- decorated and is in Al condi- tion. The bank "T" shaped barn is also in excellent condition, has cement flooring and is equipped with hydro and water. Also on the property is a double garage and a spring fed stream. BEST BUY 200 ACRE FARM for a mere $12,500 with a low down payment and easy repay- ment terns. 1r/ storey double brick home, with conveniences such as water under pressure, hydro, etc, Large "L" shaped barn 40'x5G' and 36'x40' equip- ped with 18 tie ups, water bowls., hydro and litter carrier. The drive Shed is 30'x20'. The land here is level to gently rolling and in a high state of fertility. This farm is priced so extra reasonable because the owner is anxious for a quick sale, $7,900 with a modest down payment and easy terms for this exceptional good 43 acre farm just on the outskirts of Teeswater. The 11 storey home has conveniences such as 3 pc. bath, built in cupboards, H.D. wiring, etc. King sized barn is equipped with hydro, water, 32 tieups and the balance in loose housing. Silo 12'x36'. VACATION TIME, $4,500 is the full price for a slimmer cot- tage situated on Lake Huron. Cottage k equipped with bath- room, built in cupboards, water under pressure, ILD. wiring and tile flooring and is also furnished. Well landscaped lot 100'x100'. a Paul S. Starr & COMPANY LTO., REALTORS Wingham, Ph: 357-3840 4 4 a