HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-06-03, Page 5• • 4 s • • • 0 Young People Provide Music, Anniversary Wil ITECHURCH- Anniversary service was held at Calvin- Brick Church at 11 a.m. on • Sunday with Rev, Clifford Parks of Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton, whose message was, "An Old Gospel for a New Day". Seventeen of the youngest children carried bouquets of • • • • • • • • • • • lilac, lily -of -the -valley and pansies to the front and handed them to Margaret Pattison and Doris Coultes, who placed them on the tables, The choir of 30 children and teen-agers, each wearing a corsage of lily -of - the -valley and pansies took their places. They sang the FROZEN -5 to 9 LB, BROILERS ., 39( TURKEYS LB43( TLEGS °a DRUMSTICKS., 59c THIGHSAND BREASTS L.65( WINGS 39< SHO al II. Roast OR Chops .. 49( Lamb Legs ::nd ..55s In the Basket 29( ChopsOR Roast .53( BAR-6-UBMEAT LOAF $9< LAMB Kraft Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING, 32 -oz. 59c DelMonte Fancy PEAS or Creamed CORN, 15-oz...6/99c Saico SOLID TUNA, 7 -oz. 2/59c Top Value APPLESAUCE, 15 -oz. 2/29c Aylmer .Fancy CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, 20 -oz. 29c Aylmer Fancy TIDBIT PINEAPPLE, 20 -oz. 33c Clarks MUSHROOM, RICE and CHICKEN or CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP, 10 -oz. 2/31c Clarks BEANS in chili sauce, 15 -oz. 2/35c Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE, 10 -oz. $1.39 Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES, SPECIAL "K" or BRAN FLAKES 3/89c JAVEX, 64 -oz. 45c Lucky Whip TOPPING, 2 -oz. 27c JELLO, assorted flavors, 6 -oz. 4/77c Puritan BEEF STEW, IRISH STEW, SPAGHETTI and MEAT BALLS or MEAT BALLS and STEW2/77c Milkbone Flavor Snack DOG BISCUITS, 16 -oz. 29c Mir LIQUID DETERGENT, 24 -oz. 2/79c Kraft ITALIAN DRESSING, 8 -oz. 29c Real Gold DRINKS—Orange, Lemonade, Grape, Tropical Punch, 6'/4 -oz. 4/69c DUTCH CLEANSER 2/35c Top Value BREAKFAST PRUNES, 2 lbs. 39c Top Value SPANISH PEANUTS, 16 -oz. 35c Top Value BLANCHED PEANUTS, 16 -oz. 45c DAIRY FEATURES Top Value GRADE "A" BUTTER, 1 Ib. 53c Top Value CHEESE SLICES, 16 -oz. 57c Top Value CHEESE SPREAD, 16 -oz. 57c FROZEN FOOD Swift's DINNERS—Beef, Chicken, Turkey, 11 -oz. 59c Highliner COD FISH STICKS or HADDOCK FISH STICKS, 8 -oz. 2/69c Top Value ORANGE JUICE, 6 -oz. 3/65c Highliner HADDOCK in batter 49c PRODUCE FEATURES CORN ON THE COB, 10 for 59c Sunkist ORANGES, 88s, dozen 69c No. 1 Yellow RIPE BANANAS, 2 lbs. 35c No. 1 large PASCAL CELERY STALKS, stalk 23c No. 1 LONG WHITE POTATOES, 5 lbs. 49c SOLID GREEN PEPPERS for salads, 3 for 29c anthems, "Serve the lord in Youth" and "Be Ye Strong". Jim Robertson, Hugh and Ronald McBurney, David and Jim Beecroft, Gary Jamieson, Doris Coultes, Brenda Coultes, Nancy Mason, Doreen Pattison, Linda McGee, Lynda and Joyce Coultes sang "Peace to My Soul". congregation gather ed for the service St. Andrew's Club Welcomes Couple St. Andrew's Couples' Club met at the Christian Education building last week with 14 couples present. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hastings attended for the first time and were welcomed by the club. The call to worship and a thought for the day were given by Mrs. Nelson Pickell. The worship period was conducted by Mrs. Neirgarth and Mrs. Ap- pleby. A piano selection by Mrs. Pickell was enjoyed. The speaker, Rev. Stevens from Belmore, was introduced by Reuben Appleby. Rev. Ste- vens spoke on his 12 years in the copper mines in Sudbury before he entered the ministry. With the aid of drawing and slides he showed procedures used in mining. He also showed rock samples taken from the mines. He went in the mines at 19 years of age. Mrs. Pickell thanked Rev. Stevens for his very informa- tive talk and Rev. G. L. Fish closed in prayer. The couples in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Neirgarth and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby served lunch following the meeting and a social time was enjoyed by all. CONSERVATORY EXAMS SET FOR JUNE 14 William France will be in Wingham on June 14 as a mem- ber of the board of examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto to conduct current examinations for the' conservatory. PERSO\ AL -Mrs. Joseph Brophy and Mr.and Mrs,Jack Brophy were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Devereaux, at Alliston. --Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Ripple of Detroit visited over the week -end with her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cruickshank and Mr. and Mrs. John Cruick- shank. --Mr. and Mrs. David Carr of Port Elgin spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.James Carr. --,Mrs. May Wright of Oril- lia spent the last two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey, and also visited her brothers, Sam and Paul Vanstone, and called on friends during her stay. --Out of town relatives who attended the funeral of the late Robert Hogg were Mrs. Lillian Bartlett of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson, Mr. William Dawson and Mrs. Bud Dawson, all of Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Long of Blind Ri- ver, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kemp of London, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bell of Goderich, itIr, and Mrs. Elliott Workrnan, St.Catha- rines, Mr. and Mrs. E. Srigley and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Srig- ley of Sarnia, Mrs. Edgar Nev- ills, their daughter Joyce and her son, Bert of Wainfleet, and Mr.and Mrs. Edward Dawson of Hanover, --Miss Kathy Hodgins, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgins, has successfully com- pleted her first year at the Uni- versity of Guelph and leaves Friday of this week for summer employment at Cleveland's House, Muskoka. --Mr. Harry West of Birming• ham, Mich. , spent the week- end visiting friends in Wingham --Bill Johnson and Mac Rit- chie attended the races at In- dianapolis on Monday. They left by bus from London Satur- day evening and returned home Tuesday. --Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Borho and Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron attended the Symons - Porter wedding in Toronto last Friday evening. --Mr. and Mrs. Brady Pigg and family of New Hampshire are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Nicholson and relatives, prior to their departure to DOTES Alaska. --Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry and family of liarriston, Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Fry and fam- ily of Seaforth, Mrs. Ronald Rae and Barbara of London and Mr. and Mrs. Brady Pigg (Mary Rae) and family of New Hamp- shire spent Sunday with Mrs. N. L. Fry. --Mrs. Doug Lucas, Arkona, Ontario and Mr, and Mrs, Ross Orvis of Oil Springs, attended the funeral of their uncle, the lace Robert Hogg. --Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinnamon visited on Saturday with Mr. Sinnamon, in Westminster Hos- pital, London. „N,,,NN Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 3, 1965 -Page 6 features from The World of Women Wed in Toronto Pamela Catherine Porter, daughter of Mrs. William Por- ter of Toronto and the late Mr. Porter, was married to William Frederick Symons of Hamilton in a double -ring ceremony at Emmanuel College Chapel, Toronto on Friday evening. Dr. Moore, of Victoria College of- ficiated. The chapel was decorated with white and purple lilacs Will Live in Brussels Edith Anna Mae Shaw be- came the bride of John Wesley Pipe on May 15 in Knox Pres- byterian Church, Bluevale. Rev. T. E. Kennedy officiated at the double -ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shaw, R. R. 2 Bluevale. The groom's pa- rents are Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe, R. R. 4 Brussels. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, wore a Gorrie Minister Is Anniversary Speaker WHITECHURCH-Anniver- sary services were held in Chalmer's Presbyterian Church on Sunday with services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. conducted by Rev. S. J. Stewart of Gorrie, whose message was "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed nothing will be unconquerable", Faith gives us the power to see God. To grow the Church needs men of vision. In the morning the choir sang the anthem, "Yes I -Ie Knows". The men's choir, Alex and Harvey Craig, Wesley Tif- fin, Jim Morrison, Murray Gaunt, George Conn and Phil- lip Steer sang "More Like the Master". The ladies' quartette, Mrs. Murray Gaunt, Barbara Purdon, Susanne and Wendy Reynolds, sang "His Love Is Wonderful to Me". In the evening Rev. Stewart's message was "Behold thy God OPEN FRIDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. Jiin Moore were married recently in the Sacred lleart Roman Catholic Church. 'I'hc bride is the Fortner Joan Louise Redman, -photo by Connell and I will make all thy moun- tains awake". The mount of testing is hard to climb. Every day God tests his people. Try to live within God's law. We all steal valuable things of the world, one example being time. We cannot get time to serve God as we ought, yet we get time to go to the lake on Sunday. Another mount is the mount of challenge, which comes through Jesus Christ. Do we accept the challenge? In the evening the song mes- sage given by the choir was, "He Lives". The men's choir sang, "The Rock that Is Higher than I". A trio, Alex Craig, Murray Gaunt and Phillip Steer sang, "Ashamed of Jesus". Gifts Presented at Farewell Party I3 LMORE-About 25 friends and neighbors on Friday even- ing surprised Mr. and Nits, Alex McCarter, residents of Heimore for about ten years, with a farewell party prior to their leaving the community. Miss Mac. Johann read an address and Gwen Press presented Mrs. McCarter with a lovely corsage, and \lr. McCarter with an en- velope of money. Root expres- sed their thanks. Mr, and Mrs. McCarter mo- ved last week -end to Kitchener where they will reside in rooms in the home of their daughter. They have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd. LIONS DRAW The Wingham Lions Club monthly $100.00 Bond draw was held on Friday night at the Lyceum Theatre. The winner was Cy Robinson of Wingham, The next draw will take place on June 25th, white floor -length dress of ny- lon sheer over rayon satin fea- turing a large bow at the back of the waist and lilypoint sleeves. Her crown of sparkling crystal -like stones was set off by her waist -length veil with lace appliques matching the round neckline of her dress. She carried a bouquet of red roses. iter attendants were maid of honor, Mrs. Dorothy Thomp- son of Bluevale, the bride's sister, and bridesmaids were the groom's sister, Mrs. Eliza- beth Coultes of Dresden and Miss Mary Lou MacDonald of Listowel. Their dresses were coral taffeta featuring a float- ing panel from the back of the rounded neckline with large flower at the top and matching headpieces. They carried bou- quets of white mums. The flowergirl, Miss Debbie Coultes of Dresden, niece of the groom, wore a white dress trimmed with coral and carried a basket of flowers to match. Kenneth Thompson of l3luevale, nephew of the bride was ring - bearer. Wayne Lowe of Brussels was best man and ushers were Ilar- vey Shaw, Wingham, brother of the bride and Jack Coultes of Dresden, Mrs. Lois Bridge of Listowel sang, "O Perfect Love" and CHAIRS set off with candles and candel- abra. The bride was given in mar- riage by her mother. She wore a semi -fitted full length dress of corded silk with high neck- line and long fitted sleeves. Her shoulder -length veil was held with a spray of lily -of -the - valley and she carried a bou- quet of the same flowers. She was attended by her sis- ter, as matron of honor, Mrs, David Cameron of Winghatn, who wore a full-length light blue dress of peau de sole, with bateau neckline. The match- ing jacket had three-quarter sleeves and the stephanotis headdress held her small cir- cular veil. Mrs.Joan Addison of London, sister of the groom I was attired identically and they 'both wore wrist length gloves and carried circular sprays of red and white carnations. Best man was Ronald Martin of Hamilton and the ushers were Graham Scott, Hamilton and Jirn Symons of London. The reception was held at 'the Prince Arthur house. The 'bride's mother received, wear- ing a blue sheath with lace dress, chiffon hat and match- ing accessories, The groom's mother chose a white suit with pink picture hat and pink ac- cessories. For the wedding trip to Mus- koka Mrs. Symons wore a white suit with navy and white polka dot trim, matching hat and blue accessories. The bride is a graduate of the Honors Course, Modern Language and Literature at Victoria College and the groom is a graduate in Engineering Physics at the University of Toronto. They will live in Hamilton. "The Lord's Prayer", accom- panied by the organist, Mrs. Nora Moffatt. A three-tier wedding cake flanked with white candles, centred the bride's table at the reception held in the church parlor. Mrs. Shaw wore an arnel jersey with self pleats in a two-tone brown, with match- ing accessories and a white corsage. The groom's mother chose a three-piece pink linen suit with white accessories and white corsage. The groom's grandparents, Mr. and N'1rs. E.J. Pollard of Brussels, attended the wedding. The bride's travelling cos- tume was a navy dress with white trim and matching white accessories. They travelled to Niagara Falls and various points in the United States. They will live in Brussels. News Omitted Sorry, but we were not able to get all the news in this issue. If your story is not included -- thy answer is lack of space. CHESTERFIELDS UPHOLSTERY SHAMPOOING SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE DIAL 357-3362 — WINGHAM STAIR CARPETING FREE ESTIMATES SINC E THANKS My hearty thanks to the customers in this area, whose support has merited my promotion to WING - HAM UNIT MANAGER for the Fuller Brush Company. You are assured of continuing good service and top -value Fuller products. LES REYNOLDS