HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-06-03, Page 2Page 2-Wingham advance..Tirnes, Thursday, June $1965 ST. ANDREW'S BOYS' BELL CHOIR—Ray Corrin, Gary Reed, Norman Corrin, Brian McKague, Brian Clark, Allan Leggatt, Rich- ard Scott, Charles Congram, Keith Scott, Dean Balser, behind: Douglas Elliott. In foreground is the leader, Gordon Leggatt. The choir entertained at the Presbyterian Men's Conference at Huron College in Lon- don last Saturday. They were in attendance at the United Church service in Gorrie on Sunday and will present their music at Oakridge Church, London, on Sunday morning. Committees Named For Garden Party BELGRAVE-The general meeting of the Belgrave L', C. W. was held Thursday in the church school rooms. Mrs. Les- lie Bolt, president, opened with a poem and a hymn. Minutes were read by Mrs. William Coultes. Several thank you cards were read. Treasurer Mrs. George Michie reported $132.50 was realized on the Hobby Carnival and $15.00 was voted to Explorers and Messengers. A motion was passed to hold the fall bazaar on East Wawanosh Nomination Day. The garden party was an- nounced for June 9. Anyone with articles for the bale is requested to have them in as soon as possible. Mrs. Jack Higgins was in charge of the worship, the theme being Christian Witness. Mrs. John Nixon played an ac- cordion solo "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere". Prayer and thoughts were given by Mrs. Higgins. A dialogue, "Man and God", was read by Mrs. Stan Hopper and Mrs. William Coultes. Prayer and meditation were followed by another num- ber on the accordion by Mrs. Nixon. Mrs. Higgins closed the worship with prayer. A panel discussion "Putting Our Christian Witness in Ac- tion" was headed by Mrs. Ar- thur Jackson. The panel mem- bers told from their own ex- periences how they can witness in their own field. The panel included Mrs. Earl Anderson as tv • secretary of the Women's Insti- tute; Mrs. George Michie as a pubfsc school teacher; Mrs. Ken h;ason as a nurse; Stewart Procter, as a reeve of the town- ship. The hymn "Forth in Thy Name,`:O Lord I Go" and bene- diction by Mrs. Jackson closed the meeting. The following committees were set up for the garden par- ty: Set up tables, Leslie Bolt, John Nixon, Sam Pletch; take them down, Bob Grasby, Ken Wheeler, Lewis Cook; decorate and serviettes, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Mrs. Harry Mc- Guire; doorkeeper, Clarence Hanna, Herson Irwin, Martin Grasby, Telford Cook; call tickets, Ken Wheeler, George Johnston, Ross Robinson, Rev. Jackson, Advertising, Mrs. William Coultes, Mrs. Ted Fear; tea, Mrs, Earl Anderson, Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Mrs. Gordon Higgins, Mrs.Julia McNall; salad, Mrs. Mark Armstrong, Mrs. Laura Johnston; relishes, Mrs. Tel- ford Cook, Mrs. Winnie Smith, Mrs. Chris Nethery; rolls, Mrs, Robert Grasby; meat, Mrs. Helen Martin, Mrs. Stanley Cook; slicing, Mrs. Ross Robin- son, Mrs. Jim Coultes, Jackson, Mrs. Annie Coultes, Mrs. George Michie; parsley, Mrs. George Michie; garbage, Mrs. Laura Johnston; pies and cakes, Mrs. Cliff Walsh, Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs, Jack Higgins, Mrs. Albert Bieman; tickets, Mrs. Stan Hopper; hostesses, Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Mrs. Jack Taylor. Gardens to Be Judged in July BELGRAVE-The third meet- ing of the Belgrave Green Thumbs was held last Wednes- day at the home of Mrs. Clar- ence Hanna. The president opened the meeting and roll call was "Progress I have made with my Garden", answered by 11 girls. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Wendy Fear. The next meeting is to be June 29 at '7 p.m. sharp at the home of Mrs. Clarke John- ston. The girls were reminded that their gardens will bejudg- ed in July. Mrs. Johnston took the sub- ject matter on garden culture, weed, insect and disease con- trol; and vegetables in the family meal. How to thin and transplant plants was demon- strated by Mrs. Clarence Han- na. Mrs. Hanna also demonstra- ted how to prepare rhubarb and carrots for freezing. Mrs.John- ston discussed the reference files. The meeting closed with Taps. See Slides On Trinidad WHITECHURCH-On Monday evening the U.C. W. of Calvin - Brick held a special meeting in the church when Mr. Thomp• son Ramautarsingh, high school teacher at Lucknow, showed slides of his home country, Trinidad, and gave a most in- teresting educational commen- tary. U.C.W. members were present from Belgrave, West- field, Donnybrook, St. Helens and Whitechurch. Lunch was served. Present from Whitechurch were Mrs. E. Grosworth, Mrs. E. Coffin, Mrs.A,Coultes, Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. G. Farrier, Mrs. R. Laidlaw, Mrs. C. Ritchie, Mrs. E, Scholtz and Mrs, E. Gillespie. CORRECTION In the results of the Bel- grave Music Festival last week it was reported that Dale La- mont. was a-rnont.was in fifth place with '72 points. It should have read fourth place with 83 points. RUTH HODGINS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgins, will receive her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Western Ontario, London, today. Brothers Served Two Railways WHITECHURCH-On Friday Harold McLean and Harry Mc- Lean, twin brothers, were visit- ors with Mr. Ken Patterson. Both are retired railroad conductors. Harry McLean was a conductor with the C.P.R. and resides in Teeswater, while brother Har- old resides in Toronto and was conductor with the C, N. R. Their sister, Wilda, is mar- ried to Mr,James Nixon and re- sides in the south. The late Arthur McLean, who resided on the 2nd concession of Kinloss on the farm now owned by Mr. John DeBoer, was a brother. DRUG FASTS THE GARDEN NEVER COMES UP 10 NIS EXPECTATIONS . BUT THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT AT VANCE'S DRUG STORE ALWAYS DOES. Our well stocked DISPENSARY provides for PROMPT SERVICE on all PRESCRIPTIONS including TELEPHONE and MAIL ORDERS. PRESCRIPT/ON DRUG/ST AlIIERTO RINSE RE $1,19 Value ENDEN LDry or CleIQID USHAarMPOO — Save 9c ENO I PLUSFRUT 2 FOILSALTS PACKS FREE INSTANTINE TABLETS $1,49 Value 99c 89c 1.19 $1.29 KLEENOR MOUTH WASH 1/4 -PRICE 1/49c NESTLE SPRAZE AEROSOL 59. NEW TRIG SPRAY DEODORANT 3 -oz. 99c 5.0z$1.39 UDO"RO-NO DEODORANTSPRAY SAVE 52c 98c PEPSODENT69c ValueDENTAL CREAM 61 TWEED COLOGNE $2.1 2 17 AND TALC SAVE 93c Cars Needed for Outings For Ont. Hosp. Patients BELGRAVE-The May meet- ing of the Women's Institute was held last week in the com- munity centre. Mrs. Stanley Cook, president, opened the meeting. Minutes were read by Mrs. Earl Anderson who also gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Cook thanked all who had help- ed to put on the program at the Goderich Hospital. A letter was read from the Ontario Hospital at Goderich asking for three cars to take patients out on July 6th and August 6th and volunteers would be greatly ap- preciated. Mrs. Ivan Wightman and Mrs. Earl Anderson were named delegates to attend the district annual to be held in Blyth on May 27. Lyle Hopper is to see about repairing the swings at the centre grounds. Since the Institute War Veteran passed away recently they will write to ask the name of another. Several groups approved their help to cater to the Plowmen's Association banquet. Ross Mann reported that the piano is past repair and the matter of a new piano was left over till the next meeting. Mrs. Ted Fear reported on the Regional Folk School this year to be held in Huron Coun- ty on June 18 to 20. Members decided to try to sponsor two persons to this school. The Federation worship service at the Salvation Army Camp on June 20 was also announced. A donation of $25,00 was voted to the Cubs and Scouts. The memorial service at Bran- don Cemetery will be held the first Sunday in July with Rev. Arthur Jackson of the United Church in charge. This was the education meeting with Mrs. Earl Ander- son as convener. The roll call was answered with the name of a prime minister of Canada since 1867. Mrs. George Michie gave a very interesting report on the book, "Come Out of the Wilderness". Mrs. Earl An- derson conducted a contest on Canadian history. The penny collection was received for A. C. W. W. and will be turned in at the district annual. Lunch was served by Mrs. Stewart Procter, Mrs. Nel- son Higgins and Mrs. Gordon Higgins. BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. De Vries, Lean- ord and Cor a of Goderich, visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. Cora McGill. Friday evening a reception and dance were held in the Foresters' Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coultes. Music for danc- ing was supplied by Jim Scott's orchestra. George Procter read an address during intermission and Mr. and Mrs. Coultes were presented with a gift of money by the friends and neighbors present. No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking ques- tions. - Charles P. Steinmetz WINS AWARD—Ted Ahara was presented with the coveted Boy Scout Religion and Life badge at a special ceremony during the regular morning service at St. Paul's An- glican Church on Sunday morning, by Rt. Rev. H. F. Appleyard Bishop of Georgian Bay. Rev. C: F. Johnson looks on. —Advance -Times Photo. Notice re Kindergarten Registration Mothers will please bring their children to the Kinder- garten at the Public School for registration on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 8th between 3:30 and 5:00 o'clock. Only children who are five years of age before January lst, 1966, are eligible to register in Kindergarten in September. If not convenient to come on the above date, contact the Kindergarten teacher, MRS. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, or the principal, MR. T. S. BEATTIE. WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD VP 1------.1;HN C. WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PHONE 200 — Wallace Avenue N. — LISTOWEL, Ont. \ 12 / HAFERMEHL'S 9 JEWELLERY 3 WINGHAM / 6 \ TWO CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS TO PROVIDE FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE. Expert Jewellery and Watch Repairs. t. aul'g eCtJurc (ANGLICAN) Ellinglynn Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson • Organist WHITSUNDAY — JUNE 6 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Rev. R. W. Wenham, Rector of St. Paul's, Clinton, in charge of service. Winghani United Church REV. C. M. JARDINE, B.A., Minister. MISS IVA MAI SMITH, L.R.C.T., Director of Music. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICE SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1965; at 11:00 A.M. Guest Speaker—REV. J. M. HAMMOND, B.A., B.D., of Ingersoll, Missionary in Korea. Special Music by Youth Choir. Mr. WILFORD CASLICK will conduct the service. ALL ARE WELCOME! A r A A a 1