HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-05-27, Page 12Page 4-Wingham Advance-Tirnes, Thursday. May 27, 1965 Whitechurch News Little Miss Rose Mary Coll- yer spent a tew days recently with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Plunkett of Coder - lett. Mr.. Angus MacDonald and Mrs, I1. C. MacDonald went to London on Wednesday to bring Mrs. Lizzie MacDonald home from Victoria Ilospital. Those attending the Presby- terial meeting at Molesworth on Wednesday were Mrs. Wall- ace Conn, Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. Don- ald Watt, Mrs. Dawson Craig and Mrs. Frank Coulter, The afternoon devotions included Scripture reading by Mrs,Gaunt, meditation by Mrs, Ross and prayers by Mrs, Conn based on the theme, "Doing service as to the Lord", Mr. Victor Emerson on Tues- day took Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. Emma Coffin to Chatsworth where the ladies attended Grey Centre Women's Institute Dis- trict Annual, Mr. and Mrs. Charles King of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Attending Bruce South Dist- rict annual at Bervie were Mrs. Dave Gibbs, Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. Torn Magoffin, Mrs. Ed Walker, Mrs, George Walker, Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs, Em- ma Coffin and Mrs. Garnet Far- rier. Prayer meeting was held Wednesday evening at the manse, the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Watt. The topic was a discussion of Psalm 37. The residence across from Watt's Feed Mill, recently va- cated by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tif- fin and family, has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hickey and family of Wingham. Mrs, Walter Arscott returned on Thursday evening from at- tending the C. W. L. convention in Chatham, and visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher, Lori and Lonnie of Guelph, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coffin and Kirk, Mr. Richard Coffin of Kitchener and his wife, Mrs, Coffin and Dean of Montreal, SHOP CANADIAN Zesty treat far OTTAGE CHEESE spent the week -end with Mrs. Etnrna Coffin and John. Mrs, Richard Coffin and Dean are remaining in Montreal till the end of the school term, when they, too, will rnove to Kitt li- ener, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Neable, Sharon, Brian and Dan of Cale - don, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nea- ble of Wingham and Mr. Gra- ham Neable of Lucknow were Sunday visitors with their pa- rents, Mr, and Mrs,13i11 Neable. Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. James Laidlaw were Mrs.Ken netts Laidlaw and Diane of Lon- don, who also visited her mo- ther, Mrs. George Ilunter in Wingham and District Hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Straughan, Mr, and Mrs.Jack Straughan and family of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Don Straughan and family of Lucknow, were also guests. Two Speakers At Calvin -Brick WH ITECH URCH - Anniversa ry service will be held at Calvin - Brick on Sunday at 11 a.m. when Rev. Clifford Park of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, will be guest speaker. On Monday evening the U. C. W. will hold a special meet- ing with Thompson Ramautar- singh, high school teacher at Lucknow, as speaker. Mr. Ra- mautarsingh is a native of Trin- idad and will show slides and give a very interesting talk on his native land. Invitations have been sent to Wingham, Belgrave, Whitechurch, West- field, Donnybrook and St. Hel- ens U. C. W, Surprise Party on 64th Anniversary WHITECHURCH- On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Purdon of Lucknow were brought to the home of their daughter, Mrs. Cassie Falconer who had ar- ranged a surprise 64th wedding anniversary celebration for them. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Maclntyre (Florence) of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin (Isobel) of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs.Jack Cleghorn (Clara) of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Hec- tor Purdon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and fam- ily of Sarnia, Mrs. Cecil (Cas- sie) Falconer, Mr.and Mrs. Bill Maclntyre, Mr.and Mrs. Grant Maclntyre, Mr.and Mrs. Angus Falconer, Allan and Kevin of Streetsville, Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer and fam- ily of Bright's Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan and fam- ily of Sarnia, Mrs.Myrtle Daw- son, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif- fin, Mrs, Eunice Gillespie and Mrs. Mary Coulter. A wedding cake adorned the table. The couple received a number of gifts. The community extends congratulations and best wishes for many more years of health. The name of the Bay of Fun- dy is from the Portuguese phrase, Rio Fondo, meaning deep river. Give Generously .. . Receive Gift From Community WH ITECI MARCH- On Friday evening a reception and dance, with Farrier's Orchestra in at- tendance, was held in the Com- triunity Memorial Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. l3ob Struthers (Marlene Martin), newlyweds. At lunch time Mr, and Mrs.. Struthers were called to the front and given seats of honor, while Neil Rintoul read a poeti- cal address, They were present- ed with a gift of money by Donald Gaunt, on behalf of the community. Mr. Struthers replied, thank- ing all for their gift and for the reception. Mrs. Struthers added her thanks to those of her hus- band. A large crowd was in at- tendance. VISIT MOTHER FOR DOUBLE CELEBRATION WHITECIIURCH-Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Lapp celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday when they visited with her mother, Mrs. William Orr. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lapp. Mrs. Orr celebrated her 78th birthday the same day. Huron TB Assoc. Met in Clinton Members of Huron Tubercu- losis Association were told by education chairman, G. A, Watt, that pamphlets and pos- ters had gone out to doctors' waiting rooms and industries in the county. The association met in Clinton when Dr. R.M. Aldis presided in the absence of the president, D. L Stewart. Congratulatory and informa- tive letters to secondary school graduates are to go out, the board agreed, and "Clinical Notes" on respiratory diseases are going to hospitals in the county for doctors' and nurses' use. In the case -finding report, it was noted that as well as regular monthly referral clinics, the foodhandler survey isready to begin. E. R. Knight, rehabili- tation and social service chair- man, said financial assistance is being given to a TB patient. Plans were finalized for the an- nual meeting to be held on May 31 in the Anglican Church, Sea forth. D. M. Rae, of Stratford, a director of Ontario Tuberculos- is Association, spoke to the group in his capacity as amem- ber of the management com- mittee OTA. Mr. Watt will at- tend the annual Ontario Tuber- culosis Association meeting in Toronto on June 7th. WAS CHRISTOPHER LATE? You can get an argument from certain Welsh folk on the subject of who discovered Am- erica, and when the discovery took place, A 15th century Welsh poem tells of the landing on North American shoresmade by a Welsh prince named Ma- doc ab owain Gwynedd. This took place, according to the poem, about 1170. Hence, some Welsh people maintain Christopher Columbus was about three hundted years late. SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD CAMPAIGN IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAIL A DONATION TO THIS WORTHY CAUSE, PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: THE SALVATION ARMY, WING IAM CORPS OR CONTACT: CAPTAIN A. FERRIS, BOX 610, WINGHAM, ONTARIO This ad brought to you as a public service by Ontario's Silver & Black Fleet LISTOWiL TRANSPORT LTD., Listowel Receive Degrees at Queen's Peter Nasmith, son of Mr. and MrS. D. C. Nasmith, will receive his Bachelor of Laws degree this Saturday, May 29, at Queen's University. „ Sue Nasmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Nasmith, re- ceived her Bachelor of Arts degree on Saturday, May 22, at Queen's University, Kingston Messengers Give Gift Of .Money for Missions WHITECHURCII-The Mes- sengers of the United Church held their Thankoffering in the Sunday school room on Mon- day. John Gibb gave the call to worship and a hymn was sung with Mrs. Dan Tiffin as pianist. Miss Marlene Weber read the Scripture. Prayer was giv- en by Miss Thelma Purdon, John Wall read the poem, "A Fisherman's Day". Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie, superintendent, thanked all for attending. As both the U.C. W. and the Messengers are studying Trinidad and Brazil, Miss Ja- net Sleightholm presented Mrs. Milan Moore, president of U. C. W. , with a gift of money for mission work in the coun- tries being studied, Mrs. Moore graciously accepted the gift and showed some pictures from papers of what these gifts do. Miss Joyce Tiffin, accom- panied by her mother, Mrs. Dan Tiffin, sang a Brazilian song. The juniors presented a short play, "A Salute to Trini- dad". Ronnie Soloman, Brenda Ritchie, Linda Purdon, Barbara Ritchie, Irene Wall, Janet Sleightholm, Mary Lou Adams, Robert Wall and Brenda Solo- man and Stephen Ritchie took part. The seniors, Cathy Solo- man, Marlene Weber, John Gibb, Bar bara Ritchie, Bryan Purdon and Phyllis Sleightholm gave readings explaining Palm Sunday and Easter. The offering was received by Brenda Ritchie and Joyce Tiffin with Milton Purdon giv- ing the offertory prayer. Mrs. Sleightholm introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. George Mitchell of Bluevale, who first had all the children take part in an action song. She told a story about planting small potatoes instead of large ones. This was compared to givings, explaining that we are apt to give what's left over. Her next story dealt with a king who watched the birth of what he thought would be a butterfly, but it said it was Hope. Every year at this time we have a message of hope. Mrs. Ritchie presented Mrs. Mitchell with the gift of a cup and saucer. "This Is My Father's World" was sung and Mrs, Mitchell gave the closing prayer. All were invited to remain for lunch. Attendance was 42. Mrs, Earl Caslick and Mrs. Hugh Simpson, leaders of C. O.C. were guests with a number of the C. 0.C. members. Wroxeter Personals Mrs. Annie McLean and Mrs. Matt Tone, of Damascus, ac- companied by Miss Levina Mc- Lean, Willowdale, visited Mrs. A. Wearing during the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson and Miss Helen Gibson, of Toronto, and Mrs. Dalton, of Orillia, spent Tuesday with Mrs. A. Wearing. Mr, and Mrs.Jack Clarke were in Kingston last week at- tending the postmasters' con- vention. Mr. and Mrs. James Doig were in Dundalk on Tuesday where they visited their son, Malcolm and Mrs, Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Town- send and Mr. and Mrs. Don Sanderson of Cooksville spent the holiday week -end in Buf- falo. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and Janis, of Goderich, visited Sunday with Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush and called on Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson. Mr.Clarence Clement and Miss Debbie Isabel spent the week -end with Mrs. Clarence Clement, and the latter teturn- ed to Toronto with them after spending the past week at their home here, Mrs. Allan Adams visited Mr. and Mrs, Richard Penner, in Toronto, during the week- end. Mrs. George Gibson and Miss Vincent Gibson of ltamil- ton visited Tuesday with Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mason and Brian, of Sarnia, spent the week -end with Mt. and Mrs. Art Wheeler, Misses Brenda and Cheryl Mason, who have been visiting their grandpar- ents, teturned home with them. Misses Annie and Edith Mc - Ewan, Mrs,James Porterfield and Miss Ethelyn Scott, all of Clifford, visited Wednesday • with Mr.and Mrs,James Doig. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Gib- son of Dundas and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jackson, Catherine and Shawna of Stoney Creek, were Sunday guests with Misses El- sie and Marion Gibson. Miss Elaine Sanderson, Wa- terloo, was a week -end visitor with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Ross Sanderson. Friends of Mr, William Wright will be pleased to know he is progressing favorably after undergoing surgery in a London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Salter spent the week -end at their home here. Miss Margaret Wright was in Ripley for the week -end where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie. Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Reidt and family of Willowdale spent the week -end with his parents, Mt. and Mrs. Harvey Reidt. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh attended the Irwin -Stokes wed- ding in Gorrie Presbyterian Church on Saturday. Mr. and ivlrs. Jeff Woollett and family, of Toronto, spent the week -end at their home here. Mr. James Sanderson of Tor- onto and Mr. David Sanderson, Ailsa Craig, were week,end visitors with their parents, Mt. and Mrs,James Sanderson. Mts. Elizabeth Mercer of Markdale also .visited at the same home. Mrs. Ida McCracken and Miss Evelyn Jewell, of Hamil- ton, were week -end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Van- Velsor. MALS AND FEMALE HELP W»'TEp FOR. POULTRY PROCESSING PLANT GOOD HOURLY RATES AND COMPANY FRINGE BENEFITS Apply to: CANADA PACKERS .LIMITED WALKERTON, ONTARIO 27,3b ANNUAL MEETING Huron County Tuberculosis Association ST. THOMAS CHURCH, SEAFQRTH Monday, May 31. at 6:30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Neville Lefcoe, F.R.C.P.(C), of London University of Western Ontario, London D. L. STEWART, Seaforth -- President • a /0 PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 51/2% interest, payable half - yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. • STERLINOAT TRUSTS 372 Bay St., Toronto • 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga E., Barrie Orillia •