HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-05-27, Page 6Page ii-Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, M y 27, 1965 T'S ALL IN ADVANCE -TIMES THE PHONE 357-2320 FOR SALE BEAGT.FI PUPPIES for sale. Phone 357-2538, 27b SEBAGO seed or table potatoes for sale. Anthony Schefter, phone 357-3465, 20-27* UPRIGHT PIANO for sale, $125.00 or best offer. Phone 357-1533. 27* ELDON Daytona Beach electric road race set for sale. Phone 357-3895 after 5 o'cloek, 20-27b FROZEN Sunny Lemonade, 614 -oz., 2/25c. Wingham Meat Market. 27b FURNISHED TRAILER for sale, 23x8, with porch. Phone 357-3261 27* MATCHED SET of men's right hand golf clubs for sale, in ex- cellent condition. Phone 357- 2144, 27* -APPROX. 20 ACRES hay for sale. Phone Wroxeter 541W1. Jack Woolcock, R. R. 2, Wing - ham. 27* LAMP SHADES—Table, floor and boudoir. Bring your lamp in and pick your shade, $1.29- $3.75 and $5.75. Currie's Furni- ture. 29rrb HAMBURGER PADDIES, 4 -lb, box, $2.00. Wingham Meat Market. 27b KENEBEC POTATOES for sale, grown from registered seed and Pontiacs. Robert Mof- fat, phone 357-1249. 27* VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone 262-5350. N19rrb MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61,6"-85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. llrrb 22 VARIETIES of pigeons for sale, including Russian Trum- peters, pure white, black and speckled, $3.00 pair. Stainton's Hardware, phone 357-2910. 27-3b SUN -LITE SUMMER furni- ture, guaranteed best, quality, medium price, veranda chairs $7.95, gliders $19.95, chaisettes $19.95 and $12.95, rockers 312.95. Currie's Furniture. 13-20-27b 10 H.P, JOHNSTON outboard motor for sale, with pressurized gasoline tank, Complete unit 3150.00. Apply Raymond Gowdy, Gorrie, phone 217W, Wroxeter. 27-3* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 -BEDROOM CMHC house on Carling Terrace for sale. Phone 357-2356. 27-3* 7 -ROOM SOLID white brick house for sale, on Shuter St. Apply Mrs. E. Zurbrigg, 330 Shuter Street. 27* FOR SALE OR RENT—Attrac- tive farm house, 8 miles from Wingham. Immediate posses- sion. Phone Wroxeter 541W4. 27* 2 -BEDROOM HOUSE, clean and new paint, inside and out. Large fuII basement, oil heat. Moderate down payment, take over small mortgage at $49,00 per mo., inc. P.I.T. Telephone 357-2117 mornings or evenings. 27* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Blyth, Ontario Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Wingham, Ontario Phones: Wingham 357-1590 Blyth 523-4481 4 -bedroom brick and frame, with one and a -half bathrooms, priced very low. 3 -bedroom frame ori Helena St., 'Turnberry Twp. Taxes $80.00. Double garage and two lots. Priced very low with low down payment. 3 bedroom frame .home on Carling Terrace, new oil fur- nace, patio and recreation room in the basement. Building lot, 109' frontage, 132' depth, on sewers, llrrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOUNG YORK HOC; for sale, off registered stock. Phone -357, 2798. 27b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial Wiirgbarn 357-2174 Owner transferred and wants to sell this lovely 2 storey, im- maculate kept 3 -bedroom home, featuring an attractive living room with fireplace, picture windows, dining roam, modern kitchen, spacious full basement with receation room, oil heat- ing, attached garage with paved drive, beautiful landscap- ed lot, excellent location. 2 storey red brick 3 bed- room family home with all con- veniences, oil furnace, large lot. Out of town owner is most an- vious for an immediate sale. Beautiful 2 storey brick home situated on a nicely landscaped lot. Large bright picturesque living roam, dining room, 2 bathrooms, oil heating, 2 car garage. May be sold with rugs and drapes, Excellent location, early possession. 2 bedroom cottage, all con- veniences, oil furnace, garage, good lot. Priced reasonable. 50 acre farm 2 miles to Wing - ham, 2 storey red brick house with sun porch, bank barn with cement silo, hydro, water on pressure, 40 acres workable. Present owner wishes to retire. To see these and several other farms, homes and 'busi- nesses call us, 27b WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED Realtor - Walkerton, Ontario 1 storey 5 room insulated as- phalt sided home, privately lo- cated, near Wingham, Recent- ly installed, new asphalt roof, oil fired furnace, outside chim- ney, H.D. wiring, water on pressure, built in cupboards and sink. Extra vacant lot in- cluded for only $3,000.00. Completely modern 1 storey 6 room brick home, located only a few Short miles from Wingham on a well landscaped lot on main highway. Contains 3 bedrooms, ample closet space and many extras including car port. This prcperty must be seen to be appreciated. Very reasonably priced, terms avail- able. Choice building lots for sale in town or on main highway, All sizes and price range. 50 acre farm on highway, Bank barn, colony house and garage, 11/2 storey 5 room mo- dernized home with full base- ment. Buildings in good con- dition. Priced for quick sale. Many more homes, Larger beef and dairy farms available. Businesses, cottages and scenic properties available. Contact FRANK J. CASKANETTE Box 167, or Dial 357-1702 Wingham. 27b SEED FOR SALE SEED FOR. SALE—Price per Ib., alfalfa, 45e; red clover, 30c; timothy, 30c; Empire type Birdsfoot trefoil, $1.00. All home grown Grade 1 seed. For a good hay crop try 8 lbs, alfalfa, 2 lbs, red clover, 5 lbs, timothy, 4 lbs. Brame grass, total, 19 lbs., Cost per acre, $6,82. Our complete stock of clovers and grasses all at equally loW prices. For your seed grain and grass seed requirements see Roy Cramm & Son at Pinker- ton, phone Cargill 366-2394. 20-27-3b MALE HELP WANTED MAN to help on farm, by day or week, House available. Apply Iiox 16, Advance -"Times, 27b MAN WANTED • -- Married or single, at Armitages, Steady yenr round employment and ex- perience not neecssary. 27b WANTED Man with neat ap- pearance. Selling experience helpful, hut not essential, Must have chauffeur's license and excellent driving record, i#.. A. Ir'urrie 1p, Sons Furniture and Funern1 Rome. 27b TAXI SERVICE LEE'S TAXI 26•HOUR SERVICE Good or bad weather --- Lees Lees on the go. FOR TOWN, COUNTRY OR CITY TRIPS DIAL 357-1521 Wing9uun's only fully insured taxi service, FOR RENT 4 ROOMS for rent, hot and cold water. Ph. 357-1936. 27b NEWLY DECORATED small apartment for rent, 330.00, Cen- tral, private entrance. Phone 357-2365, Wingham. 27-3b FOR RENT—Electrically heat- ed furnished apartment, living - room, modern kitchen, one bed- room and 3 pce bath, available June 1. Phone 357-2084. 22rrb SALES HELP WTD.—Male OPPORTUNITY — Local GM Dealership requires a salesman. We offer a basic salary plus commission. Usual fringe bene- fits and good working condi- tions. Please send resume to P.O. Box 640, Wingham. 27b WANTED immediately good man fo'r open Rawleigh busi- ness. Best time to start. Costs nothing to take over establish- ed business, Write Rawleigh, Dept. E -453-L, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 27b FEMALE HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED by day, week or month. Repay to Box 15, Advance -Times. 20-27b WANTED — A lady to keep house. one adult, no washing, Would Iike to hear from you right away. Clarence Shiell, R. R. 2, Wingham. 27b EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL desires summer work, baby-sitting or housework, Diane Casemore, phone 357-1267. 27b WANTED ogion02•4 444114111014114•14•1014410111 MEDIUM-SIZE boy's bicycle wanted, in good condition. Ph. 357-1878, George Thompson, Whitechurch. 27* WANTED --- Farms, homes, businesses, lots and acreages for sale in and around Wing - ham. Contact Glen Thuell, Real Estate Division, British Mort- gage & Trust, Listowel, phone 63. D24rrb OW =NY oemamftwomonamtammseminsonasom APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS WANTED Grey Township School Area requires for September 7th six regular bus drivers and three spare drivers. Wages to be $6.00 per day for regular drivers and $6.50 per day for spare drivers. Applications for these positions will be received by the under- signed up to June 5th, 1965. Norman S. Hoover, R. R. 3, Brussels, Ont., Secretary Grey Township School 'Area, 20-27b APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the position of caretaker for the new Grey Township Central School at Ethel will be received by the undersigned up to June 5th. Salary to be negotiated, Duties to commence September 1st, 1965. Norman S Hoover, R. R. 3, Brussels, Ontario, Secretary Grey Township School Area, 20-27b MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & 14orses dyer 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and horses according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Erusseks - Phone 133 24 . HOUR SERVICE Licenso No, 390 -C -G15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DISTRICT DEALERSHIP a- vailable. ,Amazing new machine relating to car care. A novel in- genious invention needed for years. Sells immediately, high profits, Princess Products, 131 Coxwell Ave,, Toronto 8. 13.20-27b PERSONAL NURSING HOME For elderly people and bed patients ,opening in the near future in this area. For infor- mation apply Box 98, Advance - Times. 13-20-27* ROOM and board for elderly or convalescent people. Home comforts, downstairs roam, double bed and adjoining bath in nurse's home, Excellent care and outings In car. Phone 7J3, Wroxeter. 27b I 441•111414111014. MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING by hand, Ed. Fitzpatrick, 526 Alice St., phone 357-2305. 20-27b Your complete headquarters for camera :and art supplies. THE WINGHAM PHOTO STUDIO Pohne 357-1851. 27b PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. lerrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels, M11 -S9* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons. lerrb See your — FULLER BRUSH DEALER LES REYNOLDS Phone 357-1085, Wingham. Jy28rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent - 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY CHARLES MeLEAN R. R. 4, Brussels Dealer for Smith -Roles Saskatoon and Guelph Manufacturers of Comet Weld- ers, Air Compressors, Heavy Duty Grinders, Drill Fill Augers, etc. Phone Brussels 489W13 BURLEY BUS LINES operating between Wingham and Kitchener, special week- end return fare $3.00. Charter- ed bus tours to all parts of Canada and United States. Con- tact Dow,ney Bus Depot, Wing - ham, 357-1554, or Allan Reid, driver, Lucknow, 528-3502. 27-3b FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen Will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephbne collect for assistance without obligation: Wingham 357-1613; Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale AVe,, Strat- ford, Ontarlp, A22rrb 357 - 3114 is the numbct to call for. RESERVATIONS or TAKE- OUT SERVICE Banquet seating to 120 Danny's Restaurant CREDIT UNION N:EW LOC"4TIOi'T No, 5 DIAGONAL ROAD Ol'EN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 tO 5:30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTIOE TO CREDITORS IN TUE ESTATE OF SARAH JANE CANTELON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died ,on the first day of May, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June, 1965. After thatdate the Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 17th day of May, A.D, 1965, J. H. CRAWFORD, .Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 20-27-3b NC+TICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD MdCALLUM. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the sev- enth day of May, 1965, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned an or be- fore the fifth day of June, 1965, !After that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 17th day of May, A.D. 1965. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 20-27-3b NCII`ICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL COULTES, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Bluevale, in the County of Huron, Clerk, who died on the second day of February, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the fifth :day of June, 1965, After that date the Adminis- trator with Will annexed will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 17th day of May. A.D. 1965. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adminis- trator with Will annexed, 20-27-3b NCTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD JAMES LAMBERT. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who 'died on the twenty-sixth day of February, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 'fifth day of June, 1965. After that •date the Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham. this 17th day of May, A.D. 1965. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C.. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 20-27-3b IN MEMORIAM 'GILLE'IT—In loving memory of Mrs. Violet W. Gillett, who passed away one year ago, May 20, 1964. — Fondly remembered by Wingham friends, 27* WESTLAKE--Ik loving mem- ory of a dear brother, Fred A. Westlake, who passed away four years _ago, May 29, 1961, Resting where no shadows fall, In perfect peace he waits us all. Where God will link the broken chain, As one by one we meet again, —Ever remembered by the Westlake family. 27* WHEELER—In loving memory or a dear husband, Herb, who passed away May 28, 1964. Sadly missed .along life's way, Quietly remembered every day. No longer in my life to share But Ih my heart he's always there, —Sadly missed by wife Pearl, and family Goldie, Velma and Kenneth and grandah•ildren, 27* 1111111111111p1111141,1114"11"IIIIU 111,1111114111111"111111..1114!111111"1„111111,1, 1M110.61,b1,,P111Ai1)11A4f14 kk!lit$001 Coming Events DEDICATION SERVICE Odd!fellgws Hall, Saturday evening, May 29, at 8 o'clock. 27b GARDEN PARTY Fordwieh United Church, Friday, June 11, 1965. Supper 5:30-8 p.m, Admission, adults $1.25, children 75c. 27&10b GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, June 2nd, at 8:30 p.m., at Iiarbourlite Inn, 17 regular games at $10; one share the wealth jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel- erating jackpot up to $250.00. Admission $1,00, rrb RUMMAGE SALE 'Hospital Auxiliary needs your !help with their rummage sale Saturday, May 29, at 2 p.m., in the Wingham lArena. We will be grateful for donations of saleable articles, Please leave them at the arena on Friday, or for pick-up phone Miss Mar- guerite Johns 357-1860, or Mrs. W. J. Adams, 357-1853. 27b HOWICK LIONS BINGO Wroxeter Community Hall, Friday, May 2&th, at 8:15 p.m. 15 games for $5.00; 3 Special Share the Wealth; 1 jackpot, $65 in 60 calls. $1.00 admission entitles holder to 1 lap card. Extra white cards, 6 for $1.00, Specials, 6 for $1.00. Come and bring your friends. DIED LOVE, Mrs, Ralph, 73, of At- wood, Friday, in Listowel Mem- orial Hospital. Former Jean McIntosh, Survivors: Husband; daughter, Mrs. Jack (Mary) Broughton, ,Atwood; Ross., At- wood; sister, Mrs. J. S. (Cath- erine) Elliott, Ripley, Service was Monday afternoon. LUTTON, James, 80, of 357 Hamilton Road, London, Thurs- day, May 20, in Victoria Hos- pita), Landon. • Retired GNR, engineer, Survivors: Wife, for- mer Rosina E. Harton; daugh- ters, Mrs. M. C, (Rachel) Pres- ton. Kitchener; Miss Norah Lytton. at home; Mrs. Marjorie Miles, London; brothers, Tho- mas C.. London; Jervis, Tor- onto; sisters, Miss Sally, Lon- don; Miss E. Rachel, Toronto; Mrs. Annie McCartney, Ireland, Funeral service was on Mon- day. CARDS OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks for the many kindnesess extended' during our recent bereavement and the ill- ness preceding. Special thanks to Dr, McKibbon, Rev. Fish, and the staff on third floor at the hospital. — The Fortune family, 27* I woudd like to thank my friends and neighbours who visited me, sent cards, flowers and letters while I was a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, --J. D. Beecroft. 27b I would like to thank all my friends who sent cards, letters and visited me while a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Special thanks to the nurses on third floor and Dr. W. A, McKibbon, — Charles Shiell. 27* I wish to say a sincere thank you to all my friends and rela- tives for visits, cards, flowers and treats while a patient in the Wingham and District Hos- pital. To the nurses and order- lies on first floor, to Drs. 'Cor- rin and Klahsen and special thanks to Rev. G, L. Fish for his many and cheerful visits.— John A. McKague, 27b I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends for the many flowers, cards and gifts and to all those Who visit- .rl me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Special thanks and a'preciation to Dr. B, Corrin and Dr. H, Cameron, Capt, A. Ferris and to the nurses of the 4th floor, —Barbara Henry. 27b I would like to convey my sincere thanks for the many kindnesses receiver! w"•Ile I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Your cards ani enouirios were much ap- preciated. Thanks also to Dr, W. A. afeKibbon and nurses on seeonri floor. Your kindness wilt always he remembered, -- Mrs, Tim Willis, 27* 1Ve would like to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness while Barbara was in 'St. Joseph's Hospital. To ell those Who so kindly made arrangements for fratts- nortation. Special thanks to Dr. B. ("Orrin, the X-rav staff of the. Wineham and District Hospital and Clint, A. Perris. -- Florence grid Stuart Henrv, 27b UOWICR LEGION LADIES' DANCE Garvie Hall, May 28, Farriers' o orchestra, 20-27b RECEPTION In Belgrave Foresters Hall for Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Coultes on Friday evening, May 28. Scotts orchestra will provide music, Ladies please bring lunch. Everybody welcome. 27* NOTICE Morris Township Federation of Agriculture annual bus trip and farm tour will take place June 8th to Genessee County, New York State, Anyone wish- ing tickets contact any town- .� ship director. 27b CANADIAN LEGION' BINGO Every Wednesday evening,. 8:30, doors open 7:30. Admission $1.00. Extra cards, 25c; 3/50e; 7/$1.00. 12 games for $10 each. 2 Riverboat Bingo games. 1 jackpot $75,00 for 55 calls, 1 '! jackpot $85,00 for straight line in 6 calls. Consolation prize of $10.00 for each jackpot game. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Clark Johnston wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Linda Carolyn, to Mr. Donald George Young, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Young, R, R. 3, Tees - water. The marriage will take place June 19th in Trinity An- glican Church, Belgrave. 27b BIRTHS DEWAR—Mr. ,and Mrs. John Dewar, R. R. 1, Monkton, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Elgi,n Ernest, horn in Listowel Memorial Hos- pita] on Tuesday, May 18, 1965, a brother for Joyce Marie. LAMONT — In Wingham ,and District Hospital, on Wednes- day, May 19, 1965, to Mr. and George Lamont, Wingham, a son, HUNTER — in Wingham and District Hospital, on Wednes- day, May 19, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, Luck - now, a daughter. LANG—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Thursday, May 20, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lang, R, R. 1, Formosa, a daughter. ADAMS—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Sunday, May 23, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Adams, Wingham, a daughter. STARR "WE SELL. RURAL ONTARIO" WNGHAM HOMES $10,900 full price for 8 room home, complete with all modern conveniences situated on a well landscaped lot, close to church- es, schools, etc. Good terms can be arranged. $11,500 full price for com- pletely modern 7 room home with 2 bathrooms, This well constructed home is located on a nicely landscaped corner lot close to churches, schools, etc. Good terms can be arranged. $8,900 full price for 11,4 storey red brick (home with all modern conveniences and located near Wingham main street. Terms can be arranged, WHI.TECHURCH HOME $1,000 down and easy repay- ment on balance for 1; storey home complete with up to date conveniences and full price only a modest $4,900, Here is real inexpensive living. DISTRICT FARMS 200 acre farm for only $12,500 full price. Brick home, bank barn 40'x56' with "L" 36'x40'. with water bowls, hydro, litter carrier, drive shed 20'x30'. Gen- tly sloping land in a high state of fertility, 126 acre farm for a low ,downpayment of $2,500 and full price only $9,900 with a sturdy 9 room home with all modern conveniences and recently com- pletely redecorated, Large "T" shaped barn equipped with hydro and water. Here is a pro- perty Well Worth your investi- gation. LAKE HLiRON COTTAGE $4,500 full price for a tarn- ished four year old cottage coitipiete with bathroom, btiilt- in cupboards, H,D, wiring, etc., and located on a nicely land - sestina' 100'.1:100' Lake Huron lot close to Amberley, Paul S. Starr III. COMPANY Ltb., REALTORS Wingham, Ph. 357-3840 Iii' 'riimili.imkaaa*. • s k t s e