HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-05-20, Page 15FINGER-TIP
Starting effort has been reduced an
Incredible 94%.
• New clog -proof Grasscatcher
» • Lightweight Magnesium
Mr. and N rs, lamer Zinn
visited on Monday evening of
last week with Mrs. William
Darling, at Gorrie.
Mrs. Carl Douglas attended
rhe concert presented by the
Dominion Life Choir of Water-
loo, in the Howick Central
School on Wednesday evening of
last week.
German and red measles are
making the rounds in the com-
munity, particularly among the
young fry, Although serious
illness does not last more than
a few days, it's difficult to
keep thein indoors in this lovely
May weather!
Mrs. Arthur Carter and son
Douglas of London are spending
a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Adam Darling of Carrick
About forty children met
recently in the Presbyterian
Church, beginning the new sea-
son for members of Mission
Band and Explorers. Mrs. Alvin
Mundell is in charge of the
Explorers, with Mrs. Bruce Dar-
ling leading the Mission Band.
They will be assisted by the
mothers of the children. The
meetings will be continued
every two weeks throughout
the summer months.
Mrs. Carl Douglas attended
services in the Wingham Pres-
byterian Church on Sunday
morning. She and her sister,
Mrs.John Day of Wingham,
sang a duet.
Communion service was
held in the Presbyterian Church
on Sunday, with Rev. T.E.
Kennedy officiating. Prepara-
tory service was held on Thurs-
day evening in the church.
Mr. and Mrs.John Dickson
and family, and Mrs. Myrtle
Weir, were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Mulvey and Jeffery.
Mr.Thomas Inglis and Mr..
Carl Douglas were among
Winghaw's I lannony Men when
they were special guests at the
United Church in Teeswater
on Sunday evening, for a pre-
sentation of sacred music.
Mrs. MacHaughton
Is Guest Speaker
BELMORE-The May meeting
of the Belmore Women's Insti-
tute, with the theme, "home
Economics and health" was
held in the Community Centre
on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Walter Woods was conven-
er. Each member answered the
roll call with a gift or a dona-
tion for a cancer patient.
Mrs. Elrner Jeffray spoke on
the motto, "Scatter gladness,
joy or mirth all along your way
on earth." She stressed the val-
ue of a smile in our daily lives.
Mrs. Stewart MacNaughton
of the Wingham Cancer Society
was guest speaker, and told the
Institute of the work of the so-
ciety. A film, "The Million
Club" was shown, emphasizing
the importance of fighting can-
cer with a regular check-up
with the farnily doctor. Mr.
Campbell, president of the So-
ciety, spoke briefly. Mrs. Mac -
Naughton was introduced by
Mrs. Woods; Mrs. Wilfred Johann
extended the thanks of the In-
Lunch was served by the
hostesses, Mrs. Donald Wallace,
Mrs. Arnold Jeffray, and Mrs.
Reuben Appleby.
Mrs,1 lazel Tuck of Gienan-
nan is visiting with Mr, and
Mrs, l:. Wylie.
We are sorry to report that
Mrs.Jack Dickert of Ilarriston,
formerly of Lakelet, is a pa-
tient at Palmerston hospital,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman f larger
of Toronto have taken up resi-
dence in Lakelet. Last week
they moved their personal
possessions to rhe house former-
ly owned by Mr, and Mrs. Den-
nis. We welcome thele to the
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Reidt
and children of Palmerston
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ervin
Reidt on Sunday.
Mrs. Ervin Reidt spent Thurs-
day at Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Iluth and
daughters visited with Mr.and
Mrs. Ross McGregor of Sea forth
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright
were guests of Mr.and Mrs.Sid-
ney Thompson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dickson
and family visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Allan on Sun-
Lakelet Institute Hall grounds.
was the scene of activity when
a group of W.I. members
gathered for a clean-up bee
last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs, Victor Taylor
of Clinton were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods.
Mr. and Mrs, Angus McDon-
ald visited with his mother,
Mrs. Donald McDonald in Vic-
toria Ilospital, London, on Sun-
day. Mrs. McDonald had eye
surgery on Wednesday.
Mrs. Don Pannabecker, Ross,
Roger and Mary attended the
graduation exercises of Western
Ontario Agricultural School at
Ridgetown on Tuesday when
Gordon Pannabecker received
his diploma, having completed
the two •year course.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Miller
were guests of honor at a fam-
ily gathering on Sunday at the
home of their daughter. Mrs,
Don Cameron and Mr. Cameron
on the occasion of their 30th
wedding anniversary.
Mrs. David Gilmour and
Jefferay of Toronto spent a few
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Volan of
Regina, Sask., and Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Corrigan of Barrie
visited on Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Miller.
Congratulations are extend-
ed to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Struth-
ers and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Salk-
eld, who were recently mar-
Hobo Teas to Start Soon
meeting of the U.C. W. was
held last Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Murray Wilson
with a good attendance. The
call to worship was given by
Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, who had
charge of the program. A hymn
and psalm were used in opening.
Mrs. Tom Armstrong gave a
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Meteor has the smoothest ride and handling! The reasons:
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Meteor adds more space, more luxury to comfort! When
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Meteor has the year's most admired styling! You'll take
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New 240 cubic inch "Avenger" Six! 150 horsepower and
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Test -Drive
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reading, "A Little Rhyme and a
Little Reason". Mrs.Jefferson
led in prayer.
Mrs. Wesley Jefferson had
charge of the chapter in the
study book, "God and His Pur-
pose". Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson
read a portion from "This Is
Brazil" and also had charge of
the business.
A thank you note was read.
The hobo teas are to start and
Mrs. Morley Johnston reported
that two bales had been packed,
one for Northern relief and the
other for the Children's Aid So-
ciety at Goderich. Mrs. Stuart
Chamney read the minutes of
the previous meeting and the
offering was received.
Mrs.Jefferson closed the
meeting with the benediction
and the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
William Hardy and Mrs. Stuart
Chamney, served lunch.
WI Reviews Life
Of Stephen Foster
LAKELET-The May meeting
of the Women's Institute, which
was convened by Mrs. Lloyd
Jacques on historical research,
was attended by 17 members
and one guest. Scripture was
read by Mrs. J. Versteeg and
roll call answered with the
name of a song written by Ste-
phen Foster.
During the business reports
were heard from assistant 4-H
leader, Mrs. Gordon Wright on
the current project, The Gar-
den Club. Mrs. Robert Allan re-
ported on the officers' confer-
ence which she attended in
Guelph and Mrs. Harold Wal-
lace reported on the spring ex-
ecutive meeting held in Ethel.
Delegates were appointed to
attend the East Huron District
annual meeting to be held May
20th at Molesworth.
An interesting motto, "A
woman is old when she buys
her clothes with only the wea-
ther in mind", was presented
by Mrs. L. Murray. A review
of the life of Stephen Foster
was given by Mrs. L. Jacques,
followed by a sing -song of
some of his music.
Lunch was served by Mrs. H.
Wright, Mrs. W. Demerling and
Mrs. H. Wallace.
Emerson had the misfortune to
fall on Wednesday afternoon of
last week while going down the
ladder from the attic in her
home. Her right ankle and heel
were bruised but no bones were
broken as x-rays revealed on
Thursday morning in Wingham
and District Hospital. She ex-
pected to be released from hos-
pital in a week.
Wroxeter Personals
Mr.and Mrs. Lloyd Lamont
and farnily. Teeswarer, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ron
Mrs, John Gipson, Chicago,
is visiting Misses Elsie and
Marion Gibson.
Mr. 13i11 1 liggins, Brant ford,
was a week -end visitor with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Iliggins.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cle-
ment, Toronto, spent the week-
end at their home here. Mrs.
Clement remained for this
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Walker were Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Miller, Mrs. Stan-
ley Wright and two children of
Mr. and Mrs. William Coul-
ter, Guelph, spent a few days
at their home here last week.
Miss Jean and Mr.Graham
(Gary)Thompson of Stafford-
ville were Sunday supper guests
Babies Baptized
At Family Service
WROXETER-A Christian
Family service was held in the
United Church on Mother's
Day when three infants were
baptized. They were Lynn
Margaret, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Brown; Mary El-
len, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Gibson and Michelle
Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John S. Sinnamon.
The junior choir sang "A
Word of Kindness" in two part
harmony by Yale and Lindsay
and the intermediate choir
sang, "My Mother's Bible" by
Williams and Tillman, Both
choirs were directed by Mrs. A.
E. Martin.
The story, "God's Room",
was given by Mrs. Wearing.
Rev. Fred Taylor used the
story of the wise man who built
his house on a rock as his text.
He said we are all here to
build a life and each is respon-
sible for his own. The wise
person who follows Jesus' ex-
ample and teachings is build-
ing on rock, while the foolish
person who does not is building
on sand.
Horne life built on selfish-
ness has no foundation, Mr.
Taylor said. If we build our
hopes on Christ we are prepar-
ed to accept life's emergen-
with Mr, and Mrs,Jack Wylie.,
and called on other friends,
Mr.and Mrs. Edward Gibson,
Sara and Susan of Gormley,
visited Sunday with Misses
Elsie and Marion Gibson,
Mr, and Mrs, Leslie I3eirnes
of Wingham spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Ross Coates,
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Ingram
were in Stratford recently
where they visited at the home
of their son, Mr, and Mrs. Eldon
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wilkins
and Shelley and Mr. Wilkins
Sr. of Sarnia spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Art
Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Wheeler, Paul and Sylvia of
Hamilton were Sunday visitors
at the same home.
Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Alonzo Sparling were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Eaton, Mr. Glenn
Eaton, Miss Karen Kerr and
Mrs. Percy Little of Seaforth.
Miss Edythe Wheeler has re-
turned home after spending a
couple of weeks at the home of
her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mason, Sarnia. She was ac-
companied by her nieces,
Brenda and Cheryl Mason.
Mr.and Mrs. Lou Mutton and
Linda, Wingham, visited Sun-
day evening at the home of
Mr.John Flupfer.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Newton
Jr. and Michael of Wingham
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Fraser Haugh.
Mr. Holly Clement, Hamil-
ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Clement.
Harmony Unit
Holds Meeting
WROXETER-The Harmony
Unit of the United Church Wo-
men met at the home of Mrs,
Glenn McMichael with Mrs.
Ron McMichael in charge of
devotions and the topic. A
suitable reading for Mother's
Day was given.
Mrs. A. E. Martin played for
the theme song and hymns.
Some of the members wore
unique handmade Easter bon-
The president, Mrs. Don
Irwin, conducted the business
and the minutes were read by
the new secretary, Mrs. Bruce
Chambers. A sum of money
was donated to the U.C. W.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Martin, assisted by Mrs. G.
McMichael, the hostess.
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Where people make the di
Wingham Branch
A. E. GRAHAM, Manager
Gorrie Branch