HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-05-13, Page 14Page 6-Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 13, 1968 Friends Attend Birthday Party WHITECHURCH-Miss Bar- bara Ritchie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie, celebrated her 12th birthday with a party on Friday after school. Misses Valerie King, Cathy and Brenda Soloman, Darlene Simpson, Doris Fisher, Joyce Tiffin, Phyllis and Janet Sleightholm and Freda Kuepfer were the guests, Games and ball were played. The table for luncheon was decorated with a birthday cake with 12 candles. Barbara re- ceived gifts from her friends. Flexible Talk about flexible! At the Lord Simcoe there's something to suit every occasion — luxury suites, economical singles — dine and dance in the Captain's Table or snack in the sparkling Cafeteria. Next time, enjoy your stay in Toronto more at the LORD SIMCOE HOTEL 150 King St. West, Toronto. Tel: 362-1848 1963 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. 1963 4 -DOOR IMPALA HARDTOP A real beauty, completely equipped. 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, 4 door, 6 cylinder, standard, radio. 1963 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 4 -DOOR, 6 Stnd. 1963 GALAXIE 4 -DOOR, 8, Stnd., Radio. 1962 FORD FAIRLANE 500 8 Stnd., Radio, 4 -Door. 1962 FORD ECONOLINE VAN The unit with a 1000 uses. 1961 METEOR Station Wagon 6 AUTO., radio. 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE 2 -DOOR, 6 Stnd. 1959 PONTIAC 4 -DOOR, 6, Stnd., Radio. 1959 STUDEBAKER Silver Hawk Sports, Radio, V8, Standard. 1959 CHEV. 4 -DOOR 6, Stick. YOU CAN BE CERTAIN OF MORE VALUE FOR LESS MONEY WHEN YOU DEAL AT .. . LILLOW'S GARAGE LTD HIGHWAY 86 ■ BLUEVALE PHONE WINGHAM 357-3029 - 5 ?% PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 51,'•,7/, interest, payable half - yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. Members A11end Achievement Day WHITECHURCH-The 4-H homemaking club Achievement Day was held for Bruce South District in Kincardine High School auditorium on Saturday, for the project, "The Club Girl Stands on Guard", Attending from Whitechurch were Mrs. Leroy Rintoul, leader, Misses Pamela and Diane King, Donna Hand, Irene De Boer, Marlene Weber, Margo De Bruyn and Valerie King, Miss Pamela King was commentator and Miss Marlene Weber and Diane King demonstrated "How Pos- ture Plays Its Part". Mrs. Holm, Bruce County home economist, asked Miss June Ackert, a Provincial Hon- our recipient to chair the after- noon .meeting. Mrs. Don Mc - Cosh, F. W, I, O. Board mem- ber of Purple Grove, presented Provincial certificates and pins to Misses Karen Carruthers, Betty Conway, June Ackert, Wilma Sulton and Grace Ann MacDougall. Mrs. Gemmell, Bruce South District president presented County Honour cer- tificates to 13 club girls, The project chosen for this fall is "The Club Girl Enter- tains". Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson accompanied the girls to Kin- cardine. Barry McQuillin Takes Hespeler Teaching Post WHITECHURCH- Barry Mc Quillin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin of West Wawa- nosh Township, has accepted a teaching position in a school in Hespeler. Barry will be vice- principal in the 18 -room school and will teach grade 7 and 8 mathematics in addition to his administrative duties. Barry has been living in Kitchener and has been teach- ing public school in Waterloo for the past six years, He is presently working on his Bach- elor of Arts degree, Mr, and Mrs. McQuillin and 2 -year-old Jill will be moving to Hespeler. Receives Word Of Two Deaths WHITECHURCH-Mrs. Robert Ross received word last week that her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jim Mirehouse of Oregon, had passed away at the age of 86. She was predeceased by her husband. Mrs. Ross also received word of the death of her brother-in- law, Elmer Hunt of Swift Cur- rent, who was 87. He is sur- vived by his wife Kate, sister of Mrs. Ross. Whitechurch News After three years' training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Miss Kathleen O'Malley, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Malley, is graduating there this Friday. Their son, Lynn O'Malley, is also graduating on Friday in an electrical course which he has been study- ing in Windsor University the past two years. The neighbors on the tenth have been invited to attend the graduation exer- cises at St.Joseph's Hospital on Friday. The community extends congratulations to these young people. In St. Paul's Anglican Church at Dungannon Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams had their children, Murray Ray- mond and Dawne Corrine, bap- tized. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caesar were the godparents. After the service Mr. and Mrs, Adams and family visited with her mother, Mrs. William Caesar, The community extendscon- gratulations to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Struthers, (Marlene Martin) whose wed- ding took place Saturday in the United Church with the U. C. W. catering for the wedding dinner in Whitechurch Community Memorial Hall. Mr, Dan Cassidy attended a gathering in Riversdale in honor of the approaching marriage of his nephew, Patrick Cassidy. • Mr. Gary Willis of Brampton visited Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Doris Willis and family. Mr, Brian King of Kitchener and sisters, Bernadette and Pat- ricia of Teeswater, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arscott, Miss Muriel Conn and friends spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. Attending the Masonic Lodge service in Lucknow from here were Mr. Wallace Conn, Mr. Angus Falconer and Mr. Bill Evans and Mr. Lawrence Mc- Leod from Langside Communi- ty. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig, Alex and Harvey were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McBurney. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer, Allan and Kevin of Streetsville spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Cassie Falconer and on the return trip were ac- companied by Mr. George Conn who began summer employ- ment in Toronto on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley of Wingham visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conley of Durham. Mrs.I3111 Evans visited with her family in London on Sunday and from there went to New York where on Tuesday she met her sister and sister's daughter returning from a southern trip. They returned home together. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Weber, • Ann, Marlene and Claire visit- \STERLINOTRUSTS / • 372 Bay St., Toronto 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga E., Barrie Orillia ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lindenschmidt of Walker- ton. Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mrs. Charles re- turned home from Detroit Tues- day evening of last week with Mr. Don Hayes and son Duane, who, that evening, went back to Detroit. Mrs. Wallace Conn, Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs, Johnston Conn, Mrs. Earl Caslick and Mrs. Vic- tor Emerson attended the sale on Wednesday afternoon of ar- ticles made by the folks resid- ing at Brucelea Haven. They visited Mrs. William Taylor, and called on Miss Laura Arch- er, Miss Maud Boker, Miss Agnes Tenant and Mr. Dan Mc- Leod. Anyone who has not at- tended one of these sales is missing a treat as the articles and workmanship are all that is to be desired and reasonably priced. The Women's Institutes from around Southampton were present in a bus load. Mr, Victor Emerson returned home from Detroit on Thursday evening, after visiting a few days with Mr. Harry Hayes. Mr. George Wadel has sold his farm to his neighbor, Mr, Peter Scheurwater and he and Mrs. Wadel are moving to Tees - water, BIuevale Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greig and Hilda of Petrolia, visited Mr, and Mrs. Alan Campbell on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Donald McMur- ray and children, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, R.J. McMurray, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Street and family of Listowel were Sunday visitors at the home of Miss Mary Duff. John Wiseman, of Moose - jaw, Sask. , and a student in Knox College, Toronto, was a Sunday visitor with Rev. T.E. and Mrs. Kennedy. John is leaving this week for a home mission field in Prince Edward Island. Guests of Mr, and Mrs, R. H. McKinnon at the week -end were Mr, and Mrs, J, K. McTav- ish and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann, Con- nie and Harvey and Bob Bitton, of Wingham, visited Mr. and L.O.L. Euchre FORDWICH-The final pro- gressive euchre party of the sea- son, sponsored by L. O. L. 642, was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Ten tables were in play. Winners were as follows: High lady, Mrs, Edgar Dane; high man, T. L. McGinnes; low lady, Mrs. William Clyne;low man, Glenn Jacques; special, Russel Nickel, Two New Members For Legion Aux. FORDWICH-The Howick Legion Auxiliary held its May meeting in the Legion rooms. Mrs. George Hamilton was in the chair, Mrs. William Austin, secre- tary and Mrs. Mel Allan, treas- urer gave reports. Mrs. Audrey Carroll of Exe- ter, Zone Commander, paid her official visit and installed two new members, Mrs. Gladys Thompson and Mrs. G. Coulter. Plans were discussed for a bazaar and tea in the fall. A donation of $10.00 was voted to the Cancer Society. A Dutch auction was held which created some interest. The mystery prize was do- nated by Mrs. Olive May and won by Mrs. Harry Templeman. The special donated by Mrs. Ross Doig was won by Mrs. Earl Underwood. Final plans were made for the Zone Rally to be held May 19th in Clinton. A social hour was spent over the teacups. Mrs. M. Moore Hosts U.C.W. WHITECHURCH-The U. C. W, held their meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Millan Moore, Mrs, Mitchell entertained with music while the members were assembling, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, conven- er of supply and social assist- ance had charge of the meeting. The theme was, " God in Nature". A hymn and prayer by Mrs. Far- rier were followed with Scrip- :ure read by Mrs. Emma Coffin. Mrs. Elwood Groskorth gave a ;tory. Mrs, Garnet Farrier, Mrs. El- wood Groskorth and Mrs. Dan Tiffin sang, "God Who Touches Earth with Beauty". Mrs. Gar- net Farrier gave the story, "The Tale of a Bale", followed by a chapter on Brazil. Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie's story was "Rural Workers and A Pastor's Family". Mrs. Russel Chapman read "A Newly Married Minister" and Mrs. Farrier gave another story, "The Rural Consultant". These all concerned missionaries sent to Brazil. Mrs. Millan Moore gave a report of the Presbyterial held at Sea forth, Mrs.Eunice Gilles- pie closed this part of the meet- ing with prayer. Mrs. Moore presided for the business period. Roll call was answered by a verse with the word "mercy". The hostess was thanked by Mrs. Albert Coultes, Rev. George Mitchell closed the meeting with prayer and the hostess served lunch. The travelling basket realized $7.00 for the society. Five Infants Are Baptized BLUEVALE-An exception- ally large congregation was present in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. A special Mother's Day program was followed by all present. Sunday School awards for per- fect attendance were presented to 33 pupils, for 1064. These were made by the superinten- dent, Ross Gray, assisted by Mary Harmon. Five babies were baptized by Rev. T. E. Kennedy. These were Donald Brent, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Day; Robert Kent, son of Mr, and Mrs. William 'Thompson; Don- na Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson; Eliza- beth Dorsch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Dorsch, and Edward Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs, Errol Johnson, at Guelph on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hall and Mr, and Mrs, Bill Hall, of Glencoe visited at Newton on Sunday. Dr. John Coultes, of Phila- delphia, is a visitor in the vil- lage, Mr. and Mrs, Claire Hoffman and family, of Exeter, visited Mr, and Mrs. C, B, Hoffman on Sunday. Shower Held At Knox Church BLUEVALE-Miss Karen Greenaway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Greenaway, whose marriage takes place on May 22, was honored by her friends with a shower in the schoolroom of Knox Presbyter- ian Church on Friday evening. The program began with a sing -song, directed by Mrs. W. K. Robertson, with Mrs. Nora Moffatt at the piano, Seated with Karen and her mother were Mrs. Sanderson and Miss Elaine Sanderson, who assisted in opening the gifts. Other assistants were Mrs. Keith Nicholson and Mrs. Sharon Day. After the gifts were present- ed and opened the bride-to-be expressed her thanks. A great variety of beautiful gifts was received. Refreshments were enjoyed in the tastefully decorated room. Family Sunday Is Observed BLUEVALE-In the United Church on Sunday, W. J. Pea- cock, superintendent of the Sunday School, conducted the Family Day service. Rev. G. C, Mitchell preached the ser- mon for the benefit of families in the church. The junior choir led the singing and gave a special num– ber with Douglas Garniss, Gail and Joan McLennan taking solo parts. Mrs. George Hethering- ton told the story, "God in the Home of Moses". Mr. Mitchell baptized Val- erie Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnston and Greg- ory Alan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alan Campbell. 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