HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-05-13, Page 2Page 2-Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 13, 1965 FORDW1CH Mr, and Mrs, lack Foster, Misses Jean and Marjorie Foster spent the week -end with Mrs. Ruby Foster, Friends of Mr. Herb Collins will be sorry to hear that he is again confined to Walkerton Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Nickel spent the week -end in Port Huron, Mrs, Elmer Miller and Eileen spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Drew Aitcheson in Elora, Mr, Art Forester returned home last week after spending the winter months with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Tomlin in Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Aitcheson Wal- lace spent one day last week in Guelph. Where there is a seniorciti- zen in the home, extra care should be taken to have good lighting on stairways and halls. Scatter rugs can cause serious falls unless they are made 'non- skid" by treating the underside. ITIS Show Biz CBC was simply brimming over with outstanding entertain -t ment during this column's re- view week, so much so that it's j difficult to know where to be- gin. Since April 28th is the first date mentioned, one must begin at the beginning and this means adding our praise to that of everyone else for the magic- al production of "Iolanthe" on Iast week's 'Festival'. In to- day's hurried world it would be nice if we, at will, could es- cape into the world of fantasy; for 99 minutes Gilbert and Sul- livan put us there with the de- lightful Iolanthe, the gorgeous fairy who never grows old. As all of the CBC Gilbert and Sul- livan efforts, it kept you spell- bound with its music, the beau- ty of its scenery and costuming "ANY MISSILE ENGINEERS BEEN OOHING FOR A STRAY?" Seems like almost anything can happen on the road these days , • . and often does! Should your car ever get its bumps and lumps (from whatever cause), we'll smooth 'em out fast at low cost. WINGHAM BODY SHOP Phone 357-1102 Wingham IF YOU CAN LIFTAFINGER YOU CAN START THE NEW LAWN -BOY A new starter and twin spark ignition makes the '65 Lawn -Boy engine the world's easiest to start. Try it. VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT. Lawn -Boy's new, easy - emptying, clog -proof grasscatcher eliminates raking spring. summer and fall. FROM $85.00 EASY TERMS LI•200.7S TRADE YOUR OLD MOWER UP TO A LAWN BOY STAINTON HARDWARE A N FARMERS SUPPLY -HOUSE Dial 3574910 W1NGHAM, ONT. $y Vonnl Ler and the abounding talent of its stars. Barbara Strathdee, a lead soprano with the Canadian Opera Company, was a charm- ing and beautiful Iolanthe, but her lyrics were not always easily understood and could have left you wondering what she was trying to tell you. Irene Byatt as the Queen of the fair- ies and Howell Glynne as Pri- vate Willis, both experienced Stratford performers, are al- ways great in their roles and no one could emit the charm and warmth of Eric House who play- ed the role of the Lord Chan- cellor. You almost live for his next stage entrance. Diane Stapley and Don Sutherland as Phyllis and Strephon, were making their G and S debuts, and impressive ones they were. Diane is a young (19) Toronto girl who has been sticking to the modern stage in roles in "The Fantasticks" and "Evelyn", but she can sing G and S with the best of them; each word and note was as clear as a bell. The three principal fairies who even looked the part were Guelph native Anne Linden, Muriel James, and Jamie Apy. The lovely sets were designed by Robert Lawson; costumes by Suzanne Mess. Producer -direc- tor was Norman Campbell. 0--0--0 The wonders of modern sci- ence were too great to compre- hend during the Early Bird tele- cast last Sunday; it seemed im- possible that we were watching the same thing that was being shown at the same moment in living -rooms all over Europe. Early Bird, our latest commu- 1 nications satellite, was launch- ed from Cape Kennedy on April 6th and is in 'stationary' orbit 22, 300 miles above the Atlantic, off the coast of Bra- zil. It is moving at the exact speed of the earth, which means it will, unlike the other satellites, be available at any time for transatlantic broad- casting. Its inaugural program on Sunday was carried by our CBC, the three networks in the U.S., and by European tele- vision. Its audience could have amounted to as many as three hundred million people. Not everything ran smoothly, but generally the hour-long special was a marvellous achievement for all involved. The show was presented live with U. S. clips from Houston, Texas; Selma, Alabama; and Washington, D. C.; here in Canada from Hali- fax, Ottawa and Quebec City and the music of the Royal 22nd Regiment Band; and from European centres such as Scot- land Yard; Geneva, Switzer- land; Paris, France; Assissi, Italy; Passau, Germany; and Stockholm, Sweden, where May Day celebrations were in progress; Portsmouth and Bristol, England; Dinard, France; Rome, Italy; and Barcelona, Spain, where we were treated to a bullfight on a bright Sunday afternoon. On Monday evening we received a live newsbroad- cast by Earl Cameron who flew to London for the occasion. He could easily have been sitting in an easy chair in your living room. in years to come, when we're watching as many Europ- ean shows as North American ones, we will remember that II. r CKNX TV -legne/ BRINGS YOU AS A PUBLIC SERVICE IN COOPERATION WITH YOUR LOCAL PHARMACIST 2.2pe Aka.," SUNDAY MAYI6 1232 KEEP 11115 PASSED 1N51DE YQUR KtTCHa4 GUPBOAR4 if it is NOT F000 it is POISON Sof *very 10 ddld,cm who take poisaypu, erbatoces are between 1 and 4 yso,, o, egg, 11 is your rysponsibility to prated yap, cfiild from poison, YOUR MEDK7NE CHEST OR RED SIDE TAIRA MAY CONTAIN Prseabed medicines to Nen /avowed/ MA tk�tip Camphor 'Hoy dash. tablets Sedatives Akohoitail Polish Re„ovsr UrarLocatives Cold Ware halt set CII of Wintergreen Other poisons YOUR KITCHEN CUPSQARD MAY CONTAIN SMk drab d.a ter Furniture polish l acl'l g matgdoh Floor polishUgwid s{etergent Slrony acids YOUR CEDAR SHELVES MAY CONTAIN Paint ar vamilh remover Rol or rurp.n,� mould poison West/ lover Meaiddes ELSEWHERE IN THE NOUSE YOUMAY HAVE Ko n (d Go,dkN Fuel ail 'Suds o,; Aspirin, Morin, 222's, A.S.A., Mc. CHECK YOUR NOOSE FOR THESE THINGS NOW AND LOCK THEM UP OR AT LEAST PUT THEM OUT OF REACH Don't Don't p•rt poison M empty „pop" banies, cons on glosses. put Fisons in the garbage con. Pour Mem dawn the sink. Throw off old rnedkk6es.orsco n lobelledr and read all I+ntrud;yy carefully.. Fim to M YOUR CHILD HAS TAKEN — lye, drain cleaner, kero,er. or 1 orrivo your hospital emergency department Immediatelyand y )o odd o, .,, not rooks hire vomit.W notify your doctor on mob hHs AS TAKEN OTHER P0/5014— Give him some milk or chocolate milk. Then hole of o spoon, sitting him b o kyoor lop and prodding the back of hit throat with the with hisle of a spa lower than ab hips. hen he begins to vomit, place hkn foe down vomitingDon't waste more than Ns minute, trying to produce Aso coif veer doom— If he is not available take the child immediately to your hophol Emergency Deportment. Ria doer ea,m 11 tie *salted malerref reed ll» peiwr co01 r. Prepmv,( by the Child Welfare Conmlrtee of the Ontada ,Mrdfral Aru,r atbn and financed by the Junior lied Cron, Ontario Division. SEE HOW YOU CAN /Oar YOUR HOME AND GIVE YOUR CHILDREN THE VITAL PROTECTION THEY DESERVE... H.C.TAIT Phm.B.INSPECTOR LWl.Ieiv eavLE6ie 4* ANO 4,4140,47 i041 . HOUSEHOLD CHECKPOISON LIST VA CE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST HBARRY UDNUT TABU PH. 347_2170 COMPLETE VETERINARY SUPPLIES this was a memorable and his- toric day. 0--0--0 " What is Jack Paar really like?" was the question that "This Hour Has Seven Days" promised to answer for us last Sunday evening. Really, it didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know about this enigma that calls itself a TV star simply because it has a big mouth! I'm not knocking big mouths; I've had one for years! Besides, it's refreshing to find someone on TV who doesn't say just what the producer de- mands, and doesn't move only when someone pulls the strings. His bit about the phoniness of show business really killed me-• talk about biting the hand that feeds you! His real reason for knocking it slipped out later. He wouldn't attend an Emmy show because they are 'phony'; "Besides," he added, "I'd likely lose, anyway!" 0--0--0 "Lorne Greene's American West" (Monday, at 8) was an interesting hour'about the open- ing of the west. It was worth the effort just to hear his mar - fit. aul'g (Cljurr (ANGLICAN) IPA ingtlam Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. • Roctor Mrs. Gordon Davidson • Organist FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER -- MAY 16 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Thurs., May 13 --Altar Guild, Parish Room, 3 b'tlock. Tues., May 18—Evening Guild, Parish Room, 8 o'clock. Wed., May 19--8d. of Management, Parish Rm., 7:30. 1.•••••^41.4.1"04•4•00.1441111116NOMMINONON 1011104.11•••••••MNIMi venous voice, either speaking or singing. There was some lovely music, a rare guest ap- pearance by Beatrice Kay, and some great dancing by the Burch Mann group. And speak- ing of dancing, the Tony Char - moll gals from the Danny Kaye Show sure eamed the salt in their butter last week in the Can Can. C.G.I.T. Plans For Banquet BELGRAVE-The C, G, I.T. met in the church school rooms last Wednesday. The minutes were read by Audrey Coultes and church and Sunday School attendance were recorded. Marilyn Taylor gave the treas- urer's report. The next meet- ing will be held May 19 with Nancy Mason in charge of wor- ship, Marilyn Taylor, games and Nancy VanCamp, sing- song. A tentative date of May 22 was set for the tea. The plan- ning committee will be Lynda Coultes, Nancy VanCamp, Marilyn Taylor. The camp forms are now available to all those interested. A committee to look after sorting of the books in the church library will be Wendy Fear and Audrey Coultes. Audrey Coultes was in charge of the worship service and opened with the call to worship. Rhonda Fear read the Scripture and Audrey read the meditation. A hymn was sung and Rhonda led in prayer. The girls then divided into groups, the intermediates to plan decorations for the Mo- ther and Daughter banquet and the seniors to plan the enter- tainment, Mrs. Arthur Jackson read Scripture and showed a film on "Vocation". The meet- ing closed with Taps, WINGHAM GOLE CLUB NOW OPEN PRO SHOP Jack Lloyd, Pres. NEW MEMBERS 1 WELCOME GREEN FEE FOR VISITORS RENTAL CLUBS AVAILABLE FOR BEGINNERS 111010 TUCK SHOP Ray Neal, Treas. BONDI'S FRESH FRUIT AND RESTAURANT MELONS FOR WARM WEATHER TREATS Large ripe, juicy CANTALOUPES 2Sc Large sweet WATERMELONS 79c Delicious HONEYDEWS 49c • Peak of Season PINEAPPLES for canning 3/$1.00 Our Specialty — BANANAS 2 lbs. 2Sc Vine Ripe TOMATOES — Special this week lb. 29c ORANGES — Special this week, 163s 39c DUTCH SET ONIONS 2 lbs. 45c • ORANGE DRINK in smart reusable refrigerator glass decanter, 48 -ounce 39c • POTS OF GERANIUMS — ideal for flower boxes