HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-04-15, Page 13Wroxeter Personal Notes Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Edgar, St. Thomas, visited Miss Gertrude Bush and Mrs. W. Weir recently. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie MacKay of Listowel called on Mr. and 4 Mrs. Richard Ingram one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar- clay spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke, Mr. John McGee, London, was home for the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McGee. Misses Elsie and Marion Gib- son spent a brief visit with their brother, Mr. Edward Gib- son in Toronto on Saturday. 4 Miss Brenda Mason of Sar- nia isvisiting at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, Mrs. W, Weir, Miss Gertr ude Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques and Miss Nancy Jac- ques of Kitchener attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Edgar of Wingham, on Friday evening. Mr. William Newton, Ed- monton, Alta, , and Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Eddy of Alpena, Mich., spent the week -end with Mrs. Retta Newton and at- tended her wedding iri Exeter /T S SIV1ART 70 START NOW? YOU CAN WIN $1,00000 IN PRIZES t i 4 a You can use cement products such as patio stones, urns, blocks, etc., in many ways to improve the appear- ance of your home. It is a very inexpensive method and at the same time you may be eligible for several valuable prizes. Need some suggestions? Just write for our brochures at no obligation. RULES OF CONTEST 1. Contest is open to all residents of Grey and Bruce Counties and all areas on the borders of these counties. 2. During the month of April, an application form must be sent to Shouldice Cement Pro- ducts, Shallow Lake, (use the one in this ad), accompanied by a snap or photo of the area that is to be improved. 3. Upon completion of the project, a photo must be sent to Shouldice Cement Products Ltd., Shallow Lake, showing the improvements made. This must be .done on or before June 26th, 1965. 4. A total of 100 points is used in deciding the winner, with 40 points to be alloted for your creative ideas in adapting the materials used to blend with your own needs. 5. All concrete blocks, concrete architectural blocks, urns, decorative blocks, patio slabs, etc., must be purchased from Shouldice Ce- ment Products Ltd., or one of our dealers. 6. All other materials, such as flowers, shrubs, paints, etc., may be purchased from any deal- er, or source. 7. No entry fee is required. Prizes are $500.00 for first; $150.00; $125.00; $75.00 and 6 at $25.00 each. 8. A panel of judges consisting of two men and two women will select the top 30 entrants sub- mitted from the photographs, and will visit the 30 entrants to judge them. Judges' de- cision will be final. DON'T WAIT — ENTER NOW ENTRY FORM Please send me your Free Brochure. I am interested in entering the contest. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE Clip and mail to BOX 90, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES, Wingham, Ont. SHOULDICE CEMENT PRODUCTS LTD. SHALLOW LAKE - PHONE 290-W United Church on Saturday. Mr, Ken Wright, Misses Kaye and Margaret visited Sun- day with Mrs. Margaret Wright, Gorrie, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cle- ment, and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Salter, Toronto, spent the week -end at their homes here. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Alonzo Sparling were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Misses Ai- leen and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Eaton, Mr. Glenn Eaton, Miss Karen Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Rideout and Bay Todd of Seaforth, Mrs. Angus Car- michael, Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, Jimmy and Scott of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hart of Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eaton and Mr. Eric Eaton, Toronto. The oc- casion was Mrs. Sparling's birthday. Easter Theme at U.C.W. Meeting WROXETER-The U.C.W. meeting was held in the United Church Sunday school room. Mrs. Don Irwin opened the meet- ing using the theme "Easter". Several hymns were sung with Mrs. Ron McMichael as pianist. Mrs. Bruce Chambers read the Scripture lesson and prayer fol- lowed. "Joy of the Easter Mes- sage" was read by Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. Chambers read a poem, "Life's Heavy Load". Rev. Hird introduced the guest speaker, Rev.Johnston of Brussels. His topic was "Easter Nonsense". He said we should think about "all the flowers, all the new clothes for Easter Sun- day, the Easter bunnies and eggs." He emphasized that we should forget this nonsense and tell the children the real story of Easter. Mrs. Archie Miller thanked the guest speaker. Mrs. Vern Hupfer conducted the business for the evening. Mrs.Jack McLean reported that a large bale of nylons had been sent to Toronto. A committee was appointed to make arrange- ments for the fall bazaar. Rev. Taylor closed the meeting with prayer and a dainty lunch was served by the Willing Workers. April Meeting Held by UCW DONNYBROOK -The April meeting of the U. C. W. was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Morley Johnston, with a good attendance. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Gordon Naylor, who also had charge of the program. "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" was sung and Mrs. John Hilde- brand read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Murray Wilson gave the meditation and Mrs. Naylor led in prayer. Mrs. Stuart Chamney read the minutes of the previous meeting. The offering was re- ceived. Mrs. Sam Thompson read from the study book on Brazil and Mrs. William Hardy read from "God and His Pur- pose". Discussion followed. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson took charge of the business. A thank you note was read. A hymn and benediction by Mrs. Naylor closed the meeting. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Tom Armstrong and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. PAINT PAINT — PAINT NOW IS THE TIME to paint up with Super Kem-Tone and Kem Glo -- paint that is used and advertised nationally. It costs a little more than some brands (the best always does) and will do a better job with one coat than many brands do with two coats. WHY CHANCE CHEAPER BRANDS? Use SUPER KEM-TONE and KEM GLO ... the best QUALITY PAINT that can be obtained Over 880 colors to choose from. SOLD BY ALEXANDER HARDWARE YOUR MARTIN SENOUR DEALER Wiaghaui advance --Tithes, Thursday, pr, 15, 1965*Page PUPILS FROM GRADES III AND IV, Miss Armitage's room, presented a lively Schottische on the high stage during the public school concert last week. The dance was one of several that was greatly enjoyed by the large crowd on hand for the event. Officers Installed at Women's Inst. Meeting WROXETER-The Aprilmeet- ing of the Wroxeter Women's Institute under Education and Citizenship was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Adams. Mrs. William Wright was in the president's chair and open- ed the meeting with a timely thought for the day and wel- comed all present. A reading, "The World Out- doors", was given by Mrs. T. Burke. The standing committee report on Education and Citi- zenship was read by Mrs. J.H. Wylie. The secretary's and Good Cheer reports were read, showing that the Institute had a very successful year. Mrs. William McLean in- stalled the officers for the com- ing year as follouzs: Past presi- dent, Mrs. W. T."1vlcLean; president, Mrs. William Wright; 1st vice, Mrs. Wes Newton; 2nd vice, Mrs. Ron McMichael; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Wil- liam Taylor; assistant, Mrs. Clark Sharpin; district director, Mrs. W .1'. McLean; alternate director, Mrs. Laurie Van Vel- sor; branch directors, Mrs. J. H. Wylie and Mrs. Harry Adams; auditors, Mrs. Les Douglas and Mrs. Harvey Timm; press re- porter, Mrs. Thomas Burke; lunch committee, Mrs. Laurie Van Velsor and Mrs. Leslie Douglas; good cheer commit- tee, Mrs. Harvey Reidt and Mrs. Harry Adams; program committee, Mrs. J. 11. Wylie and Mrs. Leslie Douglas, Mrs. Harvey Timm, Mrs. William Wright, Mrs..Gilbert Howes, Mrs. Allan Munro, Mrs. Thom- as Burke, Mrs. Wes Heimpel and Mrs. Joe Simmons. Standing Committees: Agri- culture and Canadian Indus- tries, Mrs. Harvey Timm; Ed- ucation and Citizenship, Mrs. J. H. Wylie; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Joe Simmons; Historical Research and Cur- rent Events, Mrs. Allan Munro; Resolutions, Mrs. Tom Burke; Public Relations, Mrs. Les Douglas; Safety Council, Mrs. Clark Sharpin. The highlight for the after- noon was a reading, "How Canada's Flag was Born" by Robert McKeown and read by Mrs. T. Burke. This was fol- lowed by a reading of one of Edgar A. Guest's poems, "Our Duty to Our Flag" by Mrs. William Wright. The roll call, display of a hobby or handicraft, brought an excellent response. A small gift was presented to Mrs. Retta Newton on her forthcom- ing marriage. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approv- ed. Several thank you notes were read and the business dealt with. A contest was con- ducted by Mrs. William Wright Mrs, Ronald McMichael thank- ed all who had helped make the meeting a success. The hostesses for the after- noon were Mrs. Retta Newton, Mrs. Harvey Reidt and Mrs. Wes Newton. Stopping at a wayside ser- vice station, the woman motor- ist inquired timorously: "Do you have a rest room?" "Nope," replied the attend- ant, "when any of us gets tired, we just sit on one of them oil drums." BOYS FROM SEVERAL GRADES put on a gymnastic dis- play under the direction of Mr. Ross during the public school concertlast Friday. Donald Collar is taking a high dive over the pyramid. OUT THEY Go 1964 PONTIAC 8, Automatic, Radio, 4 -Door. 1963 DODGE SUBURBAN V-8, Automatic. 1963 STUDEBAKER V8, Overdrive, Radio, 4 -Door, Economy and Comfort. 1961 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR, Standard, Radio. 1961 PLYMOUTH 8, Auto., Radio, 4 -door. 1960 METEOR 4 -DOOR, 8 Automatic, Radio. 1959 CHRYSLER 4 -DOOR 1959 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 -DOOR HARDTOP, Radio, Automatic, V-8. One -owner. 1955 FORD 4 -DOOR 1961 VALIANT STATION WAGON 4 -DOOR. Nice unit. LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM Phone 357-3862 Family Medical Protection Is Essential Today Huron Co-operative Medical Services Offers Complete Dependable Coverage TWO PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM 1, THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INCLUDES SURGICAL AND IN HOSPITAL BENE- FITS AS WELL AS HOME AND OFFICE CALLS 2. THE BASIC PLAN INCLUDES SURGICAL, IN HOSPITAL AND MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS -No Medical Examination - No EnrolmentFee-No Age Limit MAXIMUM PROTECTION AT MINIMUM COST DISCUSS THE HURON CO.OP MEDICAL PLAN WITH HURON CO-OP MEDICAL SERVICES CLINTON - ONTARIO or YOUR LOCAL DIRECTOR OR CIA AGENT MRS. O. G. ANDERSON R. R. 5, WINGHAM, DIRECTOR LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 MAPLE STREET, WINGHAM, CIA M18 -Ai -15-29