HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-04-15, Page 71 1 • 1. • • • • 1 Don't be half -protected If your insurance program doesn't. adequately cover you against major possibilities of loss, you may wake up one day to find yourself in serious financial trouble, It's wiser to let us check your insurance needs now -for your home, car, family or business. We'll give you a prompt, frank appraisal of your situation without cost or obligation. W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage Agents for -Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 5 JOHN ST. W. WINGHAM PH. 357-2636 a CURRIE'S GIFTWARE END DIAL 357-1170 WINGHAM Try a Sealy Posturepedic° Sealy Posturepedic has a talent for giving back to you what the long day has taken away. Never a hint of morning backache from sleeping on a too -soft mattress. It's designed that way, in cooperation with lead- ing orthopedic surgeons. Untie those knots on an extra firm or gently firm Princess Posturepedic-tonight. x7950 FULL OR TWIN SIZE TERMS $8.00 Monthly Matching Foundation same price tlpNtltt1H1111N k!J•!!!!lNlinm,nAUO6(MlY,ru„unHnuri• Cornin g Events a z EASTER DANCE In Wroxeter Community Hail, Wednesday, April 21, with Jerry and the Jesters. Dancing 9:30-? Admission 75c, proceeds. for hall renovation, 15b DESSERT LUNCHEON The ladies of the community are invited to attend a dessert luncheon and demonstration of craft articles by Mrs, William Siebert, of Zurich, at Wingham United Church on Thursday, April 22, at 2 p.m. Sponsored by the U.C.W, 15b ANNUAL MEETING Of the Wingham Golf 'Club will be held in the Wingham Town Hall at 8 o'clock, 19th of April. Everybody welcome. II film of the 1964 Canadian Open will be shown. 15b BINGO • Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion will run Bingo every Wednesday in Wingham Town Hall, 12 games at $10.00; 4 share the wealth, and a $50.00 jackpot that must go. Adm. $1.00; extra cards 25c, 3 for 50c, 7 for $1.00, Game starts 8:30, doors open 7.30. 25rrb ENGAGEIIENT Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jack - lin, of Brussels, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mildred Marlene, to Mr. Brian Edward Rutledge, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Rutledge, of Brussels. The wedding will take place in Brussels United Church on Saturday, May 1, at 2:30 p.m. 15* ®.-,.vR ,atm®.. LEGAL TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY BY-LAW NO. 5 1965 A BY-LAW OF THE MUNI- CIPALITY OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF TURNBERRY FOR STOPPING UP AND CLOS- ING PORTIONS OF JAMES STREET, GEORGE STREET AND GREEN STREET, MORE FIARZIICULARLY HERE I N - IAFTER DESCRIBED, WHEREAS it is deemed ad- visable by the Municipality of the Township of Turnberry to stop up those portions of James Street, George Street and Green Street ,hereinafter de- scribed. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation 'feel that since these streets were never open to traffic that there is no need of same in the Dun - can's Survey of the Hamlet of Bluevale, the Council deem it expedient that such portions of the said streets as are herein- after described be stopped, THEREFORE BE rr EN- ACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED that FIRSTLY: That portion of James Street in Duncan's .Sur- vey, described as follows: COMMENCING at the North- west angle of Lot No. 98; thence Easterly along the Northerly limit of said Lot No. 98 and Lot No. 98 .produced Easterly to the Westerly limit of the King's Highway No. 86 and thence Northerly along the West limit of said King's Highway No. 86 to where it intersects the South limit of Lot No. 70; thence HOWICK LEGION N LADIES Dance, April 15, Gorrie Hall. I+'arrier's orchestra, 15* EUCHRE PARTY Wednesday, April 21, 8:30 p,m., in Gorrie Orange Hall. Three .prizes. Last euchre for this season. Ladies' bring lunch. Everybody welcome, 15* AT HOME TO FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs, Gershom John- ston will be at home to their friends and neighbors on Wed- nesday, April 21, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9, It being the occasion of their 50th wedding anniver- sary, No gifts please. 15b GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, April 21st, at 8:30 p.m., at Harbourlite Inn. 17 regular games at $10; one share the wealth Jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel - crating jackpot up to $250.00. Admission $1.00. rrb HOWICK LIONS BINGO The regular bi-monthly cash Bingo sponsored by the Howick Lions has been postponed till Friday, April 30th, at 8:15 p.m. 15 games for $5.00; 3 Special Share the Wealth; 1 jackpot, $55 in 56 calls. $1.00 admission entitles holder to 1 lap card. Extra white cards, 6 for $1.00. Snecials, 6 for $1.00. Come and bring your friends. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Tay- lor, R. R. 1, Galt, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Dorothy Jean, to Mr Glenn Gordon Coultes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes, Brussels. The wedding will take niece May 7, 1985. at Wesley United Church, Galt, at 7 o'clock. 15b Westerly along the Southerly limit of Lot No. 70 and Lot No. 70 produced Westerly and along the Southerly limit of Lot No, 99 to the Southwest angle of said Lot 99; thence Southerly along the West limit of said Lot No. 99 produced Southerly, to the Northwest angle of said Lot No. 98; SECONDLY: That portion of George Street in Duncan's Sur- vey described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the East limit of Lot No, 97, Duncan's Survey where it is intersected by the West limit of the King's Highway No. 86; thence Northerly along the East limits of Lots 97 and 98 and 98 produced Northerly across James Street and con- tinuing thence Northerly along the East limit of Lots No. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105 to the Northeast angle of said Lot No. 105; thence Easterly along the North limit of said Lot No. 105 produced Easterly to the Northwest angle of Lot No. 64 in . Duncan's Survey; thence Southerly along the West limits of bots No. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70 in Duncan's Survey and continuing thence Southerly along the West limit of said Lot No. 70 produced Southerly until it intersects King's Highway No, 86; thence in a Southwesterly direction along the Westerly limit of King's Highway No. 86 to point of commencement; THIRDLY: That portion of Green Street, in Duncan's Sur- vey, described as follows: COMMENCING at the North- west ,angle of Lot No. 105 in Duncan's Survey; thence East along the North limit of said Lot No. 105 and 105. produced Easterly to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 64 in Dun- can's Survey and thence East,. erly along the North limits of Lots No, 64 and 63 and the North limit of Lot No, 83 pro- duced Easterly until It Inter- sects the West limit of King's Highway No, 86; thence North- erly along the West limit of the Xing's Highway No. 86 to the North limit of Green Street; thence Westerly along the Northerly limit of Green Street and continuing thence Westerly to a point which intersects a line drawn perpendicular to the Northwest angle of said Lot 105: thence Southerly along the said perpendicular line to the Northwest angle of Lot No. 105 and the place of beginning, be stopped, READ a first and second time this 3rd day of April, A.D, 1965, READ a third time and finally passed this day of May, 1965. Reeve. Clerk. 1, JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk ,of the Township of Turnberry, do hereby certify that the above to be a true copy of By- Law No, 5, 1965, of the Town- ship of Turnberry, as read a first and second time on the 3rd day of April 1965, A.D, NOTICE Take notice that the above By -Law No, 5, 1965 of the Cor- poration of the Township of Turnberry after publication as required by Section 462 of the Municipal Act will be duly con- sidered and read a third time and finally passed by Council in accordance with the require- ments of the above Section 462. The Council will hear claims of any person or persons either by themselves or by their So- licitor, that their lands will be prejudicially affected. Applications for such hear- ing should be made to the undersigned not later than April 30th, 1965. JOHN V. FISCHER, 15-22-29b Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY BY-LAW NO. 6 - 1965 A BY-LAW OF THE MUNI- CIPALITY OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF TURNBERRY FOR STOPPING UP AND CLOS- ING IA BLIND LANE MORE PARTICULARLY HERE I N - AFTER DESCRIBED. WHEREAS it is deemed ad- visable by the Municipality of the Township of Turnberry to stop up the blind lane herein- after described. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation feels that since this blind lane was never open to traffic, that there is no need of this blind lane in Wingham Town Plot of Lower Wingham the Council 'deem it expedient that the said blind lane be stopped. THEREFORE BE IT EN- ACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED that the blind lane hereinafter described and namely a blind lane being a lane commencing at the South- west corner of Lot No. 86 in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron; thence continuing Easterly along the South limit of said Lot No. 86 to the most Easterly point of the said Lot; thence South in a straight line to the Northeast angle of Lot No. 80; thence West along the North limits of Lots 80 and 79 to the Northwest angle of Lot No. 79; thence North along the East limit of CURRIE'S FURNITU is CELEBRAIING Lloyd Stroller SPECIAL with fringe canopy $1695 - LLOYD ULTRA - STROLLER Complete with parcel car- rier, fringe canopy, knee action, fully Tined 24.50 E - KIDDIES' - SEAT SLEEPER $475 - LLOYD - TARTAN STROLLER with parcel carrier All chrome construction $21OO PLAYPEN COMPLETE WITH PAD $14.49 -- GENDRON - STROLLER All chrome construction Arm rests, parcel carrier $18.50 - SPRINGTIME - CARRIAGE Loaded with features Compare at $59.50 ,$36.50 - GENDRON - DELUXE PRAM TWO-TONE COLOR X56.00 Carriage Mattress or Diaper Bag with each Carriage purchase. - LLOYD DUCHESS - PRAM with all Lloyd features Choice of colors $5995 - WATERLOO - CUDDLE BUGGY The Cadillac of Baby Carriages $66.50 - CHROME - HIGH CHAIRS $10.95 Wingham Advance -.Times, Helena Street to the place of beginning, be stopped. READ a first and second time this 3rd day of April, A.D. 2960. READ a third time and finally passed this ........day of May, 1965. Reeve, Clerk. JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk of the Township of Turnberry, do hereby certify that the above to be a true copy of By- Law No. 6, 1965, of the Town- ship of Turnberry, as read a first and second time on the 3rd day of April 1965, A.D. NOTICE Take notice that the above By -Law No. 6, 1965 of the Cor- poration of the Township of Turnberry after publication as required by Section 462 of the Municipal Act will be duly con. s[dered and read a third time and finally passed by Council in accordance with the require- ments of the above Section 462, The Council will hear claims of any person or persons either by themselves or by their So- licitor. that their lands will be prejudicially affected. Applications for such bear- ing should be made to the undersigned not later than April 30th, 1965. JOHN V. FISCHER, 15-22-29b Clerk. Thursday, Apr, 15, 2965,,Page 7 A barber surveyed the slick hair of the young man who had just seated himself in his. chair, Then he asked;" do you want it out, or should l dust change the oil?" TENDERS WANTED FOR NAF -TON TRUCK (2) To trade on 1963 one-half ton •truck. (2) Specifications available at Maitland Valley Conser- vation Office, Inkerman St., Listowel, (in Red & White Supermarket Bldg,) or by writing to P.O. Box 760, Listowel. (3) Tenders must be in Shands of Secretary -Treasurer by noon on Thursday, April 22, 1965. (4) Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 8-15b Visarleamoomomnamaimaners For all of your Construction Needs Call .. - CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors DIAL 357-2344 WINGI-IAM Jack Alexander 1 �i Phone 357-3631 - Wingham !i AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town Farm Sales and Business and Professional Directory AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL - S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 HARRISTON - ONTARIO BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor and Floor, PUC Building Cor. Josephine & John Sts. WINGHAM, Dial 357-1561 A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 392-6873, Teeswater Wroxeter -Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment P. D. Hemingway, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Professional Office Building I.TSTOWEL, ONTARIO For Appointment: Phone 1650, Listowel Pearson, Edwards & CO. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257-2891 Gaviller McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. Wingham - Dial 357-3630 IGSISMERRIMMINIMMIft J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office - Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357-1990 PHAIR AND ACHESON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS BOX 663 KINCARDINE PHONE 55