HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-04-15, Page 5• Sfety Sisters
Flan Menus
Sisters held their meeting on
Tuesday evening at the home of
• Miss Irene DeBoer. The meet-
ing opened with the president,
Miss Pamela King presiding.
The 4-1-I pledge was repeated
the seven girls present answered
the roll call by stating a traffic
law each had learned,
• The minutes were read by
Marlene Weber. Miss Pamela
King invited the Safety Sisters
to hold the next meeting at her
The discussion was based on
rules for well planned meals
• which do not cost too much.
Menus for breakfast, a carried
lunch, a home lunch and a
supper were prepared.
All learned to judge first aid
kits. Instruction was given on
writing a club story. Home as-
signments were to plan and pre•
pare a meal for the family if
possible and record it in the
record book, complete first
aid kit and record book.
• Holy Bible, Book divine,
Precious treasure, thou art mine;
Mine to tell me whence I
Mine to tell me what I am.
Josephine Street
Phone 357-1361
The Ladies' Lawn Bowling
Club held a dessert euchre in
the council chambers Wednes-
day afternoon with 30 tables in
play. The winners were Mrs.
J. Hodgins and Mrs. Sara Ans-
tett. Mrs. Eva Brownlie and
Mrs. H. Congram were the lucky
draw winners.
DIAL 357-3362 — WINGHAM
25th Anniversary
Special Offer
for the next few weeks. Each time you purchase
1 -gallon of FRESH, CREAMY -SMOOTH
watch for a SPECIAL OFFER COUPON inside.
You're certain to enjoy any one of the
A GRADE II ENSEMBLE from Mrs. Conley's room sang
"Spring Grasses" during the public school concert. From
the left: Karen Smith, Linda Hanula, Lauri Hopper, Connie
Jamieson, Bradley Coulter, Peter Hilbert, Carey MacDon-
ald, Carl Good, Neil Reece.
Miss Anna McDonalc Is
Elected CWL Presicent
The annual meeting of the
Catholic Women's League was
held in the parish hall of Sa-
cred Heart Church on Monday
of last week. Reports were read
and the following officers were
Spiritual director, Rev. J.
Mooney; president, Miss Anna
McDonald; past president, Mrs.
William Smith; lst vice presi-
dent, Mrs, Ronald Foxton; 2nd
vice president, Mrs. Michael
Willie; 3rd vice president, Mrs.
Edward Bauer; secretary, Miss
Margaret Keogh; treasurer,
Mrs. Edward Rich.
Highlights of the League's
activities in the past year were
masses offered for the inten-
tion of the spiritual director,
members and deceased rela-
tives of members; a day of re-
collection conducted by Rev.
A. Nolan, St. Gabriel's Parish,
Windsor, with 22 women pre-
sent; recitation of the rosary
and benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament preceded meetings;
290 visits were made to the
sick and new families of the
parish; a bale of used clothing
was sent in the spring and fall
to an Indian mission in Mani-
toba; at Christmas food baskets
were distributed to needy fam-
ilies and gifts given to shut-ins
and those in hospital; the Lon-
don Diocesan Mission in Peree
was the subject of an illustrated
talk by Father Mooney and
small articles were raffled at
meetings in aid of this mission;
a scholarship of $25.00 was
awarded the grade eight stu-
dents with the highest academic
May this Eastertide
life, hope tor the
"CHRIST IS RISEN!" And once again on Easter
Morn, the miracle of His Resurrection brings joy and
inspiration, as we gather together in the House of the
' Lord, with our families and friends ... to worship,
thanks for His of Life ever-
/I r to rejoice, to give gift
bless each of you with infinite trust in the goodness of
future and faith in the spiritual truths that sustain us.
C�/eu it it1? edict c O Ile
Ladies' and
flonalds Children's Wear
357-1044 WINGHAM
standing at Sacred Heart School
and all grade eight students re-
ceived graduation pins; 525.00
was contributed to the Mon-
signor Mahoney Burse for educa-
tion to the priesthood. Fund
raising activities included a
garden party in aid of Sacred
Heart School; weekly euchre
parties from October to April;
a spring tea and a fall tea and
bake sale. Proceeds from these
activities were donated to the
Mrs. William Smith and her
executive were thanked for
their splendid work in the past
year by Mrs. Michael Willie.
Father Mooney closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
Kinettes Hear
O.P.P. Officer
The regular meeting of the
Wingham Kinctte Club was
held Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. Ron Wingfield
with 16 members present. Each
member answered the roll call
with her second name. The
treasurer's report revealed that
there is $31.00 in service ac-
count and $113.00 in the club
account. Mrs. Bill Hanula re-
ported on the Walkerton inter-
club meeting.
A slate of officers for the
new year was introduced by
Past President, Mrs. Robert
Wenger and Past President Mrs.
Alan Williams, The new slate
is as follows: Past president,
Mrs. Stewart Leedham; presi-
dent, Mrs. Maurice Stainton;
first vice president, Mrs. Mur-
ray Gerrie; second vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Dave Burgess; secre-
tary, Mrs. Ray Neal; treasurer,
Mrs. Keith McClure; registrar,
Mrs. Ron Wingfield and bulletin
editors, Mrs. 13111 Hanula and
Mrs. Matt Boyd. The two voting
delegates to the Kinsmen con-
vention in Buffalo from May 21-
24 are Mrs, Bill Ranula and Mrs.
Dave Burgess. Convention reso-
lutions discussed and voted on
and plans for the spring dance
at Formosa on Friday, April
23rd were finalized.
The guest speaker was Con-
stable O. Whitfield who spoke
about the Ontario Provincial
Police Force. He gave a his-
tory of the force, told of its
responsibilities, the organiza-
tion of the force and the spec-
ial services and assistance it
gives to the municipality. He
was thanked for his Most inter-
esting address by Mrs. Matt
Need Volunteers
To Help at
Ont. Hospital
The towns in the vicinity
of Goderich have been request-
ed to send volunteers to assist
in the efforts to make the days
more pleasant for patients at
the Ontario Hospital.
Volunteer work consists of
preparing projects, playing
cards, teaching patients to
sew quilt patches together and
guiding in various arts and
crafts, and entertaining the
patients. There is something
everyone can do.
The first group from Wing -
ham made its initial visit last
Thursday afternoon and the
ladies thoroughly enjoyed them-
selves. They came away with
that good feeling which comes
from doing something to bright-
en the day for others. The
group consisted of Miss Doris
Fells, Mrs. R. Galbraith, Mrs.
G. Godkin, Miss Phyllis Johns,
Miss Janet Murray, Miss Verna
McLaughlin, Miss Irene Paton,
Mrs. W. Pocock, Mrs. W. Van-
Wyck, Mrs, E. Webster and Mrs.
G. Williams.
The next visit will be on
Thursday afternoon, April 29th
from 2-4. Volunteers are ur-
gently needed (men or women).
If you would care to assist in
this work, please phone Miss
Phyllis Johns, 357-1860, not
later than April 28th so trans-
portation can be arranged.
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Apr, 15, 1965 -Page 0
--Th'rty-six teachers of the
Wingham Unit of the Teachers'
Federation chartered a bus
driven by Mr. Allen Reid of
Lucknow to take them to Tor-
onto last Saturday to attend
the show, "My Fair Lady" at
the University Theatre. They
thoroughly enjoyed the show
and had dinner together at the
International Airport, arriving
home about 9:30.
- -Mr. W. S. Hall of Clare- '
mont was in Wingham over the
week -end.
--Mr. and Mrs. Alan Patti-
son returned home on Monday
after spending a week with
their daughter, Mr, and Mrs.
Gerald Watson and family of
.--Mr. and Mrs. Lister Shiell
and son, Donald, of Brantford
visited on Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shiell
and also visited Mr. Clarence
Shiell at the hospital.
--Mrs. Andy Lunn and Ro-
bert and Mr, and Mrs. Gerald
Shannon, Marilyn and Don of
Barrie, left Saturday for a two
weeks' vacation to Florida.
-- Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Beare
and family of Brampton visited
with her parents, Rev. and Mrs.
C. F. Johnson on Sunday.
--Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Da-
vidson returned home Saturday
from Daytona Beach, where
they have spent the past few
--Miss L. Higgins of London
and Mrs. C. Higgins, Blyth, were
week -end guests with Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Shera.
- -Mrs. J. E. Ostrom spent the
week -end in Toronto with her
sister, Mrs. Ross Perigoe and
Mr. Perigoe.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson
returned home last Friday from
Daytona Beach.
--Robert Ostrom is spending
a few days this week with his
mother, Mrs. J. E. Ostrom be-
fore returning for the second
term of his course at Ontario
Forest Technical College at
--Mr. Harry G. West of Bir-
mingham, Mich. , attended
the funeral of his brother, John
at Lucknow.
--Mr. Garnet Henderson and
Rainbow club
The Rainbow Club held its
regular meeting in the council
chambers last Tuesday, open-
ing with the Housewives' Creed
and the Lord's prayer in unison.
The roll call was answered by
21 members and two visitors
by each naming a new item she
had for Easter.
An auction sale will be held
at the next meeting and mem-
bers are to take anything they
desire to be auctioned off. The
hostesses for May are Mrs. Lil-
lian Patterson, Mrs. Tom Whar-
ton, Mrs. Archie Hull and Mrs.
J. G. Simmons.
Capt. Ferris Is Speaker
A lovely Easter Thankoffer-
ing service was observed last
Tuesday by the Afternoon Unit
in the Sunday School room.
Mrs. W. VanWyck was in charge
of the meeting. Mrs. Roulston
and Mrs. Haines assisted in
Scripture reading and prayers.
Mrs. VanWyck read the Eas-
ter story of the man who car-
ried the cross to Golgotha. She
then introduced Captain A.
Ferris who delivered a very in-
spirational address, "Lay up
Treasures in Heaven". Ile show-
ed how our lives should be like
the Easter Lily. Mrs. Howson
thanked Captain Ferris.
Mrs. Reavie chaired the
meeting for the business of the
United Church Women. After
Mrs. Zurbrigg read the minutes,
Mrs.Jardin reported on demon-
stration of craft articles to be
held in the United Church on
April 22. Mrs. llingston report-
ed the financial statement for
the first quarter. Mrs.Jardin
and Mrs.Jacklin reported on
the spring Presbyterial held in
Mrs. Reavie gave a report on
the Conference in Windsor,
Mrs. Cruikshank, first vice-
president of Conference, show-.
ed a visual picture of the work.
Mrs. MacLennan reported on
the bale, which was on display.
Mrs. Gordon gave a report for
the visiting committee.
New Tanker Is
Credited with
Saving Home
The rural fire brigade's new
1, 200 gallon water tanker was
credited with saving the hone
of Charles Cronin of East Wa-
wanosh from destruction last
week. It was the first run for
the new outfit.
A spark coming from the
chimney ignited part of the
south wall of the frame home
and the fire spread to the roof.
The pumper used up its 500 -
gallon supply at a tirne when
the fire was nearly under con-
trol, but the blaze would have
gained headway if it had not
been for the tanker. Another
200 gallons from this source
was all that was needed to put
out the fire.
Both the upstairs and the
Main floor suffered water dam-
age but the damage by fire
was confined to the outside of
the building.
Mr, Alton of Lucknow, Roger
West, Jeffrey Lockridge and
Mrs. Helen Fleury motored to
Detroit Sunday afternoon to at-
tend the hockey game Sunday
evening between Detroit and
Chicago. Coming home they
experienced some difficulties
as a result of the tornado that
hit Detroit.
--Mrs. William Alton is
spending this week in London
with her son, Wendell and
Mrs. Alton.
--Mr, and Mrs, Chris New-
man and Mr. and Mrs. Alf
Lockridge attended the funeral
of Mrs. Newman's and Mrs,
Lockrldge's brother, Raymond
R. Fleming in Woodstock on
51st Anniversary
Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Mrs.
Robert Sinnamon and Mrs. E.
W. Beecroft visited with Mr.
Hugh Sinnamon at Westminster
Hospital, London, last Thurs-
It was Mr. and Mrs, Hugh
Sinnamon's 51st wedding anni-
versary. He has been a patient
in Westminster for the past two
Shower for
Miss McTeer
A shower was held on Satur-
day evening at the fire hall for
Miss Marie McTeer of Paisley,
whose marriage to David Carr,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carr,
will take place in May. About
60 attended.
Miss Margaret Morrey and
Miss Mary Phillips made a
bride's book, which was given
to the bride -elect. A mock
wedding was presented and con-
tests were held.
Miss McTeer was also pre-
sented with a corsage of kitchen
gadgets and among the many
gifts were a card table and
chairs, clothes hamper, ironing
board and cover and a clothes
basket. She received a picture
from her family.
The hostesses were Mrs.
Percy Clark, Mrs. Len Phillips,
Mrs. William Bain, Mrs. Harold
Congram and Mrs. Parker Camp
Films Are Shown
At B&PW Meeting
A large number of guests
and members attended the
April dinner meeting of the
Business and Professional Wo-
men's Club in the parish hall
of St. Paul's Anglican Church.
The ladies of the church cater-
ed for the delicious meal. Mrs.
John Ostrom, president, was in
the chair and conducted the
business. Guests at the head
table included Mr. and Mrs. Al-
vin Higgins.
Miss Dorothe Comber, con-
vener of the program commit-
tee, presented two films pre-
pared in the research labora-
tories of the Bell Telephone
Company. Mr. Higgins acted
as projectionist. The first film,
"Short Term Visual Memory",
described experiments in psy-
chology to discover how people
see, and how much a person
can recall of an array of ob-
jects flashed momentarily on a
screen. Certain facts may be
stored for a short time in the
memory, but they may be
erased by subsequent pictures.
The second film, "Music in
Motion", showed some of the
research carried out to study
and improve the transmission
of sound. Excerpts were shown
from the Telephone Hour, giv-
ing a performance by an or-
chestra of Tschaikovsky's
Waltz of the Flowers. The mu-
sic of the harp, cello and flute
were reproduced in vivid color,
the individual characteristics
of each type of music portray-
ed in peaks and various shapes
travelling over a screen.
Plans were finalized for the
presentation of the Earle Terry
Singers in the high school,
April 27. An added feature
will be the appearance of the
Bell Choir from St. Andrew's
Y. P.S.