HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-03-11, Page 2• Page 2 ,. Wingharxt Advance -Times, Thursday, Mar, 11, 1965 HE DID IT AGAIN—About a year ago Bob Johnston had his picture in the paper with a model plane he had built. Now, after a year's labor in his spare time he has come up with another. It measures 81 inches from wingtip to wingtip and weighs about three pounds. It is modelled after an old time monoplane, and when motorized should fly beautifully. The model is tin display at Bennett's store. Opinion Poll Results The number expressing an opinion on the home for the aged has reached 847. Only one vote for the Clinton site; 703 whose names can be pub- lished and 139, names to be withheld, favor a site other than Clinton. The following names have been received since last issue. Thomas Burke, Agnes Burke, Wroxeter; Jack Pitcher, Mrs. Jack Pitcher, Bluevale; William J. Willis, Ethel Willis, Hazel Dustow, Mrs. B. Homuth, W.A.Heughan, Mrs. W.A. Heughan, Wray Gedcke, Elmer Gedcke, Alveretta Gedcke, RR 1, Fordwich; Ken McMichael, Mary McMichael, RR 1, Blue - vale; George Galbraith, Grace Galbraith, Wroxeter; Mary W. Mathers, T. R, Mathers, George Robinson, Mrs. Islay Robinson. Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller, Al- fred Mason, Mrs. Alfred Mason, Norman Harding, Mrs. Norman Harding, Alvin Orvis, Mrs. WORN WHEEL ALIGNMENT THREATENS YOUR DRIVING SAFETY! YM W -hwa .p- whirl .li/,.wnt few dams hater then woe* phis, TWA of No k..,ws Tow .her. W.1 Ow Le. ma. .s:r lf,,. whet deck with kAA [Mipn+nt every S. Tlbes r+.e Mew W. n,., New row Iifii .TING TOUR CAE IN TODAY! WE SPECIALIg IN — BRAKE DRUM TURNING SHOCK ABSORBERS SPRING REPLACEMENT Alvin Orvis, L. D. Balser, Mrs. L. D. Balser, Wilfred Stainton, Robert D. Golley, Ida M.Gol- ley, Alex Robertson, Milo Case - more, RR 4, Wingham; Albert Brenzil, Norma Brenzil, K.M. MacLennan, Doris E. MacLen- nan, L. Casemore, June Case - more. John E.Reavie, Florence Reavie, F. E. Madill, M. Madill, A. Louise Hetherington, W.B. Cruikshank, Kathleen Cruik- shank, RR 2, Wingham, C. M, Jardine, Kenneth Edgar, Davey Edgar, Margaret Edgar, Wroxe- ter; Ross Hamilton, RR 4, Wing - ham; W , A, Crawford, M. D. , Mrs. W , A, Crawford, Harley Crawford, Bernice Crawford, S. Beattie, G. W . Tiffin, Audrey Tiffin, A.D. Smith, Mrs. A.D. Smith, Bluevale. Telford Cook, Mrs. Tel- ford Cook, Belgrave; Mrs. Ger- trude Reavie, Gary Reavie, William Arbuckle, 0. Rapp, Mrs. O. Rapp, W. L. Kress, Mrs. E. B. Kress, Ronald VanCamp, Mrs. Ronald VanCamp, Wil- liam Wilson, Mrs. William Wilson, Fordwich; Miss Mar- garet Dane, Gorrie; Mrs. Lorne Walker, Gorrie; Horace Aitch- ison, Jean Aitchison, Elmer Ireland, RR 5, Wingham, W. R. Hamilton, Mrs. W. R. Hamil- ton, Mrs. Elizabeth Keith. Mrs. N. Harper, Belmore; George Inglis, Frances Inglis, RR 1, Clifford; R. N. Saint, Doris Saint, E. J. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. E.J. Fitzpatrick, George Carter, Mrs. George Carter, Kay Rich, Don Rae, Mrs. John Lillycrop, Mrs. D. W. Rae, John Strong, Mrs. John Strong, Leslie Mc- Minn, Mrs. L. McMinn, Mrs. Irene MacDonald, RR Listowel; Mrs, Runa Wilkinson, Max Bell, Mrs. Max Bell, RR 1, Gorrie. Mrs. Geo. Hanna, Mrs.0. M. McConkey, Mrs. Emily Donaldson, Wallace Agar, Mrs. Wallace Agar, Mrs. L. McGee, , Mrs. E. Welwood, G. Boyle, Mrs. G. Boyle, Fred McGee, James Fitch, Mrs.James Fitch, RR 1, Wingham, Mrs. Chris Tofting, R.G. Gannett, Mrs. R.G. Gannett, David A. Croth- ers, Mrs. D.A,Crothers, Stan- ley Moffatt, Vera Moffatt, Bluevale, Mrs. Milo Casemore. School Crossing Guard REQUIRED FOR CORNER OF JOHN ST. AND JOSEPHINE FOR ALL SCHOOL DAYS DURING THE FOLLOWING TIMES: 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 to 12 noon 12:45 to 1:15 p.m. - 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Apply to: WM. RENWICK, Wingham Town Office Applications to be received up to March 17th PLEASE STATE SALARY EXPECTED Brazilian Song Sung by Choir WROXETER- The junior choir sang two anthems at the United Church Sunday morning. "In Times Like These" by Mrs. C, R, Jones was sung in two- part harmony. "Thanks Be to God" from the new Evangelical Hymn Book of Brazil. This song is being used in the program of the United Church Women. Mrs. A. E. Martin directed both the junior and intermediate choirs, Rev. Fred Taylor told the story of three Indian boys sent by the chieftan to climb the highest mountain and report their findings. The first passed the vegetation and returned with a flower; the second went above the tree line and return- ed with a rare stone and the third went to the top and saw the sea, so he had a vision. Sometimes we live in a small world and have no vision of God's world in the distance. Mr, Taylor gave the mean- ing ofseveral names, Jesus was a common name in the first century but vanished in the second century and became a sacred name, In Hebrew it means help of Jehovah. It also means deliverer and rescuer. It was no accident that our Lord was called Jesus. His name sums up His works. Husband, Wife Were Natives Of Howick WROXETER-Word was re- ceived here of the death of Isaac Galbraith in Stoughton, Sask., on February 27, in Fill- more Hospital, after a short illness. Since that time, fur- ther word was received that Mrs. Galbraith passed away in Regina Hospital on March 1, following heart surgery. A double funeral was held on March 3. Mrs. Galbraith was the former Bernice Armstrong of Fordwich. Mr. Galbraith was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galbraith and was born July 31, 1880 in Howick Town- ship. He attended S.S. No. 4 and was a member of Orange Hill Methodist Church and the Orange Hill Young Brittons. Shortly after their mar- riage on December 23, 1904, Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith moved to Kisbey, Sask. , where they farmed until retiring to Stough- ton. The date for Mr. Gal- braith's funeral, originally set for March 2, was postponed un- til the following day when his widow died on March 1, and they were buried together in Warmley Cemetery. They are survived by a daughter Bessie. A daughter Dorothy predeceased them. There are four brothers, George of Wroxeter, John of Kenville, Man., Anson of Gor- rie and Lawrence of Harriston; and two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Cor- bett in White's Nursing Home at Harriston and Emma Will- iamson of Fordwich. Film Shown at Annual Service WROXETER- The World Day of Prayer was observed in the United Church. Mrs. Ronald McMichael, the pianist, play- ed soft music, and accompan- ied the singing of the hymns. The leaders were Mrs. Vern Hupfer,Mrs. Gordon Louttit, Mrs. Archie Miller and Mrs. John McLean. Sev- eral prayers were offered by different members in the con- gregation. Mrs. Ronald Mc- Michael played a violin selec- tion, "For You I Am Praying", accompanied by Mrs. Pete Dobson at the piano. The col- lection was taken by Mrs. Phyl- lis McMichael. A film depicting prayer was shown by Mrs. Tom O'Kraf- ka and the comments were ttiade by Mrs. George Gibson. DRUG FACTS SOMETIMES WONDER WHERE YOU BUY YOUR HATS, DEAR! BUT THAT'S ALL RIGHT s0 LONG As 1 KNOW YOU ALWAYS TAKE PRESCRIPTIONS To VANCE'S DRUG STORE Our well stocked DISPENSARY provides for PROMPT SERVICE an all PRESCRIPTIONS including TELEPHONE and MAIL ORDERS. VANCE J OuESCR/PT/UN DRUGGIST HAIR SPRAY--15-oz., plus 7•oz. ALBERTO VO5 $4,87 value ANTACID -4 -oz., reg. 98c STOMACH POWDER BRECI( CREME RINSE -8 -oz. Reg. $1.25 value mug 12 -oz, SHAMPOO —, Plus 2 -oz. HAIR SET MIST TWIN PACK DEODORANT—$2.50 DESERT FLOWER FOR REGULARITY -16 -oz. IDOLAGAR Reg. $1,39 100 CAPSULES—Reg, $1,15 HALIBUT LIVER OIL IRONIZED YEAST value 60s—$1.25 val. 4 PURPOSE FACE CREAM LADY ESTHER TWO 3.7 -oz. jars $2.99 78` 98c $1.69 $1.25 1.09 79c $1.19 $1.49 Wroxeter Mrs. Lorne Walker and Miss Margaret Dane, Gorrie, visited Sunday with Miss Ger- trude Bush and Mrs. W. Weir. Mr. and Mrs, Danny Salter, Toronto, spent the week -end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Bow- man of Petersburg spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. Ross Toman. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Karn and family were in Kitchener on Sunday, where they visited relatives. We are pleased to hear Mr. , Fred Kerr is home again after being a patient in Westminster Hospital, London, for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pen- ner, Toronto, were week -end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt and family, Willowdale, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reidt. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Woollett and family spent the week -end at their home here. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart that Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart are en- joying the Florida sunshine and 85 degree temperature. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hoff- man, Clinton, visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Elizabeth Hoff- man. We are sorry to hear Mr. Ed McCallum is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. Geo. Galbraith in the loss of his bro- ther at Kisbey, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Van- Velsor spent the week -end in Hamilton. Gorrie News Miss Carol Robinson and Mr. Ronald Bennett attended the Junior Farmers convention at the 0. A. C. Guelph over the week -end. One Moment, Please By Fr. J. G. Mooney, Wingham, Ontario. LENTEN MESSAGE We are in the season of Lent, a period of prayer and personal conversion. On Ash Wednesday, many Christians have the blessed ashes placed on their foreheads, It tells us that the time for an abiding sorrow for sin, penance and conversion has begun. Ashes, from ancient times, have served as a sign of pen- ance and conversion. Jonas told the people of Nineveh, that God would destroy their city if the citizens did not reform. They responded, and did pen- ance in sackcloth and ashes. King David said:"1 have eaten ashes instead of bread." Judith did penance in ashes and with the power of God, defeated Holofernes. May this season bring us God's forgiveness and new strength. Ashes remind man that of himself he is nothing. The cere- mony should reduce him to humility for the accompanying words are:" Remember, man, that you are dust and to dust you shall return." We see, too, here that all created things, material in nature, are very fragile. All power, worldly joys are passing. On Palm Sun- day, Our Lord rode in glory in- to Jerusalem, and a few days later, the people put Him to death. How short-lived was this triumph. As we use the things of this world, we must try to remember that they are not lasting. Our most import- ant goal will be the saving of our souls. During Lent, we pray for a lively sorrow for sin. We want to see our unworthiness, and our dependence on God. We want to see ourselves as God sees us. Yet we will be pa- tient with ourselves and with others. Lent is a time to mourn for our forgiven sins. It is a Telephone Company Elects New Board WROXETER- The Wroxeter Telephone meeting which was postponed because of inclement weather on February 25 was held last Thursday in the Com- munity Hall with Gordon A. Gibson acting as chairman. The financial statement and auditors' report as prepared by Butler, Dooley, Clarke and Starke, chartered accountants of Kitchener, was read by Sec. Art Gibson and given further study. Other business was discuss- ed and the new board was set up as follows: President, Robert Searson; vice-pres., Leonard Sanderson; directors, Dean Karn, Ken McMichael and Art Gibson: sec.-treas., Art Gib- son. Lineman Allan Adams spoke briefly. Operators are Mrs. Ross Coates, Mrs. George Westlake, Mrs. Everett Cathers, Mrs. Allan Adams, Mrs. Bruce Hayes, Miss Kaye Nichol and Mrs. Wesley Newton. A hearty vote of thanks was given to the retiring presi- dent, Eldred Cathers, for his faithful service and attendance at all meetings. BELGRAVE Mr. Ted Fear is a patient in'the Wingham and District Hospital. The citizenship meeting of the Belgravc Women's Insti- tute will be held in the Corn- munity Centre on Tuesday, March 23 (notice change of date) at 2:15. Convener, Mrs. George Michie. time of growing in the love of God. For much has been for- given us,and we always remem-i ber how much it was. During Lent, we practise self denial. We must punish ourselves for our sins. We con- sider what Christ suffered for us. We remember that we have continued to offend God. Now we must be indignant against ourselves. We must punish our- selves for our ungrateful behav- iour. Suffering has always been accepted as a way of making up for sin. Our fasting and self- denial is proof of our intention to mend our lives. A change of heart must accompany our Lenten good works or they will be empty of value, useless. And when the period of ashes has come to an end, the new reformed man must emerge. (4) DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL May be donated through your local funeral director PLALtu IN Mu ELS, }lnvsL HOSPITALS, PRISQNS- • • W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 Ot. aul'g (Cljurttj (ANGLICAN) 11ingbam Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson • Organist SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT — MARCH 14 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Tues., March 16—Evening Guild, Parish Rm., 8 o'clock. Wed., March 17—Lenten Study, Parish Room, 7:30. Wed., Mar. 17—Bd. of Management, Parish Rm., 8:15. READMAN'S TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE Dial 351'-3380 - Wingham • •