HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-02-25, Page 12Page 4 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Feb, 25, 1965 Edited by Sandra Cameron W.D.H.S. News and Views Variety Concert The Student Council present- ed their Variety Concert on Thursday and Friday evenings in the school auditorium. The program began with a short address given by Jim Na - smith, president of the Studente Council. The Junior Girls' Choir with the Boys' Choir sang, "Of Any Land or Sea". Verna Hunt- er was the soloist. The next selection "I Enjoy Being a Girl" was sung by the girls alone. Judy Forsyth, a grade twelve student, provided the narration for a gymnastic display perform- ed by girls from grades 10, 11 and 12. They were Linda Ma- hood, Wendy Roane,Mary Ahara, , Betty Hetherington, Sigberta de Bruyn, Dianne Grove, Susan Wormington and Betty Millen. The girls did routines on the balance beam, the parallel bars and the high bar. Following the gymnastics, a group of grade nine girls danced a Jewish dance called "Mayim" . The Boys' Choir sang "Con- sider Yourself' and the senior girls joined them to sing a med- ley of songs from the motion picture, "The Land of Milk and Honey". Boys from grades 10 to 13 provided a gymnastic display in which they used the box horse to demonstrate squat and strad- dle vaults, reverse straddle vaults and short arm vaults, among other feats. Jim Nasmith narrated the event, Two girls, Sharon Reavie and Dianne Grove, and four boys, Murray Proctor, Robert Beattie, Rick Alcorn and Bill Yemen performed a number of difficult tricks on the trampoline as Mr. B. Taylor, B.Sc., explained what they were doing. Robert Beattie, dressed as a tramp, joined with Rick Alcorn to provide a humorous part of the show, while they displayed exact timing to perform on the trampoline together. A senior triple trio of grade 12 girls harmonized in singing "It Might as Well Be Spring". PLAY PRESENTED The play was entitled "Be Home By Midnight", a one -act comedy by Christopher Ceigel. The cast was as follows: Mr. Jones, John Watson; Mrs. Jones, 'Lynda Reavie; Paul Jones, Louis Stadelman; Junior, Donald Cro- nin; Mary Jones, Virginia Mur- ray. The setting was the living - room of the Jones' home, in the present era. As the play opened, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, typical parents, were waiting for their two teenage children who were late arriving home. The worried parents were almost! driven to distraction with worry Win Competition On Saturday the Huron -Perth Wrestling Competition was held at the school. Wingham owes its victory to Ken McTavish, who won the last match, in the unlimited class. Final scores were: Wingham 95, Listowel 94, Goderich 62, Mitchell 53, Exeter 27. Mr. Madill presented the trophies to the individual class champions. Wingham won a few of these; 98 lbs., Terry Johnson of Bluevale; 115 lbs., Bill Cronin of Teeswater; 148 lbs., Steve Hamilton of Gorrie; unlimited, Ken McTavish, of Wingham. 0--0--0 98 -pounds: Terry Johnson, Wingham, def. Dave Cornish, Goderich. 106 -pounds: George Gould, Goderich, def. Larry Brooks, Wingham. 115 -pounds: Bill Cronin, Wingham, def. Lee Burnett, Listowel. 123 -pounds: Bill Eidt, Mitch- ell, def. Andy Cummings, Lis- towel. 130 -pounds: Douglas Bing- ham, Mitchell, def. Tom Mil- ler, Wingham. 136 -pounds: Dave Lander, Mitchell, def. Barry Neable, Listowel. 141 -pounds; John Mahaffey, Mitchell, def. Ed Sanderson, Goderich. 148 -pounds: Steve Hamilton, Wingham, def. Ross Hendry, Listowel. RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOURHELP . 157 -pounds: Listowel, def. Wingham. 168 -pounds: Listowel, def. Goderich. 183 -pounds: Listowel, def. Goderich. Unlimited: Wingham, def. Exeter. Pete Osinga, Norman Corrin, Arden Mick, Chris Graham, Gerald Greer, Douglas Wilson, Ken McTavish, John Nagle, 0--0--0 This Saturday the W. O.S.S. A. (Western Ontario Secondary School Association) wrestling competitions will be held at the•school from 10:30 until the evening. There will be 16 schools participating, so it will be an interesting event to at- tend. 0--0--0 Basketball .On Friday afternoon boy's basketball teams were at the school. Resulting scores were; Senior Boys, Wingham 70, Exe- ter 76; Junior Boys, Wingham 53; Exeter 52. The girls teams went to Exe- ter. Scores: Senior Girls, Wing - ham 16, Exeter 29; Junior Girls; Wingham 20, Exeter 45. 0--0--0 First Student;"Great Scott! I've forgotten who wrote Ivan- hoe. 'Second Student:" I'll tell you if you tell me who the Dickens wrote "A Tale of Two Cities." 0--0--0 • A Man was tuning in on the radio"when he got a sudden twinge of:pain in his back. • ?1 believe I'm getting lum- bago!" he. exclaimed. What's the use," answered his wife. "You won't under- stand a word they say." .O.S.S.A. WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL SAT., FEB. 271h PRELIMINARIES 10:30 a.m. - SEMI-FINALS 1:30 p.m. FINALS 7 p.m. Students 25c. Adults 40c Children under High School age and accompanied by adult or high school student admitted free and so upon the return home of Paul and Mary the two were lectured. Their younger brother, Junior, referred to as the per- fect example of an obedient child, astounded his parents with his entry, later than his brother or sister, after spending "a night on the town". The program ended with four selections by the Mass Choir, "Hello Dolly", with the solo by Charles Congram; "Something to Sing About", the duet by George Jardine and Russell Press; "Now Let All the Earth Adore Thee", in which Sheila and Barbara France played a violin duet. The last selection was Time for Parting", very suit- able indeed. Everyone stood and joined in singing The Queen. Library Club By Mrs. W. McCauley, B. A. Librarian This year's Library Club has a total of 30 regular members, more than 20 of whom have worked over 20 hours during their lunch hours and activity periods. The routine work done by club members includes looking after returned books, putting books away, collecting fines, charging books, keeping maga- zines in order, keeping the shelves tidy and in the proper order, and mending. In December, 1964, the club began its major project for 1964-1965; a complete invent- ory of all the books in the li- brary was to be taken. The li- brary was closed for circulation purposes for almost two weeks while club members busily re- corded the accession number, author and title of each book on the shelves. This was only the first step in a gigantic task. By the end of February, the list of all the books available in the library w ill be in correct numer- ical order. This list will be the basis of the next major 'task fac- ing the librarian and the Libra- ry Club: the reorganization of the card catalogue. Some Library Club members also look after book circulation during English periods spent in the library and thus, at this • time as at many other times, ensure the relatively smooth operation of all facets of the school library. A COMEDY SKIT, "Be Home at Midnight," provided a lot of fun for the two -night concert at WDHS last week. Here John Watson, Lynda Reavie and Louis Stadelman, three of the stars, talk it up during the play.—Yearbook Photo. GLEE CLUB MEMBERS singing in a number of choruses made up a major section of the high school variety night last Thursday and Friday evenings. In this case the Junior Boys' Choir is performing for the capacity audience. Mrs. C. Douglas organized and led the various choruses. —Yearbook Photo. Attends Chess Tournament WHITECHURCH-A local boy, Elwin Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Millan Moore, was one of eight students from the Univer- sity of Western Ontario who mo- tored to Montreal to take part in a week -end chess tourna- ment. Three French clubs from Que- bec and four clubs from Ontario universities competed. Twenty- 11•10111MI1I1MMI four games were in play simul- taneously. The team from Tor- onto placed first, but all en- joyed an interesting week -end. Another Whitechurch boy who has been busy in university activities at Western is George Conn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Conn. George recently sang in choruses during the week of the Gilbert and Sullivanpro- ductions in Convocation Hall. 11111NIIIM IMI/,MIII„M,IIIIIIMNfMM11M"11It'/M1 SUSPENDED!—Rick Alcorn and Bob Beattie demonstrate the use of the school trampolin during the concert Thurs- day and Friday evenings. Sharon Reavie looks on from the sidelines —Yearbook Photo. 1 gIII■III■III■ n III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■III■IInni tti■IIILIII■III■In II■IIt■III■IInin !