HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-02-25, Page 5Baptist Church Reports Show a Successful Year Reports given at the annual meeting of Wingham Baptist Church Wednesday were en- couraging with all departments showing a balance. Total re- ceipts from all departments amounted to $11,583.28 with a total balance on hand of $1,437.35. During 1964 up- wards of $5, 000 was received for missionary work in Canada and abroad. Rev. Don Sinclair presided at the meeting. The meeting approved the following slate of officers for 1965: church clerk, Merrill Cantelon; trustee board, Bruce MacLean, Bill Stapleton, Wil- mer Harcourt, Wade Stapleton, Jack Currie, Dr, A. Klalisen; deacon board, Wilmer Har- court, Merrill Cantelon, Glenn Scheifele, Hartley Watson. !•ry sr5j:•S:;f • Treasurer, Glenn Scheifele; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick; organist, Miss Lois Sinclair; assistant organists, Mrs. Elinor Collar, Ron Snell; Music committee, Miss Lois Sinclair, Dr. A.Klalisen, Mrs, Glenn Scheifele, Mrs. Merrill Cantelon; baptismal commit- tee, Walter Pocock, Richard Kilpatrick, Mrs. Glen Scheifele, Mrs, Bill Stapleton; visiting committee, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Collar, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick; flower committee, Mrs. Glen Scheifele, Mrs, Eli- nor Collar; communion steward- ess, Mrs. Pansy Hotchkiss; assistants, Mrs, Richard Kil- patrick and Mrs, Wilfred Stain- ton. General Sunday school su- perintendent, Jack Currie;sen- for department, Frank Collar; junior department, Mrs. Wilmer Harcourt; fellowship agent, Raymond Stainton, press agent, Merrill Cantelon, auditors, Mrs. Mac Eadie, Richard Kil- Patrick; junior church commit- ttee, Mrs. Jack Currie, Mrs. Alfred Mason and Mrs. Hartley Watson. GOT A CHILLY ROOM? ADDING A ROOM? MAKE YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT VISIT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE ONTARIO 11110 180 Josephine St., Wingham Phone 357-2810 WINTER STOCK SALE FEATURING DRESSES — SUITS SPORTSWEAR HATS — COATS NOW YOU GET THE BARGAINS Miller's policy forbids carrying stock from one season to the next. Therefore all Fall and Winter merchan- dise must be cleared. ALL HATS CLEARING 1/1 PRICE Gowns & Pyjamas in Flannelette and Snuggle Down 20% .0FF -- 2 RACKS -- OF BETTER DRESSES '/s PRICE ALL COATS Trimmed or untrim- med --• Clearing at COST See the many Half-price tables thrbughout the store; including GLOVES, BLOUSES and DUSTERS, DIAL 3574774 WINGHAM PACK "A„ Pack A Cubs met on Tuesday night with 29 boys and three leaders present. Akela, Murray Fridenburg, was not present as he was in hospital recuperating from an operation. His presence was missed by both boys and leaders and a speedy recovery is wished by all.. Brown Six was the duty six for the evening. Bagheera, Charlie Kennedy took the open- ing Grand i-Iowl which was led by Sixer Gene Porter. The Queen was sung and the boys were given one minute to get ready for inspection. Baloo, Louise Lloyd and Bagheera had a hard time choosing Ron Orien of the Blue Six as the one to wear the special woggle, since all, the boys were very good. Everyone passed leapfrog and somersaulting, which was made into a game and enjoyed by all. A game, "Simon Says", was played and an action song en- joyed. Eash Six was given a word to act out and a lively game of charades was played. The boys went back to their Sixes and were shown a piggy bank, made out of a large ja- vex bottle and decorated to look like a pig. It was made by Gene Porter and was a fine piece of work. Baloo reminded the boys that this is Baden-Powell Week and that each Cub is to wear his uniform to school all day Friday. The closing Grand Howl was) taken by Baloo and the Cub Prayer was sung. geofitg activities PACK "B" Twenty-one Cubs and four leaders were present on Thurs- day evening for the Pack B meeting. Akela presented Mrs. Brian Taylor, a prospective A. C. M. The Pack greeted her with three rousing cheers and all look forward to having her with us. The Red Six led in the Grand Howl which was followed by an inspection by the ACM's, Fol- lowing games, the work period began. Various groups worked on the different test items in Firseeand,•Sgcond Star work. We can happily eeport that the new chums have completed nearly all the requirements for their First Stars. At the closing ceremony, Doug Leitch, of the Red Six, was promoted to the rank of Sixer. A Cub from his own six, Paul Swatridge, was elevated to the rank of Seconder, Both boys received the yellow arm band insignia. The special woggle for the evening, a new feature in Pack B, was won by David Tiffin of the Brown Six. Good work, Da- vid. The Cubs were reminded of the church parade to Wingham United Church on Sunday. A good turn -out of 24 Cubs from Pack B was counted for the pa- rade. Akela also reminded the boys about Baden-Powell Week, February 21-28 and asked them to wear their uniforms to school on Friday, February 26. Mrs. Harvey Timm Takes Devotiions WROXETER-The Friendship Group of the U.C.W. held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Stewart Higgins last Wed- nesday. Mrs. Harvey Timm conduct- ed the devotions. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Timm gave the medita- tion and prayer, the theme be- ing "Blue Depression". The study program was ably taken by Mrs. Higgins, who dis- cussed the task of the church in Brazil. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs.James Sanderson con- ducted the business and the meeting was closed with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Timm. FAMILY PARTY ON MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY A family gathering was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm, Leo- pold Street, to celebrate the birthday of her mother, Mrs. William King. About eighteen attended and cards were played during the evening. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ross For - beck and Linda of Owen Sound remained for the week -end. Son Bakes Cake For Anniversary Mr.and Mrs.John Sangster, ?atrick Street were taken by surprise on Sunday when their family gathered to honor them with a family dinner on the oc- casion of their 52nd wedding anniversary, Their son Harvey, baked and decorated the anni- versary cake. The couple was married at the 'Clifford bride's home r in by the late Rev. James H. Lemon of the Presbyterian Church. There are three sons, Ken- tteth of Fenelon Falls, Harvey of 7'hortrberry and Robert of Turnberry and 13 grandchildren. Other guests besides the im- mediate faritily were Mrs,Sang- ster's brother, Mayor J. M. Mil- ligan and Mrs. Milligan of Fer- gus and Mrs. Alex Sangster of tic lmore. Luuk Meulwyke Conducts Worship BELGRAVE- The Hi -C Group met in the church basement on Sunday evening for the regular meeting, Ruth Michie Ied the sing -song, accompanied by Lorne Campbell. President, Jim Taylor was in charge. The secretary's report was read by Lynda Coultes and Allan Bosman gave the treasurer's re- port. Luuk Meulwyke conducted the meeting, opening with a hymn and the reading of Scrip- ture. The offering was received by Lorne Campbell and Hugh McBurney. The topic was "Black Man in America", The members di- vided into groups led by Jack Higgins and Mrs. Jack Higgins and Mr. Jackson. A very lively discussion followed when the groups reconvened. Recreation followed and the meeting closed by singing Taps. Wroxeter Mr. and Mrs. Al Crozier, St. Marys, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram. Miss Anne Douglas, Ottawa, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Douglas. Mr. Murray McLean of Tara was home for the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean. Jamie Sanderson of Toronto and David Sanderson of Sombre visited over the week -end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Sanderson, Mr. Bill Biggins, Brantford, was a week -end visitor with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean were in Oakville on Sunday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Gibson and spent some time with Mrs, J.F. McLean, who had tht tnisfortuue to break her hip and arm in a fall, We are pleased to hear that Mrs. James Alcorn has returned home following several weeks in hospital. Mr. Donald Reaman has puri chased the fartn owned by the late John McCutcheon, Mr.and Mrs. Allister Green, Linda and Janis of Goderich, ac• coMpanied by Mts. W. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush, visited on Sunday with Mr,and Mrs. Geo. Gibson.. Willing Workers Collect Nylons WRQXETER-Mrs, Wrn, Me - Lean and Miss Gertrude hush aro ranged the Willing Workers meeting, held in the United Church basement last Tuesday with seven members and one visitor present, The worship service was taken by Miss Bush. The open- ing hymn was followed by Scrip- ture by Mrs, McLean and pray- er by Miss Bush, Mrs. Rae Loutit had charge of the business, The March meeting will be planned by Mrs, John Fraser and Mrs, Doris Adams. Members were asked to keep in mind the World Day of Prayer on March 5 and to join the Gorrie ladies at a quilting for the bale on March 17 in the Gorrie church basement. Mem- bers are asked to collect old ny- lons for use by overseas women. A U. C. W, bazaar is being plan- ned for the fall and plans are being made to adopt a child for a year. Quilting was done on Mrs. McLean's quilt and supper serv- ed. knringharrt Advance -Times, Thursday, Feb, 25 11965- Page ii UCW Units Meet Tuesday Evening On Tuesday evening of last week three units of the Wing - ham 0. C. W, met in the Sunday School room to view a special film -strip on Trinidad and to hear an address from the Mo- derator of the Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago, Roy Nebel. The color and con- trasts in the film•, and the mu- sic and message on the record, produced lasting images of these countries. Mrs. Roy Bennett opened the meeting with a call to worship on the theme "Purple for Royal- ty". Mrs. Cliff Robb led in pray- er and Mrs. G, W. Tiffin read the meditation, "Born to the Purple". Miss Ruth Bennett's piano solo, and Miss Bonnie Jardin and Mrs, T. Jardin's duet added to the inspiration of the devotional period. The film- strip was introduced and shown PERSONAL NOTES --Mr. Tym Overend of Tor- onto was a week -end visitor with Mr, and Mrs.John Lang - ridge and family. --Mrs.Don Dalmage and Gail of London returned home Sunday evening, after spending 'a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris, and visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. Joe King and Mr. King at Teeswater. --Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Cam- eron attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Donna Haldenby of Holyrood, to Mr. George Bar- rell of Toronto, on Saturday in Kinlough Anglican Church. --Mr. and Mrs. Owen King of Walkerton and Mr, and Mrs, Tom Metcalfe of Wingham returned home Saturday from a two weeks' motor trip through the Southern United States. ' Mr.and Mrs. Jim Campbell of Kitchener spent the week- end with their parents, Mr.and Mrs. John Strong and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Campbell. --Miss Helen Runstedtler of Stratford Teachers' College spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Runstedtler. --Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rennie of Brantford were week -end guests with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Gavreluk and Mr, Gavre- luk. --Mr.and Mrs.John Lorenz, Rosanne and Janet of Brampton, spent the week -end with her father, Mr. Fred MacLean. --Mr.and Mrs.Farish Moffat attended the funeral of Mr. Moffat's uncle, W.J. Moffat in Hamilton last Friday. --Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Web- ster and Mr.and Mrs. Charles Hodgins returned home on Sat- urday from a vacation in Flo- rida. --Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dev- ereaux of Alliston were week- end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Devereaux and Mrs. Joseph Brophy. --Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson and Mrs, George Williams left for Daytona Beach, Florida, to- day (Thursday) where they will spend the next six weeks. --Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moffat visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eccles at Hol- stein, --John Merkley, Murray Kerr and Barry Fuller of Toronto spent the week -end at their re- spective homes. —Mr.and Mrs.Gordon Dock- ing of Staffa visited on Sunday with Mr,and Mrs.Fred Carbert. Miss Barbara Carbert of London spent a few days' holidays with her parents. --The executive members and their wives of the Minor Hockey Association attended the New York -Detroit hockey game in Detroit Saturday after- noon. --Mr. Glen Skinn of Strat- ford Teachers' College spent 'the week -end with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Alex Skinn. --Mrs. Daisy Connell is visiting at the home of her dau- ghter, br. and Mrs. 'r. Irwin at Alliston. --Mrs. Jean Moore is Visit- ing with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.and Mrs. Wayne Nicol in Brampton. Broomball Playoffs Underway Playoff games in the North Huron Broomball League are now in progress with action starting this past Monday and further games slated for the coming week. On Monday at Brussels, Whitechurch was defeated by Brussels, 4-0 in the girls series, and 10th West Wawanosh won over Stone School by a 1-0 count at Belgrave. Also at Brus- sels, Wingham defeated Blyth 2-0. GIRLS' GAMES On Thursday Brussels will play Belgrave at Belgrave at 7:30; on Monday Belgrave and Brussels will meet at Brussels at 7:30 and on Tuesday, Blyth and Wingham will meet at 7:15 at Blyth. MEN'S LEAGUE Men's playoffs start on Thur- sday night in Belgrave when Wingham and Whitechurch mee at 8:30 and at 9:30 Brussels and 10th of Wawanosh will play. On Monday night in Brussels, Brussels and Whitechurch play at 8:30 and at 9:30 Wingham and Whitechurch will tangle. by Mrs. W. R. Cruikshank, The Units then separated for the business period, under the leadership of Mrs. Les Jacklin for Unit 1; Mrs. Jack Reavie, Unit 4; Mrs. Jim Hamilton, Un- it 5, An discussed the possibil- ity of holding a spring tea or special event after Easter; the advisability of changing the usual format for the fall bazaar; the making of new choir gowns for the children's choirs; the do- nating of articles for the annual bale allocation and for recent fire victims. Unit 4 also made arrangements to cater for a meeting of Huron Presbytery on March 3, and to staff the doors and nursery in March. Celebrate Anniversary FORDWICH- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and family atten- ded the 60th wedding anniver- sary of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Aitcheson of Elora. A family dinner was held on Saturday with 80 rela- tives present. Guests were present from El- ora, Guelph, Oakville, Toronto, Willowdale, Sheridan, Rosthern, Sask., and Fordwich. Mrs. Aitcheson lived in the Harriston district for a number of years, They have two child- ren, William of Guelph and Ethel (Mrs. E. Miller) Fordwich, There are nine grandchildren. DONNYBROOK Mr.and Mrs, Willows Moun- tain, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Joshing, Marie and Betty, all of Londes- boro, visited last Wednesday with Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and family. Mr, and Mrs. George Webster. Brenda and Carol of St. Helens visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp- bell of London visited over the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. John, Laurie and GrantJohn- stop returned home Thursday from Wingham and District Hos- pital. INJURED IN FALL GORRIE-Earl Toner, RR 2, Gorrie, fell while working at his barn and broke his right wrist and left thumb, which are now in a cast. 'Fit for Adventure' Is 1965 Boy Scout Theme "Fit for Adventure" is the theme for the Boy Scouts of Canada for 1965. In the imple- mentation of this theme, pro- grams will be directed towards adventurous activities. The whole aim of the "Fit for Ad- venture" theme is to help pro- duce total fitness in the indi- vidual --a healthy body --an enquiring mind --a high code el values --and efficiency to be used in service to the commu- nity. LOCAL ORGANIZATION Scouting's chain of organi- sation is not unwieldy. Each link Is just strong enough to see that local troops and packs are well organized and provided with the highest quality leaders, Before a troop or pack can he formed it is necessary to have a sponsoring body. There trust also be a group of non-tutifortu cd individuals formed under the title of 'Group Committee'. This committee is responsible for providing uniformed leaders, and acts in a supervisory capa- city regarding local Scouting projects. They hold the purse strings, and in effect, act as a board of directors. Wingham is particularly blessed in that the local Kins- men, the sponsoring group, takes a keen interest in Scout- ing and two of the club's mem- hers are also members of the Group committee. It is through the efforts of the Kinsmen that the local Cubs and Scouts have a Scout hall, The Kinsmen also pick up the tab for the upkeep and utilities. Doti Lloyd, president of the Wingham Group Committee, states that one of the biggest problems in Scouting is lack of interest among adults to parti- cipate as leaders, Wingham is currently fortunate in having high calibre leadership by Chief Scouter Crawford Douglas and Assistant Chief Scouter Murray Fridenburg, Mr, Fridenburg is also Cub Master, There ate number of assistant leaders but there is always room for more. There are approximately 55 Scouts and 60 Cubs active in Wingham. They join hands with over 3i5, 000 other young Can- adians in world-wide Scouting activities. Scooting builds a boy's character. It teaches him self- reliance and widens his out- look.