The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-02-04, Page 3W. A. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGI-IAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 Belgrave UniIe.d Records Total Membership of 318 BELGRAVE-The annualrneet ing of Belgrave United Church was held on Tuesday of last week in the church basement, beginning with a pot -luck din- ner at 12:30 noon. Rey. Arthur Jackson opened the meeting with Scripture and prayer. Mrs. George Michie was ap- pointed secretary for the day, and she read the minutes of the last annual meeting. In the ses- sion report it was noted that total membership was 318. There were five baptisms,three burials, two marriages, A mo- ment's silence was observed in memory of George Herbert Wheeler and William Christo- pher Nethery. A motion was passed that the reports be adopted as print- ed, that the Observer be con - SAVE 25% cOucci3 LARGE SIZE SALE THE BEST BUYS IN BEAUTY ARE BY DuBARRY— the world-renowned cosmetic house producing the finest quality of salon -tested beauty preparations, as free from allergy causing ingredients as modern science can make them. Now ... You can have world -beloved DuBarry Beauty Preparations and save money, too 1 Royal Lipstick, golden case $1.30 Reg. $1.75 Royal Lipstick, plastic case .90 Reg. $1.25 Skin Freshener $2.00 Reg. $2.75 Offer expires February 27 by Richard Hudnut Cloudsilk Pearled Face Powder $3.00 Reg. $4.00 DuBarry Face Powder $2.00 Reg. $2.75 Dry Skin Cleansing Cream $2.25 Reg. $3,00 Penetrating Cleanser $2.00 Reg. $2.75 Foundation Lotion $2.25 Reg. $3.00 Moisture Petals $3.75 Rey. $5.00 Special Astringent $2.00 Reg. $2.75 Firming Lotion $2.00 Reg. *2.75 Creme Superbe $2.00 Reg. $2,75 DU BARRY HUDNUT PH. 357. 2170 'S QJ� e VAN,CE PRESCRIPTION 11?uGG/ST OBSERVE WHITE CANE WEEK COMPLETE VETERINARY SUPPLIES tinued on the l very Family Flan, and the Upper Room be continued. Scrutineers for the election of officers were Mrs, Ross Robinson and Mrs. Ted Fear. Three new members for the Session are Jack Higgins, Ro- bert Grasby and Mrs. Leslie Bolt. Other session members are life member, JarnesMichie retire in 1966, Leslie Bolt, Al- bert Coultes; retire in 1968, Ross Anderson, Kenneth Wheel- er, William Coultes. The three new members will serve a five- year term. Stewards: For a three-year term, Gordon Bosman, John Nixon, Albert Bieman; Mrs. James Coultes as the U. C, W. nomination; retire in 1965, Lewis Cook, Jack Taylor, Cliff Walsh; retire in 1968, Murray Scott, Lorne Jamieson, Ross Higgins, Lewis Stonehouse. Trustees, retire in 1965, Ernest Michie; retire in 1966, Albert Coultes; retire in 1967, Jesse Wheeler; retire in 1968, Harold Procter; retire in 1969, Martin Grasby. A committee was appointed to act as offering stewards and ushers, to appoint their own BELMORE Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell and Mrs. Alex Sangster spent Tues- day in Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell with Misses Mary and Tillie Farrell and Mrs.Sangster with her sister, Mrs.' Henry Kreller and Mr. Kreller. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jo- hann and sons spent Friday with Mrs. William Klein of Gowan- stown, and were Saturday eve- ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mulvey. Young people spending the week -end at their homes inthe area were Miss Lois Simmons and Miss Gertie Schiestel, both of Kitchener, and Mr. Keith Mulvey and Mr. Ross Fitch of Ridgetown. Mr. John Kerwin, of this village and Toronto, was a passenger on a train which was involved in a tragic accident at about 9:30 on Friday even- ing in Listowel. The train was in collision with a car driven by Mr. James Smith of Listowel who lost his life in the crash. No one on the train was seri- ously injured but many suffered severe shock. Mr. Kerwin spent the week -end with his family here, returning to Tor- onto by train on Sunday even- ing, Mr. and Mrs. George Har- per and Mrs. George Nickel spent Sunday at the hospital in London with Mr. Herb Burchill, whose condition has not greatly improved. Members of the Harkness families visited during the week -end with Mrs. John Har- per in Wingham and District Hospital. Mrs. Harper is stead- ily improving, but will be hos- pitalized for some time yet. chairman and to draw up a schedule for two members to be present each Sunday„ Members of this committee are Lewis Cook, George Michie, Harold Procter, Harold Vincent, Lorne Campbell, Ralph Logan, Walter Scott, Murray Vincent, Doug Johnston, and Donald Procter. Manse committee, chair- man of the Board of Stewards, Mrs, Ross Robinson, Mrs. Lewis Coo)C. Representative to Chris- tian Education Committee for three years, Mrs. Cliff Walsh; auditors, Lorne Campbell and George Procter; representative to United Church Men, Harold Vincent, and Kenneth Wheeler, A motion was passed that the organ contract be renewed. Mrs. Stewart Procter thanked Mr. and Mrs. Jackson for print- ing the annual meeting reports. Mr. A. McKenzie Has 80th Birthday WHITECHURCH-Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt and Mr. and Mrs, Ted Collyer attended the party on Tuesday evening to mark the 80th birthday of Alex McKenzie. Mr. McKenzie lives at the home of Mrs. Neil MacCallum of Lucknow. The party was planned by the celebrant's daughter, Mrs. Farrish Moffat of Wingham, who also supplied the cake. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, February 4, 190 - Page 3 Returning to Ireland, Choir Sids Farewell BELGRAVE- Last Sunday the choir of Trinity Anglican Church held a social after church at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Vannan to honor Rev, and Mrs. Robert Meally, who are leaving W return to their native Ireland. • A bountiful buffet lunch was served and Joyce Procter read a poem she had composed: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Meally: We're sorry that you're leaving us Your presence is so dear, But we know you love your Ire- land So we must not shed one tear, When you came to Belgrave, Our choir was very few, But now our stalls are crowded, With many thanks to you. The going was not always easy, For organist and choir mo- thers, too, With light-hearted complaint, Mr. Meally Made things tough for you. Your smile and words of en- couragement, Mrs. Meally, were always welcome, too, We loved to have you in our choir. Without you what shall we do? Things you both have taught us Will last our whole lives through. We are indeed much richer For having been friends with you. We hope you'll always remem- ber us As we'll certainly remem- ber you. May your future be filled with happiness And may God Bless You. Joyce Nethery then present- ed Rev. Meally with cufflinks, and Gary VanCamp presented Mrs. Meally with a brooch, on behalf of the choir members, On Sunday after the church service the members of the congregation met in the com- munity centre to again pay tri- bute to Mr. and Mrs. Meally. Harvey McDowell was present and took pictures for Mr. and Mrs. Meally to take with them to Ireland. The congregation then en- joyed a lunch. Glen VanCamp read an address and Alex Neth- ery presented them with a purse of money on behalf of the congregation. Lend Your Good Vision to The White Cane Carrier "The white cane has many meanings," said E.F. Wheeler, Field Secretary, The Canadian National Institute for the Blind, as he discussed the education period, White Cane Week. Jointly sponsored by CNIB and The Canadian Council of the Blind, the week this year re- commends that you 'Let the White Cane Introduce Us'. To the pedestrian, the white cane means an invitation to offer a guiding hand or a friend- ly word. "Sometimes just the description of what is taking place before your eyes can do wonders for the blind," said the CNIB worker. "It does not have to be something exciting, just a description of the store fronts or an eye-catching snow- man on somebody's lawn." To the shopper, a white cane is the sign that its carrier might like a little assistance with choosing her groceries."Some blind people see a little," the Field Secretary pointed out, "but not enough to distinguish labels and prices in the super- market." To the newly blind, the white cane means one of the DISCONTINUELINE FEATURING Kelly CelebDrity RS. Tires rl THERE'S SAVINGS GALORE AT THIS MID -WINTER SALE Regular $26.95 Value Nylon Tubeless Black Yours with Trade Regardless of Condition A� A FEW WINTER TREADS at DISCOUNT PRICES $21.36 Dial 357.1230 Diagonal Rd. WINGHAIM great challenges of his handi- cap. Just learning to use it is often an ordeal. "Even to feel your way down your own front walk is sometimes a real mile- stone," the speaker said. He explained how the in- structor teaches the skill of white cane travel. "He points out the texture of sidewalks, grass, pavements and other surfaces that tell their own story. Stores with character- istic aromas prove wonderful landmarks. A tobacco shop, a fruit store, a bakery and many more, literally radiate signals that guide the blind person a- long the busy street." "Training goes a long way, but when you give a little friendly guidance, you put the icing on the cake. So, next time you meet a blind person, let the white cane introduce you. Lend your good vision and a pleasant word". Mrs. Dyer Was Former Resident Mrs. William R. Dyer, 84, died in the Dearness Home in London. She was the former Eva Elizabeth Scott who had re- sided in Parkhill, Petrolia and Wingham, Mrs. Dyer's husband at one time owned the Haselgrove poolroom. Mr. Dyer and their only son, Philip 1-1 , predeceas- ed her. The only survivor is her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Dyer of London. The funeral was on January 22 and burial was in Woodland ,Cemetery, London. Culross Man,97 BELMORE-One of Culross Township's oldest residents, Joseph Schlosser, who resides on the second concession, this week celebrated his 97th birth- day. Mr. Schlosser has farmed near Belmore during most of his life. He now resides with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bruder, He was born on February 3, 1868. Mr. Schlosser has two daughters, Josephine (Mrs.Emil Friedman) of Kitchener, and Mary (Mrs. Ed Bruder). There are three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. His wife and one son died before 1900. Mr. Schlosser enjoys fairly good health for his years. OBSERVE ^ WHIjE CANE WEEK February 7th to -14th McDonald's Ladies' and Children's Wear DIAL 357-1044 fit. 't'au1' Cljurcij (ANGLICAN) ----- &Hingham Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Mrs. Gordon Davidson Rector Organist 5th SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY a-- FEBRUARY 7 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Thurs., Feb. 4—W.A. Guild, Parish Room, 3 o'clock. ,i.l,Y. "r,1,Yre..Mrl'il,..,N.,Nre.lrir.,irfii,,..{1.drr,lii1101