HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-01-28, Page 34
class game as their part in Minor Hockey night last Satur-
day, when they edged the Seaforth visitors by a 4-3 count.
When this picture was taken the Seaforth crew were •
pressing hard around the Wingham net.
—Advance -Times Photo.
G. Alan Williams
Patrick St., Wingham
Phone 357-1282
AS A •
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Prize Winners
At Euchre Party
gressive euchre party was held
at Currie's School on Friday
evening with ten tables of play-
ers enjoying the game. Those
winning prizes were Gershom
Johnston, Mrs. Gordon McBur-
ney,high; Alex Robertson and
Mrs. Harold Congram, low;
Mrs. Jim Currie, lucky draw.
The hosts and hostesses for
the next party to be held Feb -
r uary 5th are Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Currie and Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Walker. The
supervisors for the evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Walker and Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Scott served
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Your car is in good hands here!
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Whitechurch News Items
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
and Diane spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwich-
tenberg and family in Port El-
gin, as they were celebrating
Lori Jane's second birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Under-
wood of Toronto are this week
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
James Mcllrath.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
spent a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes and
family in Wallaceburg, and re-
turned home on Friday accom-
panied by Mts. J. Coultes and
family, who spent the week-
end here and with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe, of
Mrs. W. R. Farrier last week
went to spend a week with her
son, Mr. Russel Farrier and
Mrs. Farrier of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Murray,
Kathleen, Phyllis, Alex and
Mrs. O'Brien Was
Former Resident
O'Brien, whose obituary ap-
pears elsewhere in this paper,
will be remembered by many
in this community.
She was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Currie
and was born on the farm now
owned by Joe Kerr. The former
Laura Currie attended Currie's
School, Wingham High School
and Normal School. She taught
at S.S. No. 8 for four years.
She also resided on the farm
now owned by Mack Brown,
east of S.S. No. 10, where she
and her husband farmed for two
Chalmers Holds
Annual Meeting
Presbyterian Church held its
congregational annual meeting
on Saturday afternoon, Rev, G.
Fish, moderator, was present
and opened the meeting with
Scripture reading and prayer.
Mr. Fish was appointed
chairman and John Gaunt, sec-
retary. All reports were approv-
ed as printed. It was decided
that the Record be sent to every
borne for one year.
Auditors appointed were
Johnston Conn and Mrs. Bill
Rintoul. Alex Craig was appoin-
ted manager for a two•year
term and Tom Morrison,Lotne
Forester, Mrs, George Fisher
and Russel Ross for three-year
The share of the budget ac-
cepted was $500. Votes of
thanks were tendered to all of-
fice hearers and the celitennial
committees for their services.
Mr. Watt, student preacher,
closed the Meeting with prayer.
Patricia of Sharon visited at
the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Tiffin,
Mr. and Mrs. George Currie
of East Wawanosh are today
(Thursday) celebrating their
40th wedding anniversary. This
community extends congratu-
On Saturday Allan and
George Coffin of Kitchener
brought their mother, Mrs. Em-
ma Coffin and her friend, Mrs.
Amelia Gray of Montreal, back
to Whitechurch. Due to the
stormy weather Allan and
George returned to Kitchener
that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Far-
rier, Brian, Colleen and Carol
of Long Branch were visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Far-
rier and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Higgins of Morris.
Mrs. Leroy Rintoul and Mrs.
Tom Magoffin attended the
Leadership Training School for
4-H leaders on the course " The
Club Girl Stands on Guard",
being held in Lucknow Wom-
en's Institute Room Monday
and Tuesday.
The U.C.W. meeting will
be held February 3rd at the
home of Mrs. Russel Chapman.
All ladies of the congregation
are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif-
fin and Mrs. Myrtle Dawson
and Mrs. Cassie Falconer were
in Lucknow Saturday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A.E. Purdon to celebrate with
Mrs. Purdon on her 87th birth-
Mr. Oscar Schefter began
this week driving the Wingham
and District High School bus,'
formerly driven by Mr. Leroy
Miss Donna Rintoul of
Lougheed Business College,
Kitchener, spent the week -end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Rintoul.
New Stamp Issue Feb. 3
Two new postage stamps,
honoring the official flowers of
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
will be issued by the Post Office
Department February 3rd. The
stamps are the fourth and fifth
of a series scheduled for issue
bet ween now and Canada's
Centennial Year of 1967.
The blue, pink and green
stamp honoring Nova Scotia
shows the arms and the floral
emblem of that province, the
trailing arbutus, more common-
ly known as the Mayflower.
This flower was officially adopt-
cd by the province in .1901, al-
though as far back as 1825, it
was used as a decorative motif
on the front page of the "Nova
Scotian" and on the buttons of
the Nova Scotia Militia, The
Mayflower also appeared on a
series of postage stamps issued
by Nova Scotia during the period
1851 to 1853.
In 1936, the purple violet
was officially adopted by New
Brunswick as the floral emblem
of that province. Instrumental
in the choice of this flower as
the official provincial emblem
were the Women's Institute,
groups of school children and
the Lieutenant -Governor, Col-
onel Murray MacLaren. The
stamp is in red, purple and
The two stamps are being
printed by the intaglio process
with complementary colour
work by offset using hand engra-
ved masters for the original
plates. This combination of
printing methods is relatively
new to Canadian postage stamps.
It was used for the Peace stamp
and the floral emblem stamps
of Ontario and Quebec.
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, January 28, 1965 - Page 3
Is Money Suprerne?
(Continued from Page One)
affected if construction were undertaken near the existing
county home at Clinton. It is our understanding that they
suggested an increased cost of about $40,000 if the build-
ing were erected at another site, Since this would bear a
50% grant, total increased cost to the county would be
about $20,000— a very small burden when amortized
over the normal debenture period.
At its November session the county council was in-
formed that a study is being undertaken to determine
the actual need as far as old people in the county is con-
cerned. Preliminary figures suggest that Huron may have
as many as twice the normal number of older people. Why
has the decision to build at Clinton been made before the
facts are know about where these older people live? How
many families would have to drive all the way from Am-
berley, Clifford or points in between to Clinton to visit
with their loved ones?
We fully anticipate that this editorial will be met by
the usual protests that we are interfering in county busi-
ness and, above all, that we are disguising a greedy attempt
by Wingham to secure the new home under the garments
of altruistic interest in old people. This is far from the
case. In fact, we are quite aware that many residents
and reeves in the south end of the county are equally
interested in seeing the county home addition built there
and we agree whole-heartedly with the validity of their in-
We are simply opposed to any further expansion of
the already large home facilities at Clinton when a home
in either the north or the south of the county would better
serve the interests of the people who will have to pay for it.
The public should be aware of the fact that any ad-
dition at Clinton cannot be in the form of an expansion of
the present Huronview accommodations. Department of-
ficials have indicated that the addition will have to be a
completely separate institution to preserve the personal
relationship between staff and residents.
So that every member of the voting public may know
exactly how matters stand, we list the results of the vote
in county council when the following resolution was pre-
"That we build a 75 -bed wing, with facilities for 150
beds on another site":
In favor — J. P. Alexander, Wingham; R. T. Bailey,
Exeter; G. Boyd, Ashfield; C. E. Boyle, Exeter; N. C. Cardno,
Seaforth; F. A. Clift, Bayfield; 8. Cook, Blyth; J. H. Cor-
bett, Hay; C. Dalton, Seaforth; C. Dunbar, Grey; L. Durn-
in, West Wawanosh; A. Etherington, Usborne; R. Gibson,
Howick; I. Haskins, Howick; R. Jewell, Goderich (2 votes);
J. Kerr, Wingham; C. Krauter, Brussels; A. Smith, Turn -
berry. (19 ).
(Opposed — D. Geiger, Hay; W. Hardy, Colborne; E.
Hayter, Stanley; J. Hayter, Stephen; N. Jones, Hensall; T.
Leiper, Hullett; E. Mcllwain, Goderich Twp.; 0, McKenzie,
Ashfield; M. Oesch, Zurich; S. Procter, Morris; E. Snell,
East Wawanosh; K. Stewart, McKillop; G. Stirling, Gode-
rich Twp.; R. Squire, Goderich (2 votes); E. Talbot, Stan-
ley; D. Thompson, Clinton; E. Thompson, Tuckersmith;
G. Webb, Stephen; G. Wonch, Clinton. (20).
Alternative sites for the county home addition would be
the Wingham area, quite possibly in either Morris or East
Wawanosh Townships—or the Exeter area. We suggest
you ponder this question and discuss it with your own
reeve the next time you see him.
Woman Hurt
In Accident
GORRIE-Mrs. Goldyn Thomp-
son of Gorrie suffered leg injur-
ies last Wednesday when the
car she was driving on Highway
86 skidded into a ditch near a
culvert at Molesworth.
Mrs. Thompson told police
she swerved to the shoulder to
avoid a head-on crash with an
oncoming car driving on the
wrong side of the road.
Iter son, Dale, 9, a passen-
ger escaped injuries but the
car was wrecked.
A youngster, presented with
a huge German shepherd, look-
ed at the pig dog in wonder,
then turned to his father and
asked, "Is he for me or am I
for him?"
Bingo Winners
Another successful bingo was
sponsored by the Royal Canadian
Legion, Branch 180 last Wed-
nesday night and was well sup-
ported by people in the district.
Line winners were Ab Neth-
ery, Mrs. Ed Rich, Mrs. Fred
Ohm fr., Mrs, L. Montgomery,
Mrs. Jean Crump, Mrs, Searson
and Mrs. II. Garniss, all of
Wingham; 1d Scott, William
Upper and Mrs. Wm. Upper of
Listowel; Mrs. Walters of Wal-
S'•tare the Wealth; Mrs. J.
Henderson, Mrs. Doll, Mrs. L.
Montgomery, C. Kennedy, all
of Wingham.
Mrs. Fred Ohm St. won the
jackpot prize,
Carbon arc welding was in-
vented in 1885.
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