HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-01-21, Page 12agghadvance-Times, Thursday, January 21, 1966 e 4 ..:- Win._ . ,.. rn .A- couple Presented With Chair al Vestry Meeting GORRIF- The annual vestry meeting of St. Stephen's Church was held in the Sunday School room on Friday evening with the rector, Rev. G. A. Anderson presiding. Mrs. Harry King was appointed vestry clerk. Finan- cial reports were read and ac- cepted. During the year the church walls were panelled with wood. Water was brought into the church kitchen and a washroom installed. The church aisle was newly carpeted and some im- provements made in the rec- tory. The following are the offi- cers for 1965:. Rector's warden, John Bennett; people's warden, Wm. Bennett; lay delegates to .Synod, Norman Wade and Har- ry King; substitutes, Mrs. Har- ry King, Mrs. Wm. Bennett; auditors, Harold King, Carl Dinsmore. Board of management (rec- tor's choice), Leonard Sander- son, Allan Watson, John Dins- more, Harry Zimmerman, Jos. Bennett, Mrs. Luella Sander- son; people's choice, Mac New- ton, Verne Clark, Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Mrs. Jos. Bennett, St. Stephen's Guild Meets GORRIE-The January meet- ing of St. Stephen's Guild was held last Wednesday in the Sun- day School room with Mrs. Jack Bennett as hostess. The meeting opened with a hymn, unison prayer and pray- er by the president, Mrs. G. A Anderson. Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Mrs. Jack Bennett and Mrs. G. A. Anderson read Scripture. It was decided to meet this year on the first Wednesday evening of each month. The meeting closed with prayer by the president and Mrs. G. A. Anderson conducted a contest on Abraham's life. The group then joined in a game. Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. L.O.L. Euchre GORRIE- The Gorrie Loyal Orange Lodge held its biweek- ly euchre on Wednesday even- ing in the Orange Hall. Winners were: Men's high, Wesley Underwood: high lady, Miss Audrey Scott; door prize, Mrs. Alice Haelzle. NEW BOOKLET REVEALS HOW TO Improve Hearing Without an Aid Mrs, Jack Bennett, Mrs, Wnt, Bennett; sideman, Mac New- ton, Verne Clark, Brian Under- wood, Brian Elliott, Harry King, chairman. The Boy Scout representativ- is William Bennett and the sec- retary treasurer is to be appoint- ed. At the close of the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade were presented with a swivel chair by the congregation in recognition of their assistance around the church. A vote of thanks was also tendered Mr. and Mrs. Anderson in apprecia- tion of their work, Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. LAKELET Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dett- man and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dettman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert of Harriston spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Dickert. The Lakelet Old Timers are playing Clifford Old Timers in a hockey game on Thursday at Clifford arena. We are sorry to report that Mr. Eldon Dennis is still a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. He has been there five months as the result of an in- jury. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Ing- lis and Lois Anne of Stratford visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Inglis on Saturday. Miss Audrey Scott spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Death of Wes- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis and family visited with Mr. Alf Filsinger of Mildmay on Sunday. Miss Linda Watson of Gorrie spent the week -end as a guest of Miss Laura Inglis. Mr. Wm. Smith of the burg left on Friday for the warmer climes of Florida. NEW MEMBERS -Two new members of the WDHS Board were welcomed last Thursday evening by outgoing chairman Gordon Moir, right. The two are: left, George Elliott, of Brussels, who replaces R. B. Cousins, and Mel Craig, of Morris Township, who takes the seat formerly held by W. C. King. The new chairman, Dr. W. A. McKibbon, of Wingham, looks on. -Advance-Times Photo. Gorrie Personal Notes Mrs. Robert Strong and Jill accompanied Mrs. Kenneth Haste to London where they spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Finnigan and Mrs. Jean MacDonald. Mrs, Edward Bolander and Mr. Robin Bolander visited Sun- day at the home of Mrs. Nellie Dredge of Palmerston. Mr. Fred Koster, Mr. George Brown, Misses Alma Koster and Jean Brown visited in Wood- stock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Gal- braith of Wroxeter visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger recent ly, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner visited Sunday at the same home. Miss Carol Keil, Clinton, spent the week -end at her home. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Felker of Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Querngessner of Kitchener visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Felker. Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman visited recently with Mr. and St. Anne's G Plans Functions FORDWICH- The January meeting of St. Anne's Guild was held in the church base- ment. A chapter of the study book, "A Plan for Happiness," was read by Mrs. William Soth- ern. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec- retary, Mrs. Alma Hargrave. Roll call, a verse on Epiphany, was answered by 16 members. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Sothern. The president, Mr s. Grace Br owne gave a read - Maybe you, too, can hear better without a hearing aid if you follow $349 Balance for suggestions in new book, "How To Get the Most From Your Re. Afternoon Unit maining Hear- ing". It's full of facts like where to sit in church, and how to hear in a noisy room. A NAME OF uality for the hard of hearing HEARING AIDS 1 fax 510, Advance -Times j Wing'hem, Ontario. • N.m. I Addr.ii 1 s. FORDWICH- The Afternoon 1Unit of United Church Women met in the Sunday Schoolroom. Mrs. Wray Cooper presided and ' opened the meeting with a prayer for the new year. Scripture was read by Mrs. George Pittendreigh and Mrs. Gle.1 r . Johnston offered prayer 6';:r nee coming year. A reading, "New Year's Thoughts' was elven ht Mrs. Harold Wallace.. Mr% W.Gooper read a medita- tion, "Lee's New Beginners", The message for the new year was given by Mrs. Wm. Wilson. The roll call was answered with a New Year's wish. The s:. cretary, Mra. Har�,'su Wallace, gave her report for 1964 and Miss M.McElwain gave the treasurer's report, showing a net balance of $349.- 12. Three get -well cards were signed for sick members. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. W. Clyne, Mrs, Crosby Sothern and Mrs, Dave Koster. ing on "Time". The correspon- dence was read by Miss Elva Foster. Mrs. Lois Simmons present- ed a motto, "We will live and let live." Guild members are planning to have a booth at Mr. and Mrs. J. Vittie's sale, either the last week in February or the first week in March. It was moved by Mrs. Bea- trice Jordan and Mrs. Anderson to have a bowling night on February 15 at 7:30. Members are making plans to have a daffodil tea in May, the date to be announced later. It was moved by Mrs. Lois Simmons and Miss Elva Foster to continue the talent money project. Mrs. Sothern read a poem, "Beginning Again". A motion by Mrs. Anderson and Miss Elva Foster was made to purchase new track for the drapes for the basement. Rev. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Simmons conducted an interest- ing contest involving kitchen utensils. Lurch w::s served by Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Sothern. T'ne February meeting is to be held at the rectory in Gor- rie, whet; .a;rs. Anderson plans to sew slides of her trip to Ireland. OLDEST OCCUPIED AMERICAN CAPITAL n Icx;co City is the oldest continuously occupied capital city in North America. Found- ed by the Aztecs as their capi- tal in 1321, it was then called 'Tenochtitlan. The population of Greater Mexico City is now estimated at 4 million, 500 thousand, making it the fifth largest metropolitan area in the Western Hemisphere. Mrs. Wm. Zimmerman of Strat- ford. Mrs. Bertha Plant spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Edgar. Mr. Wm. Hanna and Mr. Gerald Thedoroff of Listowel visited Sunday with Mrs. Stan- ley Lennox. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Searson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hyatt of Palmerston. Mr. Rickey Irwin, Kitchener, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nuhn and family visited friends at Palmerston on Sunday. Master Rickey Nay spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Greenley of Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar and Brian of Brampton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edgar and other friends. Mrs. Archie Miller, Mrs. Beverley Brears and Sandra of Palmerston spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mil- ler of Detroit, Mich. Miss Elizabeth Stokes, Kit- chener, visited over the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stokes. The W.A. of St. Stephen's Anglican Church will hold its January meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Wade today. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Strong from Wednes- day to Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Witherow of Nipi- wan, Sask. Mr, and Mrs. With- crow have been visiting since Christmas at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Witherow, at Newmarket, "Yes," said the mountain climber, "I always keep a rope tied arouiid my waist. It has saved my life more than once," "But," said the listener, "It must be awful to be left hang- ing from a rope. Don't you ever feel nervous?" "Well, not exactly nervous," was the reply, "Just highly strung." A lecturer was describing the' :effects of continuous indulgence .in the case of alcohol. He men tioned a case in which a man. • who had drunk to excess for a number of years was so saturat- ed with alcoholic fumes that one night when he was blowing out a candle his breath took fire, and in a short time he died from spontaneous combus- tion. One of the audience said that he wished to thank the lec- turet'Tor having saved his life. "How have Isavedyourlife?" 'asked the speaker. "How?" replied the man. "No more candles for me. I'm going all -electric." BREAK DOWN? JUST CALL UP! • Tow car at your service, day or night. • Expert re- pairs, fast. • Work done at sensible prices, too. When you meet trouble on the road, just head for the nearest phone and call us. Our tow car will get there on the double quick. REOMMI'S TEXACO S Dial 357-3ER380 VICE COMWingham • EMIR '4%1Pv CLE BOYS' S LE REDUCTIONS ON ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE MEWS SWT SALE YOUR CHOICE OF • Made to Measure Suits $Off the Rack Suits THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY AND MAKE UNUSUAL SAVINGS STOCK SUITS SALE PRICED 1O% to 20% OFF REGULAR PRICE OR $29.99 to $64.99 Extra Pants Free WINTER JACKETS VALUES TO $17.95 SKI JACKETS HOODED WOOL SUBURBANS $7.99 up $7.99 SLMULATED FUR COLLARS $9.99 to $13.99 Boys' Dress SUBURBAN COATS BOYS SWEA TERS Values to $5.98 $199 to $4.99 BOYS' DRESSVALUESS TO PANTS $4.88 �----� BOYS'"'"'. 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