HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-01-21, Page 8Page 8 ^ Wittgha0;l .Advanee.Tirrres, Thursday, January 21, 1965 Bad 'Weather Is Responsible ForTown, Rural Accidents Several accidents this past week were attributed to the tout weather whrelr hit the arra, Three tat them were of town streets, and one near White- ehureh resulted In inluty to one driver. List Wednesday a L1oyd- Truas, truek driven by John 1,. Wailiac'e was travelling, east on heed Street, and was ill colli- S.an with a car drivers by .Robert Ahara, who was proceeding south on ?Attune Street. J\atnahe arnOlInt011 It' $250, 00 to the right rear of the ear. On Sunday about 5t;30 a two -ear, )lead -on collision resulted rn $,^'M,U' 00 damage, it occurred an the main street of Wingham near lee's Restaurant. The ears were driven by Bert- ram S ehrteider of `1'ecswatt'rand Robert Campbell of Fordwich. Weather candiaons were yet\ had at the trine, visibility being; fraeticall\ net because of the storm. At noon on i\tonday another accident caused tibout $200.00 daunage when .a notthbouud ear dr1\en by 'Hugh Nttuide11 stopped tot other traffic near Wingham .\1LctL'IS and was struck in the .0 b\ .another yehtcle do en Andte w RRdg;eta of \\ Ingham. he street was \'tr\ slippers. at Ice time tit the mishap \\uigtr,un Pro\mewl Police '‘,-,ted three aoeidents dl;rm teen. tin Saturd.a\ otlsta- Lucknow, sustained a cIra eked left elbow, bruised left leg and chest injuries in au accident which rook place at tite inter - see tion of C01111ty Road. 22 and Highway 86 just west of White- church on Sunday afternoon. The mishap occurred when a truck driven by Donald `l'homp- son of Lucknow turned out to pass a stopped car and collided with the Kennedy vehiele.Dam- age to the ear was estimated at $''b0.00 and Mr. Kennedy was brought to the Wingham and District Hospital for treatment, The aeeident was investigated by Constable, Ron Bell, The third accident took place on Monday two and a halfmiles west of \v'hiteehureh on highway 86 when a car driven by James Gibbons of \\Inghaln left the road and struck a series of guard rails. Damage was esti- mated at $200,00 to the right side of the car. Gibbons was not injured. Constable Ken Wilson investigated. Wingham Rink Tops Saturday Bonspiel The two -draw lriram Walker Bonspiel staged at the local curling rick on Saturday saw two local rinks come op iia for t �t 11 \\ Ikota 1L\tst1g;,ated an honours. ,urs. ; 1 rink skipped by Mur- t adent ttS t;a'Frle. wt:letl res::1t-r ray Rae led the early draw with in $ ' . t't' damage wl:e as e cars e on:Jed at the utter :etaen L t Albert and Janes ‘t :vets in that e.'rnti:t:n;tt. "Ili arS wart \ori:tit . L'° R.R. \\re \tie: and \\ alter kla:1es t once. latorgc' ,t tata'cci\ , \. R.1, r1 REALLY 11 SHOULDN'T BE TELLING YOU THIS, L.UT 1 1 1 NO ¥OU OEV,1 LI SHL? I NTELL1 GENT WHEN. IT \:?MES TO MONO MATTERS a score of three wins and a plus t'f 19 to capture the big llirarn \\ Aker 'trophy. It was present- ` cd by .Rohn Cttriekshank, bon - spiel .La,tmau. The rink was etatec d b\ Poug Spr', who w:as vice -skip, supported by John Madill as lead and Don Lee playing second. The rink also reoe"cd engraved salver trays. `� g3ariev Crawferd's 1oursotne eaptrired the first spot in the G..tatc draw •,its\ a and $ count ;and won trays as well. On the hrink were John Currie, vice, Ted \'orn>;worth, second and g t or, on t'-odkin, lead. In the nine o'clock draw \'.n1 Schae er'sr.ink from Tees water was in second place with and :1. .ouev,ed by C,tc'rge Tice aa: son \t ith _ and . . N. R. halt \ c ri e: lc>'ndon on the oast' )tion, The late dra\, saw C...Grcy i'atmet•gen in second spot \ceraa:. w..; and pias of 14, ton„..‘„,:d '\ Jag.\ :cow .a s o !'rats;`):_ A:e't:te , } tet: c.li t;:rod the t L' se ra t t` n. wt:e 'zein reeswate:. Fergus. c\.0 Kitohc nor,S a.stat i'altne:ston and Fressels. t�. FR a » :... ._ . 50th Wedding Anniversary Albert Elliott from Lumsden, Sask, , formerly of 4th of Turn - berry Twp. and Elizabeth Ann Garniss from the 2nd Conces- sion of Morris were married January 20, 1915 at the Metho- dist Parsonage, 6elgrave, by Rev, J. W.Kilpatrick. The wedding dinner was ser- ved at the home of the bride's sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bell and their daughter, Maud, now Mrs. Jack Ernest of Wingham, with close relatives and friends attending. In the evening a wedding dance was held with J. T. Bell as violinist and Maud at the piano. The couple went West to Lumsden, and farmed for many years later moving to Stoney Beach, Sask. In 1950 they re- tired to Regina. They have one son, Wilfrid and his wife Isabel and two grandsons, Blake, at- tending University at Saskatoon and Clifford at Central Colleg- iate. Their many friends and rel- atives back here in Ontario, including sisters of the groom of 50 years ago and Mrs. Tena Walters and Mrs. Mary Mac- Tavish of Wingham and Mr. Jim Elliott of Bluevale, extend best wishes to them on this joyous occasion. Send Pictures To West Africa RELGRA\'E-The Explorers met on Sunday morning in the church school room. The Ex- plorers' hymn, "This Is My Fa- ther's World" was followed by the usual opening. Mrs. Laura Johnston read the story " Tom - boy from Camp Bello". The theme of the worship service was "Growing inFriend- ship" The call to worship was followed by a hymn and the of- fering was received and dedica- ted. Mrs. Stan Hopper gave the meditation, Business was conducted by the president. Minutes were read by Mar`' Ann Wheeler. The reasurer's report was gi\ e.n by (Ken Hopper. Birthday greetings here sung, to those celebrating la birthday in !angary. The used Sunday S cl:ool Bible pictnres fn.= the lesson lea.flers were collected and are to be 5e nr te a. C na marl si taut, Frances W\alarridg;,e, alt Means Selwl,. Angt>1a, West A',ie a.. PERSONALS --Mr. Barry Fuller of Tor- onto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fuller. --Mr. Robert Rintoul of Hamilton visited over the week- end eekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rintoul. --Miss Penny Gerrie of Tor- onto and Miss Barbara Pickford of Guelph visited on the week- end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gerrie. --Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Kenzie and family of St. Cath- arines spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. William McKen- :ie, Siuevale Road. --Mrs. Hazel Roan of Tees- ater visited on the week -end with he: mother, Mrs. S.A. Murray and Mi. and Mrs. Paul Vanste cc --Miss Sandra Cameron and Miss E -1'a.a Cameron spent Sattarda\ in London. --M:. and Mr,. Wm. J. Shoebonorn, formerly of the Wingham district and now lig, a:i den, are spending rx:c \+a„Te. in California. County Auditors Report Surplus GODERICH-The county au- ditors report a surplus on 3,964 operations of $40,026.87, The report was completed by A. M, Harper & CR., Goderich, in time for presentation at the Jan- uary session of county council, on Tuesday. Few counties get an audit report on the calendar year in time for a January ses- sion. County clerk -treasurer 1. G. Berry estimated 1964 revenue at $2, 285, 512 and expenditures as $2, 282, 265, and so budgeted fora surplus of only $3,247. By November, a surplus of $26, 000 in general account was indica- ted. The $40,026 now reported will no doubt be taken into con- sideration when the finance committee is deciding whether or not it can hold the line at 14 mills. Mr. Berry warned at the Nov- ember session that a rise of one mill in the levy would be nec- essary if the present program were to be maintained. Another factor is that $110,000 was transferred from surplus account to current revenue last year. Slight Increase In Attendance WHITECHURCH- The United Church Sunday School held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier on Monday evening of last week. The pre- sident, Arthur Laidlaw presided. The secretary -treasurer, Elmer Sleightholm read the minutes of the last annual meeting and presented a financial report. Throughout the year 45 regular sessions were held with an aver- age verage attendance of 30, an in- crease of two over last year. Teachers and officers ap- pointed for 1965 were superin- tendent, Clifford Laidlaw; as- sistant, Garnet Farrier; secre- tary treasurer, Elmer Sleight - holm; assistant, Russel Purdon; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Teachers: Beginners, Misses Muriel and Margaret Moore, Mrs. Elwood Groskorth; Primary, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie; Juniors, Mrs.Mil- lan Moore, Seniors, Arthur Laidlaw, Elmer Sleightholm; Bible Class, Mrs. George Thomp= son; pianists, Misses Margaret Moore, Janis Farrier and John Gibb. It was decided that all class- es lasses will be taking the new curri- culum by September. A picnic was arranged for the third Saturday in July, to be held at the lake front on the 112th of Ashfield. The offering received on the last Sunday of Ieach quarter is to be donated to the M & M fund. 1 There were eight in attend- iance and the hostess, Mrs. Far- �rier, served lunch. ly •tt watt ^i.". :al ION ti present S.S. Awards WHITECFUJRCH-On Sunday at Chalmers Presbyterian Church awards were presented to the Sunday School scholars. Those winning a trophy for perfect attendance were Robbie Ross, Barry Elliott, Paul Laid- law, Joann Laidlaw and Ruth Elliott. In the group absent one Sunday the girls received a cup and saucer and the boys receiv- ed cuff links and tie clips. Those receiving these were Jean Simpson, Kathy Purdon, Janie Laidlaw, Darlene Simpson, Breaks Leg While Skiing WHITECHURCH-Janet Gaunt, while learning to ski one eve- ning last week, fell and broke her leg between the knee and the ankle. She was taken to Wingham and District Hospital where her leg was put in a cast. She was allowed to return home and is a bed patient there. Janet is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt of Morris. Lori Purdon, Cecil De Boer, Murray Simpson, Douglas Ross, Paul ,Elliott and Jim De Boer. Absent two Sundays were Irene De doer and Doris Rintoul. W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A ONTINUING MEMORIA May be donated through your local funeral director YL • L.tL) IN nus L) J*.M J Li HOSPITALS, PRISONS Choice of the Week Here are four used cars that would just love to snuggle up to your driveway. IF YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT A DIFFERENT UNIT YOU CANNOT GO WRONG WITH THESE FAMILY - LOVING SPECIALS. 1960 BUICK 4 -Door Hardtop - Here is a real dandy. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN A real clean unit that has had good care. SUPPORT MINOR HOCKEY WEEK 1963 CHEM. •BISCAYNE 2 -Door Stnd. 6. A sharp unit. 1965 plates. 1964 CHEYY I1 4 -Door Washers, new snow tires and rarin' to go with '65 plates. McCLURE MOTORS LTD. WINGHAM DIAL 357-3760 PRINiIN6 SERVICE 0 21 18 JAN'65 M.P. 21 0 All your printing needs filled here Our combination of mod- ern equipment and crea- tive ingenuity can fill your every printing order faster, better. Come to us for quality printing. Call us any day for information on our low costs and quick services. We hove a full staff that is always ready to go to work for you to produce business+building printing. THE WINGHAM Advance rimes Phone 357.2320 Wingharn OFFSET ERNE, COLOR • 1 1 6 1 s e 1'