HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-01-14, Page 16Page 8 - Wingharn Advance -Times, WMS Meets at Dunbar Home BELGRAVE-The January meeting of the W.M.S.of Knox Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Joe Dunbar on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Vic- tor Youngblut was in charge of the meeting and opened with a hymn. Mrs. Athol Bruce read the Scripture lesson followed by • prayer by Mrs. Dunbar. Mrs. Youngblut read a poem "A New Y,:ar's Resolution". The roll call was answered with a favourite Bible verse. The yearly reports were given by the various secretaries. Mrs. Youngblut read an article," The Velor Training Centre in India".. The Glad Tidings prayer was taken by Mrs. Stewart Cloakey and a hymn was sung. In December two of the ladies of this organization were presented with Life Member- ship Certificates by Mrs. Victor Youngblut. They were Mrs. Edgar Wightman and Mrs. Gar- ner Nicholson. Prayer closed the meeting followed by a 10¢ tea. rj(..4) DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES ` • AS A O.NTINUING MEMORIA %ivy be donatrd through your locat funeral director c4 • 4tu ' HOSPITALS, ORISONS Thursday, January 14, 1965 BELGRA VE The January meeting of the 13elgrave Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, Janua- ry 19 in the,community centre. Convener is Mrs, Walter Scott. Lunch, Mrs, H. Irwin, Mrs. Vannan, Mrs. Jackson. The members are reminded to take their gifts for the shower for the Muschied family. Mr. Tom Lock, fieldman for Doane Building, $t. Louis, Missouri will be guest speaker at the Morris Township Federa- tion of Agriculture annual meeting to be held on Friday, January 15. He will speak on "Latest 'Rends and Ideas in Farming in the U.S." DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rit- chie and family of Whitechurch were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson and fam- ily on Saturday. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and family spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin JosIing and family of Londes- boro. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson on the birth - of a baby boy, a brother for Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Snell and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell of London. Miss Judy Robinson is spend- ing a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie and family of Whitechurch. Little Gregory Wilson is staying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jeffer- son and family. OVERNIGHT FREIGHT We haul to and from Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchen- er, London, Stratford and Woodstock. We make early morning deliveries at these points and all loads are fully insured. We do long distance hauling on full loads to anywhere in Ontario. We're fully equipped to handle all household moving, large or small. CALL US COLLECT FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING REQUIREMENTS. ~ WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT SERVICE Head Office—Wingham Phone 357-2050 h gam choice of the Week Here are four used cars that would just love to snuggle up to your driveway. 1' YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT A DIFFERENT UNIT YOU CANNOT GO WRONG WITH THESE FAMILY - LOVING SPECIALS. 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian 4 -Door Automatic 1959 METEOR 4 -Door Sedan A popular model that will give years of trouble-free service 1962 RAMBLER Custom Classic 2 -Door 1959 PONTIAC Parisiene 4 -Door Hardtop V-8, Automatic McCLURE MOTORS LTD. WINGI-IAM DIAL 357=3760 Study Geography, Life And Customs of Trinidad BELGRAVE-Mrs. Robert Gras- by was hostess for the January meeting of the Evening Unit of the U. C. W. on Thursday, at her home. Mrs. Jack Taylor opened the meeting with a hymn. Mrs. Alan Dunbar read the Scripture and thoughts on the Scripture were read by Mrs. Jack Taylor. A hymn, and pray- er by Mrs, Taylor closed the worship period. Mrs, Albert Bieman, leader, conducted the business, Minutes were read by Mrs. James La- ❑nont and the treasurer's report was given. There were 34 per- sons present. A motion was passed that only paid members be put on the roll call. Mrs. Arthur Jackson read several thank you notes. A suggestion was made that the group hold a hobby show in the spring and the executive has been left to look into this mat- ter. A motion was passed to give $10.00 to the Sunday School. Mrs. RoyMacSween conduct- ed the Bible study on Salvation. The penny collection was re- ceived and visits to sick and shut-ins recorded. Mrs. George Michie was cone vener for the program on Trini- dad. She was assisted by Mrs. Jake Meulwycke who gave facts about Trinidad; Mrs. Sam Pletch gave the geography; Calypso and Limbo were taken by Mrs. Robert Grasby; Mrs. John Nixon told about the steel bands and Carnival; the festi- vals were taken by Mrs, Ted Fear and Mrs. George Michie told about folklore. The group enjoyed listening to Trinidadian music and Limbo records. Mrs, AIbert Bieman closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ross Ander- son and her group. Mrs, James Lamont will be hostess for the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Cliff Walsh. Weekly Euchre BELGRAVE-The Euchre Club met on Wednesday evening in the community centre and had seven tables in play. High lady, Mrs, Annie Coultes; high man, Gershom Johnston; novelty lady, Mrs. George Walker; novelty man, Amos Smith; low lady, Mrs, Mark Armstrong; low man, George Johnston. These euchres will be held every Wednesday evening till the first week in April. United Church Sunday School Holds Annual BELGRAVE-The annual Sun- day School meeting of the Unit- ed nited Church was held on Monday evening. Harold Vincent was in charge. Rev. Arthur Jackson opened with prayer. George Michie gave the secretary's report saying that 3'1 persons will receive attendance awards this year. Mrs. Williard Arm- strong gave the treasurer's re- port. A motion was passed to hold monthly teachers' meet- ings. Mr. Jackson conducted the election of officers; Superin- tendent, Harold Vincent; assoc- iate, Mrs. Leslie Bolt; assistant, Lorne Campbell; Superintendent. of junior Sunday school, Mrs. George Johnston; secretary, George Michie; assistant, Don- nara b • treasurer, George G s Y Johnston; librarians, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Mrs. James Coul- tes; auditors, Mrs. George Michie, Lorne Campbell; Cra- dle Roll superintendent, Mrs. James Coultes. Teachers: Bible Class, Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Walter Scott;Triple B Young People's Class,Stew- art Procter; Intermediate Boys, Ross Anderson,Mrs. Cliff Walsh; Intermediate Girls, Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. Leslie Bolt; Jun- ior Boys, Mrs. Kenneth Wheel- er, Clifford Coultes; Junior Girls, Mrs. George Michie, Mrs. Laura Johnston; Primary 1, Mrs. Jack Higgins, Mrs. Ross Higgins and Mrs, Stan Hopper; Primary 2, Marlene Walsh, Mrs. Cliff Mrs. L Harkness Hostess to U.C.W. LAKELET-Mrs. Jack Inglis, the new president, was in the chair when the McIntosh United Church Women held their first meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs. Leslie Harkness on Wednesday. The roll call was answered by 19 ladies, with thoughts on beginning again, including a poem, which was written by the recording secretary, Mrs. H. W right. The study program was taken by Mrs. Eldon Elenwiek and Mrs. Charles Scott on what the Unit- ed Church teaches, presented in the form of questions and answers. A key lady was appointed to arrange for the World Day of Prayer service. The meeting. closed with the Mizpah bene{ diction and lunch was served by Mrs. Everett Dustow, Mrs. Ivan Mawhinney and Mrs. Leslie Harkness. Logan and Mrs. John Nixon; Kindergarten, Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs. George Johnston. It was decided to hold Flow- , er Sunday the first Sunday in June. The flower committee is Mrs. Robert Grasby,Mrs.Jack Higgins, Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Mrs. Cliff Logan, Ross Anderson, George Johnston; windows, Mrs. Ross Higgins, Mrs. James Walsh; corsages, Mrs. James Coultes, Mrs. Laura Johnston; speaker, Stewart Proc- ter, George Johnston;music, Mrs, Cliff Walsh, Mrs. John Nixon, Roy Mundy, Mrs. George John- ston, Mrs. Arthur Jackson. A motion was passed that LAKELET Mr. and Mrs. Redmond Mc- Donald and sons and Mrs. A. Harris of Wingham visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Hohnstein on Sunday, Miss Heather Neubigging of Weston visited Miss Carol Anne Hohnstein a few days last week, The H1 -C group of the Mc- Intosh,Belmore and Mildmay United Churches attended the service at the Harriston United Church on Wednesday evening. The speaker was Rev, Gordon C. Hunter of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson, Lois and Blake visited Mr. and Mrs, T, Jackson of Guelph on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Fiske of Durham visited with Mt. and Mrs, James Inglis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Doug- las and family. Harvey and Orville Douglas of Clifford, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Douglas on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wal- lace and daughter of Palmer- ston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kreller on Sunday. W.I. Will Hold Dinner Meeting LAKELET-Mrs, Clifford Hall- man. read• Psalm 100 as the opening Scripture when the Lakelet Women's Institute met on Thursday at the Institute hall with an attendance of 17 mem- bers and six guests, Mrs. Walter Demerling pre- sented the motto, "Things kept in use never rust." Achievement Day in this area for the recently completed project, "The Club Girl Stands on Guard", will be held at Howick Central School on Feb- ruary 6. The February meeting will be a dinner meeting. Plans are being made for a card party, the date to be announced later. Miss Dorothy Hehn of Clif- ford showed interesting films, including one of the home of the late Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless, the founder of the Women's In- stitute. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clifford Hallman, Mrs. Derril Hallman and Mrs. Gordon Angst. the Sunday School hold a crok- inole party on Friday, January 29. The committee in charge will be Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Mrs. George Mar- tin and Mrs. George Michie. U.C.W. Will Send Used Cards to Ont. Hospital BELGRAVE-The Afternoon Unit of the United Church Wo- .rnen met last Wednesday in the church basement with 16 trtetn- bers present. Mrs. Earl Ander- son, the new leader, opened the meeting with a hymn, med, itation for the New Year and prayer. Mrs. Helen Martin gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Herson Irwin and Mrs. Arthur Jackson offered to help make the tea IN CASE OF FIRE, WATCH THE DOORS If fire breaks out in your home and you are in a closed room, don't open the door into a hall or other room until you have tested the door panel for heat. If the door feels hot, do not open it or it may admit a burst of flame. Try to get help at the window. for the congregational dinner. Mrs. Lyle Hopper reported, that one bale had been sent in Dec- ember weighing 55 lbs. and another is started. Mrs, Albert Coultes asked that used Christ- mas Cards be given to the Ont- ario Hospital at Goderich. Wool and cotton patches and paint by number pictures could also be used. These articles may be left with Mrs. Coultes or at the church. Mrs. Stewart Procter was appointed to take charge of the worship service for the general meeting, January 28. Mrs. Stanley Cook had charge of the study on Brazil and told about the work of Lloyd Strachan, a missionary there. Mrs. Arthur Jackson conducted the Bible study which was the first chap- ter from "God and His Purpose': EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited THE FRIENDLY STORE JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES TO SATURDAY, JAN. 16th With Special Reductions On All Merchandise Throughout The Store :af.::; �:i.•'2.:)^:i:;::: •s>::^'' <; ::Y ?;s:::::c?y,`::f" ::::ti:E: ,:t;.hy:•> ss''+' rneet foo4 BRIINDS 100 Kew I&T SAYINGS YOUIi LIKE: i .. :t;>%R:t: ..5;i!.:::.�` �F;?... ?<�?`.r:•::4; if :;>"u:3: iiwfk:: BRANDED BEEF BRANDED BEEF FRESH BURNS FRESH SCHNEIDERS BREAKFAST SCHNEIDERS BREAKFAST ROAST ,10,.a7. ROAST :log= BEEF LIVER WIENERS PORK HOCKS SAUSAGE BACON VAC PAC LB. LB. LB. LBS. LB. LB. V2 -LB. 49t 4%t 35s 894 L14 53t 394 McCormick's Sodas or Saltines, lb. 33c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 10 -oz. 5/59c Stafford's Cherry Pie Fill, 20 -oz, 2/75c Aylmer Choice Peas or Cream Corn, Mix or Match, 20 -oz. 4/69c Tulip Colored Margarine, 3.1b, family size .. 73c Assorted Marshmallow Cookies, 30 biscuits .29c Downy Fabric Softener, 6c off, 171/2 -oz, , ... 39c Cheer Powdrd. Detergent, 30c off, King size .$1.19 Open Every friday Evening — FROZEN FOOD SILVERBRIGHT SALMON FISH -7 to 12 lbs. Whole, Ib. 55c BIRDSEYE FANCY LIMA BEANS 12 -oz. 2/39c BIRDSEYE PEAS in cream sauce 9 -oz. 2/39e SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 180s, 2 dozen s 75c FLORIDA CELERY STALKS Jumbo 24s 25c FRESH SPINACH Washed and Trimmed 10 -Oz. 2/35c ONT. No. 1 POTATOES 10 lbs. ..49c; 50 lbs$1.89 Red Front Grocer DIAL 357-1020 Free Delivery LIMITED t ar ,7 4 v 4 4