HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-12-31, Page 1•
Be The i. edestrben
It was announced this week
that there will he frees skating
at the Winghatn Arena every
Sunday afternoon starting on
January 3rd. The ice time is
paid for by the lions and Kins-
men Clubs and !;ranch leo,
Royal Canadian Legion,
The holiday wee'ic-end in
this area was not marred by any
serious traffics ac:eidsrtts, which
was a real blessing. Police are
hoping that the same will !told
true over the New Year's holi-
day coming up.
kllC;l1 WATER--' •
The river caine up rapidly
on Christmas Day following a
spell of mild weather and rain
on Christmas eve, The prairies
looked as if spring had suddenly
arrived. Owen King had men
at the Lower Town dam on
Christmas to strengthen the col. -
felt dam which is protecting the
new culverts which have just
been installed.
We know of one family
which enjoyed delicious steaks
on Christmas Day-- barbecued
in their back yard. Needless to
say the weather was mild in-
Morrison was taken to Wingham
and District Hospital on Christ-
mas morning, suffering from a
heart condition. Her father,
Alfred Buckton, was also takers
to hospital by ambulance. We
wish them both a speedy recov-
Mrs. Cantelon
i5 94 Today
Our heartiest congratulations
to Mrs. R. J. Cantelon, Leopold
St., who today (December 31)
celebrates her 94th birthday.
Mrs. Cantelon is the former
Sarah Jane Casetnore. She has
lived in this. district all her life,
with the exception of a few
• years spent in the West.
Shc married Robert Cantelon
in 1888. They moved from
Blucvale to Winghatn in 1906
and she has resided here since
that time.
.intario, Thursday, Dec -al. 1964
FIRST PRIZE: The home of Mr. and Mrs. Legion prize for the most tastefully decors -
Wilfred White on Charles Street won the ted home this Christmas.—A-T Photo.
Fertilizer Warehouse Debated
No Bed of Roses, Say
Councillors' Noses
Wingbam's 1964 council
held its final session of the year
on Monday evening and faced
only a limited agenda.
Deputy Reeve Joseph Kerr
expressed the council's senti-
ments when he said that every-
one on council would miss the
services of Reeve Roy Adair,.
who is retiring after 14 years'
service. He said that council
had enjoyed working with Mrs.
Roy Bennett, who will not be a
member of the 1065 council.
Both Reeve Adair and Mrs. Ben-
nett said they had found council
work enjoyable and wished the
new council good luck,
Councillor Wild reported
that the ice machine at the
arena had broken down and had
been repaired. He said the re-
pair bill will likely amount to
approxitnately $600.00.
Council set January llth as
the date for the inaugural meet-
ing for 1905, the members
agreeing that the striking com-
mittee should prepare a list of
committee members before the
Council got into a lengthy
argument over allowing trail-
ers to be used for housing in
this community. Councillor
Callan said a notion in 1958
set a fee of $10.00 per month
and that other than trailers
then in use, no more were to
have been licensed. However
it appeared that several trail-
ers have since been brought in
for living accommodation and
are paying the $10.00 monthly
It was suggested that a by-
law be passed prohibiting trail-
ers being used for living pur-
poses, but the by-law did not
come to a vote and another
motion raising the fee tp $20. -
00 per month carried.
William Kennedy was a p -
pointed caretaker of the town
Christmas Holiday Visitors
--Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barris
of Sarnia spent a few days this
• week with her brothers, Mr. and
Mrs. Gibson RintouI and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Rintoul.
--James Rlntoul of Windsor
spent Christmas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Rintoul.
--Miss Gloria MacDonald of
St. Thomas -Elgin GcneraI hos-
pital spent the Christmas week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie MacDonald. Mrs.
Sarah Platt arid son Fred, of
Toronto, visited on the week-
end at the same home.
--Dr. and Mrs. Reg Duval
spent Christmas Day in Midland
with his sisters, Mrs. Donald
MacLaren and Miss Emtna-Jo
Duval, and were holiday weck-
erid visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Somers and family.
--Christmas 1)ay visitors
with Mr. and Mors. Lloyd Walk-
er and family were Mr, and
Mrs, Roy Young, Barbara, Ken-
neth and Linda of R. R.1, Blyth,
Mr, and Mts. John Young and
Miss Cora, and Albert Skelton
of Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs.
henry Young, Stewart and Glen
of Clinton,
--Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Young and Wendy of Sarnia
spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mfrs. William
• Young.
--Visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
Alan Williams and family on
Christmas Day were Dr.and
Mrs. Robert MlcCosh, Godericlr,
Mr. and Atrs. Ken McCosh and
three daughters and Mir. Leo
Payne of Port Elgin, and Mrs.
t George Williams.
Mr. and. Mrs, lames New -
Mate of Bright's Grove, air, and
Mrs. Btuce Edgar and Debbie of
Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs.Pet-
er Bedard and Steven of River-
iverside visited over the holiday
week -end with their parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Chris Newman.
Miss Gertie Newsman of Tor-
onto was also a guest at the
same home.
--Mr. and Mrs. George Al-
len of Wyandotte, Mich„ visit-
ed with hissister, Airs. D. B.
Porter over the holiday week-
--Mir, and Mrs. Bud Lott of
North Bay and Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Lott of Bala spent Christ-
mas with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Carl Lott.
--Mr. and Mrs. Wally Thay-
for of Chesley spent Christmas
with her tnother, Mrs. Charlie
--Mr. and Mrs, Hill Dan-
chuk of Toronto visited on Sat-
urday and Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stain-
ton and Barbara.
--Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Thompson of Kitchener, all..
and Mrs, Keith Thompson and
family of Thamesford and Mr.
and Mrs, Martin Garniss spent
Christmas Day with Mir. and
Mrs. Murray Kuehl and family.
--Mr. and Mrs. Mi. A, Kech-
nie, .Liss Marilyn Kechnie and
Mr. Bill Robson of Sarnia spent
Christmas with Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Casemore and Patti,
--Mr. and Mrs. Don Dal -
maga and Gail of London were
Christmas week -end visitors
with her parents, Mt, and Mrs.
Percy Ilarris..
--Mir, and airs, Murray Tay-
for aitd fatitily spent Christmas
eve with Mrs, Ida Martin at
Clinton and Christmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor
at Lucknow. On Boxing Day
they had as dinner guests Mrs.
Ida Martin of Clinton, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Nott of Trenton,
14ich., and Mr, and Mrs. Clar
once Ball of Grosse IIe, Mich.
--Mrs. Connie Foxton and
family spent Christmas Day
with her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Roe at Mil-
--Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon
and family were Christmas
week -end guests with her sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmour 13el1 and
family at Uxbridge.
--Mrs. Clarence Gorrie. of
Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Fraser of Toronto and Mrs.
Cecil Berlette and her son Jerry
of Woodstock visited at the
week -end with eir, and Mrs.
Jack Gorrie and family,
--Visitors over the Christmas
olidays with Mr. and Mrs.
lichacl Cummins were Mr. and
-tis. James Cummins and fam-
ily of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs,
Peon Latin and family of Water-
loo. •
--Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pos-
iff and family of Strathroy are
pending the Christmas holidays
with his mother, Mrs. Mary
Gurney. Mrs. H, A. Street of
Kincardine and Mrs. K.Ilazcl-
wood spent Christmas Day with
Mrs. Gurney.
--Mr, and Mrs, Ross Hain -
Hiatt, Lisa and Geoffrey were
guests on Christmas Day with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rus-
sel Needham in London.
--Christtrtas visitors with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ro-
bert Moffat were Mr, and Mrs,
George Forler,. Mark and Julie
of Bartle and Mr, and Mrs.
Wayne Woods of Pembroke.
hall, replacing W,J.Brown who
is retiring at the end of the
Council took nearly an hour
o discuss a request from Can -
da Packers to purcha.s a piece
f property owned by the town
est east of the Kerr Construe -
ion Co. building.
The building would be used
o store bulk fertilizer pellets.
everal of the councillors felt
t was not the type of building
hat should be erected at this
location. Others felt it would
• e in order to sell rhe property
for the purpose. .
Councillor Wild said that he
ad contacted most of the peo-
ple on Diagonal Road who live
close to the lot in question,
and that none wanted to see a
fertilizer warehouse built, He
said the management of Fry
and Blackhall was very much
against the idea.
At a previous muting fears
had been expressed that there
would be an odor from the fer-
tilizer. A box of the material
was brought in, and council-
lors were given an opportunity
to sniff the product, which
apparently did not have any
odor at all. However, Council-
ouncilfor Wild and Deputy Reeve Joe
Kerr said that in handling the
material a considerable amount
of dust would be created.
Deputy Reeve Kerr suggest-
ed it might be better to offer
the town shed to the firth,
since it is situated immediate-
ly to the rear of the existing
After considerable debate
the problem was turned over to
the property committee to
bring in a report at the first
meeting in the new year,
Believe Clinton Wrong Location
Single Copy Not Over Teen Cants
Will Request County Council
To Consider North Huron Site
Acting Mayor Roy Adair
told council on Monday evening
that Winghatn should request
•the County of Huron to consider
locating a proposed borne for
the aged in this part of they
A former member of the
county home committee, Mr.
Adair told council that the
Ask for Meeting
With Bell Rep.
Councillor Warren Callan on
Monday evening told council
that following his remarks at
the last session regarding toll
charges to district points by
the Bell Telephone, a represen-
tative of the firm had paid hien
a visit.
Window Paintings
Awarded Prizes
Judging was completed just
before Christmas to determine
the winners of the window -
painting contest at the Wing -
ham and District Hospital.
Prizes are given each year
by the Ladies' Auxiliary far the
best paintings done by staff
First prize went to Miss Betty
McKenzie for her picture, an
angel in room 124; second prize
Mrs. Marion Machan, Santa
and reindeer, room 155; third,
Miss Joyce Hilton, for a tradi-
tional Christmas scene in room
:35; fourth, Miss K. Veldhuis,
poinsettias and candles, room
Honorable mentions were
announced for Miss Lillian Tra-
felet, Mrs. R. Chettleburgh and
Miss Kathleen Carter.
Robert Johnston
Was 92 Monday
Robert Johnston of Minnie
Street, who earlier this month
marked his 61st wedding anni-
versary, celebrated his 92nd
birthday on December 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have
lived in Wingham .,ince their
retirement from farming in
Mr. Johnston is a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs, William
Johnston of Concession 1e, Turn -
Kerry Township, the home faun
now operated by his son, Elgin.
They also have a daughter,
Mrs. Harvey (Alba) Tanner of
Newton; six grandchildren and
six great-grandchildren.
Murray Rae's Rink Wins
Boxing Day Bonspiel
.A rink skipped by Murray
Rae and composed of Peter Cut-
ter, Bob Scott and Ken Harrison
won the Boxing Day bonspiel at
tate Winghatn Curling Club.
The event is an annual one,
held on Boxing Day, when town
and country curlers get togeth-
The Rae rink topped the
eine o'clock draw with a score
of 3 wins plus 12. Winner of
the 11 o'clock draw was a rink
skipped by John Nixon with 3
wins and a plus of 11, His
helpers were Les Bolt, C. Nixon
and MM.Newton.
Second place in the earlier
draw went to H. Crawford, skip,
A,lcfacKay, Perry Brown and
Doug Thomas with 2 coins plus
Itt third position with wins
plus 7 was M. MlacKay,. skip,
J. Madill, D. Spry and D. Lee,
The consolation award for
the nine o'clock draw was won
by a rink skipped by William
LeVan of Arnprior, with the
help of Don Kennedy, Dick Le.
Van and 11. Ryerson.
Second place in the 11 o'•
clock draw was won by 1. lieth-
crington's rink of Don Nasmith,
R. Hetherington and P. Nasmitlt.
Their score was 9 wins plus 8.
Mac Eadie skipped the third
place rink with Doug Murray,
Ted Kress and Bob Kress. Their
count was s wins plus 6.
Consolation prize went to a
rink made up alien Gurney,
skip, Ted Elliott, 13i11 Rowland
and N Elliott.
Sixteen rinks participated
in the 'spiel.
Ile said that the company
spokesman said the reason for
toll charges to other district
centres is the fact that most are
served by small private com-
To set up a toll-free area
would entail the co-operation
of these companies, and in
other a.eas where this has been
done the monthly rate to the
subscriber is higher. The Bell
spokesman said a census of
opinion could be taken by the
company if so desired.
Council debated the pro-
blem and decided to request
the company to send a repre -
sentativc to the February meet-
ing of council to explain the
subject more fully.
Bruce Lott Posted
To Local Office
Bruce Lott of Bala has been
named chief clerk for the Wing-
hatn office of Ontario hydro, .
the position recently vacated by
Mrs, Jack Higgins. Bruce has
been acting chief clerk at Bala
since last spring.
Ile started with hydro about
four years ago, at the Markdale
office. Ile rotated for two
years in offices at Markdale,
Owen Sound, and the regional
and area offices at Barrie.
Bruce is a :on of Mr. and Nirs.
Mrs. Carl Lott of town, and his
wife is the former Ruth Thomp-
son. They are looking for ac -
contmodation here.
county cot/Buhl, w111 recutu-
mend to rhe county council that
a second institution be built at
Clinton, but it will be up to
the county council to snake the
Councillor Cruickshank sug-
gested that Winghatn should
wore with other tnuriic:ipalities
itt the northern part of the comi-
ty toward this end. Ile went on
to say that while there luny be
arguments regarding, the eco-
nomics of the problem, the
humanitarian aspect should not
be forgotten. Ile said it is a
long way from the northern
corners of the county to Clin-
On motion of Heemet and
Bateson council agreed to for-
ward a letter to the liuron
County Council requesting that
the northern part of the county
be considered as a site for the
proposed new building.
Three Cars Damaged
In Scott St. Crash
Three cars received a total
of approximately $650.00 dam-
age early Sunday morning in an
accident on Scott Street.
The mishap occurred when a
car driven by Alan 12, White of
Belgrave was travelling north
on No. 4 Ifighway, turned left
onto Scott at the southern edge
of Wingham. After making the
turn onto Scott Street the White
ear struck a car owned by Don-
ald W. Jardin of Kitchener,
which was parked on the south
side of the street. The Jardin
car was in turn pushed into ano-
ther parked car owned Is;- John
R. Seitz of Guelph. The White
car ended up on the right hand
side of the street with front end
damage amounting to ;3.100,00.
The Jardin car suftered about
eile.On to the right rear and
the Suit;: ear about a50.1,0 to
the left front end.
Itte aee;dent was lave.eigat-
ed by Police Chief :lames Mil-
ler of the Wingham ir'Iiee,
Golden Wedding Anniversary
BELGRAV -Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson lliggins of atones Twp.
marked their 5uth wedding an-
niversary recently when a fanc-
ily gathering, in honor of the
occasion, was held ill the home
of Mr. and Mlrs. Ross lligeins.
They were the recipients of
many lovely gifts.
They were married in the
Methodist parsonage i rt i3 e 1 -
grave and have Beed in this
community all their lives, Mr:
Higgins taught school for
twelve years and has since
fanned. For the past 32, years
he has been treasurer of Morris
Township. They ale members
of Knox United Church, Bel -
gra e,
Mr, and Miry. til ;dins have
a family of eight; Dorothy and
Charlie at shone: Norman and
!toss on nearby farms; Mrs, Cale
man Farrier (Ferrol) of Long
Branch; Mrs. Rod Miclxod
(Carrie) of l tobicoke; Mrs,
LIoyd McDonald (Mildred) of
Gait; and Niro. Tont Pieteh
(Edna) of Brussels. There are
14 grandchildren.