HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-12-24, Page 131963 DODGE 4 -DOOR 6, Standard, Radio. 1963 DODGE STATION WAGON 8, Automatic, 1963 DODGE STATION WAGON 6, Automatic, low mileage. 1962 CHRYSLER 4 -DOOR HARDTOP Power equipped. 1962 VALIANT 4 -DOOR One owner. 1962 DODGE 2 -DOOR 6, Standard, Radio, 1962 DODGE 4 -DOOR 8, Automatic. 1961 METEOR 4 -DOOR 1959 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 8, Automatic. LEN CRAWFORD MCTORS Your Dodge - Plymouth . Chrysler - Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM Phone 357-3862 0 gil A Q1rstrnas* ft, P A A day A A A A A A A 0. t WINGHAM Exam Results Continued from Page Fact liam; Skinn Aurelia; Woolcock Donald; Willie Wilfrid; Worm- ington Malcolm; Dickert :Mur- ray; Daw Wilson; Coulter Bryan, Sanderson Wayne (equal); Mac- Donald Carol; Burchill Gary; McDonald Paul. Absent: Smith Sandra. GRADE IX Occupations First Class Honours: McKee Norma and Scott Barbara (equal) 75.8. Second Class Honours:Brooks Georgina 74.6; Brooks Donald 74.3; Hill Karen. 74.0; Golley Barry 73,7; Brooks Marie 72.9; Conley Royden 71,7; Dalton Cletus and Drennen William and Kirton Audrey (equal) 70.6; Bridge Wayne and Wardell Lois (equal) 67.4; Budnark Donald 67.2; Dawson James 66,9; Rawn Sandra 66.8; Harrison Lar ry 66.0, Third Class Honours: McKee Brian 65.5; Mattyn Randy 65.2; Harris Raymond 64.3; Rinn Lin- da 61.2; Latronico Linda 60.2. Pass: Graber Kenneth 58.3; Payne Elizabeth 50.3; Schu- maker Patsy 50.2, LEADERS CHOSEN—WDHS leaders were chosen by a vote of Grade XIII students and the staff with Brenda MacLennan being named queen and Murray Procter as leader for 1964-65.—Yearbook Photo. Edited by Sandra Cameron W.D.H.S News ACTIVITIES At the beginning of last week it was a disappointment to most students to learn that this year there would be no car - rolling in the gymnasium but, instead, there would be Christ- mas music played over the pub- lic address system from 8:45 until 9:10 each morning. As this experiment proved unpop- ular and unsuccessful those who wished to sing carols could do so in the gymnasium Friday morning before class. On Thursday afternoon at 3:20 a Christmas assembly was held at which Jim Nasmith was master of ceremonies. The various glee clubs sang several Christmas songs and the students were invited to join in singing some of the numbers. 0--0--0 Friday afternoon before dis- missal we held our semi-annual locker clean-up. The prefects were on duty in the halls to see that it was done properly. 0--0--0 This week Monday's and Tuesday's timetables were inter• changed to allow the students to be in their home -rooms the last period in the day to hold class Christmas parties. 0--0--0 The Students' Council exec- utive and about 20 grade 13 students spent Tuesday decor- ating the gym for the prom. There was quite a goad turn- out this year and I think every- one enjoyed themselves. 0--0--0 The students would like to congratulate principal F. E. Ma- dill and Mrs. Madill on the celebration this week of their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary. The teachers honoured them at a dinner at Danny's Restaurant Tuesday night. They attended the school dance that same evening. 0--0--0 On closing I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. and Views CHEERLEADERS Boom-a-laka, boom-a-iaka, Bow, wow, wow, Chicka-laka, chicka-laka, Chow, chow, chow, Boom-a-laka, chika-laka, Who are we, Wingham High School, Yessiree! This is one of the opening cheers of the Wingham cheer- leaders. This year there are two sets of cheerleaders. The six junior cheerleaders consist of Jill Thornton, Wendy Cronk- wright, Rae Gurney, Brenda Hall, Nancy Schaeffer and Peg- gy Rae. They wear white pleated skirts with purple sweat- ers to represent the school col- ours, purple and white. The senior group is clad in white sweaters with purple plaid skirts. They are Linda Mahood, Cheryl Roane, Helen Currie, Bonnie Jardin, Noreen Nichol and Judy Callan. At the begin- ning of the year we made pur- ple and white pompoms, hop- ing that this would make our cheers more effective and give us more colour. To qualify for the squad, you have to be able to turn a cartwheel, a backward and for- ward somersault and a hand- stand. Once the girls are chosen it takes continuous practise to work out the actions to match the words of the cheers. The first activity that the cheerleaders take part in i s the football games. It is no easy job to yell at the top of your lungs for about two hours (and students I hate to say it), but sometimes without much response from the crowd. The purpose of the cheer- leaders, whether the students realize it or not, is to arouse enthusiasm among the crowd and let the teams know we stand behind them all the way. School spirit has been lack- ing among the students during the football season, but basket- ball season is coming up, so come on students, when that Wingham team gets on the floor, let's let them know you want a victory. Follow the cheerleaders when they lead a cheer and give the players some moral support. Even if they don't win you'll know that your team went down fighting. - By Helen Currie, XII F g TThursday,g. in arrt Aduance Times Dec, , �4, 1964 ^ Page 5 kayttd. mat? WINGHAM PHOTO STUDIO Sigfrid Seifert JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM May we extend to you our warmest greetings and good wishes for a Merry Christmas to you and yours.. Yat•».; t..�.:.... �,,:.<.:x.�:a..:>sos;..`,. �'1.�.•� � M.<:tl::`v::ti �':,3.1::Y::: <:: i :`�'1Y".''�:\.vv:.'Cn .v�!4. 7' ... .. ... 5..:»' :.:��'ay'�'ali?:vk ..::,•s•3•.>.li•>;b:ic. `�Y?hw�:�.fi.x�'•%. 4i.. ,. BATESON'S MODEL DAIRY No Delivery Christmas Day SAY UNCLE! Two of the boys taking wrestling instruc- tion as part of the PT program are shown as they mix it up on the mat during a practise session. Staffer John Gnay is the instructor.—Yearbook Photo. Billy yott be of good cheer as Christmas dawns...your heart full to over- flowing with ail of the high happiness and bountiful blessings of the bay, May the joys of this Christmas be remembered very happily throuh many a ion year to come: WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., HODGINS-McDONALD (Wingham) Limited Wish to thank the people of Wingham and surrounding district for the valued patronage given our lumber and builder supply yard. LTD, ONTARIO THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. THE WDHS BUGLE BAND was caught in action as they practised in the boys' vo- cational shop this week, The band is mak- ing good progress this year.—Yearbook,