HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-12-24, Page 6Page 6 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec. 24, 1964 OF THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES PHONE 357-2320 FOR SALE TAXI SERVICE BRAND NEW automatic water softener for sale. Reasonable. Phone 357-1933, 24-31* FRICAN VIOLETS for Sale, blooming, large plants. Mrs, G. Allen, 194 Catherine St., phone 357-1094. 17.2413 MALE BORDER COT J;rF: for sale, 8 months old, guaranteed heeler. Phone Wingham 357- 1787. 24' VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone 262-5350. N19rrb PORTABLE stereo record play- er for sale, almost new. Also combination radio and 3 speed phonograph, in excellent con- dition. Will make good Christ- mas gifts. Phone 357-1328. 24b CARS FOR SALE 1959 DODGE MAYFAIR for sale, automatic, 8 cylinder, 2 tone sedan. One owner, new tires, full winterized and priced reasonable. Phone 357- 3712, or 357-1234. 17-24b mosaammommamair LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS for sale. Wm. Uuldriks, R. R. 1, Wingham, phone Wroxeter 547J3. 24•' TOUR young York sows for sale, due to farrow soon. Clare VanCamp, R. R. 4, Brussels. 24b FOR RENT GROUNDFLOOR BACHELOR apartment to let. One bed- room, livingroom (kitchen- ette), own bathroom. Heat and hydro services supplied. Write P, O. Box 10, Wingham, Ont. 10-17-24b SALES HELP WANTED— MALE AND FEMALE LADIES, men also, good oppor- tunity offered you to make money selling our 200 daily necessities, Full or part time. No capital needed. No exper- ience necessary. Write Raw- leigh, Dept. L-453-132, 4005 Richelieu St., St, Henry, Mon- treal. 24b FEMALE HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER between the age of 25 and 50 for a mother- less .home in Toronto. Two children, one school age. Apply Box 70, Advance -Times, 17-24b WANTED WANTED -01d guns and rifles. Cameron's Billiards. 22rrb WANTED — 50 bales of straw, Phone 357-1526. 24b WANTED—Straw or old hay for bedding. Can clean out whole barns. Jacob Rohrer, R. R. 4, Ripley, phone Ripley 128R5. 24* WANTED—Farms, homes, busi- nesses, lots and acreages for sale in and around Wingham. Contact Glen Thuell, Real Es- tate Division, British Mort- gage & Trust, Listowel, Phone 63. D24rrb LOST LOST — Shopping bag in post office, containing three library books and gloves. Please re- turn to post office or library. 24' When Offering Your Property For Sale You should expect and receive competent advice and planned advertising. THE SELLING RATE FOR HOUSES IN WINGHAM IS 3%. These services are available when you cull and list with WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial 357-2174, WIN(iHAMI DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL MIMINYIS LEE'S TAXI 24 - HOUR SERVICE Long or short trips. DIAL 357-1521 We carry taxi insurance HAiR DRESSING NOTICE TO CREDITORS CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who sent cards and visited me while I was a 'patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McKibbon and the nurses on first floor. — Dick Griffith. 24b I wish to thank all who visit- ed .me while in hospital and for the lovely cards I received, the nurses, Drs. Klahsen and Cor- rin, and the ministers for their visits. Also our neighbors who were so kind to my wife, A special thank you to all,—John Farrell. 24' For prayers and loving care, for doctors, nurses and minis- ters, for friends and loved ones, I truly give thanks, Without each and every one of you my recovery would not have been so complete, Thank you for all gifts, flowers, cards, letters and visits, for televisions to look at and radio to listen to, also to all who helped my family at the time of my accident. Sincere thanks to all who collected, the purse of money given to me the other ,night and to all who so generously contributed. Each and everyone of you have given me such a happy Christmas and as we walk through the New Year together may God's bless- ing be upon us. Sincerely—Bob Mothers. 24' IN MEMORIAM MASON—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, John Mason, who passed away four years ago today, December 29, 1960. A memory, a tear, a thought sincere, How often we wish you Were still here. Deep in our hearts, you will always stay Loved and remembered every day. —Always remembered and sadly missed by his wife, Ethel, his family and grandchildren, and sister, Clara, in California. 24' PERSONAL BROOKHAVEN Nursing Home has accommodation for pa- tients, invalids or semi -in- valids. 26-3-10-17-24-31b MISCELLANEOUS FOR DEAD OR DISABL1'.l) ANi:S AIS CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company or CANADA LIMITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lie. No. 262-C-63 HAVE SNOW BLOWER. Will remove snow from driveways or sidewalks. Phone Earl Jenkins, 357-2683, after 5 o'clock. 26rrb PAINTING and DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, Ont. 16rrb FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors Iatd, sand- ed and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Ph. 357-2750, Norman Rantoul & sons. 16rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reub- en Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357-1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile. Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent -- LLOYD MONTGOMERY 63 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Deed Cows and Horses over 5o0 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows anti Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE ('Ala, COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 • 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 951638 F1T ,T,TOTT'S BEAm'Y LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham -- Dial 357-2081. rrb BIRTHS SPROUL — In Alexandra and Marine Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, December 6, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, Ron Sproul (Iso- bel Ross), Wingham, a daughter, Joan Louise. SHAW—Les and Donna (Ander- son) wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Pa- mela Jean, on Monday, Dec- ember 14, 1964, in Victoria Hospital, London, a sister for Sharon and Brian. NESBIT—In South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Wednesday, December 16, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. David Nesbit, (Gladys Reid), the gift of a son, a brother for Phyllis. LOWRY—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Thursday, December 17, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lowry, R. R. 2, Wingham, a son. VAN CAMP—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs- day, December 17, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. John Van Camp, Belgrave, a son. +R.EI•NHARDT — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Fri- day, December 18, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Reinhardt, R. R. 2, Teeswater, a son, DIED DEY, Charles A., 59, of 22 Shade Street, Galt, Sunday, Dec. 6, at home. Born in Wingham, past 36 years in Galt. Survivors: Wife, former Harriett Scott; son, Jack, Victoria, B.C.; broth- ers, Frank, of Listowel, and Tom, of Saskatchewan; sisters, Miss Beatrice Dey, Southamp- ton, Mrs. George (Marion) Mc- Lean, Port Elgin, Mrs. Sid (Dorothy) Baldwin, Toronto. Son of the late John Dey and Bertha Cody, cousin of Mrs. Wilfred Henry. Service Tuesday, Dec. 8, at Little's funeral home, Galt; burial Mount View Cem- etery, Galt. HETHERINGTON, Dorothy Helen — At Toronto Western Hospital, on Thursday, Decem- ber 17, 1964. Dorothy Helen Mc- Arter. beloved wife of Herbert H. Hetherington, (M.D.), dear mother of Helen (Mrs. J. Gru- ber). of Montreal. Resting at the McKillop funeral home, 173 Main St, N., Braminton. Private funeral service in the chattel on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Brampton Cemetery. LEGAL MORTGAGE SALE of Valuable Property in the Township of Howick, County of Huron. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage 'which will be produc- ed at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the TOWN HALL, in FORDWICH, Ontario, on MONDAY, 4th day of JANU- ARY, 1965, at two o'clock in the afternoon, by JACK ALEXANDER, Auctioneer the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of How - ick, in the County of Huron and being composed of Lot No. 24 in the Sixth Concession of the said Township of Howick, con- taining 100 acres more or less. On this property is said to be situated a brick house with elec- tricity and water, bathroom and furnace, all in a good state of repair: a hank barn, 40 x 60 and straw shed 28 x 30. Elec- tricity and water in the barn. Also a garage. The lands consist of anproxi- mately 12 acres bush. 6-8 acres flats and 80 acres workable land, TERML4 OF SALE: Ten percent of the purchase money on the flute et' sale and the balance within thirty days Ihereafter, when possession shall he given. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars: and con- ditions of s•tle will he matte lcnnwn on the day of sale or may be had on application to Ih itudersigned• DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 1.11h tiny of December, A.D. 191;1. Jack A1e:l•:uider, %Vim:1m , Ontario. Ati^tionoer, J. il. CRAWFORD. Q.('., %', inghuin, Ong ;trio. Soli -iter for the Mortgilgee. 17-2.1-311 -2.1-311 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHAR- LOTTE ESTHER DAVIDSON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 24th day of Nov- ember, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 28th day of December, 1964. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 4th day of December, 1964. 3, H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 10-17-24b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JANET MCLEAN, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Mar- ried Woman, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Janet McLean, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 2nd day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1965, and that after such date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham. Ontario this 15th day of December, A.D. 1964. MARGARET. LORENZ. Executrix of the Estate, By her Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Box 119, Wingham, Ont. 17-24-31b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EPH- RIAM PARISH. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels (formerly of the Town of Wingham), • in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on the 21st day of October, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of January, 1965, after which date the executrix will proceed to dis- tribute the estate having regard only to the claims which she shall then have bad notice. DATED at Wingham this llth day of December, A.D. 1964. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. 17-24-31b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN EVERETT McCUTCHEON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 11th day of November, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of January, 1965. after which date the ad- ministrator will proceed to dis- tribute the estate having regard only to the claims which he shall then have .had notice. DATED at Wingham this 11th day of December, A.D. 1964. J, H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator. 17-24-31b PERSONAL BROOKHAVEN Nursing Home has accommodation for pa- tients, invalids or semi -in- valids. 26-3-10-17-24-31b POINSETTIAS POTTED MUMS CHRISTMAS CACTUS CYCLAMENS JOUWSMA MARKET GARDENS 24b CURRIE'S AMBULANCE WINGHAM 357-1170 - Anytime 357-3114 le the number to call for RESERVATIONS or TAKE- OUT SERVICE Banquet seating to 1.20 Danny's Restaurant. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE SOF KATH- LEEN PRINGLE, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the seventh day of October, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the ninth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1965. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to th claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 21st day of December, A.D. 1964. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 24-31-7b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF iFIA'R- ENCE EDNA CAMPBELL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died an the seventh day of December, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the ninth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1965. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 21st day of December, AD. 1964. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 24-31-7b NOTICE TO CREDITORS insT THE ESTATE OF MIARY ELIZA PULLIN. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow. who died an the twelfth day of December, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the ninth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1965. After that date the Adminis- tratrix will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 21st day of December, A.D. 1964. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administratrix. 24-31-7b CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:80 23rrb Edward Forgie Dies Suddenly At Toronto Home William Edward Forgie of 5 Prince George Drive, Toronto, died suddenly at his home early Saturday morning. Mr. Forgie, 58, was the son of•Mr. and Mrs. William Forgie of Wingham. He was born and educated here and went to De- troit as a young man. He re- turned to Toronto over 30 years ago where he became connect- ed with James Richardson &. Sons in general insurance. His work had taken him to many countries. Mr. Forgie was still working for the company at the time of his death. Ile is survived by his wife, the former Eileen Fellows of Goderich; a son, William J. and two daughters, Marie (Mrs. E. Irving) and Joan (Mrs. D. Leavens)all of Toronto; and seven grandchildren. Ile is also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forgie and a sister, Miss Anna Forgie of Wingham. The funeral was Monday morning at Our Lady of Sorrows Church with burial in Mount Hope Cemetery. Miss Anna Forgie and Mrs. Fraser Forgie attended the funeral. Dare to be true; nothing c•an need a lie. - George Herbert, WINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY Will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, It will also be closed every Saturday evening during Janu- ary, February and March. 17-24b ANNUAL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S DANCE Sponsored by Hall Board, on Tuesday, December 29th, in the Wroxeter Community Hall with Wilbee's orchestra. 17-24b AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on December 27th. Will be at home to their friends at the home of Miss Mae Skel- ton, Brussels, from 3-5 and 7-9. No gifts please, 24b PLAN TO ATTEND The big annual New Year's Dance on Friday, January lat, in the Bluevale Hall. Music 'by the Ranch Boys and sponsored by the Recreation Association, • 10-24-31b HOLIDAY EUCHRE & DANCE In the Foresters Hall, Bel - grave, Wednesday, December 30, Euchre from 11:45 to 10:30. Music by Don Robertson and th Ranch Boys, Sponsored by the Arena Board. 24-31b GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, December 30, at 8:30 p.m,, at Harbourlite Inn. 17 regular games ,at $10; one share the wealth jackpot; one $50 Jackpot; plus new exceler- ating jackpot up to $250, Admis- mission $1.00, rrb May we extend to you our very best wishes for a holiday Season rich in happiness and joy. WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT LTD. HEAD OFFICE - WINGHAM Brewers Retail Special Hours of Sale WEDNESDAY DEC. 30TH OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY DEC. 31ST ALL STORES OPEN FROM 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ALL STORES WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY JANUARY 1ST OPEN REGULAR HOURS JAN. 2 Brewers Retail Operated by Brewers Warehousing Co. Ltd. , 11, 4: m a•. May all the joys of the Yuletide season be yours in great abundance! N. N. GOWDY & SON LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES • GORRIE - ONTARIO s e