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features from
The World of Women
Home and The Housewife
...and may the joys
of C'hri.vtmov abound
iu your heart ahrayr.
As on that Holy Night
of blessed memory,
may the message of
Christmas enter the
hearts of mankind,
May peace and good
will be with
you and yours.
Alexander's Hardware
We sincerely hope that this Christmas
you will receive a full share of
lasting good health and happiness.
May the joys of Christmas fill
your hearts with wonder and love, both
now and through the coming years.
Mrs, Ahara Hostess to
St. Paul's Evening Guild
The Christmas meeting of hampers.
St. Paul's Evening Guild was
held in the home of Mrs, Ro-
bert Ahara on Patrick Street
last Tuesday evening, Opening
prayers were taken by the presi-
dent, Mrs, Glenn Foxton, and
the Bible story of the first
Christmas Day was read by Mrs.
Jack Hodgins.
Mrs. Foxton expressed appre•
ciation to the retiring execu-
tive and to Mrs. Ahara for in-
viting the group to meet in her
home. The minutes of the
November meeting were read
by the secretary, Mrs, Terry
Nethery, Mrs. Foxton, Mrs.
Ahara and Mrs, G. L. Davidson
were appointed to purchase the
necessary articles for Christmas
Santa Calls at
Golden Circle
The Christmas party at the
Golden Circle School was a
happy event when about 50
people gathered last Friday,
including the parents and fam-
ilies, volunteer helpers and
members of the Association.
The teacher; Mrs. Jack
Reavie, the volunteer helpers
and the nine pupils of the
school have been busy for many
days preparing for this annual
event. The school was decora-
ted with large red bows orna-
mented with golden bells and
glittering cones.
The program commenced
with a welcome song by the
pupils followed by several gos-
pel action songs and a solo. The
program included a patriotic
number and a snowman number.
The Nativity scene was nar-
rated and depicted by the pu-
pils in costume. They sang
Christmas carols. The rhythm
band played several numbers
and the program concluded
with a Mexican dance, the
dancers wearing colorful red
boleros and sashes.
Santa arrived to distribute
gifts to all from the well -laden
tree, which delighted the pu-
pils. There were also special
gifts to parents and helpers
from the children. These were
table decorations of a white
swan holding red roses or poin-
The volunteer helpers serv-
ed lunch during the social hour
which followed.
Mrs. C, R, Wilkinson gave
her report for the sick and visit-
ing committee and the treasur-
er's report was given by Mrs.
Mrs, Alvin Higgins read the
report of the nominating com-
mittee naming the following
officers for 1965: President,
Mrs, G. Foxton; 1st vice, Mrs.
John Lillycrop; 2nd vice, Mrs.
Jack King, secretary, Mrs. Ter-
erry Nethery; treasurer, Mrs, R.
Ahara. There were no further
nominations from the meeting,
Rev. C. F. Johnson, rector,
installed the new• executive.
Mrs. Ahara gave a short
message on "The True Mean-
ing of Christmas", pointing
first to the creche and showing
how each little figure had a
special part to play in God's
plan for the Christmas message
and the meaning which each
bore to our lives to -day. She
closed with the challenge, that
as the angels sang that first
Christmas over the hillside of
Bethlehem, we should all pray
that this true Christian Peace
may come upon the troubled
earth and joy and love grow out
of the hatred of wars and strife.
A delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Ahara's group, which
included Mrs. Jack Hodgins,
Mrs, Gordon Davidson and Miss
Dorothe Comber.
Variety Concert
At Belmore School
BELMORE The 28 pupils at
Belmore School, under the d i
rection of their teacher, Mrs,
Watson Armstrong and their mu-
sic teacher, Mrs. Bruce Keith,
both of Teeswater, staged their
Christmas variety concert in the
Community Centre last Wednes-
day evening, An excellent
crowd attended the entertain-
ment and the efforts of the chil-
dren were well applauded.
Sharon Cameron gave the
welcoming recitation, followed
by the opening choruses, About
twelve pre-school and Grades 1
and 2 children delighted the
audience with songs and recita-
tions, The school pupils then
followed with dialogues, music-
al group numbers, a pantomime,
a solo by Douglas Jeffray, a
duet by Debbie and Wendy Bus-
by, and numbers played on the
flutophone, an instrument that
they have learned to play this
year. Numbers were introduced
by Darlene Ballagh, Debbie Bus-
by and Douglas Jeffray.
The children closed with a
Christmas pageant with Lau rie
Steven as narrator, and Nancy
Ballagh and Gilbert Johann as
Mary and Joseph. Carols and
Christmas songs were sung by
other pupils.
Two closing songs were sung,
and a closing recitation given
by Gwen Press, after which
Santa paid a welcome visit and
distributed gifts.
U.C.W. Elects 1965 Officers
GORRIE-The December
meeting of the United Church
Women was held in the Sunday
School room with Mrs, Robt.
Elschner as leader for the wor-
ship period. Mrs. Harry Rhame
gave the story, "The Legend of
the Black Madonna". Mrs. Har-
old Robinson read the Christmas
story from Luke.
Carols were sung and Mrs.
Glad. Edgar, president, took
charge of the business. It was
decided to give $500.00 to the
Board of Stewards and $50.00
to Missionary and Maintenance.
Officers elected for 1965
were: lion. president, Mrs. F. C.
Taylor; president, Mrs. Russell
Adams; 1st vice pres., Mrs.
Geo. Brown; 2nd vice pres. ,
Mrs. A. L. Stephens; rec. sec.,
Mrs. E. J. Farrish; assistant, Mrs.
Robt. Strong; corresponding
sec. and literature, Mrs. T. L.
McInnes; treas., Mrs. E.W.
Whitfield; Christian citizenship,
Mrs. Gordon Edgar; community
friendship, Mrs. Ken Iiastie;
co-operation in Christian and
missionary education, Mrs.
Clifford Pyke; finance, Mrs.
Lionel Johnston; flowers and
cheer, Mrs. Wesley Trimble;
manse corn., Mrs. Lorne Robin-
son, Mrs. Harry Hastie, Mrs.
Raymond Gowdy, Mrs. Lionel
Johnston; press reporter, Mrs.
Geo. Brown; program, Mrs.
Clifford•Pyke, Mrs. Barry
Rhame, Mrs. Doran Thornton,
Mrs. A. L. Stephens; stewardship
and recruiting, Mrs. Glad. Ed-
gar; supply and social assistanc..,
Mrs. W. W. Strong, Mrs. G. A.
Brown, Mrs. Gordon Edgar and
Mrs, Alex Edgar; nominating,
Mrs. H. liasfie, Mrs. 1-1. Robin-
son; pianist, Mrs. Norman Car-
son; unit leaders, 1, Mrs. Wm,
Behrns; 2, asst. leader, Mrs.
Alex Taylor; 3, Mrs. Russell
Powell; 4, Mrs. A. L. Stephens.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred W, Cook
of 13elgrave celebrated their
55th wedding; anniversary on
Sunday when a family dinner
was held at Danny's Restaurant,
The afternoon was spent at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. S.J.
Walker of Winghat 1.
The actual date is peccm-
ber 21. Mr. and Mrs. Cook
fanned in East Wawattosh after
their marriage. They retired
to lielgrave iu 1945.
They have six children; Al
Bert o11 the honk' farm 111 East
Wawanosh, Margaret (Mrs. Doss
Anderson) of lielgrave, Gella
(Mrs, Ernie Crawford) of God•
ericlt, Alice (Mrs. Garvie Nich-
olson) of lielgrave and Edith
(Mrs. 5.J -.Walker) of Wingharn.
There are 18 grandchildren
and five great grandchildren.
Couple Honored
On Anniversary
FORDWICEI-Mr, and Mrs.,
Nelson Armstrong quietly cele-
brated their 25th wedding anni-
versary at their home on Wed-
nesday, December 9,
The telephone operators of
the Fordwich office, where
Mrs, Armstrong is also employ-
ed, presented them with two
cups and saucers in silver and
white, They also received a
three -tiered wedding cake from
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newell and
family, which was made and
decorated by Mrs. Newell.
A number of friends and
relatives called at their home
on Wednesday and Thursday to
express best wishes on the happy
<iddies Get
aids toSanta
Members of the Royal Can-
adian Legion and the Ladies'
Auxiliary entertained their
children at the annual Christ-
mas party in the Legion Home
on Sunday afternoon. The ar-
rangements were made by Herb
Fuller. ,
Mrs. Morris Swanson played
Christmas carols and John
Strong showed cartoons.
Santa arrived and each of
the smaller children had a
chance to sit on his knee and
talk to him as they received
bags of candy.
The ladies served doughnuts
and chocolate milk to the
youngsters and doughnuts and
coffee to the parents,
Expressing the merriment of
Christmas, "Deck the Hall with
Boughs of Holly" is an 13nglish
carol set to an old Welsh air.
It refers to such ancient tradi-
tions as the "blazing Yule1'og",
,Ond it i; our Christmas
yish for you that every
holida}' io)' gill conic
your way, to be followed
by a glorious New Year.
Rapp's Bakery
t b K.i.U2h
...and many thanks to all you wonderful people whose
friendship has been so heartwarming during the year,
Maclntyre's Bakery