HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-12-17, Page 18Page 10 - Wingham. Advance-Tirnes, Thursday, Dee. 17. 1964 NEW BOOKLET 116 REVEALS HOW TO Improve Hearing Without an Aid Maybe you, too, can hear better without a hearing aid if you follow suggestions in new book, "How To Get the Most From Your Re- maining Hear- ing". It's full of Acts like where sit in church, 4vd how to hear in a noisy room. A NAME OF Quality for the hard of hearing e ata HEARING AIDS 3.. Box 510, Advance -Times Wingham, Ontario. Name Address St. Helens Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron, 11arbara and Colin were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Douglas at Mitchell. 11r. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin and ,I,1), I',;rnin, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Durum uid Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy. were guests at a dinner party on Saturday. at Danny's'Restattrant in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichborne of Goderich, on the oecasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. 1r, 1?d Blackwell returned home on Friday after several weeks in Wingham and District Hospital, with a lig fracture, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry of London were week- end v'sitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor and Mrs, W. I. Miller. On Friday evening, ten ta- bles enjoyed a shoot party in the hall. Winners were Ross Errington and Mrs. Don Panna- becker with William Caesar and Gordon Struthers the run- ners-up. 25th ANNIVERSARY DONNYBROOK -Mr, and Mrs William Hardy were honored at a party given by their former Carlow friends in the hall there, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. They have a family of three, Keith, Roy and Jean all at home. OVERNIGHT FREIGHT We haul to and from Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchen- er, London, Stratford and Woodstock. We make early morning deliveries at these points and all loads are fully insured. hauling on full loads to We're fully equipped to moving, Targe or small. We do long distance anywhere in Ontario. handle all household CALL US COLLECT FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING REQUIREMENTS. WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT SERVICE Head Office—Wingham Phone 357-2050 Fordwich Personals Mr, and Mrs. Roy Simmons were Kitchener visitors one day last week. Mr, and Mrs, Scott Keith and children of Stoney Creek were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Keith, Mr. Earl Ridley of London was a week -end visitor at his home here, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Mulvey and Jeffrey of Belmore, Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie and Mr. Holger Feldskov were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sothern, Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Armstrong who on Wed- nesday, December 9, celebra- ted their 25th wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Denny of Erin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, BIRTH Jacobson -To Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jacobson, a daughter, on Wednesday, December 9, 1965, in Listowel Hospital. Friends of Mrs. Clarence Carswell will be sorry to hear that she was confined to Palm- erston Hospital. Misses Sharon Pollock and Margaret Anne Wilson were Toronto visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ar m - strong were Kitchener visitors on Friday. Misses Doris Carswell, Peg- gy Gibson, Iris Armstrong of Stratford and Dave Inglis of Kitchener spent the week -end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig and family of Galt spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. DONNYBROOK The sympathy of this com- munity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snowden and fam- ily on the death of her mother, Mrs. William Humphrey of St. Helens. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, Deb- bie, Brian, Gerald, Doreen and Barry visited Wednesday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willows Mountain of Londes- boro. There is an epidemic of measles in the neighborhood school. Most of the children have, or are getting them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp- bell of London visited Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wingham visited Friday with . Mr. and Mrs., Sam Thompson. Mrs. Stuart Chamney visit- ed Sunday with her father, Mr. William Webster of St. Helens. You are cordially invited to Tune 9.10 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. Friday, December 18 through Thursday, December 24 (Except Sunday) The music comes to you from Simpson's Downtown Store, where, for the 40th consecutive year, customers and staff together will join in singing your favorite Christmas carols. • Mr, and Mrs. Stan Forster spent a few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Tomlin in Fort Erie and in Buffalo, Mr. Arthur Forester is spending a couple of months with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Tomlin, Mrs, Henry Allan of Mount Forest is spending several weeks at the home of her son, Mr. Mel Allan and Mrs. Allan, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Robinson spent one day last week in Kit- chener.. John Carswell of Kitchener and Robert Bride of London were week -end visitors at their respective homes. Mr. Herb Ross returned to his home last week from Listowel Hospital after being confined there for several weeks. Congratulations to Mrs. Ed - na Bride, who celebrated her 85th birthday on December 10. Mrs, Len Wilson, Susan and Murry spent the week -end at Toronto with her mother, Mrs. Florence Groves. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Doig were Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Doig of St. Catha- rines, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doig and Kim of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Doig and Gerry. The occasion was Mr. Arnold Doig's birthday. Mrs, Crosby Sotheran and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cousins of Brussels were in Aurora on Thursday attending the funeral. of a cousin, Mrs. Lorne Cous- ins, who had been killed in a train -ear accident. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirk- by of Kingston were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Car- roll Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Will- iamson and Barbara of London visited Friday with Mrs. Emma Williamson. Mrs. Browne Heads St. Anne's Guild FORDWICH-St. Anne's Guild met at the home of Mrs.Grace Browne for its Christmas meet- ing. The president, Mrs. Wil- liam Sothern- welcomed the visitors and members. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Anderson. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec- retary, Miss Elva Foster. Roll call, "Your favorite hymn and its author," was answered by 17 members, The treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Lois Simmons. Members agreed to donate $150.00 toward the washroom, and also $100.00 to the general funds of the church. Mrs. So- thern read a Christmas poem. It was decided to continue with the birthday box and secret pals for another year. Rev. Anderson was in charge of the election of officers for 1965. The January meeting will be held in the basement of the church. The meeting clo- sed with a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Gladys Vittie conduc- ted a very interesting contest, followed by a lunch served by the hostess and Miss Ethna Fos- ter. The slate of officers for 19 - Christmas Skit At W.I. Meeting FORDWICH-The Christmas meeting of the Women's Insti- tute was held at the home of Mrs. Anson Demerling, Mrs. Robert Gibson presided and wel- comed the ladies with Long - fellow's poem, "Peace on Earth". Mrs. Demerling dis- played an advent wreath and explained the religious mean- ing of candles. Capt. Albert Ferris and Mrs. Ferris of the Wingham Salva- tion Army were guest speakers. They were introduced by Mrs. John Inglis. Gifts for the S.A. cheer baskets were presented at roll call. A Christmas skit, "The Slave Girl", was presented by Mrs. John Inglis; a shepherd,' Mrs. Sam Johnston; the inn keeper, Mrs. Lorne Seifert; the slave girl, Mrs. Demerling Mary, Mrs. Fred McCann and Joseph, Mrs. William McCann. A sing -song of carols was con- ducted by Mrs. Inglis. Lunch was served by the .hostess, Mrs. Telmer Harding, Mrs. Howard Harris and Mrs. Bruce Agla. Santa Appears At SS Concert DONNYBROOK -The annual Sunday School Christmas con- cert was held last Friday night in the church with Jim Robinson as chairman. Carols were sung and two films, "The Christmas Story", and "The Pony", wcrc shown. Judy Robinson, Peter Snell and Grant Johnston gave recitations while awaiting San- ta's arrival. Gifts and candy for all the children were received from Santa. Jin? Robinson thanked Santa, and Marvin Snell of Westfield for showing the film, 65 is; President, Mrs. Grace Browne; 1st vice, Mrs. Jean Dinsmore; 2nd vice, Mrs. Lynn Bunker; secretary, Mrs. Alma Hargrave; treasurer, Mrs. Jean Sothern; pianists, Mrs. Ann Armstrong, Miss Elva Foster; corresponding secretary, Miss Elva Foster; program commit- tee, Miss Louise Matthews, Mrs. Ann Armstrong, Mrs. Bea- trice Jordan; auditors, Mrs. Ruby Forster, Mrs. Beatrice Jordan; press reporter, Mrs. Frances King. Council Names Representatives To School Boards Howick Township Council named its representatives to ' the three district high school boards to serve for 1965 and 1966. William Campbell will be on the Norwell District High School board, Gordon Moir on the Wingham board and Cecil Wilson will sit on the Listowel board. The Fordwich, Gorrie and Wroxeter Santa Claus funds were voted $30.00 each. A grant of $75.00 was made to Howick Lutheran Cemetery, $200.00 to Gorrie Cemetery and $100.00 to Wroxeter. ACCOUNTS ef1ID Joe Kerr, gravel contract deposit, $600.00; Maitland Valley Conservation Auth. assessment, $1, 595.21; M e 1 Greenley, putting in pipe and fill at Greenley drain, $8.00; E. Schaus, hauling pipe, $3.00; Ken Schaefer, back hoe, $10.- 50; F. King, attending repair $6.00; Listowel and District Fire Area account, $104.63; Wingham Advance -Times advertising, $16.71; H. N. Gowdy & Son stove oil, $26.50; Edwin Gilmar, live stock valu- ator, $3.00; Gestetner f Canada) Ltd. supplies, $15.97; Town of Harriston, Fire call re George Parsons, $150.00; Relief accts. $233.85; Ontario Municipal Board, application fee re con- struction Municipal Office, $10, 00; H. G. Harris, part salary, $75.00; W.E. Whitfield printing, $190.00, preparing financial statement, $15.00, exchange $8.30, part salary $215.00; Dept. of National Revenue income tax $40.00; Bob Campbell, loader at Ford- wich dump, $21.00; W. H. Gal- laher, 'bulldozer Gorrie and Wroxeter dumps, $84.00; Har- riston Review Remembrance Day service sheets, $28.29, nomination bills $7.44; Mait- land Valley Conservation Auth. sharc survey of dams, $470.00; Robert Gibson hospital board meetings, $10.00; Fees and mileage, Robert Gibson, $296.- 50, Ivan Haskins, $371.40, Frank King $295.00, 13.11. Strong $287.80, FI, McMichael $281.80; I lowick Twp. Mune Rec. Com. grant (Wroxeter rink) $30.91; road accounts $8.803,87; Grant, Howick Lutheran Cemetery $75.00, Gorrie Cemetery, $200.00, Wroxeter Cemetery, $100.00, Fordwich, Gorrie and Wroxeter Santa Claus Funds, $30.00 each $90.00. Total $14,779.68. HRISTMAS SHOP IN WINGHAM Where Stores Are Open Every Night Until Christmas SHOP IN A FRIENDLY MUSICAL ATMOSPHERE 1 i 1 Bring the kiddies along to see SANTA and his ELVES every afternoon at the TOWN HALL. DON'T FORGET... FREE BABY SITTING SERVICES AT THE TOWN HALL EVERY AFTERNOON, 2to5p.m. HURRY... THERE ARE ONLY SHOPPING DAYS LEFT! Sponsored by the WINGHAM BUSINESS ASSOCIATION