The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-12-10, Page 18Page 1Q W ngham Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec, l0, 1964 SISTER DIES iN SASKATOQN BLUEVALF-lslrs, Edward Bar- nard has received word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Char- les Eckert, at Saskatoon. Mrs. Eckert was born at Jamestown, one of the Mulligan family, well known here. Her husband Predeceased her, She is sur- vived by a family of five,three sons and two daughters, 'i!■III■Ili■I11■II!■IIIRIII■111■111■Illilll■ FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY 1I■III■III■111■111■III■III■III■III■III■III■I, for your entertainment pleasure in TORONTO Christmas Season CASA LOMA Christmas Fairyland —*— Christmas Season UNIVERSITY THEATRE My Fair Lady — 2:00 p.m. matinees daily during Christmas season —,------ Dec. 6 - Jan. 9 O'KEEFE CENTRE National Ballet of Canada —*— Dec. 12 -Jan. 2 ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE Second City —*— Dec. 31 -Jan. 9 CREST THEATRE A Severed Head _0_ To January 3 ART GALLERY Post Painterly Abstraction (Exhibition of 20th century art) —0— Jan. 5 - Jan. 8 MAPLE LEAF GARDENS Tournament of Champions Bonspiel, 8 of the World's Greatest Curling Rinks nimgai ijj■Ii!mIl!■I!1■!I!■nI■!1!■!! For`economy and friendly service plan to stay at Toronto's Lord Simcoe Hotel *conveniently located in the heart of downtown (at the subway) *single 6.50 to 10.50, double 10.50 to 14.50 *free overnight parking THE LORD SIMCOE II■III■III■111 HOTEL EL!11.In■n1■11 KING and UNIVERSITY Tel: 362-1848 Edited by MARY LOU JAMIESON W.D.H.S News and Views The Year Book staff is spon- soring a literary contest. The entries of prose or poetry are to be turned in to Mr. Morrison, the senior English teacher, by the beginning of the holidays, Cash prizes will be awarded on a Junior and Senior level, En- tries may be in French or Latin. The winning pieces of work will be published in the Year- book. It is hoped that there will be a good number of stu- dents participate in this pro- ject. 0--0--0 The Student Council is hav- ing a Christmas Prom on the 22nd of December. This is the last day of school before the holidays. The Marcadoes are playing for dancing from 9-1. It seems that the expenses for a formal hold back many students from corning so sever- al items have been banished in order to lower the costs and en- able more students to attend. The Council is going to supply the corsages for each girl. The boys will not have the expense of a corsage but the girl will still receive flowers which are one of the luxuries of a big dance, The dress is semi -for- mal, This does not mean that everyone has to have a new dress. Why riot get out last year's? Why not get out the sewing machine and make a new one or alter the old one? Proms are often thought of as stiff, straight-laced affairs. This need not be. It is up to the individual what kind of time he or she has. I hope many students will realize this fact and come to the Prom and enjoy themselves. A Christmas Toyland theme is being carried out in the de- corating of the gymnasium. Lunch will be served at the dance. The cost per couple is $2.50. This includes a small corsage for each girl. Boys, don't lose any time in arranging a date for this big dance. The 22nd will be here before we know it! Curling for beginners is every Monday and Wednesday after school and Saturday morn- ings, The schedule is arranged and all curlers are asked to fol- low it, The Purple house won the boys' volleyball championship for house -league sports during the first lunch. Congratulations boys. 0-0-0 On December 11 the Wing - ham Teen Town Council is holding a Christmas hop at the High School. 0--0--0 Helen Currie: How do you find this conversation? Mary Phillips: Like the wav- es of a sea. Helen: You mean you find it rolling, irresistible, vital--? Mary: No --it makes me sick. 0--0--o Anything you tell a woman goes in one ear and over the back fence. Anything you tell a man goes in one ear and out the oth- er. Real estate salesman to cou- ple: "This is truly a restricted development, No one is al- lowed to build a house they can afford!" Properly operated beater - defroster in the modern car is an important safety device in winter, to eliminate ice and fogging on the glass, ANYONE INTERESTED IN HIGHLAND DANCING LESSONS WILL COMMENCE ON SATURDAY, DEC. 11 AT 1:30 P.M. IN THE WINGIIAM TOWN COUNCIL CH th AMBERS Anyone interested should bring their children at this time. IF UNABLE TO ATTEND AT THIS TIME WRITE: LINDA YOUNG, 125 Wilson Street - Goderich, Ont. LESSONS — 75c DOUG HOWATT, of R. R. 1, B a 4-H certificate by assistant Don Pullen, for completing 1 He was the only one at the ored.—A-T Photo. elgrave, was presented with Agricultural Representative 2 projects during the year. achievement night so hon - Explorers Met Sunday Morning BLUEVALE- The Explorers met on Sunday when the roll call was answered with a Christ- mas hristmas hymn. Keith Elston took np the offering and it was dedi- cated edicated with prayer. The gifts the children had taken were dedicated. Mrs. Ross Gray continued the story, "The Golden Coin". The boys were helping to take lumber down the river for the hospital. They saw elephants, one of which was sick. They reached their village to find everything had a peculiar si- lence. Dod was met by a huge black elephant which chased him as he ran to the courtyard, and with his mother climbed a tree. The elephant was the one they had seen before and it had a sore foot. The keeper caught up with the beast just as it charged the tree. They gave the elephant a sedative to make it sleep. Choice of the Week Here are four used cars that would just love to snuggle up to your driveway. IF YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT A DIFFERENT UNIT YOU CANNOT GO WRONG WITH THESE FAMILY - LOVING SPECIALS. 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE A fine family Car 1959 METEOR 4 -Door SEDAN A popular model that will give years of (rouble -Free service. 1961 COMET Here's economy and comfort. Auto., 4 -Door, Radio and Seat Belts. 1957 PONTIAC 6 Cyl., 4 -Door Here is a dandy unit that's really clean and sharp. McCLURE MOTORS LTD. WINGHAM DIAL 357-3760 When the elephant hit the tree Dod's famous good luck charm was uprooted. When he opened the box and found the charm gone he realized that he didn't need a good luck charm. EXCHANGE GIFTS AT MISSION BAND BLUEVALE- The December meeting of the Mission Band of Knox Presbyterian Church took place Sunday morning with a very good attendance. The of- fering was received by Billy Kirton and dedicated with unison prayer. Mrs. Glenn McKercher assisted the children with the exchanging of gifts and distri- buted a chocolate bar to each member, the gift of the Explor- ers. Mrs. Ross Mann read Scrip- ture and a story, "Green Mitt- ens", taken from the Glad Tid- ings. Y.P.S. Donates To M&M Fund WHITECHURCII-On Tuesday evening the Y.P.S. met in the United Church Sunday School room. A song service was held with Mrs. Mitchell as pianist. It was decided to donate $10 to the. Presbyterian Church and the United Church for the M. and M. fund. A crokinole party is planned for Tuesday evening, December 8. The roll call was answered by 20 members. • The meeting was conducted by the Faith and rvangclisin committee. I'sigin Slcightholrt gave the call to worship and led in pryer. Christmas carol singing was enjoyed. Bill Wall gave the topic, "When Is Christmas?" saying that people start celebrating Christmas too soon attd by the time December 25 arrives they have forgotten the real Christ- was. -C linics were enjoyed with Mr. (tarry Chapman as super- visor. BLAZERS Multi - Color Tweeds English Herringbones YOUTHS' $14.99 to $29.50 MEN'S- $24.95 to $45.00 GIVE A GIFT Certificate AND BE CERTAIN 61p01111E0f•Y0 UR thIsCkkt6tfltD PULLOVERS in Banlon, Bulky Knit, Orlon and Wool, Cashmere & Wool Brushed $8.88 to $12.95 !CARDIGANS in Random Stripes, Andy Williams Stri- ped, 'Jacquered" pattern Orions $8.88 to $16.95 DRESS SHIRTS in a greater sel- ection •than ever. Slim Candy and modern Chalk Stripes - Printtt and Woven qualities - Pin Checks, Latest styling. $5.00 to $6.95 MSN HIGH 4ASHION OUTERWEAR Choose a Winter Jacket from our wide selection of SKI JACKETS, PILE LINED WOOL LAMINATED CAR COATS 100% Nylon, Antrons, Deep Pile "Borg" $9.99 to $29.95 PYJAMAS. We have a wide as- sortment of Men's Pyjamas that are certain to please any man. There's a wide assortment of colors, materials and styles. $3.99 to $7.50 PYJAMA and ROBE SETS Smart for leisure hrs. S13.95 SPORT SHIRTS make wonderful gifts that will serve the year around. We have a fine selection of Stripes, Plains, Two -Toned Knits, Checks and Plaids. Styled in tapered,regular and "Jack." $2.99 to $7.95 IIUA's BOYS'W AND QUALITY GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE IT MUST BE RIGHT OR WE'LL MAKE IT RIGHT OPEN: ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 'TIL CHRISTMAS