The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-11-19, Page 9PRESIDENT DAVE CROTHERS of the Wing -
ham Branch 180 of the Royal Canadian
Legion is pictured placing the Legion
wreath at the Cenotaph during Remem-
brance Day services last Wednesday.
—Advance -Times Photo.
bain AbbecncoZimit
Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 19, 1964 SECOND SECTION
by Bill °Smiley
A Source of Pride
No one who attended the commence-
ment exercises at the Wingham District
High School on Friday evening could
leave the building without a renewed
sense of pride in the young people who
will soon take the reins of responsibility
we now hold.
We have read so much in the past
years about the trouble -making teen-
agers that many of us begun to believe
all young people tend to be wayward. As
usual it is the troublesome few who make
the headlines. The vast majority of the
younger generation are hard-working,
responsible persons, with a sense of
values which is at least as high as those
their parents had at the same age — if
not higher.
Today's students, too, have a far keen-
er sense of the importance of education
than was the case 25 years ago. Most of
them know that the future will belong
quite unshakeably to those who prepare
for it.
As the long line of scholarship and
award winners was called to the platform
to receive various marks of achievement
everyone present was filled with a new
sense of hope and purpose that these
clean-cut kids are about to enter upon the
serious business of bringing progress and
improvement to an explosive, but very
interesting world.
Need for Skilled Labor
Addressing the Lions Club last Tues-
day evening H. E. Burgess, general man-
ager of Berry Door Co., Ltd., made some
interesting observations about the re-
wards and drawbacks of an industrial
operation in Wingham. Mr. Burgess
mentioned pointedly the fine co-operation
and loyalty his company has found in
is staff and community since establish-
ment here in 1956.
His words were an expression of
thought which appears to have been fore-
most with most Berry executives . . .
the desire not only to do business pro-
fitably herg, but to have the firm become
a responsible entity in the community
His talk also pointed to one of the
drawbacks to industrial growth here—the
lack of skilled labor. Mr. Burgess made
reference to the potential for skills train-
ing which now exists at the Wingham
District High School in its new vocation-
al wing.
It would be well for young people
who are not headed directly for academic
training to give serious thought to these
words. The speaker quite clearly spelled
out the future of his firm—expansion of
Berry Door as it moves into new lines of
production, such as truck and tractor
cabs, which are now being made in
Wingham. He made it equally plain that
the company will have a continuing and
increasing demand for skilled workmen
at increasingly rewarding pay rates.
Increase in Unemployment.
Last week's news told of increasing
unemployment figures and many a Can-
adian shuddered with the instinctive fear
which the mere mention of unemploy-
ment engenders.
Perhaps we would do well to examine,
however briefly, the term "unemploy-
ment." It became so familiar to many
of us during the great depression that we
may have failed to recognize the fact
that it no longer describes the desperate
conditions we knew in those bad old
Unemployment in the dirty thirties
meant hundreds of thousands of families
without any income whatsoever, living off
the meagre handouts of municipal relief.
It was embodied most dramatically in the
thousands of able-bodied but hopeless
young men who wandered the roads as
Today, however, unemployment fi-
gures are assembled largely from the
nominal roll of those persons who are
claiming unemployment insurance. This
list includes all t[...1 wives who have been
working until recently, but who, at the
same time, have husbands bringing in
quite adequate pay cheques. It also in-
cludes fishermen and other seasonal
workers who never did earn a living
wage in the winter months. In addition
the roll carries the names of goodness
knows how many wilful) malingerers who
don't intend to work any more than they
have to and who have discovered a hun-
dred and one ways to continue their un-
employment insurance benefits. Some
of these people are drawing retirement
pensions, some have been married for
months and are no longer eligible and
still others have "moonlight" jobs that
have not been revealed to the authorities.
We do not seek to minimize the worry
and privation of those who are honestly
and unavoidably without livelihood.
Their plight is a miserable one indeed.
But let us not get too panicky when we
read the unemployment figures. They are
not as drastic as they seem.
Successful Venture
Congratulations to the Harmony Men,
the Wingham chapter of barber shop
singers, who presented their first full-
` length show and received their charter
on Saturday evening. With an attendance
of almost 600 there was little doubt about
the interest the public has in this form
of entertainment.
This particular form of musical ex-
pression requires precision which can
only be achieved through constant prac-
tice. The fact that the men sounded well
on stage indicates months of concen-
trated work. They love it and they give
their best to it.
One of the men who was connected
with ticket sales has pointed out that
though there was a very good crowd in
attendance, the bulk of it came from out-
side the town of Wingham. The remark
recalled a situation which developed here
about 13 years ago, when the community
programs branch had to drop its concert
series in Wingham for lack of interest.
It would almost appear we are not strong
on music appreciation here, in either
classical or popular fields.
Outlook Bright
With economic expansion well into its
fourth year, says "Industry," it's not sur-
prising that some people should be won-
dering about the outlook for the Canadian
economy in the year ahead. The word
of experts who have so far committed
themselves is reassuring.
A survey of members of the Industrial
Economists' Forum of the Canadian
Manufacturers' Association shows a big
majority predicting that the gross nation-
al product in 1965 will again increase by
at least five percent.
Of 14 economists covered by the sur-
vey, all but four predict that the level of
industrial production will be higher at
the end of next year than it is today.
Published at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited
W. Barry Wenger, President - Robert 0, Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation; Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associ-
ation; Member Canadian Community Newspapers Representatives
Authorized by the Post Office Department as Second Class Mail and
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Subscription Rate:
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U.S.A.—$5.O0 per year; Foreign rate—$5.00 per year
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Speak French And Be Slapped
Do you think those separatists
in Quebec might ,shut up about
the whole thing if ;all the rest of
us learned to speak French
fluently enough to" give them a
good cussing out in their native
If this is a solution, let's get
cracking. But I don't think it
can be accomplished under our
present system of learning the
language. We are getting a
great many teachers of French
these days who can actually
speak the language. But the sys-
tem prevents them from passing
it along to others.
As a prominent educator said
the other day, "We take kids
from immigrant families who
speak poor English. We teach
them French badly, encourage
them to forget their native
tongue, whatever it is, and wind
up with youngsters who are illi-
terate in three languages."
I know from experience. My
mother had to go to a French-
speaking school as a child. She
learned the language with the
ease all children have in grasp-
ing a tongue. All her life she
could rattle it off like a habi-
On the other hand, I studied
French for five years in high
school and four years in Univer-
sity. Nine years. Enough time,
you'd think, to learn to speak
French backwards. And that is
exactly how I speak it.
Perhaps the worst feature of
the teaching of French in this
country is the false confidence
it engenders after exposure to
a few years of it. You can
spiel off a couple of sentences
without stumbling, and you be-
gin to think you're a regular
Maurice Chevalier.
I remember one time in Brus-
sells. My young brother was
with me. The only French he
knew was crude, useless stuff
like, "Bebe, je t'aime" and
"Voulez-vous de bully -beef ou
des nylons?"
In contrast, I had a solid
grounding of high school
French, and had been living on
the continent for a couple of
months, speaking the real thing.
So we met this young lady and
her friend. She was belle, but
her pal was beaucoup. This was
my chance. In my impeccable
Grade 12 French, I stepped up
to the doll and informed her of
her ravishing beauty, her ineffa-
ble form, and her distinguished
intelligence. She listened cour-
teously, turned to her friend,
and shrugged hugely. My broth-
er said, "Come on, babe", and
away they marched arm in arm.
I was left to follow with the fat
A similar experience caused
me to forswear French for life.
It occurred in Lille, France,
soon after the city had been li-
berated from the Germans.
It happened in a night club.
The locals were very happy
about liberation and the troops
were very happy about the lo-
cals. Everyone was dancing
with the French girls, even their
French boy friends were beam-
I spotted a lulu, dark, charm-
ing, intelligent enough to appre-
ciate the fact that I, almost
alone among the invaders,
spoke fluent French. As I ap-
proached the table, she smiled
a welcome, and her escort, a
handsome French lad, jumped
up, grinned, and shook hands.
So, in my flawless French, I
asked her for a dance. At least
I'll swear that's what I asked
her. She turned white and
slapped my face. Her boy
friend simultaneously turned red
and tried to kick me in the
I still don't know what I said
to her, but I've never taken a
chance since. On the rare occa-
sions, nowadays, when I have
enough money to eat in a place
where the menu is in French, I
study it carefully for ten min-
utes or so, then inform the wait-
er, in pure Canadian English,
that I'll have the roast beef.
There's always Rosbif.
The only solution is to teach
our kids French when they're
learning to speak English. That
way, little boys will avoid hav-
ing their faces slapped for no
earthly reason. And little girls
will learn to say "Non" and
"Oui" and "Peut-etre" in two
GORRIE-A presentation was
held in the Community Hall
recently for Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Collyer (Sandra Edgar)
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ste-
vens (Evelyn Anne Stephens).
Donald Whitfield read the ad-
dress and Misses Nadine Cooke
and Carol Keil presented them
with gifts of money.
Wilbces Orchestra supplied
music for dancing.
A general meeting of the
new riding of North Huron, as
outlined by the redistribution
act of the last regular session
of Parliament, will be held in
Industry Hall, Blyth, on the af-
ternoon of Tuesday, November
17th, commencing at 2 o'clock.
Officers for the new riding are
to be elected and a new con-
stitution adopted.
On Thursday afternoon, Mrs.
W.R. Dyer received at her
home on Josephine street for
the first time since coming to
Wingham, and notwithstanding
the disagreeable weather, a
large number of ladies called
to extend a cordial welcome to
Mrs. Dyer. The drawing -room
was very prettily decorated with
ferns and pink and white carna-
tions. Mrs. Richard Clegg re-
ceived with Mrs. Dyer. The
ladies were ushered to the tea
room by Mrs. C. P. Smith.
Miss Matthews poured tea be-
ing assisted by Misses Edna
Swarts and Miriam Smith. Lit-
tle Miss Louise Johnston opened
the door for the guests. Mrs.
Dyer will in future receive on
the first Thursday of each
Dr. T. G. Wilson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson, of
this town, has located in
Moorefield, where he will prac-
tice his profession.
Mr. F. McConnell, auction-
eer, has leased the large store
in the Tamlyn Block and will
use same for •r general auction
First Book. Scott Reid, Pa-
tricia Parker, Maxine VanNess,
Marion Hughes, Lloyd Hutton,
Jean Boyce, Lillian Howard,
Esther Buckley, Lucille White,
Betty Rae, Robert Casemore,
Charlie Wellwood, Ruth Ham-
ilton, Jean Thompson, Mary
Elizabeth McKibbon, Lorraine
Andrews, Harold Ross, Kath-
leen Patterson, Edythe Camp-
bell, Doris Fitt, Adelcnc Van-
sickle, Billy Groves, Elma At-
wood, Russell Zurbrigg, Chas.
Baskerville, Mary Thompson,
Evelyn Edgar, Ella Buckley,
Margaret Marsh, Rena Elliott,
Charlie Ross, Billie Kennedy,
Kathleen Saint, Gordon Hclm.
Miss P. Johns, teacher,
Primary, Hilda Brown, Fen-
ton Barnes, Donald Adams,
Harold Cantclon, Bertha Case -
more, Virginia Currie, Chester
Campbell, Reggie Collar, Nor-
een Benedict, Billy Burgess,
Lyle Patterson, Gertrude Finley,
Jack Fraser, Roy Dark, Nora
Finley, Mabel Campbell, Wil -
One Moment,
Wingham, Ontario
I think that in a religious
person, we should expect to
find a certain natural quality,
namely emotional maturity.
An emotionally mature person
is that person who has reached
a stage of reasonableness, .He
is developed emotionally. He
has acquired by this time inhis
life certain qualities which
make it possible for him to
live at peace with himself and
to work in peace with others.
The first element in this
virtue is unselfishness, He is
not selfish, but he is thoughtful
now of others. He is able to
give now compared to the
childish desire to receive. The
selfish person on the emotional
level chooses to remain a child
Men fail in business and in
marriage because they think
only of themselves, and have
no regard for the feelings and
desires of others. Often the
selfish person disguises his sel-
fishness with excuses such as
"I must protect my rights, " "I
must take care of my health."
The religious person must try
to grow up. St. Paul says that
we should put away the things
of a child.
Another element we should
find in a mature person is the
sense of responsibility. A ma-
ture person is group conscious.
He is loyal to his family,
church, employer. He wants
to promote the good of the
group. A married man realizes
he is part of the family. The
interests of the family are his
interests. He will not abandon
his family; he works hard for
them. He has a sense of duty.
A religious person must
strive for some degree of emo-
tional maturity.
Spring Election
Quite Likely
Probabilities now point to
another federal election by May
or June of next year --if not
earlier. That is not conjecture.
It is the careful conclusion of
an experienced and widely re-
spected observer on Parliament
Hill, John Bird.
Beginning a new series of
comment for The Financial
Post on Canada's political scene,
Mr. Bird predicts that parlia-
mentary pandemonium now
present and still to come will
force an election sooner than
most Canadians expect. What
would the present government
face the electorate with? There
are too many half -stalled poli-
cies, too few clear victories
and too many parliamentary
gaffs for the Pearson adminis-
tration to risk standing on its
record alone. A plan to cut
taxes might well prove to be
the motherlode of political
wisdom in election time.
Whether even another elec-
tion will send back a House with
the collective ability --and
will --to get on with the job is
very much a question mark,
says Bird. Even if the country
is not split on English versus
French lines; even if one party
is returned with a working ma-
jority, there is no guarantee the
House will be allowed to be-
come businesslike --although
surely we may hope for this. As
things stand now, even if the
government has a majority the
Opposition can call a slow-
down if it is determined to do
so. Even against a majority,
the Opposition can hold up mo-
ney supplies; drag its feet on
estimates ( unless a time limit
is hereafter set on these by the
rules, as in the 13ritish House);
and it can drag out debates
(unless new rules are adopted to
cut their length,by agreement).
ford Emond, Donelda Hender-
son, Jean Lee, Frances Lock-
cridge, John Lee, MacKenzie
Habkirk, Betty Lloyd, Kenneth
Jackson, Kenneth Johnson, Bil-
lie Harris, Dorothy Mellor,
Wilfred Mintz, Olive Plaskett,
Helen Patterson, Laura Pattison..,
Jim Schaffter, Noel Stephenson,
Marion Templeman, Helen
Smith, Maxine White, Bill
Seddon, Betty Saint, 13111 Stur-
dy, Arnold Stoakley, Carl Van-
ner, Jeanne VanNorman, Jack
Wilson, 13i11 Smith. Teacher,
A. G. Williamson.