HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-11-19, Page 8rr el, To Hold dance $12 0p0 in Scholarships in December ,r c, x • •. , . .' • 1,7% • s i ?: FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Low Interest Rates Budget Tailored Terms Experienced Fast Service VICTORIA and GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND r..tins: 'A 1 r .:.,.r..:, ..:, ..,. , WHITE GIFT SERVICE FOR CHILDREN'S AID 1. s• Li: r,', * *r• .1......tS,..' .t , • -, ,lc :L Yr a: .i:(..R f f that a pot 14 r, r.r:..,t,..a. ..:r.s,rt f, Iso; r a :r.'Mt ZZ at ' %orf t rs' L il. Corr+rr...tj:f:s appo.nted were: Hall, M:.. Leslie Bolt; tree, George Johnston; d(;,or- atior: , Hi -C Group; candy :fir„ I.r: ri L:' '?Lrrieli',�13re, Mrs. Jarrt : Coultes; play c ornrr,ittef , Mr;. George Mi - ohm, Lewis Ccio,e, Mn. Cliff • Walsh; ;arta Claus suit, Mrs. Cliff Logan; table committee, Ross Anderson, Harold Vincent; tea ar.d coffee, Mr,. Robert Grad -,y, Mrs. Clarence Hanna. The: teachers of the junior :un - day school will look after the numbers frr,rn that department. It was derided tc, hold a White (,ift service ori Decem- ber Fath with the gifts to go to the Children's Aid Society at Goderich. - -Mr. and Mrs, Bob Ahara, Mary and Ted, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Campbell were recent visitors in Shedden where they visited Mr. AAatthew Ahara Sr., on the occasion of his 82nd birthday. contracting Business FOR SALE W. G. WHYTE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED WILL ACCEPT FIRM OFFERS TO PURCHASE. This company has had a consistently high annual contract gross, details of which will be available to prospective purchasers. The offer includes good will, vehicles and com- plete construction equipment. CONTACT: W. G. WHYTE Box 398 — WINGHAM — Phone 357-1174 from CRAWFORD MOTORS 1964 DODGE 8 -AUTOMATIC, very low mileage. 1963 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN STATION WAGON Low mileage. 1962 DODGE 8, Automatic, radio. 1961 METEOR 4 -DOOR. 8. Automatic. 1958 DODGE SUBURBAN STATION WAGON 8, Automatic, Radio. 1958 DODGE 4 -Door 1957 DODGE 4 -Door 1957 FORD STATION WAGON LEN CRAWFORD Morons Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler - Valliant boater. JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM Phone 357'4862 Pi.`w£ "VE D't'"eG;MAS J. Fort.ne, ! ,'aid rr:e;rr - .'.r, and E. ''.Eider:ort of the: re a cr .rig staff presented seated hay ".F c odar1 ':.1: Graduat:rip: ixo,onnas for ger,c;ral arid ,c c•- tr.,•r*,.al to the following: Fredt;r;cr A:r.,rri, Kenneth !•.ilio fry« Edna :.^+ae Armstrong, Donald Rate:::arn Dog/as Bie- :r, ars, Ke.tl lsor.L , Raymond Bronson, S<:rtdra r:ameron, Lr .,glas Carr:pe;ll, Harold Carr:p;ell, inti. Casagrande, 'i:orr.as Chettlt.burgl1, Terrence Cli.`t, Charles C.:ongram, Roth Co•:ltes, Mary Craig, ()lira Crawford, Jane Cr..kshank, Gail Dinsmore, Wayne Douglas, Ca- therine Edgar, Nancy Elliott, Eleanore Errannon, "Wayne Far- rier, Carolyn Forster, Patricia Cadre, Martin Garniss, Marion Green, Ps/..E.: Marie Hallahan, A11ari Harrison, Kenneth liarri- vin, Mary Haugh, Dianne Hew- itt, Sharon Horton, Myrna Irel-- land. Mary Lou Jamieson, Linda Johnston, Esther Kerr, Karen Kilpatrick, David Krauter, Mary Joan Lapp, Robert Lunn, Sandra MacDonald, Glen Machan, Brenda MacLennan, Connie MacPae, Gisele Manjin, Mar- lene Martin, Jane McAfee,Ruth Anne McGlynn, Douglas Mc- Taggart, Terry Merkley, Ber- nard Meurs, Elaine Meyer, Shirley Millen., William Mit- chell, Peter Mulvey. Shirley Newbold, Margaret O'Malley, Frances Paulin, Bruce Parker, Mary Phillips, Cherrie Pidgeon, Russell Press, Faye Procter, Joyce Procter, Murray Procter, Katherine Reid, Donald Ritchie, James Robin- son, Shirley Ross, Marlene Rus- sell. Mary Ann Schaefer, Nancy Scott, Elgin Sleightholm, Mary Slosser, Floyd Smith, Doreen Smyth, William Smyth, Louis Stadelmann, Fraser Strong, Jo- anne Strong, Donald Taylor, James Taylor, Linda Temple- man, Dianne Tenpas. Tina Van de Kemp, Joan Verbeek, William. Wall, John Watson, Linda Webber, Donald Whitfield, Sharon Wilkinson, John Willis, Ruth Winger, Lorna Woods, Lynne Wright. HONOUR CERTIFICATES The Secondary School Hon- our Graduation diplomas were presented by Dr. W. A. Mc- Kibbon of the board and Mrs. C. Campbell of the staff: Wayne Caslick, Brenda Con- ron, Linda Coultes, Marie Coultes, Alexander Hamilton, Neal Hardie, Kenneth Harrison, Gail Henderson, Kathleen Hod- gins, Paul Jardin, WilliamJef- fray, Patrick King, Alan Mac- Rae, John Madill, Wayne Mar- tin, Donald McDowell, Judith McKibbon, Adeline McKinney, Lucille Merkley, Angela Mitch- ell, Elaine Moffat, Elwin Moore, Hugh Mundell, Claudia Norminton, Thomas Powell, Douglas Procter, Susanne Rey- nolds, Patricia Ross, Helen Run- stedtler, Larry Simpson, Gerald Thomas, Julia Thornton. PROFICIENCY AWARDS Murray Cardiff presented proficiency awards: (the name of the donor appears after that of the winner.) Grade IX Proficiency, Lynda Reavie, by R.11. Lloyd; Grade XI Commercial, Ruth McTag- gart, 13 and PW Club; Grade XI Shorthand, Linda Ortlicb and Irma Bernard, Mrs. M. Chopin; Special Commercial, Linda s err p 9ernan f y Jar., :a:•c J; orsmrzer:..? Typing, w,:ar Crag b1: r.A ,s. .. Mc- i•:.er^on; Grade t:. ,:;rr: e Ec- *,r.,r:..cs, Tina V,'E.r. f e Kerry /r rigr.am W. 1.; Jill ..cr..e, Ruth Cas.,-,;:::.r.de in rr.er o:1 of W, A. •al,ra.th; Grade XIII Profic. .o , W' ayne Casl• _r, F. R. l:'. ;•o',; Grade XIII English, Way's; Caslice, Mr-. M. Cleland; Grade XIII History, Elwin Mc<s,re, E.S. Copeland; Grade .I.I French, , Wayne Calick, b•. M. Cardiff; Grade XI11 Latin, `.•:a-,ne Cas- li( r, by Dr, W. A. McKibbon Grade XIII Biolog.. Claudia Norminton, by W. s. Hall; Grade XIII Genesi Proficiency, Susanne Reynolds, 7,y W. H. French; Grade XIII General Proficiency, Alex Hamilton, by F.G. Madill, Grade X1II Physical Sciences, Patrick King. by John Pattison; Grade XIII Mathematics, Patrick King, by J. 11. Crawford. Lloyd Casemore presented Lois Ferguson with the Wing - ham Lions Club award for pro- ficiency in Grade X. The Grade XI award, donated by E. Gregory and presented by Al- bert Worrall, went to Doris Ross. Grade XII (general) was won by Ruth Casagrande and was pre- sented by Herbert Fuller on be- half of Berry Door Co., Ltd. The Lloyd -Truax Co, Ltd. award for Grade XII (commer- cial) was won by Linda Webber, who was not present. Frances Paulin accepted Miss Webber's award from D. C. Nasmith. SCHOLARSHIPS Other presentations were the WDHS Board Scholarship, pre- sented to Wayne Caslick by Gordon Moir; London Free Press Award to Elwin Moore, pre- sented by Ivor Williams, Lon- don Free Press managing editor; OAC Alumni Foundation Schol- arships to Claudia Norminton and Thomas Powell, by Douglas Miles; W. Clark Isbister Mem- orial Scholarship in Applied Science and Engineering to Pat- rick King, by F. E. Madill; Wingham Kinette Club Scholar- ship to Susanne Reynolds,, by Mrs. R. O. Wenger; Canada Packers Award to Alex Hamil- ton, by D. M. Maltby; Dr. A. J. Irwin Scholarships to Ruth Casagrande, Brenda MacLen- nan and James Robinson, by J. Taylor; Grade XII French Awards to Sandra Cameron, Ruth Casagrande, Brenda Mac- Lennan, James Robinson and Marlene Russel, donated and presented by Miss K. McGregor; WDHS Staff Awards to Ruth Casagrande, James Robinson and Ruth McTaggart, presented by K.E. Wood; Students' Council Award to Judith Mc- Kibbon, presented to Jim Na - smith. The N. J. Welwood Trophy to the best boy athlete was won by Don McDowell and the J.P. McKibbon Trophy for the best girl athlete went to Dianne De - yell. The presentations were made by R. A. Campbell and Miss W. Munro. VALEDICTORY Vice -Principal R. P. Ritter introduced the valedictorian, Wayne Caslick, Mr. Ritter spoke highly of Wayne's schol- astic standing. He is attending the University of Western On- tario this year in a general pro- gram and plans to go into an Honours History course next year. The valedictorian mention- ed the many changes that took L.' f' SITTING SERVICES t N. tr f - I✓ CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS IN WINGHAM STARTS DECEMBER list AT THE TOWN HALL 2 P.M to 5 P.M. DAILY Compliments of The Wingham Business As oci,tion FREE place at the school darn g the ;ears the graduating class at- tended. When they entered high school tie first r;ev, addition was being tdaailt. Last spring, 2,2 the final year fol the graduates, the vocational v, ing was completed, The school has doe -led -.+ size dur- ing the past f.ve years. The !pearser said that the graduates will follow the school's progress with interest. Wayne mentioned that most of his class have already had a taste of their newt phase of learning. There are many changes to which they must adjust. Included in these changes is new-found independ- ence and making their own de- cisions. Wayne said they Iea- lize now that the guidance and attention they received from rea:.hers and parents was to prepare thein for this new phase of life. "We will not let you down," he promised. The valedictorian thanked the teachers for their discipline, tolerance and sense of humor, He thanked parents for standing by, for encouragement, faith and love and the sacrifices they have made and are still making. He compared the stu- dent to a gas engine, He said, "We received the credit but without fuel supplied by the teachers and lubrication by par- ents through love, to make the engine run smoothly the goal would not have been achieved." Wayne encouraged those still in school to continue their education. He said if they en- tertain thoughts that university is not as difficult as Grade XIII they will find out differently. He said, however, that the work is interesting and many fields are opened up through the social, religious and ath- letic clubs, all of which help to round out the student. FIVE ONT. SCHOLARS Dr. Turner presented the certificates to the five Ontario Scholarship winners. He pointed out that many schools two and three times the size of W . D. H. S. , would be proud to have as many Ontario Scholars. He said this is a commendable record and it will not be easy for those who follow to mea- sure up to this year's accom- plishments. The winners were Wayne Caslick, Patrick King, Elwin Moore, Claudia Nor- minton and Susanne Reynolds. In addition to the scholar- ships already mentioned, Wayne Caslick and Elwin Moore earned University of Western Ontario Board of (,overuora' scholarships. Linda Coulter, and Wayne Martin received Atkinson Charitable Foundation Bursaries. Dominion -Provincial ,tu- dent Aid bursaries were re- ceived by Wayne Caslielc, Lin- da Goultes, Donald McDowell, Judith l,ItKihhon, Adeline Mc Kinney, Wayne Martin, 'Mos, Powell, Douglas, Proc.tc•r and 1:1'• win Moore, Patrick King and Claudia Norminton were awarded Car" ter Scholarships late last week, Patrick was second for Huron County and Claudia was third. RACKACHE Whorl kl4nayr fill t4 tamwa Mkptlp uoldu sad wi,taa, biottiolio.Atrad tiaiinfl-.' dluturbid rout niton may tallow. Dod4'M Kldnay PIIJ. atlnwloto tddnaya to normio duly. You foul *OW. OOP4wra, work bptta. bQ Ood4"s Pills G. A, WILLIAMS, D.D. Optometrist M 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 THE Wingham Photo Studio HAS REOPENED AT A NEW LOCATION in the old Singer Sewing Centre j< next door to Miller's Ladies' Wear MAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOW,, • for CHRISTMAS ;i,» PORTRAITS The Ideal Gift PHONE 357-1851 NOW ! ATTENTION .. . All Curlers! BRUSSELS AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITY HAVE FORMED A NEW CURLING CLUB FOR THE BRUSSELS ARENA. Beginners will receive instructions throughout Dec- ember with scheduled games starting in January. Curling Each Tuesday and Wednesday Fees for Season—Men $20.00, Women $10.00 COME AND ENJOY THIS FAST GROWING WINTER SPORT. LIBERTY FIVE -PIECE DINETTE SUITE Large 36 x 48 x BRONZETONE SUITE FEATURES: TABLE—Medium walnut woodgrain with ex- clusive inlays. CHAIRS -- Exclusive design in mushroom beige with brown trim Bolta-flex. Easy Credit Terms ON PURCHASES CAN BE ARRANGED 60 Table 119Z END OF LINE CLEARANCE REDUCED TO 49'95 WALKER NOME FURNISH1NGS JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM PHONE 357-1430