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U.C.W. and Guests See
Pictures of Holy Land
fall Thankoffering was held in
the school room, which was
bedecked with mums last Wed-
nesday. Mrs. Millan Moore
;velcomed members frorn Cal-
vin -Brick, Wingham, Bluevale,
and the Presbyterian W. M.S.
'"Mrs. Moore conducted the
devotions and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz
offered prayer. Mrs. Claude
Coffin and Mrs. Dan Tiffin sang,
"Lift t'p Thine Eyes". They
were accompanied by Mrs. Gar-
net Farrier.
Mrs. Moore introduced her
brother, Rev. Robert Watt of
Trinity Church, Toronto. Mr.
and Mrs. Watt had been sent
to the Holy Land last summer
by their congregation and he
showed slides of their trip and
places they visited.
Egypt is taking great strides
forward, which was clearly
shown in pictures of the old and
new sections of Cairo. There
were pictures of Mohammedans
preparing to enter a mosque by
removing their shoes and of the
mosque Itself; camels with
heavy loads; goat herds and
shepherds leading their flocks.
Mount Nebo was shown as
Mr. Watt recited a verse of
"The Burial of Moses". The
shores of the Jordan River, bar-
ren except for cedar trees; or-
ange trees laden with fruit at
Elisha's well; and parts of the
Wall of Jericho were shown.
Mr. Watt had pictures of the
great man-made water reser-
voirs, the caves where the
scrolls were recently found and
where John the Baptist may well
have been in his time.
The Hills of Bethlehem and
the Church of the Nativity,
where a star marks the place of
the Saviour's birth were inter-
esting. The 2, 725 feet Mount
of Olives, the gate of Damas-
cus and a church which marks
the spot of the home of Mary
and Martha were shown. The
tomb of Lazarus is light-
ed with tapers.
Old olive trees in the Garden
of Gethsemane were seen and a
church in the garden, which is
still in use as a place of wor-
ship. The golden gates through
which Jesus was led on Palm
Sunday, the street through
which He carried His cross, the
place of the crucifixion, gar-
den of Joseph of Aramathea
and Jesus' tomb took the au-
dience to the scene of the
greatest events to take place in
Mr. Watt preached in a cha-
pel on the shore of Galilee
while he was there. They rose
in the morning to see the sun-
rise on the Sea of Galilee.
There had been no rain from
Easter to July.
Other places shown included
Athens, Greece, Mars Hill,
the Canadian Embassy and ruins
of Corinth.
Mrs. George Mitchell thank-
ed Mr. Watt and lunch was
served to about 70 people after
Rev. Mitchell closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
East Wawanosh Council
Mason Robinson acted in
the absence of the reeve when
East Wawanosh Township met
last week.
Councillors Coultes and Pat-
tison moved that a by-law be
passed that the municipal li-
brary at the arena, as a cen-
tennial project, not exceed
$1, 000.
There was one appeal at the
court of revision on the assess-
ment roll. The assessment was
reduced $150 on the part lot 41,
concession 8 appeal and a re-
duction of $50 was made in the
land of north half 34, con. 6.
The $8.00 dog tax on the 1961
collector's roll was written off.
C. W. Hanna, salary,
$192.95, bills paid $6.07,
$199.02; Alan McBurney, wages
$204.95, truck and chainsaw
$22.00, $226.95; W. E. Hal-
lahan, scraper, $525.00; Harry
Williams, fuel, etc, $128.77;
Almond Jamieson, 62i hrs.
loading, $468.75; Campbell's
Garage, socket etc, $3.88;
Garth Walden, moving gravel,
$138.37; Snell Feed & Supply
Ltd., wire, $1.77; Alexander
Hardware, wire, $8.76; Robert
Marshall, digging post holes,
318.00; Dominion Road Ma-
;hinery Co. , $28.82; G. Ross
Anderson, supplies, $7.83;
Harold R. Congram, backhoe,
$25.00; Joe Kerr, gravel,
$487.90; Wingham Tire Ser-
vice, 4 new tires and repairs,
$937.52; Walter Brown, 21hrs.
with truck, $94.50; Ross Jam
ieson, gravel and labor with
ruck, $167.40; Receiver- Gener-
il of Canada, income tax,
Village of Blyth, charge
)ack relief, $27.00; Mrs.Jean
McKay, patient at Brookhaven,
$122.25; Ernest Snell, select-
ing jurors, $4.00; R. H. Thomp
son, selecting jurors $5.00,
Reg. by-law $11.00; $16.00;
Kenneth McDougall, selecting
jurors $4.00, assessor's school
$5.00, salary assessor $500.00,
$554.00; Peter Brommer, fox
bounty, $4.00; Almond Jam-
ieson, work at park, $30.00;
Edward A. Elliott, premium
collector's bond, $22.50.
Ladies' Guild
Holds Meeting
BELGRAVE—The Ladies'
Guild of Trinity Anglican
Church met at the home of
Mrs. Archie Montgomery and
Mrs. A. Jackson on Thursday.
The president, Mrs. Clare Van -
Camp, opened the meeting
with a hymn and prayer. Mrs.
Robert Procter read the Scrip-
ture lesson.
Plans were made for the fall
bazaar to be held in the Fores-
ters' Hall, on November 14,
and plans were made for cater-
ing to the Soil and Crop Im-
provement Association banquet
on November 26.
Mrs. Cora McGill was con-
vener for the program. Music
was supplied by Mrs. Bert Jack-
son and Mrs. Archie Montgom-
ery. The roll call was answer-
ed with a verse for Remem-
brance Day. Mrs. Bert Jackson
gave a reading, "The First
Christian Church".
The monthly draw was won
by Mrs. Alex Nethery. Rev.
Robert Meally closed the meet-
ing with prayer. Grace was
sung and the hostesses served
Toys from Socks
Shown at W.I.
WROXETER—The Wroxeter
Women's Institute met at the
home of the Misses Elsie and
Marion Gibson last Tuesday af-
Mrs. Wm. Wright was in the
president's chair and opened the
meeting with a few words,
"Thoughts of Yesterday, Today
and Tomorrow", and welcomed
all present.
Mrs. Wes Heimpel gave a
reading, "I Don't Want to Grow
Old Gracefully''. The roll call,
"a penny for each inch of your
waist line", added a nice
amount for good cheer work.
A demonstration on sock
toys was given by Mrs. Wm.
Wright and Mrs, Wes Heimpel
with most of the members tak-
ing part.
The "Question Box" in which
each member had a written
household question brought out
many excellent questions and
answers. A paper was also read
by Miss Elsie Gibson on the
most common problem at this
time of year, "The Cluster
The leadership course on
block printing which was at-
tended by Mrs. Wes Heimpel
and Mrs. Harvey Timm was
explained by Mrs. Heimpel.
Mrs. Ronald McMichael played
piano music.
Mrs. A. Munro thanked all
who had helped make the meet-
ing a success and the Misses
Gibson for opening their home.
The hostesses for the afternoon
were Mrs. L. VanVelsor and
Miss Marion Gibson.
"Any big men born around
here?" asked the tourist."Nope,'
replied the native. "Best we
can do is babies. Different in
the city, I suppose."
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