HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-11-12, Page 11CURLING CAPSULES 8y Ernie Richardson • Wingham Advance-Tirnes, Thursday, Nov. 12, 1964 - Page 11 Newest selection of Slippers & Snow Boots for the whole family. CALLAN SHOES -7Iv YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 Save Bottles and Baskets for Junior Conservation Club Collection , Saturday, Nov. 14 elliliallimpsosammassemaseawassamoorammadesimialoodwaMMIT W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 7 CROWN THEATRE HA" 'ISTON THUR.-FRI: SAT. NOV. 12-13-14 —A repeat performance— "BRIDGE ON THE RIVER HWAI" In Color — Starring WILLIAM HOLDEN - ALEC GUINESS - JACK HAWKINS If you missed it before see it • now—If you saw it before see it again. Note—Due to the length of this feature there will be one show each evening starting at 7.15. You can stial come as late as 8:30 and see the complete fea- ture. On Friday and Saturday • nights only there will be two complete shows at 7:15 and 9:50. MON.-TUES.-WEDNESDAY NOV. 16-17-18 "THE VISIT" Starring INGRRD BERGMAN and ANTHONY QUINN She had everything a rich wo- man could want — except her lover's death. ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS 11 YEARS Of AG! OR OVER Show Time -7:15 and 9:15 p.m. • 111111I1111111111111I111I11111I iiiiiu1111111111111a1II111I111III®Itiiiii11I II7811I111111111I11III111111111I If anyone should ask, we Richardsons would rather fight than switch to anything but a 1965 Canadian Brier Curling Championship. This is by way of intro- ducing another series of my curling columns which will contain gener- al information, plans for our team and instruc- tions for curlers of all types. We would like to have curlers from across Ca- nada help us make these columns entertaining by presenting their ques- tions which we hope to be able to answer to the sa- tisfaction of all from time to time during the season. There is a question members of our rink have been asked many times since last March. It is the embarrassing one, what happened to the Richardsons in Char- lottetown? That's a good question? The logical answer of course is that we didn't make as many shots as that fellow from British Columbia L y a 11 Dagg did. NOT ENOUGH Without offering any excuses, I think those who saw us curl there would agree that we didn't curl well enough to win the Brier and no one knew it better than our- selves. That isn't to say we were overconfident, but with a'1 those good rinks LYCXUM SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357-1630 NOVEMBER 12-13-14 "BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI„ Colour - CinemaScope — Starring: William Holden, Alec Guiness and Jack Hawkins This is one of the greatest war dramas ever produced, and we are delighted to be able to bring it back to Wingham for a second time. You'll agree once you see it that it deserves all seven of the Academy Awards it received. Due to its length there will only be one show each night starting at the regular time of 7:15, but you can come as late as 8:30 and see the com- plete feature. • SATURDAY MATINEE NOVEMBER 14 "THE 3 STOOGES MEET HERCULES" ` MON.-TUES.-WED. NOVEMBER 16-17-18 "GIGOT" Colour — Starring: Jackie Gleason, Katherine Kath This comedy -drama is entertainment for all. Came out and help the Wingham Minor Hockey Association, who are sponsor- ing this show on Monday and Tuesday nights. THURS.-FRI.-SAT. NOVEMBER 19-20-21 "HEY THERE IT'S YOGI BEAR" Colour — Starring: Yogi Bear and Boo Boo Theatre Gift Certificates available at: LYCEUM BOX OFFICE AND WARREN HOUSE /III111III11I)I■11111111EISISIS Ilwl IIK1IAf II111III11IIIwIIl.1ll11111111I Its1111111ti11ll IAI I ISI in the competition I don't see how anyone could feel it would be easy. Nevertheless I must say we went into our fifth Brier more relaxed than any other we had played in. Too relaxed as it turned out. The fact that we got away to a good start ap- parently lulled us into thinking it wouldn't be as tough to win as the oth- ers. Even our loss to Jack Polybank of North- ern Ontario didn't shock us out of it. But we had our chance later and couldn't take advantage of it in our head-to-head battle with Dagg. He got the jump on us and then just wouldn't leave the door open for us to make a comeback. He beat us at our own game of applying the pressure until the other fellow makes the mis- take is- take s. This time we made the mistakes. It was the first time our rink had lost a Brier in five straight years, but if anything I think it will help make us more deter- mined curlers this year. The thin line between victory and defeat is one of the many features that go into making curling a great game. Even when you win the top prize in the country you can look back and recall at least a dozen games along the way when you had to make that last shot with the last stone on the final end or be eliminated. That kind of situation, such as a simple takeout, can be easy in a club game, but in a Canadian championship match that rock can look awfully small when you have to hit it to win and stay al- ive. In the 1964 Brier play - downs I think we hit our peak in the Saskatchew- an No rt h -South final against Moe Valade of Saskatoon. In that final our third man Arnold Richardson curled a per- fect 100 percent in the first game and 96 percent in the second to pace the victories. None of us went below 85 percent. There will be a change in the rink this season with Mel Perry replacing Wes Richardson at lead Mel took over in 1963 when Wes had to sit out for a year with a back in- jury. With Mel we took the Brier and Scotch Cup. This combination might just be successful again and from the standpoint of our desire to win this could be our biggest year. Bridge Club The. Bridge Club results for last Thursday were as follows: North and South: Mrs. D. Nasmith and W. H. French, first; Mrs. A. R. DuVal and W. Laidlaw, second. East and West: Mrs. W. 11. French and Mrs. G. Godkin, first; Mrs. R. 1. Lloyd and C. Hodgins, second. Mrs. F. A. Parker and Mrs. D. B. Port- er, third. Psychiatrist: "Congratula- tions, you're cured." Patient: "Some cure! Before I came to you I was Napoleon. Now I'm just another nobody!" Joe: Won't your wife hit the ceiling when you get home to- night? 13111: She probably will, she's a poor shot, MAY I HANDLE YOUR PERSONAL INSURANCE NEEDS—FIRE, AUTO, LIABILITY? For friendly, capable service, list your Real Estate with us. Agent for Elliott Real Estate Agency, Gordon B. Elliott, Blyth, Ontario. r EDWARD ELLIOTT INSURANCE PHONE 357-1590 WINS AWARD—Scotty McLean, of Harrkton, left, won the Mike Weickel Trophy in recognition of his services to minor sports during the past year. Mr. Weickel, who. is M.P. for Waterloo North, and long time sports en- thusiast, right, was on hand at the WOAA annual meet- ing Friday to make the presentation.—A-T Photo. WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE The top bowlers in the men's department, again, were Bob Angus, with a high single of 290 and of course, Ken Saxton, with 764, taking the high triple. For the women, Marion Mac- Intyre came up with 533 to take the high triple and the high single went to one of the spares, Ruth Shropshall, with 199. The team standings: Kats 26; Hawks, 22; Rovers, 21; Packers, 17; Tigers, 12 and the Larks with 7. To Sonny and Ruth Shrop- shall, Connie Cathers and Dave Crothers, we say thanks for sparing for us. 0--0--0 THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Gwen MacLaurin bowled 300 for ladies' high single with Hil- da Brown bowling 616 for la- dies' high triple. Mac Ritchie and Ian MacLaurin tied for men's high single, bowling 273. Men's high triple was 686 bowl- ed by Matt Boyd. Team Standings are:Wayne's Woofers 30; Mac's Mules 23' Ian's Idiots 21; Bill's Boobs 20; Matt's Meeces 18 and Hap's Happy Gang 14. 0--0--0 LADIES' LEAGUE This week the Wrens took top place with 19 points. The Canaries have 17 points and the Budgies and Orioles are tied with 16 each. The Robins have 15 and the Bluejays 13. We're all running a pretty close race so far. Louise Welwood took the high single with a 282 and also the high triple with a 651. 0--0--0 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE I was sitting around not do- ing a thing, When there in the hall, I heard the phone ring. I lifted the receiver and heard a voice say, "Will you please take over while I am away?" I said, "I sure will do the best I can do." So for all you readers here's what is new. All but three regulars report- ing for action and everyone set- tling down to pretty good bowl- ing now that ball and golf are put away for the winter. A tew of us are still having headpin trouble but they have that on the CBC, too, so why try to be perfect? Thanks to Joan and Ed Yeo- man and Vicki Wild for filling up the ranks. Ruth Lott was a bit selfish ani and took high single and triple on the ladies' scores with a 258 and 648. Jim Bain had gents' high single with 255 while Ken Cerson took the triple with 657. Team standings: Lott's Lions 37; Templeman's Tigers 22; Cameron's Cougars 16; Storey's Seals 32; Bain's Bea- vers 13; Walden's Wildcats 31. Your regular reporter back next week. Bingo p inners The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 180, held another suc- cessful bingo in the town hall last Wednesday. Winners were Mrs. Winters, Teeswater; Mrs. Bonnar, Han- over; Mrs. Hudson, Palmerston Mrs . Morton, Lucknow; Mr. Sproul, Lucknow; Mrs. Newall, Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Metcalfe, Mrs. Sinnamon, Mrs. R. Montgomery and H. Wild, all of Wingham. Share the Wealth winners were A. Morton of Lucknow; Mrs. A. Winters, Teeswater; Mrs. F. Sawyer, Wingham; Mrs. J. Wright, Listowel. The $50.00 jack -pot was won by Mrs. Doug Cerson of Wingham. NEINSIMEMEMEMMI THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE OFFERS SINGLE YOUNG MEN REWARDING CAREERS IN AVIATION For detailed information on the opportunities available and the qualifications requir- ed for a challenging future with the RCAF, visit your RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR in the WALKERTON TOWN HALL ON WEDNESDAY 18 NOVEMBER FROM NOON TO 5:00 P.M. or in the GODERICH TOWN HALL ON THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER FROM NOON TO 5:00 P.M. OR CONTACT: RCAF Recruiting Unit CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 120 Queens Ave. LONDON NIGHT CALLS 357-1555° TTENTION NE r CIJRLE INSTRUCTION FOR BEGINNING CURLERS will be given at Wingham Curling Club MONDAY, November 16, and TUESDAY, November ' from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. sts ana THIS IS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE GAME. Any eer this popular you should try! Carling Black Label Beer brims over with thirst -drenching flavour! Pour a tall cool one tonight ...you'll know why Black Label is the big favourite with people coast to coast! Say: "MABBL, .11 BLACK LABEL!"