HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-10-29, Page 11Breathing through the mouth • may allow germs to pass into the throat and lungs . By breathing through the nose, air 's filtered and Warmed before it reaches the lungs. 1 • • • fi Boss Does your wife ktIQW you're bringing me home for dinner? Clerk: She sure does. We argued about it on the phone for an hour, In home insurance WE FOUND THE BEST COSTS LESS! Our Homeowners Policy covers not only fire and a long list of other perils, it includes theft and liability insurance, too! All this protection in one policy . , . one premium ,. , and we save money as well! Every homeowner should get the facts on this excellent insurance. W. 11, CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage Agents for—Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 5 JOHN ST, W. WINGHAM PH. 357-2636 Esso Home Heat Service is better because its people are Better people to serve you better! You get "extra value" for your heating dollar with easy Esso financing and top quality Esso heating equipment. You can have the finest Esso heating equipment installed immediately without bending your budget all out of shape. The liberal Esso Heating Equipment Finance Plan—and there's no better available—re- quires no down payment and allows you up to 10 years to pay. And Esso heating equip- ment is guaranteed and backed by Imperial Oil—who specifies the design and manufac- ture of its own equipment. Well worth con- •. sidering. By the way, convenient financing can also be arranged for other makes of oil heating equipment. Get "extra value" for your heating dollar—get Esso Home Heat Service. HERE ARE YOUR ESSO HOME HEAT SPECIALISTS r W. A. TIFFIN, Agent Box 323, Wingham, Ont. Tel: 357-1033 PERCY CLARK - Plumbing & Heating & Sheet Metal Service Dealer Wingham, Ont. Tel: 357-3080 always LOOK TO IMPERIAL for the hest Whitechurch News Items The U, C. W. Sectional meeting was held in Ethel on Tuesday of last week with morning and afternoon sessions. Those attending from here were Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mrs. Milan Moore, Mrs, Elwood Groskorth, Mrs, Robert Laidlaw and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. On Wednesday of last week Mrs, Earl Caslick, Mrs, Hugh Simpson and Mrs. Victor Em- erson represented the White- church Auxiliary at the WMS Sectional meeting in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes and Diane were Thursday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe. The Whitechurch Commun- ity extends sympathy to Robert and Barry Wenger and their fa= mines in the loss of their moth- er, Mrs. Robert Wenger. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Burney, Hugh and Ronald visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barbour and family of Browntown. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Cas- lick, Diane and Stephen of Wingham. Qute a number of White- church and community attended the soft ball game between St. Agatha and Whitechurch Jr. C team in St. Agatha Sunday af- ternoon with a score 4-1 in fa- vor of Whitechruch. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nickel visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wilbert Galaway and son, Wes- ley, of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Diane visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg and family of Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frank and Shirley and Miss Bessie Mac- Gregor acGregor of Campbellville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Miss Lila Emerson was also a Sunday visitor at the same home. Communion services were held on Sunday in Langside and Whitechurch Presbyterian Churches with Rev. Gordon Fish of Wingham in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin celebrated their 45th anniver- sary on Sunday at the home of their son, Dan and Mrs. Tiffin and family. Mr. Barry Tiffin of Waterloo returned there on Sunday, ac- companied by Mr. Paul Geiger who had spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Clenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt and Janet of Morris Twp. were Sun- day visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt. Misses Jean and Barbara Campbell of London were week- end guests of Mrs. Robert Ross. Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMi- chael and Bruce of Sea forth, re- cently spent a day with herpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Gershom Johnston, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ryan and Janet of Goderioh visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Mr, and Mrs. Gershom Johnston visited on Sunday with Me. and Mrs, Ken Johnston and family of Clinton.. Mr. and Mrs, lien McClena- ghan are spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Galbraith of Wingham. This community extends sympathy to Mr. R.J. and Mrs, Ireland in the passing of his mother, Mrs. Ireland, in the Wingham and District Hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W.Moffat, Brookdale, Man., accompanied by Mr. J. F, Moffat of Galt were Monday visitors with Mrs. Eunice Gillespie and Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Lizzie Ferguson, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Amberley, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston, Linda and Janette of Belgrave were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tif- fin. Langside Church will hold a pot luck supper for the congreg- ation, sponsored by the Ladies' Aid on Friday evening at 7 when Sunday School awards for achievement will be presented. NAMED MANAGER OF DRESDEN BRANCH WHITECHURCH- Word has been received here that Jack Coultes, who was stationed at Wallaceburg as assistant mana- ger with the Beaver Lumber Company has been transferred to Dresden where he will be manager. Jack assumes his new duties November llth but the family will not move until the first of the new year, when a new house will be completed for them. Receive Chair As Farewell Gift WHITECHURCH-There were 17 tables in play at a euchre party in Currie's School onFri- day evening. Ross King won first prize for men and Law- rence Taylor was second. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie was high lady and Mrs. Wellings second. After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver, who recently moved to Wingham from this section, were presented with a chair. Gershom Johnston read the address and Jim Currie and Roy Pattison made the presenta- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Leaver both replied, thanking their friends for the gift as a remembrance of the happy times they had en- joyed in the community. Another euchre party will be held October 30 when hosts and hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. Noble Greenaway and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Shiell, 1.et CHEERLEADER??—Take a second look. it isn't one of the pretty cheerleaders for the Mustangs, it's George Watson on the bugle urging the home team along when the boys took on gridiron specialists from Stratford Northwestern,—Yearbook Photo. The program will be in charge of the Sunday school officers, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim- mons of London were callers on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. El- roy Laidlaw, Mr. Charles Mar- tin, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Simmons of Wingham. Work of Pupils Seen by Parents WHITECHURCH-Mrs. Ken Wheeler, teacher at S.S. No.10 held Parents' Night on Friday when parents were able to view the work of their children and see the marks they had obtaine Mrs. Wheeler reported to th parents the subjects in which their children are having diffi- culty and those which they find less troublesome. This was an excellent op- portunity for teacher and par- ents to discuss freely the in- dividual progress of the pupils and to open the way for even better understanding and co-op eration between home and school. Messengers Will Collect For UNICEF WHITECHURCH- The United Church Messengers held their October meeting during church service on Sunday. The presi- dent, Miss Cathy Soloman, gave the call to worship and led in prayer. Hymns were sung with John Gibbs as pianist. The Scripture was read by Miss Barbara Ritchie. The of- fering was received by Wayne Swan and the offertory prayer given by Miss Diane Swan. The roll call was answered by 17. The minutes were read by Miss Diane Swan. It was de- cided to collect for UNICEF on October 30th. The seniors were led by Mrs. Ritchie who told the story of the last chapter of the"Golden Coin". Mrs. Sleightholm told the Juniors of "The Buffalo and the Bell" .Later all joined in the Sunday school services. Rev. Gordon Fish of Wing - ham was a dinner guest on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn. Page 3 k Wingharn Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct, 2$, 19$4 WOMAN GIVES GIFT TO WRONG BRIDE A Formosa woman will read invitations more carefully in future. She received notice of a wedding reception for the mar- riage of the bridegroom, who was a friend of the family, and an out-of-town bride. The guest assumed the reception was at Formosa Community Hall, the place in the village where most such events are held, so she showed up there as the wed- ding party was under way. She presented the bride with a gift and welcomed her to the community, Then she ap- proached the bridegroom to congratulate him -- but it was the wrong one. Delving into her purse she found the invitation, and dis- covered the reception she in- tended going to, was being held in Mildmay. A bit red of face she hastily left to buy another gift and go to the right reception. Employer: "Do you and your wife have a joint checking account?" Employee: "No sir. This is my .second wife." AUCTION SALE LISTOWEL LEGION AUDITORIUM LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Monday Evening -November 2,1964 7:15 P.M. SHARP REPOSSESSIONS -- BANKRUPT STOCKS And many, many personal consignments consisting at Appliances - Furniture - Television Refrigerator with Cross Top Freezer; 2 Electric Ranges; Long Skirt Washer; 17 cu. ft. Food Freezer that holds over 500 lbs. frozen food; Deluxe Automatic Washer and Dryer (electric) ; Combination Radio and 3 -speed Record Changer; 5 different Television Sets (all reconditioned and in Al working condition) ; 2 Hostess Chairs; Platform Rocker; Hi -Chair; Telephone Table; Step Stool; Chrome Rocker; Writing Desk; 9x12 Rug; Step and Coffee Tables; 4 Dinette and Kitchen Sets, finished in Chrome and Coppertone; Two 2-pce. Davenport Suites, complete with a hi -back swivel rocker; 2-pce. French Provincial Chesterfield Suite in a nylon cover; 3 other Modern Chesterfield Suites in 4-3-2 cushion sets; (All these sets are samples from the last LONDON FURNITURE SHOW) ; 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites in light and dark finish, complete with box springs and mat- tress; Two 39" Continental Beds, complete with box spring and quilt top mattress and head boards; Four 54" Quilt Top Mat- tresses that fit any full size bed; 2 -pee. Chestabed Living Room 1 - Suite that folds out to a full 3 size bed with a spring -filled! mattress built in; 2 sets of Table and Trilight Lamps; One 54"$ Continental Bed, and MANY OTHER 1i'1+;MS TOO NUMEROUS' ITO MENTION. ALL THE APPLIANCES IN THIS SALE ARE GUARANTEED ITO BE IN Al WORKING CONDITION WHEN HOOKED UPI i AT YOUR HOME, !i Back -to -School CHILDREN'S CLOTHING I. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT FOR MEN AND WOMEN i JUST ARRIVED—A large selection of Fall and Winter Clothing has just been received for Auction from ONE OF THE LARG- EST CLOTHING WHOLESALERS IN CANADA. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING—Lined Jeans, Snow Suits, Jackets, !Pyjamas, Crawler Sets. Pullovers and Cardigans, Winter Coats. Sleep and Play Sets, Shirts and Blouses, Dresses, 3-pce. Velvet iSets, T -Shirts, Coat and Hat Sets, Jodhpurs, Leotards, tinder- ! wear, Baby Shirts, Housecoats. Sleeuers. Babies' Orlon Knit Sets, Hooded Sweaters, Skirts, Training Pants, Gloves, Poodle !Socks, and many other items. !MEN—Work and Dress Shirts, Polo Shirts, Jackets, Dress Pants,# Work and Dress Socks, Pyjamas, Belts and Ties, Underwear, Slipper Socks, Sweaters, and other items. WOMEN --Dresses, Blouses, Sweaters. Pullovers and Cardigans, Skirts, Nylons, SIipper Socks, Fall Coats, 2-pce, Suits, Stretch Slims, Purses, Jackets, and other items. . This Outstanding Sale will consist of the Largest and Best Of- f fering that we have ever auctioned in this Hall . . AT ANY !TIME — DON'T MISS IT; SEE YOU AT THE SALE! AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD TERMS—CASH - CHEOUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 3% SALES TAX IN EleVECT 1 .1110..41111101.141.. Want to buy a horse? Get a Commerce Boots & Saddle Loan Or maybe you've got your eye on a special TV set. Or is it a deep freeze, a car or sailboat? You name it. One of numerous Commerce loans can be precisely matched to your needs. Phone or visit the Loan Department of any Commerce branch. CANADIAN yM%tom OAL BANK OF COMMERCE