HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-10-22, Page 14Page 6 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct 22, 1964 MOCO By Barley 1.11 PEDRO —13y de fa Torre Delmore Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douglas were Dr. and Mrs. John Acteson of Sarnia. Mr. William Jeffray was guest soloist at anniversary ser- vices in Gorrie United Church on Sunday morning. A number of Belmore friends attended anniversary services Irl Mildmay United Church on Sunday. Special guest speaker at both services was Rev. Alan Scott, recently returned from the Western Provinces. Mrs. Carl Douglas of Belmore was morning soloist. Services in the Belmore and McIntosh churches were cancelled to al- low members to attend Mild- may services. Misses Velma and Lavonne Ballagh attended Sunday morn- ing anniversary services in Clifford United Church, thelat- ter being their guest soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Has- kins of Lions Head, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Metcalfe and Leonard of Mildmay, were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe and sons. Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Renwick were Sunday visitors with Mr. ersonals and Mrs. John Goetz of Elora. Mr. Lorne Fischer, represen- tative of the Blyth U.D. P.C. Plant Committee, was among a group who went on a four- day bus tour last week. They visited Quebec Province, where they toured cheese fac- tories, and also spent some time in Montreal. On their way home they visited the Kemptville Agricultural College. Mr. Peter Newans and Mr. Joseph Jeffray have returned home after spending almost two months in the Western pro- vinces. Mrs. Jim Renwick and Miss Audrey Scott are spending a week's vacation in Montreal. Mrs. Barbara Dawson of To- ronto, visited during kthe week- end with her nephew, Mr. Ken- neth Dickson, Mrs. Dickson, and family. Mrs. Sophia Pollock of Rip- ley spent some days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Fischer and children, while Mr. Fischer was touring in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Bal- lagh, Velma and Lavonne, vis- ited on Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Carter McKee, and Mr. McKee, in Galt. "B" PACK CUBS Akela was assisted by visitors from "A" Pack, ACM Don Rin- toul and ACM Lloyd at Thurs- day's meeting. The Grand Howl was taken by Akela, Mrs. Robert Ahara, and led by the Brown Six. In- spection was taken by the visit- ing Cub leaders and while eve- ry Cub present was praised for his high standard of neatness and attention, the Green Six won out with overall points, closely followed by the tied Yellow and Brown Sixes. Due to the absence of the regular leaders an open meet- ing was held with games and a singsong, followed by a story time b y Akela. This week's story told of a little Chinese boy, who wanted so much for his church to have a bell that he worked over a year to save enough money to buy a talking bird to call the people of his village to church, and then a passing Monk traded the bird for a bell in a ruined monas- tery. So it came about that a little boy, with plenty of will F'EE $ 25.00 GAS DRAW DOMINION TIRE SILE OCT. 23rd to DEC. 24th WITH EVERY TWO SNOW TIRES YOU PURCHASE YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE TICKET ON A $25.00 GAS DRAW TO BE MADE ON CHRISTMAS EVE. A LSO -- TICKETS will be given for each $3.00 GAS PURCHASE and draws will be made the same evening for: 0 3 TOY TANKER TRUCKS © 1 PRIZE OF 3 OIL CHANGES ith Joh::ston sUPE _ : TEST . ARAGE Josephine St., Wingham - Phone 357-1941 getaltgli activities.•:• *►�` power and determination, ob- tained the seemingly impossible for his village. Each story has a deep meaning for the Cubs and discussions followed the story time to bring out the true meaning behind each tale. Many more well decorated baskets were brought in by the Cubs. There was a wonderful turn -out on Saturday for Apple Day and on the Friday night at the town hall to polish the ap- ples. Cub Bradley Lewis of B Pack, won the compass for the beet decorated basket of the Pack but Mr. Warren Callan found the judging very hard, due to the excellent efforts of most of the Cubs and Scouts present on the Saturday morning. 0--0--0 Coming events: Paper Drive for the Scouts on Saturday morning, October 31st and the Armistice Day Parade to the cenotaph on Wednesday, No- vember llth. Keep these dated on your calendar. 0--0--0 PACK A CUBS (Intended for last week) The regular Tuesday night meeting of Cub Pack A was held at the Scout House with six Cubs and 13 New Chums and their leaders in attendance. New sixes were formed and new Sixers appointed for them. They are: Red Six, Doug Sell- ing; White Six, Terry Reid; Blue Six; Doug Mason; Yel- low Six; Murray Leggat; Brown Six; Gene Porter. A study period followed, the First Star Cubs being instructed by ACM Don Rintoul and the New Chums by ACM Louise Lloyd and Cubmaster Murray Fridenburg. The meeting clos- ed with the Grand Howl le d by the Blue Six. The Woggle was presented to Terry Reid as the neatest and best -equipped Cub at the meet- ing. The boys were reminded of apple -polishing night on Friday at 6:30 and also of Ap- ple -Day on Saturday beginning at 8:30 a.m. The leaders are looking for a good turnout of boys on both occasions. HOLD CHURCH PARADE BELGRAVE- The Belgrave Cubs and Scouts held their an- nual church parade to Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday af- ternoon. Rev. Robert Mcally gave a very inspiring address. Scripture lesson was read by Donald Vincent. Flag hearers were Ivan Wheeler and Lloyd Michie for the Scouts and Owen Fear and Wayne Hopper for the Cubs, "Dear Mrs. Brown," wrote the teacher, "Your son, George, is a bright boy, but I am trying to cure him of spending all his time with the girls." Mrs. Brown's reply was to the point: "Wish you success and let me know how you do it. I am having the same trouble with his father." U.C.W. Bazaar And Bake Sale BELMORE-A successful bazaar and bake sale was held in the Community Centre on Friday evening of last week. The event, sponsored by the Belmore United Church Wo- men, featured a sale of baked goods, sewing, and miscellan- eous articles. Proceeds amount- ing to $57.17 were realized by the ladies after -the sale. Cof- fee, tea, sandwiches and cook- ies were served to those attend- ing. The quilt that was on dis- play was not sold on Friday evening. It is now on display at Diefenbaker's General Store in the village. HELP CELEBRATE 41st ANNIVERSARY BELMORE-Members of the Renwick and Eadie families at- tended a family celebration, held on Saturday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Orvis of Wingham, in honor of the 41st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Eadie of Holyrood, on October 17th. Those attending were Mrs. Ken Jackson of Belmore, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Renwick and fami- ly and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ren- wick of near McIntosh, and Mr, and Mrs. William Eadie. Bluevale Native On Trade Mission BLUEVALE-Harvey Messer, who was born here and went to Toronto as a young man, has recently returned from a trip to Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Moscow. He, with several others, a commis- sion of the Metropolitan Board of Trade, Toronto, were royal- ly entertained, their trip in- cluding much sight seeing, viewing of historic sights, art and music. In Moscow they toured in- dustrial plants, such as a dy- namo plant, exhibition of ec- onomic achievements and a ball bearing plant. They saw the famous Moscow subway, the Kremlin and the armoury mu- seum. They enjoyed the the- atre and a ballet performance, "Swan Lake". Mr. Messer started his car- eer in business with the firm of C. Parson, wholesale leather company and has remained with the company till he is now owner and president. His summer home is at Bluevale, a farm where he raises cattle. C. B. Hoffman is in charge of the farm opera- tions. BLUEVALE Attending baptismal services in Bluevale United Church on Sunday for Douglas Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nichol- son and William Kevin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence liisliop, Ethel, and later visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ni- cholson were Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bishop, Winnifred and Mary, Mrs. Mary Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Sharpin, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nicholson and Doug- las, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Bi- shop and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McLennan and family, Miss Shirley Johnston and Mrs. Don Watson. Mrs. Mary Ni- cholson and Mr. and Mrs. Mor- rison Sharpin are great grand- parents. Musicians Honor Don Robertsons A surpriseparty took place after the television show, "Cir- cle 8" on Tuesday night of last week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann for Don and Cora Robertson in honor of their wedding anniversary on Octo- ber 15th. Euchre was enjoyed during the evening. An address was read by Ernie King and the gift of a trilite lamp was presented by Sharon Strong and Connie Mann, on behalf of the guests. Musicians attended from Seaforth, Clinton, I3elgrave, Wingham, Ayton and Bluevale. MAY I HANDLE YOUR PERSONAL INSURANCE NEEDS—FIRE, AU'iO, LIABILITY? For friendly, capable service, list your Real Estate with us. Agent for Elliott Real Estate Agency, Gordon B. Elliott, Blyth, Ontario, Mill ; EDWARD ELLIOTT INSURANCE PHONE 357-1590 NIGHT CALLS 357-1555' CAR LOAD SPECIAL CEILING TILE C SQ. FT. PLAIN WHITE CEILING TILE — PRE -FINISHED AND WASHABLE — HURRY!! "Why should build my home this winter?" Here's one good reason You Get a $500 Cash Incentive To help keep Canada's building trades busy and productive during the winter season, the Federal Government is again offering to pay a $500 cash incentive to those who build or buy a winter -built home for their own occupancy. What is a Winter -Built Home? A winter built home under this program is one that has not proceeded beyond the first floor joist stage by November 15th and is substantially completed by March 31st, 1965. How Do You Proceed? It's easy. Pick up an Application for Certification form at your National Employment office or Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation office, fill it out and mail to your nearest CMHC office. If you wish, your builder can do this for you. Complete information on the program is included on the application form. Act Now See your builder and arrange to have your home winter - built, Help yourself to that $500 cash incentive and help Canadian industry stay busy throughout the winter. Last Winter more than 28,000 homes were built under this program. DO IT NOW! Have Your Home Winter -Built! Issued by authority of Hon. Allan J. Mactachen, Minister of labour,Caeada. W 5.1.65A HODGINSMcDONALD LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES NORTH ST. WINGHAM PHONE 357-3650 "Why should build my home this winter?" Here's one good reason You Get a $500 Cash Incentive To help keep Canada's building trades busy and productive during the winter season, the Federal Government is again offering to pay a $500 cash incentive to those who build or buy a winter -built home for their own occupancy. What is a Winter -Built Home? A winter built home under this program is one that has not proceeded beyond the first floor joist stage by November 15th and is substantially completed by March 31st, 1965. How Do You Proceed? It's easy. Pick up an Application for Certification form at your National Employment office or Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation office, fill it out and mail to your nearest CMHC office. If you wish, your builder can do this for you. Complete information on the program is included on the application form. Act Now See your builder and arrange to have your home winter - built, Help yourself to that $500 cash incentive and help Canadian industry stay busy throughout the winter. Last Winter more than 28,000 homes were built under this program. DO IT NOW! Have Your Home Winter -Built! Issued by authority of Hon. Allan J. Mactachen, Minister of labour,Caeada. W 5.1.65A