HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-10-15, Page 6Page 0 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1964 FOR SALE TAXI SERVICE SCOUT UNIFORM for sale. Phone 357-2780, evenings. 15b FURNACE FILTERS, all sizes, 89e each. Alexander's Hard- ware, 8rrb Ptt ATOES for sale, $1.00 for 7o. lbs. Herman de Bruyn, R. R. 5, Lucknow, phone 357-1769. Wingham. 15* .HI-FI TABLES in brass finish, complete with record rack. Special $5.39 at Currie's Fur- niture. 8-15b GOOD USED fan for coal or wood furnace; 2 unit Cock- shutt Condi milking machine. Phone Fordwich 49R3. 15* MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6'4", 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 14rrb TUNE-UP SPECIAL— Your present machine tension checked, lint removed, ,ailed and adjusted. (Free needles) and oil, Reg. $8.50, now $3.75. Phone 357-3730 Geo. Henderson, Wingham. 8-15b FEATHER PILLOWS with chicken and goose, 18"x26", only $6.50 pair. Currie's Fur- niture. 8-15b FON PENS and kennels for sale, suitable for dogs. pheasants, rabbits. etc.. also three 100 -ft. rolls 4' width, 14 gauge wire, 11/2" meeh chain link fencing F'-enr 357-1236. 15b PROPANE ceiling heater for sale, practically new. Pipes and thermostat complete, half price. Apply Andy Lunn, Su pertest. 15-22b FALT, SALE -A-THON— Sewing machines reduced from 320 00 to $90.00. Vacs reduced and a. $25.00 Free Hassock. Liberal trade in allowances. No down payment. Easy terms on Singer nlan. Contact: Geo, Henderson Phone 357-3730 - Wingham 8-15b 3 -FURROW Ace bottom •plcw Mr sale. 3 point hitch tractor plow, in excellent condition. Reasonably priced. Apply Robt. Schnurr. R. R. 1, Mild- may, phone 367-2008, after 6 in the evening. 15b PIANOS of better ouality—New, many makes and models, re- conditioned used, new Electro - home organs, used organs of other mikes taken in on trade. Large stock in showrooms. Save money at Garnet Far- rier's Piano ar.d Organ Sales and Service, Whitechurch, ph. 357-2068, Wingham. 15rrD17b DID YOU KNOW WE SELL— ®Sewing Machines •Vacuum Cleaners •Floor Polishers &Typewriters &Washers and Dryers Sunbeam Products RCA Stereo & TV Appliances SINGER CO. OF CANADA Contact: Geo. Henderson Wingham - Phone 357-3730 8-15b FOR RENT HEATED APARTMENTS for rent on Maple and Shuter Sts., ground floor, Available Nov. 1. Phone 357-1945, W. J. Clark. 15b SECOND FLOOR apartment for rent. George Allan, John St., phone 357-1673. 15-22h 3 - ROOM APARTMENT for rent, one bedroom, electrically heated, all conveniences, furn- ished or unfurnished. Phone 357-2084. 15rrh LOWERED RENTS for winter months. Furnished or unfurn- ished apts. One reduced to $50, includes heat, electricity and water, One at 330, unheated, Telephone 357-1236. 15b MALE HELP WANTED $90.00 PFR WEEK in exchaege for 40 hours work Cnr ess^n- tial. Apply Box 56, Advnn"r- Tinies, 15-22' FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED Apply in person. Queens Restaurant. 15h WOMAN or girl wanted to mini children in hnme, 5 days a week. Apply Mrs. Hugh Jan- sen, Whiteehurch. 13* RELIABLE 'WOMAN to do gen- era] housework All modern conveniences. References re- quired. Phone Wroxeter 2011. 15-22h LEE'S TAXI 24 - HOUR SERVICE Long or short trips DIAL 357-1521 We carry taxi insurance REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS for sale. Ap- ply W, B. Conron, phone 357- 2795, 15b MODERN 3 bedroom house for sale, on Carling Terrace. Ph. 357-2584. 15rrb 114 STOREY 5 room frame house for sale, full basement and 1 car garage; situated on two lots containing approxi- mately 1,42 acre of land, in Vil- lage of Wroxeter. Phone Wroxeter 36W. 15* PROPERTIES FOR SALE 5 roam cottage, fully modern, oil furnace. See this exceptional buy at $4,500, with low down payment. 2 storey red brick cottage, large living room, dining room, kitchen with cupboards. 3 bed- rooms and bath, oil furnace, large Iot. Priced reasonable. 7 room solid brick home, cen- trally Iocated, good lot, garage. Owner anxious to sell. See this property at your earliest con- venience. Several other homes to choose from, including two new ranch style houses. For all your Real Estate re- quirements—Contact: WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial Wingham 357-2174 15b WILFRED McINTEE & CO, iIMiTED REAIIrOR, WALKERTON, Ont. $2,800.00—Full price for a well located 1 storey 5 room home in Bluevale, asphalt sided, new asphalt shingled roof and new outside chimney. Contains 3 bed rooms, living rocm, kitchen with new built in cupboards and sink. H.D. wiring, water on pressure and partial basement. Spacious lot, well shaded. with small barn. Also extra lot close by included. X3 000.00—Cash down payment for this 11/2 storey 6 room mo- dernized home with 3 pre. bath, HD, wiring, hot and cold water rn nressure, and forced air oil fired furnace. Large lot with ample had" trees and small barn and trarden space Located close to shopping in. Bluevale. Very reasonably priced at $4,600 with mortgage available. Several choice building lots available in and outside of Wingham. All sizes, location and price range. $15,000.00—Down payment for a well located 150 acre dairy farm. 135 acres workable rich clay loam soil. Balance in hard and softwood bush with 100 hard maple trees to tap, Dairy milk contract for 815 lbs. daily. Good water supply fro.m well on pres- sure throughout, 1 dug pond at hartr of farm. snring and short creek, with concrete trough and dog pond near barn. An "L" shined hank barn 6"x56' and 40' x30'. Concrete flooring, 13 stan- chions and 13 chain ties. balance in loose housing and pens. Con- crete stabling and barnyard. water barrels and litter carrier. Concrete silo 321;'x40', milk house with 32 can milk cooler. All steel roof. One new steel covered driveshed 70'x30'; one driveshed, frame with steel shingled roof, 30'x20' and 1 shed frame with asphalt roof, 30'x15'. 11/2 storey aluminum sided 9 room modernized home. Par- tial basement, cistern on pres- sure. New coal and woos] or oil fired furnace with circulator, hot and cold water on pressure and steel shingled roof. Well 1:Lndseaped yard with evergreen hedge and short driveway, Ryas_ onahly priced with terms avail- able for the balance. Many more farms and homes available. Apply: FRANK J. CtASKANETTE, Rex 167, or Dinl 357-1702, N'k'toria tit„ Wingham, 15b WANTED MEN' I3OARI)FRS wanted. Ph. 357-2295. 153, 10OMT:RS WANTED, Phone 357-2652, Mrs. Harold Con - gram. 8-15* HAIR DRESSING FIT T.TOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham -- Dial 357-2981. rrb CARS and TRUCKS FOR SALE 1962 AUSTIN lfd-ton van truck for sale. Priced reasonable. Phone 357-3482. 8-15b 1955 MONARCH sedan for sale, automatic transmission, Ken Dickson, Delmore, phone 392- 6492, 15b 1962 ALPINE CONVERTIBLE, red and black, whitewalls, radio, washers, $1495. Phone 357-2252. 15b 1955 CHEV, for sale. Good tires. Custom radio, Cheap. Jim Wylie, Wroxeter. 15* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PONY for sale, about 11%s years old. Phone 357-3870. 15* ENTIRE DAIRY HERD for sale, consisting of one regis- tered bull, 3 years old, 13 Hol- stein cows, 3 Hereford cows. Due date starting January. Contact Mac Newton, phone Fordwich 47R4. 15b YOUNG PIGS for sale, different ages, Graham Campbell & Son, phone Brussels 453014: 15* MISCELLANEOUS ONE SADDLE MARE, well broken to saddle and cart, to put out to feed for winter. Filly colt for sale. PiIone 357- 3708. 15b ANYONE with any hockey equipment around the house that is not in use, please get " in touch with the Wingham Minor Hockey ,Association as we can .• put it to good use. For pick-up call 357-2263 after supper. 8-15* PAINTING and DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, Ont. 16rrb NOTICE Custom work—Back hoe trench- ing, water pipes, ditches, etc. Jonathan Wagler, Gorrie, Ont. Phone Fordwich 57R22. ' S17 -022b FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sand- ed and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Ph. 357-2750, Norman Rintoul & sons. 16rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. 015• NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reub- en Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357-1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357-3739 CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 23rrb When Offering Your Property For Sale You should expect and receive competent advice and planned advertising. THE SELLING RATE FOR HOUSES IN WINGHAM IS 3%. These services are available When you call and list with WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial 357-2174, WINGHAM DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT' DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal LW. No. 262-C-63 LEGAL AUCTION SALE TWP, OF EAST WAWANOSH COURT OF REVISION 1965 ASSESSMENT ROLL A Court of Revision will be held by the Council of the Township of East Wawanosh on the 1965 Assessment Roll. The first sitting of the Court will be November 3 at 2:00 o'clock p.m,, at the Belgrave Community Centre. All complaints must be receiv- ed by the Clerk of the Muni- cipality in writing by the 14th day of October to be considered. R. H. Thompson, Clerk, R, R, 1, Belgrave, Ont. 8-15b NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS TAIL NOTICE THAT: The Council of the Corpora- tion ,of the Township of Howick intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the Construction of a New Municipal Office as a Confeder- ation Centennial Project at an estimated cost of $15,578.05, whereof the amount of $5,000.00 shall be raised out of the gener- al .rate in each of the years 1965 and 1966, and it is expected that the balance will be provided by a grant under The Confedera- tion Centennial Act. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Township of Howick, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Muncipal Board may order pursuant to the sta- tute that the assent of the elec- tors shall not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may ap- point a time and place for a public hearing when any objec- tions will be considered. Dated at the Village of Gorrie this lst day of October, 1964. W. E. Whitfield, Clerk, Gorrie, Ontario. 8-15b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID OMAR STOKES. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, ]ate of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the fourth day of August, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of Oc tober, 1964. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notine. DATED at Wingham, this 6th day of October, A.D. 1964. CRAWFORD & HE•THERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 8-15-22b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELLA NORA TAYLOR, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the ESTATE OF ELLA NORA TAYLOR, late of the, Vil- lage of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 10th day of August, 1964, arc required to deliver full particulars of such claims to the undersigned solicitors for the Executor on or before the 1st day of November, 1964, after which• date the Estate will be wound up. DATED at Kitchener, Ontario, this 6th day of October. 1964. SIMS, BAUFR & SIMS, 305 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor, 15-22-29h MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick anti disabled Cows and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 9516311 AUCTION SALE Farm, stock and implements, lot 11, con. 9, Grey Township, 2 mile's east Brussels Sales Barn THURSDAY, OCT. 22, at 1 p.m. Due to ,recent bereavement we will sell for Mrs. A, Mrozinski: Farm consisting of 971/2 acres, more or less, with 7 room 2 - storey house with new aluminum siding, 3 piece bath, oil furnace, water on tap, drilled well, Large barn, steel stanchions with water bowls, tie 28 head. Several box stalls and loose pens, Farm .will be offered for sale at 3 p.m., subject to reserved bid. Terms -10% down day of sale, balance 60 days. 18 head milk cows—consist- ing of: 1—Jersey cow, in 8 wks:; 2—Jersey cow, new •milker, first calf; 3—Jersey cow, bred March 17, first calf; 4—Jersey and Hol- stein cow, bred June 19; 5—Hol- stein cow, bred June 8; 6—Jer- esy cow, new milker; 7—Jersey and Holstein cow, bred April 24; 8—Holstein cow, bred June 8; 9—Holstein cow, bred May 24; 10—Holstein cow, pasture bred; 11—Holstein cow, bred June 28; 12—Jersey cow, new milker, third calf; 13—Jersey and Hol- stein, pasture bred; 14—Hol- stein, bred May 15; 15—Jersey and Holstein, bred May 15; 16— Jersey and Holstein, pasture bred; 17 Holstein cow, first calf, bred June 8; 18—Holstein cow, first calf, pasture bred. 19 —Purebred Hereford bull, 2 yrs. Implements — International tractor 300, power take off, 2 point hitch; International hydr- aulic 3 -furrow plough, 3 yrs. old; Ideal spreader, 7 yrs, old; Case side rake, new; Case baler, used 2 seasons; George White ele- vator, 32' long, used 2 yrs.; Mc- Cormick drill; International spring -tooth harrows, 3 sections; set double discs; set harrows; Universal milker, 2 units; milk cans. Terms—Cash. Mrs. Antony Mrozinski, Prop.; Roy Porter, Clerk; Jack Alex- ander, Auctioneer, Wingham, Phone 357-3631. 15b CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for gifts and cards wigle I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. —Karen Kilpatrick. 15* I wish to thank everyone who sent cards, letters and flowers while I was a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. — Mrs. Mildred Golley, 15b I would like to thank all those who sent cards and gifts while a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital, and to the nurses and doctors. — Linda MacKinnon. 15* I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for cards, treats and visits while I was .a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr: Mc- Kibbon and the nurses on third floor.—Mrs, Gordon Rapson. 15b I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their cards, treats and visits and those who helped at home while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Klahsen, Corrin and Walden, and the nursing staff. —Mrs. Mary Rcberts. 15* I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their many cards and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. A special thanks to the nurses on third floor and Rev. and Mrs. Mitchell, Dr. Cor- rin and Dr. Klahsen — Mrs. Mary E. Chapman. 15b I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbors for the lovely flowers, cards, gifts and many visits while a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, during the past three months. Special thanks to Dr, A. Klahsen, also Dr. Mc- Laughlin, staff and nurses, Rev. F. W. Taylor and Rev, S. R. Johnson, --Maude Higgins. 15* Little did I realize how nice it was to get cards, flowers or have visitors while a patient in a hospital, until my stay in Wingham and District and Vic- toria in London. I would like to mention a lot of names but room will not permit. Please accept my appreciation and thanks for those favors and courtesies ex- tended to ate. .I. D. Beecroft. 15* Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hoi•mes would like to express their sin- cere appreciation to friends and neighbors for their assistance at the time of the sale. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Me(luire'. 15b PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Christmas tea Will be ihcld in the church parlors on Friday, December 4, from 3 to 5 In the afternoon, 15b BELGRAVE SCHOOL FAIR Concert will be held in Fores- ters Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, October 16. Recitations at 2 p.m., public speaking and spelling match at 8 p.m. 15b WELCOME! To the second annual Evan- gelistic service on Sunday, Oc- tober 25, at 3:00 and 7:30 p.m., at the Royal T. Evangelist Jesse Horst. 8-15-22* TURKEY DINNER The annual turkey dinner will be held In Knox Presbyterian Church, Teeswater, on Wednes- day, October 21, from 5-8 p.m. Adults $1.50, children 12 and under, 75c. 15b THANKOFFERING MEETING Will be held in the Baptist Church Friday evening at 8:30, Dr. E. Pedley, (formerly of Wingham), missionary on fur- lough from Jamaica, will be the speaker. The public is cordially invited. 15b REGISTRATION For the minor hockey, ages 8-20 years, Saturday morning, October 17th, 10-12, in the Town Hall. Boys without equipment are also welcome. If you wish insurance coverage please bring. $1.50, 15b CARDS OF THANKS May we take this opportunity to thank our friends and neigh- bors for their good wishes and lovely gifts we received at the reception at S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh. This is an evening we will long remember and we especially thank the ones who organized it.—Jill and Ken Coul- tes, 15* We wish to say thank you to our many friends and neighbors for the gift presented to us last week -end. Your thoughtfulness and surprise party will never be forgotten. — Thelma (Gowing) and Peter Roberts, Ottawa. 15* CURRIE'S AMBULANCE WINGHAM 357-1170 - Anytime O8rrb BINGO Legion bingo in Town Hall, Wednesday, October 21, at 8:30 p.m. Prizes 12 games at $10.00; 4 share the wealth; one $50 jack. pot. Admission $1.00, extra cards 6 for $1.00, Phone 357-2126 for transportation. 15b HOSPITAL AUXILIARY RUMMAGE SALE Will be held in the Wingham .Arena, Saturday, October 17, at 2 p.m. Come and buy men's, women's and children's clothing, hats, shoes, novelties, china, furniture, groceries, books and miscellaneous articles. Dona- tions for all departments need- ed. Please 'bring to the arena Friday, October 16th, or for pick-up phone Miss Marguerite Johns. 357-1860. or Mrs. W. .T. Adams, 357-1853. 15b AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Nichol, Morris Township, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Wednesday, October 21, and will be at home to their friends and neighbors from 2-5 in the after- noon and from 7-10 in the even- ing. Please omit gifts. 15b OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zinn will hold open house at their .home, just east of Delmore, on Satur- day, October 24, from 2:30 to 5 p.m., and from 7 to 9, in celebra- tion of their 50th wedding anni- versary. No gifts please, just a friendly call. 15b RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riehl (Sandra Riley), in Whitechurch Hall, Friday, October 16. Music by Tiffins orchestra. Dancing from 9-1:00, Ladies please bring lunch. Everybody welcome. 15b ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Joan Marie, :daughter of Mrs. Wilfred Riehl, and the late Mr, Riehl, to Mr. Wayne Gordon Pletch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pletch, of Belgrave. The wedding will take place on Fri- day, October 30, in Wingham United Church at 7:30 o'clock. 15* ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Clifford R. Lo- gan, of Belgrave, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter. Patricia Ann, to Mr. Americo Vincente Arruda. of Toronto. youngest son of Mr. Frank Arruda, and the late Mrs. Arruda, of Sao Miguel, Portugal, The marriage will take .nlace at Sacred Heart Church, Wingham. Saturday, November 7, 1964. et 12 noon, 15b Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE, FLESHERTON, QWEN SOUND, HANOVER, BRAMPTON, GUELPH, PORT ELGIN, WINGHAM, CHESLEY Member Grey -Bruce Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service HERE IT IS—A BUY YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS! 2 bedroom oversized bungalow. $13,200 complete price for this big modern eight year old red rug brick bungalow that would easily sell for $16,000 in the city. This distinctive home is lo- cated on a nicely landscaped lot on Frances Street. It con- tains two extra large bedrooms with clothes closets, huge Wing room 25'x13' with hardwood flooring, a kitchen with more than enough built in cupboards, a fully modern bathroom with a walk in shower, Every nook and corner of this home is clean and sparkling. There is a deep dry basement and attached garage and costly extras such as thermal pane windows and screens and is completely insulated. A modest down payment and easy terms can be arranged. Possession of this home can be had within one month. $8,900 with terms. 12 storey brick home completely mo- dern, Heated by an oil furnace, close to the main street of Wingham, $13,500 with terms for a magnificent 2 storey red brick home with all modern conveniences, plus two bathrooms. There is a double garage on the property. Located only two blocks from main street of Wingham. Attractive red rug brick three bedroom bungalow on a completely landscaped lot. This home is elaborate in every way. It is reasonably priced and can be purchased with terms. Building lot for sale not far from Wingham's main street. Access to water and sewers. Owner has instructed us to sub- mit all offers As he is anxious 'to sell, $10,900 full price for a 200 acre farm in Bruce County. 11/2 storey brick home with hydro and water on tap. Bank "L" shaped barn 40'x56' and 36'x40', 18 ties, water bowls, hydro and litter carrier. A modest down payment and terms can be ar- ranged, $68,000 full price for a rich 383 acre farm. Three 1'i• storey homes all with conveniences, plus four king sized barns with hydro and water, and all in good repair. Two drive sheds and silos. Terms can be arranged. $10,900 for 100 acres of good farm land. A nicely decorated 1' storey home with conveniences. Large barn with water howls, hydro and litter carrier, 2 storey hen house attached to barn, drive shed and silo. Located on a paved road close to town, immediate possession and a modest down payment as well as easy terms. WE ARE IN GREAT DEMAND FOR. FARM LTSTINGS FOR 100 ACRES TO 300 ACRES. So if you have been thinking of selling, please call us at your earliest convenience. Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. "We Sell Rural Ontario" WINGHAM OFFICE — 187 JOSEPHINE ST., DIAL 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER